312,312 research outputs found

    Étude sur Les Perceptions et les Attentes des Professionnels de SantĂ©, des BĂ©nĂ©voles et des Familles des Malades dans le Cadre de la Prise en Charge des Soins Palliatifs

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    This qualitative study, conducted in three metropolitan areas, Champagne Ardenne, Ile-de-France, and Languedoc-Roussillon explores current palliative care practices in 37 facilities, both for dependent elderly (nursing homes) and for adults and children with severe disabilities (MAS and IME). The study confronts the viewpoints of the different actors that revolve around a patient: doctors, nurses and other health professionals (physiotherapists, occupational therapists, psychologists, etc.), relatives, volunteers and patients themselves. 40 cases of sick children and adults were observed. From the analysis of the interviews, it appears that the palliative approach is still not fully adopted by teams that are reluctant to deal with the end of life and postpone the most difficult cases. Among the priorities to be developed are: the harmonization of the initial training of caregivers and ongoing training and the mobilization of specialist palliative care that could better support and assist caregivers in this sector

    What Belgium Can Teach Bosnia: The Uses of Autonomy in 'Divided House' States

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    Belgium and Bosnia can be understood as “divided house” states, which contain proportionally similar groups with opposing views regarding whether the state should be more unitary or more decentralised. The Belgian example demonstrates that even where groups disagree on state structure, a mixture of various forms of group autonomy may facilitate stability and compromise within the state. Belgium addresses this dilemma in two ways: 1) non-territorial autonomous units in the form of the linguistic communities, and 2) exclusive competencies for different units within the diverse Belgian state. In Bosnia, the rights of minorities in different territorial units, as well as refugee returns to areas where they are minorities, might be improved by structures with non-territorial autonomy that are similar to the Belgian linguistic communities. Similar to Belgium, these non-territorial units might hold exclusive competencies for educational, linguistic, cultural, and religious matters, and enable more political representation of minority individuals. In order to advocate working models for Bosnia, analysts should more carefully examine actual examples from states with similarly divided populations

    New combinations in Lactifluus, 1 : L. subgenera Edules, Lactariopsis, and Russulopsis

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    In this first of a series of three papers, new combinations in the genus Lactifluus are proposed. This paper treats the subgenera Edules, Lactariopsis, and Russulopsis (all proposed here as new combinations in Lactifluus). In Lactifluus subg. Edules, eight combinations at species level are proposed. In Lactifluus subg. Lactariopsis, the following three new combinations are proposed at sectional level: Lactifluus sect. Lactariopsis with seven newly combined species, L. sect. Chamaeleontini with eight newly combined species, and L. sect. Albati with four newly combined species plus two species previously combined in Lactifluus. Finally, in L. subg. Russulopsis, eight new combinations at species level are proposed
