17,595 research outputs found

    Analysis and Design of Management Information System for Steel Structure Company

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    根据国内互联网技术和信息发展的要求,在新的经济结构调整过程中,作为传统的制造业企业必须实现从离散式生产线向流水性生产线进行改造,实现企业制造的信息化建设,通过实现企业一体化和信息的联通,适应企业未来发展的需要,使信息化建设成为企业战略目标的有效支撑,基于企业目前的组织架构,岗位设置和结合现在运行中的业务流程,结合企业运营的信息流、物流、资金流,通过整理企业各部门的信息化需求,优化整合业务流程,建立信息化数据流的模型,进而消除信息孤岛和实现信息化管理。在设计过程中需要形成详细规整的整体架构与规划,运用软件工程设计知识及多年的钢结构行业经验,在传统的信息管理系统基础上,设计一个更适用于本企业的信息...To realization of intelligent manufacturing and information management, we need to be familiar with the company's future development strategy and business support. Based on current business organizational structure, post setting and combine running business processes, information flow, logistics, capital flow of business operations, sorting through the information needs of enterprises of various d...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201223094

    Design and Implementation of Conference Assistant System Based on Mobile Terminal

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    移动互联网时代,机关企事业单位对会议无纸化、信息化、智能化的需求越来越迫切,传统会议模式中会务组织繁琐、会议信息混乱、会议交互性差等缺点愈发明显。本文通过分析会议服务的行业背景和发展现状,针对党政机关会议组织管理模式,设计并实现了一款基于移动终端的会务助手系统。本文的主要工作如下: 1、利用Android软件开发、二维码识别、移动地图等技术,对机关单位日常会议组织管理模式进行了详细的需求分析,包括用户信息和权限安全管理、会议签到、资源共享和会议人员交互方式分析等。 2、对会务助手系统进行总体架构和功能模块设计。采用分层式设计对系统架构进行模块化,实现快速开发。分别针对服务端和客户端两部分进...In the mobile internet era, Authority for the enterprises and institutions are more and more urgent demand for paperless and intelligent working. Furthermore, there are many defects of traditional conference mode, such as tedious, information confusing, and the poor meeting environment. By analyzing the background and status, the article clarifies the design andimplementation of Conference Assista...学位:工学硕士院系专业:软件学院_软件工程学号:X201323171

    Design and Implementation of Conference Room Management System for a Company

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    随着企事业内部会议也不断增多,会议信息量也逐渐增大。传统的企事业的会议管理工作繁重且处于无系统流程的状态。手工作业效率很低,不便于信息发布与管理,而且容易出错。另一方面,随着移动互联网的快速发展和智能终端设备的迅速普及,使得许多传统行业面临着新的机遇和挑战。 基于上述背景分析,论文针对传统会议管理存在的弊端,引入移动智能终端设备,设计和实现一套结合企业具体需求的会议管理系统。论文遵循软件工程的瀑布模型,从项目开发的角度描述了会议室管理系统的实现过程。论文的具体内容包括: 1、结合移动互联网的特性,分析了当前会议服务行业的发展状况和未来的发展前景,并制定了会议管理系统的开发目标和内容。 2...With the increase of internal meeting in the enterprise, meeting information also gradually is increasing. The load of traditional meeting management is heavy and is in a state of no system process. Manual work efficiency is very low, and the method cannot facilitate information release and management, and error prone. On the other hand, with the rapid development of mobile Internet and the popula...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201323110

    Vision applications in agriculture

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    From early beginnings in work on the visual guidance of tractors, the National Centre for Engineering in Agriculture has built up a portfolio of projects in which machine vision plays a prominent part. This presentation traces the history of this research, including some highly unusual topics

    The use of machine vision for assessment of fodder quality

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    At present fodder is assessed subjectively. The evaluation depends greatly on a personal opinion and there can be large variations in assessments. The project has investigated the use of machine vision in several ways, to provide measures of fodder quality that will be ojective and independent of the assessor. Growers will be able to quote a quality measure that buyers can trust. The research includes the possibility of discerning colour differences that are beyond the capability of the human eye, while still using equipment that is of relatively modest cost

    Automated soil hardness testing machine

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    This paper describes the design and performance of a mechatronic system for controlling a standard drop-hammer mechanism that is commonly used in performing outdoor soil or ground hardness tests. A low-cost microcontroller is used to control a hydraulic actuator to repeatedly lift and drop a standard free-falling weight that strikes a pipe (sampler) which is pushed deeper into the ground with each impact. The depth of the sampler pipe and position of the hydraulic cylinder are constantly monitored and the number of drops, soil penetration data and other variables are recorded in a database for future analysis. This device, known as the “EVH Trip Hammer”, allows the full automation and faster completion of what is typically a very labour-intensive and slow testing process that can involve human error and the risk of human injuries

    Bovine intelligence for training horses

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    A rail-mounted model of a small cow is to be used in the training of horses for camp-drafting contests. The paper concerns the addition of sensors and a strategy to enable the machine to respond to the proximity of the horse in a manner that will represent the behaviour of a live calf

    A Study on the Practical Issues of the Chinese Criminal Pretrial Conference System

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    刑事庭前会议作为新刑事诉讼法的突破点,旨在通过庭审中断问题的解决,较大程度地提高庭审效率。制度实行以来,各地法院都积极探索实践,许多司法机关也联合出台了相关工作机制性文件,但不规范不统一地适用使实务中有诸多困惑。目前我国刑诉法及司法解释中对刑事庭前会议制度的规定较粗陋,仅有寥寥数语。作为一个新设立的制度,它的相关规定和适用的确存在很多问题,需要不断完善。本文拟在对刑事庭前会议法律规定和实践运作分析的基础上,探讨庭前会议适用范围、主体、内容、效力等相关方面的完善。 文章主要分四部分对刑事庭前会议制度做探讨。 第一部分概括了刑事庭前会议制度。文章首先介绍了刑事庭前会议的立法背景。然后对刑事庭前...The criminal pretrial conference as the new breakthrough of criminal procedure law, designed to solve the problem of trial interrupt for greatly improving the efficiency of the trial. Many courts actively practice the criminal pretrial conference. Many judicial organs jointly issued relevant working mechanism files. The application without specification makes a lot of confusion in practice. At pre...学位:法律硕士院系专业:法学院_法律硕士学号:X201112003

    Design and Implementation of Meeting Management Information System for a College

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    计算机与网络技术的发展促进了信息技术的飞速发展,会议室信息管理作为高校信息化管理的重要组成部分,传统的会议室信息管理系统已经不再适合高校当前的业务需求。高校希望应用信息管理技术与计算机技术,使得会议室信息管理更加科学化、规范化。提高会议室信息管理的水平是本课题研究的重中之重。 针对上述问题以及高校会议管理的实际情况,本文首先依据软件需求工程理论对高校的会议管理需求进行了详细的分析,整理出了系统的总体需求流程,系统的主要功能需求和非功能性需求。然后基于系统需求分析成果,进行了系统的设计工作,系统的架构设计是基于MVC三层架构技术,通过该技术实现了系统的“高内聚、低耦合”特性;然后使用UML工具...With the development of computer and network technology, the development of information technology becomes rapid. But the traditional meeting room information management system, as an important part of the university management, is no longer suitable for the meeting room's current business needs. To make reservation information management more scientific and standardized, the Information managemen...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201323008

    Study on Pretrial Conference

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    现代刑事诉讼制度,不仅重视实体正义,而且也注重程序正义的实现,对被告人程序性权利的保护也提升到了新的一个高度。刑事诉讼法修改新增加了庭前会议制度,虽然对提高我国刑事诉讼效率和审判质量具有很重要的意义,但在实践中操作起来,还是有很多不足。 本文除了引言及结语外,共分为四章。 第一章为研究庭前会议问题的缘起。介绍部分地区司法机关对新确立的庭前会议制度的的摸索和尝试,从而总结出我国庭前会议制度设计尚不完善,实践不统一等问题,并从庭前会议的功能和价值上进行剖析。 第二章为域内立法的理解与适用。首先对庭前会议的相关立法进行回顾,接着从程序的启动、适用范围、审查的内容及效力等四个方面进行内涵解读。 ...The modern criminal procedure system pays not only great attention to the substantive justice, but also to the realization of procedural justice. The introducing of the pretrial conference system of the new criminal procedure law, which although it has very important significance to improve the efficiency and quality of criminal procedure in our country, however, in practice, there are still a lot...学位:法律硕士院系专业:法学院_法律硕士学号:X201212003