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    Plant phenomics is under rapid development in recent years, a research field that is progressing towards integration, scalability, multi-perceptivity and high-throughput analysis. Through combining remote sensing, Internet of Things (IoT), robotics, computer vision, and artificial intelligence techniques such as machine learning and deep learning, relevant research methodologies, biological applications and theoretical foundation of this research domain have been advancing speedily in recent years. This article first introduces the current trends of plant phenomics and its related progress in China and worldwide. Then, it focuses on discussing the characteristics of indoor phenotyping and phenotypic traits that are suitable for indoor experiments, including yield, quality, and stress related traits such as drought, cold and heat resistance, salt stress, heavy metals, and pests. By connecting key phenotypic traits with important biological questions in yield production, crop quality and Stress-related tolerance, we associated indoor phenotyping hardware with relevant biological applications and their plant model systems, for which a range of indoor phenotyping devices and platforms are listed and categorised according to their throughput, sensor integration, platform size, and applications. Additionally, this article introduces existing data management solutions and analysis software packages that are representative for phenotypic analysis. For example, ISA-Tab and MIAPPE ontology standards for capturing metadata in plant phenotyping experiments, PHIS and CropSight for managing complicated datasets, and Python or MATLAB programming languages for automated image analysis based on libraries such as OpenCV, Scikit-Image, MATLAB Image Processing Toolbox. Finally, due to the importance of extracting meaningful information from big phenotyping datasets, this article pays extra attention to the future development of plant phenomics in China, with suggestions and recommendations for the integration of multi-scale phenotyping data to increase confidence in research outcomes, the cultivation of cross-disciplinary researchers to lead the next-generation plant research, as well as the collaboration between academia and industry to enable world-leading research activities in the near future

    Construction of Raman spectroscopy system and implementation of algorithm based on shifted excitation method

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    拉曼光谱技术作为一种强有力的分子结构研究工具,广泛应用于材料物理、生物医学、食品安全等领域。然而很多物质比如药品、食品的拉曼光谱检测过程都伴有强荧光干扰,荧光的存在严重影响拉曼光谱特征峰的识别,此外探测器本身的噪声和暗电流严重影响着弱拉曼特征峰的探测,因此非常有必要采取措施抑制荧光干扰和提高拉曼光谱系统的信噪比。 移频激发法是一种简单通用的荧光抑制方法,它常采用两个波长相近的激发光源分别激发样品得到两幅拉曼光谱,对这两幅光谱作差分,从而有效地消除荧光的影响。本文研究了移频激发法的荧光抑制原理,并分析了从差分光谱中提取真正拉曼光谱的复原算法需要克服的干扰因素。此外,对多种复原算法进行了详细的推...Raman spectroscopy technique as a powerful tool to investigate the molecular structure is widely used in material physics, biomedical, food safety and other fields. However, Raman spectroscopy detection process of many substances such as pharmaceuticals and food is always accompanied by strong fluorescence interference. The existence of fluorescence seriously affects the recognition of the charact...学位:工学硕士院系专业:物理与机电工程学院_微电子学与固体电子学学号:1982012115278

    Spectral Analysis and Application in Weak and High-frequency Signal of Optical Fiber Sensors

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    在光纤传感系统中,微弱传感信号和高频传感信号的精确检测一直是研究的热点。微弱的光纤传感信号易受到检测仪器的本底噪声或者外界环境的干扰,经常淹没在噪声中,此时无法对微小传感变量进行精确判断。现今提高光纤传感器系统检测精度的方法大都为对光纤传感器的结构进行改进或对传感信号进行时域的降噪处理。在结构改进方面可以采用低噪声高放大倍数的光电转换电路或在解调系统中引入干涉仪等,但这些方式都会增加的传感系统的成本及复杂度,特别是干涉仪的引用还会降低系统的抗干扰性。对传感信号进行降噪处理如采用小波变换,神经网络和相关检测等算法提升系统传感精度的范围有限,而且算法繁琐降噪过程比较耗时,不适合光纤传感系统实时监测...The weak and high-frequency optical fiber sensor signal detection is a research hot spot. The optical fiber sensor signal is affect by some external disturbance such as temperature or vibration. The weak sensor signal is always drown in the background noise. The improvemence of the fiber sensor structure or some denoise signal processings in time domain can enhance the accuracy of the fiber sensor...学位:工学博士院系专业:信息科学与技术学院_电路与系统学号:2312011015407

    Study on the On-line Photochemical Derivatization-Fluorescence Determination in HPLC and the Mechanism Investigation

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    光化学衍生(photochemicalderivatization,PCD)分析法是基于光化学反应而建立的一类分析方法。它以其独特的衍生方式与传统的荧光、化学发光、紫外-可见、电化学等检测方法相结合,提高了原有方法的灵敏度与选择性,极大地拓展了传统检测方法的应用范围,在药物、复杂生物样品、环境样品分析测定等方面得到广泛应用。然而,已报道的光化学衍生方法中的光化学衍生装置比较简易,难于满足液相色谱柱后在线衍生对多种组分同时测定的需要;另一方面,大多分析工作者主要是从“表面”去优化光化学衍生的条件(如光化学衍生时间、反应介质如pH值、衍生温度等),很少有研究者去深入探讨光化学衍生“背后”涉及的机理...Photochemical derivatization (PCD) method is a class of analysis method based on photochemical reaction. Its unique derivatization approach combined to traditional fluorescence, chemiluminescence, UV-Vis, electrochemical analysis improve sensitivity and selectivity of the original method, and greatly expand the application scope of these traditional methods, and they are applied to analysis of pha...学位:理学博士院系专业:海洋与环境学院_海洋化学学号:B2005140316

    The design and development for X-ray absorption spectrum measurement system

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    组织光学是生物医学光子学的理论基础,组织光学特性参数的测量是其最重要也最艰难的任务,生物组织在不同生理状态下的成分会发生变化,健康与病变组织对光的吸收和散射不同,其光学参数也会随着光的波长而变化,测定组织在不同生理状态下的光学参数就可以对疾病进行诊断甚至前期诊断,进而及时进行治疗。制约组织光学发展的一个很重要的因素就是,所用光源(紫外到红外波段)对组织的穿透能力有限,无法实现较深部位的探测,而X射线具有良好的穿透能力,因此把组织光学推广到X射线范围不失为一种疾病诊断的有效途径。本文提出了将组织光学推广至X射线的观点,设计开发了一台X射线吸收光谱测量的原型系统,对不同物质的吸收光谱进行采集,初步...Tissue optics is the theoretical basis of Biomedical Photonics, and the measurement of optical parameters of tissue is the most important and difficult task in tissue optics. The components of biological tissues will change under different physiological states, and the absorption and scattering to light between healthy and diseased tissues are different, and the optical parameters will vary with t...学位:工程硕士院系专业:航空航天学院_工程硕士(仪器仪表工程)学号:1992013115294

    Design of Raman spectroscopy measurement system based on shifted excitation method using two laser diodes with different wavelengths

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    拉曼光谱检测常常受到荧光干扰,而移频激发拉曼差分光谱法(SERDS)是一种有效抑制拉曼光谱荧光背景的方法。基于该方法,采用两个波长相近、基于体布拉格光栅技术的固定波长激光器,设计了一套拉曼光谱测试系统。通过控制激光器的功率和温度,保证了输出波长的稳定性。采用高灵敏度的薄型背照式面阵CCD,设计了光谱数据采集光路和电路。同时,在软件上实现了差分光谱的三种重构算法,即简单积分算法、带数值插值的简单积分算法和多重约束解卷积算法。在实验中,利用文中系统对强荧光背景的某品牌香油进行了拉曼光谱测量,分别采用这三种算法处理差分光谱进行光谱重构,并对比了重构效果。实验结果表明,设计的系统能够有效抑制荧光对拉曼光谱检测的影响。Raman detection is often disturbed by fluorescence background, while Shifted Excitation Raman Difference Spectroscopy(SERDS)is an effective method for fluorescent suppression on Raman spectroscopy.Based on this method, a Raman spectroscopy measurement system was designed using two closely space fixed-wavelength laser diodes stabilized with the Volume Bragg Gratings. The output wavelength of laser diodes was stabilized by manipulating their power and temperature. The light path and circuit of spectral data acquisition were designed with back-thinned area array CCD with high sensitivity. Besides, the three different reconstruction algorithms of the difference spectrum, namely simple integration algorithm, simple integration with data interpolation algorithm and multiple energy constraint iterative deconvolution algorithm could be realized through software of this system. The Raman spectra of sesame oil of some brand in the presence of a highly fluorescent were measured with this system and then the spectra reconstructed with three different algorithms to process the difference spectrum respectively were compared.Experimental results show that the system designed in this paper can effectively reject the effect of fluorescence to the Raman spectroscopy measurement.国家重大科学仪器设备开发专项(2011YQ03012417