25 research outputs found


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    "我讨厌旅行。"半个世纪以前,结构主义大师克洛德.列维—斯特劳斯(Claude Levi-Strauss)如是说。但正是"讨厌旅行"的列维—斯特劳斯因其讨厌的旅行缔造了经典名篇《忧郁的热带》(TristesTropiques,1955),成就了人类学史上的一段佳话,其于西印度群岛特别是巴西的旅行经历也成为人


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    The Typological Analysis of the Neolithic Stone Adzes in Fujian Coastal Area: Origin and Migration of the Austronesian

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    南岛语族是指目前语言类型属于南岛语系的民族,分布在包括东南亚、波利尼西亚、密克罗尼西亚、美拉尼西亚等在内的太平洋广大地区。国际学术界在过去数十年间,通过语言学、人类学、考古学等学科的研究探讨其起源与迁移的问题,其研究结果将学者们的视线转到了中国东南沿海地区,此后,这一地区与南岛语族的关系便成为太平洋考古学、人类学的关注焦点之一。其中,罗杰·达夫(RogerDuff)的石锛分类体系具有重要影响。 随着中国东南地区考古发掘工作的不断进行,考古材料不断丰富,针对石锛这一器物的类型学分析、单个遗址石料产地分析等研究逐步开展。但由于中外学术交流的限制,使得国内目前仍较为缺乏涵盖整个中国东南地区石锛材料...The Austronesian is the nation that people speak Austronesian languages, which distributed in broad regions of the Pacific including Southeast Asia, Polynesia, Micronesia, Melanesia, etc. By studying in linguistics, anthropology and archaeology, the international academia discussed the origin and population migrations of the Austronesian. The results made the scholars set their sights to the Coast...学位:历史学硕士院系专业:人文学院_考古学学号:1032013115231

    Studies on Marriage and Family in China

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    The contributions of Chinese anthropology: A conversation between Roberto Malighetti and Yang Shengmin

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    This article is the product of a long-term relationship between Prof. Yang Shengmin (Minzu University of China) and Prof. Roberto Malighetti (University of Milano-Bicocca). It is the outcome of a scientific collaboration that started in 2012 in Beijing, continued with the conference Anthropologies From in China. The First Italian Conference (University of Milano-Bicocca, 13.12. 2013), and was consolidated by the didactic activities at the Minzu University of China. It took the present form in the course of a conversation in the offices of the Collaborative Innovation Center for Ethnic Minority Development (Minzu University, Beijing) on the 6th of June 2016. Transcribed and then revised by both authors, the text considers the importance of Chinese anthropology and its contribution to the international dialogue. It probes the possibilities open to Chinese anthropology to offer an original articulation of its tradition with the Western influences that accompanied, from the very beginning, the development of anthropology in China. The Chinese innovative proposals are synthetized under three approaches: the historical, the Marxist, the applied, and the study of minorities.Questo articolo è il prodotto di una relazione a lungo termine tra il Prof. Yang Shengmin (Minzu University of China) e il Prof. Roberto Malighetti (Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca). È il risultato di una collaborazione scientifica iniziata nel 2012 a Pechino, proseguita con il congresso Antropologie dalla Cina. Primo convegno italiano (Università di Milano-Bicocca, 13.12. 2013), e consolidatasi con le attività didattiche alla Minzu University of China. Il testo ha assunto la sua attuale forma nel corso di una conversazione che ha avuto luogo nello studio del Prof. Yang presso il Collaborative Innovation Center for Ethnic Minority Development (Minzu University, Beijing) il 6 giugno 2016. Trascritto e rivisto da entrambi gli autori, il paper considera l'importanza dell'antropologia cinese e il suo contributo al dialogo internazionale. Approfondisce le possibilità aperte agli studiosi cinesi per offrire una articolazione originale della loro tradizione disciplinare con le influenze occidentali che hanno accompagnato, fin dall'inizio, lo sviluppo dell’antropologia e dell’etnologia in Cina. Le proposte cinesi sono sintetizzate in tre approcci: storico, marxista, applicativo, e focalizzato allo studio delle minoranze

    A Study of a Popular Religion Cult in Southeast Fujian —On Kucai Temple in Dongshan

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    本文以福建东山县苦菜寺的信众团体为研究对象,讲述此座被荒弃已久的寺庙如何获得信众支持并被重新建立,其管理又如何从散乱走向正规。在寺庙重建过程中,信众发挥出无可取代的积极作用,而与他们的虔诚奉献相关的则是这座寺庙所代表的特殊意义。然而随着社会变迁,信众与寺庙之间的关系也在不断变化。苦菜寺虽然得以重建,其所在社区对寺庙的支持却日渐减少。从信众成分看,苦菜寺并非庙址所在的社区性寺庙,却声名在外,其信众范围不仅限于东山一隅,更扩及海外。从寺庙管理方面看,整座寺庙的运作由“在家居士”掌握而不再是传统上的僧人或尼姑;居士之间的利益冲突和不同观念也带来一定的混乱。这两点直接诱发信众的信仰危机,更导致寺庙内部...This paper focuses on the devotees of Ku-cai Temple in Dongshan, Fujian, trying to convey the process of the rebuilding and reorganization of this long-abandoned temple. During the process of rebuilding, the devotees played an important role, and what was related with their pious devotion was the special significance represented by the temple. As the society changes, however, the relationship betw...学位:法学硕士院系专业:人文学院人类学研究所_人类学学号:1062007115180


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    田野调查研究最终汇聚为民族志。从民族志可以返观调查研究方法。本文以四个文本为例,阐释和评析假设的方法、生活史与社区的叠构法和调查单位的别致运用,以及求真准则的遵循或迷失与有关调查研究方法的关系。 【英文摘要】 Field work at last results in the ethnography.In return,research methods In field work and its following work can be made out through the ethnography.Taking four texts for example,this article explains and evaluates the methods of hypothesis,reiterative structure of life history and community,unconventional application of the research unit,and the relation between the understanding of the research methods and the following or losing of the requirements of realistic approach


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