1,161 research outputs found

    School Management in a Decentralized Context - A Comparative Analysis Romania – the U.S.A

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    Basically, decentralization of educational system represents the transfer of authority, responsibility and resources needed to make decisions and to ensure general and financial management to schools and local communities. Through decentralization schools become the main decision educational maker. This paper presents comparison two educational systems from the perspective of decentralization, US system and Romanian system, emphasizing the roles of different actors involved in the educational process. In US educational system there are three types of authorities: federal or national, state, and local educational authorities. The federal government has no direct authority on pre-university system; its role is limited by the American Constitution. The decision making and control center is a local one. Romania initiated the process of moving from a centralized educational system to a decentralized one and now the decision makers are looking for equilibrium between authorities at different levels.decentralization; educational system; educational authorities; school as local decision maker; local responsibility.


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    In the last 17 years the labor market in Romania has suffered deep changes. We can find two distinct stages regarding the evolutions on the labor market in Romania after 1989. The first stage, which includes the period 1990 – 2003, is defined as a period of deep restructuration of the Romanian economy. It is characterized as a period of relatively high unemployment and the undertaken actions were directed mainly at limiting the unemployment and its harmful effects on the society. We consider that after 2005 the employment evolution heads towards a new crisis on the labor market, but its cause is not a high unemployment, but rather an offer dropping on the labor market.labor market, labor force, dynamic

    Financing public education in the European Union. Case study: The higher education system

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    The study “Financing public education in the European Union. Case study: The higher education system” offers a brief description of the current legislation, institutional arrangements and financing sources for the higher education system in the EU. It builds on data released by the ministries and departments dealing with the higher education between 2008 and 2010, and scrutinizes both the EU founding member states, as well as Central and Eastern European countries, recently accepted as member states. The study is currently a work in progress, further research being already envisaged.financing public education, higher education system

    Analiza complexităţii manualelor şcolare din sistemul de învăţământ francez primar

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    National audienceRezumat. Una din sarcinile dificile din prelucrarea limbajului natural ţine de evaluarea complexităţii sau a dificultăţii înţelegerii a textelor. Astfel, de un interes aparte sunt instrumentele de analiză automată a textelor care permit realizarea unei predicţii a complexităţii textelor pornind de la factori lexicali, sintactici, morfologici sau chiar semantici în funcţie de specificitatea abordării. Totodată, elementele de complexitate sunt dependente de context şi de domeniul de aplicare. Astfel, o analiză pur tehnică care se bazează doar pe metrici fără să ia în considerare constrângerile de psihologie, modele umane, vârstă şi motivaţia este insuficientă pentru a realiza o predicţie adecvată. În plus, alte aspecte ale analizei complexităţii sunt corelate cu etapele de achiziţie (împreună cu acurateţea şi fluenţa), corelate cu adaptarea mesajului comunicat audienţei din prisma corectitudinii, coerenţei şi adaptabilităţii la nivelul acesteia. Adiţional, metricile de complexitate textuală reprezintă indicatori importanţi de înţelegere şi coerenţă pentru texte comune întâlnite uzual în Internet, lucrări publicate şi cărţi

    A comparative analysis on demand of ICT profiles in EUQUASIT countries

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    The demand of ICT qualifications in now adays Information Society was studied for Europe in the frame of the EUQuaSIT project, during the years 2001 -2004, for the five European countries: Germany, Netherlands, Portugal, Czech Republic and Romania. The main project results were submitted as recom mendations made to EU member and candidate countries governments regarding the general European policy to be developed for the creation of a proper spectrum and for training for various ICT qualifications profiles and levels. The paper presents a comparative study on the demand of certain classes of ICT profiles in the Euquasit countries above based on real data obtained in case studies

    Analiza complexităţii manualelor şcolare din sistemul de învăţământ francez primar

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    National audienceRezumat. Una din sarcinile dificile din prelucrarea limbajului natural ţine de evaluarea complexităţii sau a dificultăţii înţelegerii a textelor. Astfel, de un interes aparte sunt instrumentele de analiză automată a textelor care permit realizarea unei predicţii a complexităţii textelor pornind de la factori lexicali, sintactici, morfologici sau chiar semantici în funcţie de specificitatea abordării. Totodată, elementele de complexitate sunt dependente de context şi de domeniul de aplicare. Astfel, o analiză pur tehnică care se bazează doar pe metrici fără să ia în considerare constrângerile de psihologie, modele umane, vârstă şi motivaţia este insuficientă pentru a realiza o predicţie adecvată. În plus, alte aspecte ale analizei complexităţii sunt corelate cu etapele de achiziţie (împreună cu acurateţea şi fluenţa), corelate cu adaptarea mesajului comunicat audienţei din prisma corectitudinii, coerenţei şi adaptabilităţii la nivelul acesteia. Adiţional, metricile de complexitate textuală reprezintă indicatori importanţi de înţelegere şi coerenţă pentru texte comune întâlnite uzual în Internet, lucrări publicate şi cărţi

    On the Efficiency in the Education Area

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    The article analyzes the necessity for studying the efficiency in the education area. In the same time, the discussion is focused on the main perspective of efficiency’s analysis: classical perspective and systemic perspective. This paper is an integrated part of the research program Micro and macrosystemic efficiency in Romanian higher education activity (CNCSIS cod 115/2005, research project coordinator assistant lecturer Ph. D. Claudiu Cicea).efficiency of education, economic development

    The Vision and Mission of the University. Case Study – The Academy of Economic Studies of Bucharest

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    The purpose of this study is to present the meaning of the vision and mission statements for a university, in a strategic management reference. We will consider the vision and mission statements of some known world class universities, in order to illustrate the essential points of such formulations. Then, we will perform a critical analysis of the existing vision and mission statements of the Academy of Economic Studies from Bucharest and suggests new statement formulations, as they are essential elements for university strategy.competitive advantage, mission, vision, strategic management, university.

    Does Age and Gender Influence the Duration of Unemployment for Isced 5 Unemployed Persons?

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    The aim of this study was to determine the impact of age and gender for the duration of unemployment for the ISCED 5 subjects registered as unemployed on the labor market of Gorj County. The obtained results show that age has a significant negative impact for the duration of unemployment, while gender doesn’t have a significant impact for the duration of unemployment of analyzed ISCED 5 subjects.unemployment, probability, hazard, employment