Investigation on the Process Simulation and Performance Optimization of Two Classes of Novel Power Cycles


以超临界二氧化碳为工质的Allam循环是一种颠覆性的发电技术,有望突破现有火力发电循环趋于效率极限的技术瓶颈,并从本质上解决火力发电的排放问题。有机朗肯循环作为一种可利用低温热源进行发电的余热回收技术,被广泛应用于工业废热回收、太阳热能发电、地热发电、生物质能燃烧发电等领域。针对这两种极具潜力的发电技术,本文在gPROMS平台下开展系统的热力学分析、流程模拟和性能优化,围绕系统的核心设备和关键传热问题进行深入研究。 首先,对Allam循环建立详细的流程模型,对透平的入口温度、入口压力、循环压比、冷却器出口温度等系统关键设计和运行参数进行敏感性分析,并研究该循环与其他系统的耦合方式。 其次,...Allam cycle using supercritical CO2 as working fluid is a disruptive power generation technology which is expected to overcome the bottleneck of the existing thermal power cycle effectively and solve the problems of emissions from thermal power generation. Organic Rankine cycle is a low temperature waste heat recovery technology which can be widely used in the recovery of industrial waste heat, so...学位:工学硕士院系专业:能源学院_能效工程学号:3242014115225

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