22,953 research outputs found

    Nurturing enterprise in work-based learning

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    Laura wrote a Chapter called Nurturing Enterprise in Work Based Learning – this work brings together case studies and research that she has conducted into Work Based Learning and packages it for a wider audience, with a specific aim of informing placement providers. “To any graduate seeking employment, it is not just about getting a job, it’s being employable throughout life, something that is so important in the film and television industry because of the very nature of the work, with its ever-changing technologies, funding and patterns of work (for example, the growing use of freelances instead of employing staff). Learning the skills is all very well, but they need to be transferred effectively back into the workplace; this is why enterprise is becoming ever more important as a tangible skill and why it is important that it remains a fundamental principle of higher education.

    Learner Outcome Measures for Work-Based Learning: 2015/16 (Revised)

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    Work-based learning and lifelong guidance policies

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    This Concept Note discusses the relationship between lifelong guidance and work-based learning. While these are distinct activities, they are often advanced as approaches to answering similar broad policy challenges, such as developing a skilled and socially inclusive population, ensuring engagement with education and work, and helping people to progress and live happy and useful lives. This paper argues that lifelong guidance can be particularly useful in relation to work-based learning in three main ways: ‱ Engagement. Increasing citizens’ understanding of work-based learning, the routes into it and the rewards of participation. ‱ Achievement. Helping participants (learners, employers and learning providers) in workbased learning to remain engaged and consider how best to enhance their skills and employability. ‱ Transition. Assisting the effective utilisation of the skills developed within work-based learning by supporting individuals in transitions from work-based learning programmes to sustainable employment

    Quality Work-Based Learning and Postschool Employment Success

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    Many students with disabilities continue to struggle to successfully make the transition from school to employment. Despite advances in employment rates for students with disabilities who have exited school, their employment rates still lag significantly behind their nondisabled peers (Blackorby & Wagner, 1996). For decades, research has shown the strong relationship between work experience during secondary school and postschool employment for youth with disabilities (Benz, Yovanoff, & Doren, 1997; Colley & Jamison, 1998; Hasazi, Gordan, & Roe, 1985). However, as the continuing disappointing postschool employment rates for youth with disabilities suggest, there remains a critical need to expand work-based learning opportunities for these youth and to integrate these experiences into secondary education. This brief highlights the benefits of work-based learning, what constitutes quality work-based learning, and selected evidence-based models of work-based learning

    Work based learning

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    Entry submitted for publication in The SAGE Encyclopedia of Action Research. Provides a full definition of Work based learning, including origins, historical context, significant characteristics, the relationship between work based learning and action research and their shared foundations, and future prospects

    The reality of employer engagement in work-based learning

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