518 research outputs found

    The Role of Freight Forwarder in Physical Distribution of Goods

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    Fizička distribucija treba omogućiti nesmetano odvijanje robnih tokova uz minimalne logističke troškove. Obuhvaća logističke procese vezane uz kretanje roba od proizvođača do isporuke krajnjim korisnicima. Važnu ulogu u tome ima špediter, koji svojim stručnim znanjem i iskustvom organizira otpremu i dopremu roba u skladu sa zahtjevima svih sudionika u transportnom lancu. Globalizacija i ekonomske promjene utječu na sve segmente gospodarstva, pa tako i na špeditere. Špediteri su primorani proširiti spektar svojih usluga kako bi ostali konkuretni na tržištu. Cilj rada je prikazati osnovna obilježja međunarodne špedicije odnosno sveobuhvatno obraditi pojam špeditera i njegovu ulogu u fizičkoj distribuciji robe, te ukazati da će se špediteri sve intenzivnije uključivati u obavljanje šireg spektra logističkih aktivnosti.Physical distribution should enable smooth running of cargo flows with minimal logistic costs. It includes logistic processes regarding the movement of goods from manufacturer to delivery to end users. In that sense, freight forwarder has an important role, with their expertise and experience to organize shipping and delivery of goods in accordance with the requirements of all participants in the transportation chain. Globalization and economic changes affect all segments of the economy, including the freight forwarders. Freight forwarders are forced to expand the range of their services in order to remain competitive on the market. The aim of paper is to present the basic features of international freight forwarding and freight forwarder's role in physical distribution of goods to point out that freight forwarders will be more intensively involved in preforming a broader range of logistics activities in future

    Transport Organization of Warehouse Manipulation Equipment

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    Špedicija je gospodarska djelatnost koja se bavi organizacijom otpreme i dopreme robe te provozom robe kroz neku zemlju i ostalim poslovima koji su s tim u vezi. U ovom završnom radu su prikazane i izanalizirane osnovne značajke špediterskog poslovanja, uloga špeditera u poslovima dopreme robe, kao i postupak definiranja potrebnih skladišnih manipulacijskih sredstava. TakoĎer je prikazan proces organizacije dopreme skladišnih manipulacijskih sredstava za logistički laboratorij na temelju postojećih skladišnih laboratorija te aktivnosti organizacija koje su sudjelovale u istom. Svrha ovog rada je prikazati ključne aktivnosti u organizaciji dopreme robe te izvršiti analizu na konkretnom primjeru. Cilj rada je prikazati ključne segmente u organizaciji dopreme, podjelu odgovornosti, prikazati metodologiju upravljanja procesom te prikazati potrebnu dokumentaciju. Prikupljenim podacima, prikazan je tijek procesa dopreme unutar EU.Freight forwarding is economic activity that includes organization of shipping and delivering goods, transport of goods through certain country and other businesses in a relation to this. In this final work are shown and analyzed basic features of freight forwarding, role of forwarder in business of delivering goods and procedure of defining necessary storage manipulation tools. Further more, process of organization delivering goods is shown for logistics laboratory in regards to existing ones, and activities of organizations that participated in it. Purpose of this final work is to display key segments in organization of delivering goods, share of responsibility, display methods of process management and to show necessary paperwork. The collected data shows the flow of the processes of transmission within the EU

    Organization of Special Cargo Road Transport

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    Organizacija prijevoza specijalnih tereta u cestovnom transportu je izrazito složen proces koji je zakonski reguliran brojnim ograničenjima i specifičnostima. Prijevoz specijalnih tereta zbog navedenih razloga financijski skuplji od svakodnevnih prijevoza. Bitnu ulogu u ovom procesu ima špediter koji organizira prijevoz specijalnih tereta jer treba pomno isplanirati svaki detalj i pribaviti svu potrebnu dokumentaciju. U radu će biti objašnjeno koje su to osnovne postavke špediterskog poslovanja, specifičnosti prijevoza specijalnog prijevoza, zakonska regulativa prijevoza specijalnih tereta te sva dokumentacija koja je potrebna da bi taj prijevoz obavljen. Organizacija prijevoza specijalnih tereta bit će objašnjena na konkretnom primjeru prijevoza transformatora od Zagreba do trafostanice Okroglo u Sloveniji.Special cargo transport organisation in road traffic is a very complicated process which is regulated by laws and has many limitations and specifications. Special cargo transport is, because of those limitations much more expensive than regular, daily routine transport. Forwarding agent has a very important role in this process mainly because he has to organise and the transport of special cargo carefully and accordingly, and also has to secure all of the needed documentation so the transport goes without any problems. In this work, basics of forwarding business will be explained, along with specifics of special cargo transport, laws regulating it and the needed documentation to do it. Such kind of transport will be explained in an example of the transport of transformer in Zagreb to electrical substation in Okroglo, Slovenia

    Operational Activities of Port Forwarders

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    Lučka špedicija je vrsta međunarodne špedicije koja se bavi organiziranjem otpreme i dopreme robe pomorskim prijevoznim sredstvima, a njezin cilj je ubrzavanje procesa dopreme i opreme robe u lukama te smanjenje prijevoznih troškova na najmanju moguću mjeru. Najvažnije osobe u međunarodnoj špediciji su upravo lučki špediteri što dokazuje činjenica da se najveća količina tereta prevozi pomorskim putovima, zbog čega i najveća količina robe prolazi kroz luke. Predmet ovog završnog rada je prikazati operativne poslove lučkog špeditera te njihovim objašnjenjem prikazati važnost lučkog špeditera u prometu robom. Važnost lučkog špeditera očitava se u odličnom poznavanju tehničko-tehnoloških i ekonomskopravnih mogućnosti, prava i obaveza svih sudionika koji su direktno ili indirektno povezani poslovima u pomorskim lukama.Port forwarding is a type of international freight forwarding which deals with the organization of shipping and delivering goods by maritime means of transport with the aim of accelerating the process of delivering goods and equipment in ports and reducing transport costs to the smallest possible extent. The most important persons in international freight forwarding are the port forwarders. Mentioned is proven by the fact that the largest amount of cargo is transported by sea routes, which is why the largest quantity of goods passes through ports. The subject of this bachelor thesis is to show the operational affairs of the port forwarders and to explain their importance in the flow of goods. The importance of the port forwarders is reflected in the excellent knowledge of the technical-technological and economiclegal possibilities, rights and obligations of all participants who are directly or indirectly related to maritime operations

    Freight Forwarding Operations in Organizing Less than Container Load Service

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    Špedicija je specijalizirana djelatnost koja se bavi organizacijom otpreme i dopreme robe kao i drugim poslovima s tim u vezi. Zbirni prijevoz predstavlja prijevoz komadnih pošiljaka od više različitih pošiljatelja. Organizacija zbirnog prijevoza je proces u kojem najvažniju ulogu imaju špediteri koji svojim vještinama i znanjima obavljaju organizaciju prijevoza misleći pritom na odabir optimalnih prijevoznih puteva i prijevoznih sredstava. U radu su prikazani poslovi špedicije u organizaciji prijevoza robe zbirnim kontejnerima te primjer iz prakse.Freight forwarding is a specialized activity that deals with the organization of dispatch and shipping of goods as well as other related job activities. Collective transport represents transport of the consignment from a number of different senders. Collective transport organization is the process in which freight forwarders organize transport with their skills and knowledge, including the selection of optimal transport routes and means of transport. The paper presents an example of the organization of transport of goods by a container

    Freight Forwarding Operations in Organizing Less than Container Load Service

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    Špedicija je specijalizirana djelatnost koja se bavi organizacijom otpreme i dopreme robe kao i drugim poslovima s tim u vezi. Zbirni prijevoz predstavlja prijevoz komadnih pošiljaka od više različitih pošiljatelja. Organizacija zbirnog prijevoza je proces u kojem najvažniju ulogu imaju špediteri koji svojim vještinama i znanjima obavljaju organizaciju prijevoza misleći pritom na odabir optimalnih prijevoznih puteva i prijevoznih sredstava. U radu su prikazani poslovi špedicije u organizaciji prijevoza robe zbirnim kontejnerima te primjer iz prakse.Freight forwarding is a specialized activity that deals with the organization of dispatch and shipping of goods as well as other related job activities. Collective transport represents transport of the consignment from a number of different senders. Collective transport organization is the process in which freight forwarders organize transport with their skills and knowledge, including the selection of optimal transport routes and means of transport. The paper presents an example of the organization of transport of goods by a container

    The Role of Freight Forwarder in Physical Distribution of Goods

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    Fizička distribucija treba omogućiti nesmetano odvijanje robnih tokova uz minimalne logističke troškove. Obuhvaća logističke procese vezane uz kretanje roba od proizvođača do isporuke krajnjim korisnicima. Važnu ulogu u tome ima špediter, koji svojim stručnim znanjem i iskustvom organizira otpremu i dopremu roba u skladu sa zahtjevima svih sudionika u transportnom lancu. Globalizacija i ekonomske promjene utječu na sve segmente gospodarstva, pa tako i na špeditere. Špediteri su primorani proširiti spektar svojih usluga kako bi ostali konkuretni na tržištu. Cilj rada je prikazati osnovna obilježja međunarodne špedicije odnosno sveobuhvatno obraditi pojam špeditera i njegovu ulogu u fizičkoj distribuciji robe, te ukazati da će se špediteri sve intenzivnije uključivati u obavljanje šireg spektra logističkih aktivnosti.Physical distribution should enable smooth running of cargo flows with minimal logistic costs. It includes logistic processes regarding the movement of goods from manufacturer to delivery to end users. In that sense, freight forwarder has an important role, with their expertise and experience to organize shipping and delivery of goods in accordance with the requirements of all participants in the transportation chain. Globalization and economic changes affect all segments of the economy, including the freight forwarders. Freight forwarders are forced to expand the range of their services in order to remain competitive on the market. The aim of paper is to present the basic features of international freight forwarding and freight forwarder's role in physical distribution of goods to point out that freight forwarders will be more intensively involved in preforming a broader range of logistics activities in future

    Organization of Special Cargo Road Transport

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    Organizacija prijevoza specijalnih tereta u cestovnom transportu je izrazito složen proces koji je zakonski reguliran brojnim ograničenjima i specifičnostima. Prijevoz specijalnih tereta zbog navedenih razloga financijski skuplji od svakodnevnih prijevoza. Bitnu ulogu u ovom procesu ima špediter koji organizira prijevoz specijalnih tereta jer treba pomno isplanirati svaki detalj i pribaviti svu potrebnu dokumentaciju. U radu će biti objašnjeno koje su to osnovne postavke špediterskog poslovanja, specifičnosti prijevoza specijalnog prijevoza, zakonska regulativa prijevoza specijalnih tereta te sva dokumentacija koja je potrebna da bi taj prijevoz obavljen. Organizacija prijevoza specijalnih tereta bit će objašnjena na konkretnom primjeru prijevoza transformatora od Zagreba do trafostanice Okroglo u Sloveniji.Special cargo transport organisation in road traffic is a very complicated process which is regulated by laws and has many limitations and specifications. Special cargo transport is, because of those limitations much more expensive than regular, daily routine transport. Forwarding agent has a very important role in this process mainly because he has to organise and the transport of special cargo carefully and accordingly, and also has to secure all of the needed documentation so the transport goes without any problems. In this work, basics of forwarding business will be explained, along with specifics of special cargo transport, laws regulating it and the needed documentation to do it. Such kind of transport will be explained in an example of the transport of transformer in Zagreb to electrical substation in Okroglo, Slovenia