1,936 research outputs found

    Study on the Students’ Perception of Knowledge Usefulness and Necessity Concerning Tourists’ Protection

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    The subject concerning the protection of the consumers’ rights and interests is of high concern nowadays, because the market economy, by its mechanisms and by the principles it promotes is permanently associated with the notion of correctness. Considering the consumer’s needs, the notion of correctness from the market economy has in view the assurance of great informative possibilities, of choosing and buying the products at convenient prices, with a corresponding quality. The market should be transparent, the information should circulate freely, and the prices should be known. Consequently, the competition will be efficient, loyal, and beneficial for the consumer. Taking into account that one fundamental right of the consumer is to be informed and educated, we intend to realize a study on the identification and solving of the problems met by the students from the departments of Tourism Geography and Environmental Geography, concerning the usefulness and the necessity of a knowledge regarding the protection of tourism consumers. In correlation with this objective, we consider that the academic environment in which the students develop themselves represents an opportunity in what concerns sending and accumulating information from different fields, to efficiently contribute to the formation of a citizen who is aware of his rights as a consumer.consumers’ protection, tourism, problem identification, students

    Travel Agencies in Łódź at the Beginning of the 21st Century: Their Origins, Types and Distribution

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    The article presents a continuation of research on the distribution of travel agencies in Łódź, carried out in the mid-1990s, 2006 and 2010 by academics from the Institute of Urban and Tourism Geography. Observations on Łódź travel agencies over the last 25 years lead to the conclusion that it is a dynamic phenomenon. Agencies appear and disappear, change their names and locations, as well as their aims and range of activity. The paper presents a short historical outline of travel agency development in Łódź, a classification of agencies based on aims and range of activity, as well as their distribution within city space. The conclusions concern certain limitations and threats to the further development of Łódź travel agencies resulting from external (formal) and internal causes

    Tourism Geography Learning Process in 21st Century Competencies Efforts for Geography Education Students

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    Abstract: Tourism Geography Learning Process in 21st Century Competencies Effort for Geography Education Students. Objectives: This research aims to find the content of 21st century competencies in the learning process of tourism geography subject. Methods: It is a qualitative research and data collection techniques are observation, interview, and documentation. The subjects are 14 students who were divided into students from villages and cities. Findings: The results showed that the learning process from the curriculum aspect and the tourism geography learning process has formed the character of collaboration, creativity, and critical thinking, but the content of communication competence has not been maximally formed. In addition, students from rural areas tend to have better cooperative and social care characteristics than urban students. Conclusion: The tourism geography learning process has formed the character of students in accordance with 21st century competencies, namely collaboration, creativity, and critical thinking, but personality factors and habits from the area of origin also influence the development of student character during collegeKeywords: 21st century education, student character, character education.Abstrak: Proses Pembelajaran Geografi Pariwisata dalam Upaya Mengembangkan Kompetensi Abad 21 pada Mahasiswa Pendidikan. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan muatan kompetensi abad 21 pada proses pembelajaran mata kuliah geografi pariwisata. Metode: Kualitatif dengan teknik pengambilan data observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah 14 mahasiswa yang dibagi atas mahasiswa berasal dari desa dan berasal dari kota. Temuan: Hasil penelitian menunjukan proses pembelajaran dari aspek kurikulum dan proses pembelajaran geografi pariwisata telah membentuk karakter kerjasama, berpikir kritis, dan kreatifitas namun muatan kompetensi komunikasi belum maksimal. Selain itu, mahasiswa yang berasal dari pedesaan cenderung memiliki karakter kerja sama dan peduli sosial yang lebih baik dari pada mahasiswa perkotaan. Kesimpulan: Proses pembelajaran geografi pariwisata telah membentuk karakter mahasiswa yang sesuai dengan kompetensi abad 21 yaitu collaboration, creativity dan critical thingking, namun faktor kepribadian dan kebiasaan dari daerah asal juga ikut mempengaruhi pengembangan karakter mahasiswa pada saat kuliah.Kata kunci: pendidikan abad 21, karakter siswa, pendidikan karakter. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.23960/jpp.v11.i3.20210

    Pengembangan Modul Geografi Pariwisata dengan Project Based Learning untuk Materi Ekowisata Pesisir dan Laut di Program Studi S1 Pendidikan Geografi Universitas Negeri Malang

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    This research is aimed to develop tourism geography module with project based learning for coastal and marine ecotourism material on tourism geography courses in Geography Education Studies Program, State University of Malang. Module are developed using the steps Borg & Gall 1983 simplified. Based on preliminary research results that consists of analysis of curriculum and requirements analysis indicates that tourism geography module with project based learning for coastal and marine ecotourism material need to be developed. The results of the validation expert stated that the module is very feasible to use in the learning process with a value of 86%. After trials small group and large group obtained the following facts: 1) required revision of language on aspects of typos, sentence structure, and punctuation. 2) understanding the test results show that students are able to understand the module, with the majority of the value of 85—100. 3) The results of the questionnaire responses the students concluded that the module is feasible to use in the learning process with a value of 78% in the small group trial and 80% in the big group trial.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan modul geografi pariwisata project based learning untuk materi ekowisata pesisir dan laut pada matakuliah Geografi Pariwisata Program Studi Pendidikan Geografi Universitas Negeri Malang. Pengembangan modul menggunakan langkah-langkah Borg & Gall yang telah disederhanakan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian pendahuluan yang terdiri analisis kurikulum dan analisis kebutuhan menunjukkan bahwa modul geografi pariwisata project based learning untuk materi ekowisata pesisir dan laut perlu dikembangkan. Hasil validasi ahli menyatakan bahwa modul sangat layak digunakan untuk proses pembelajaran dengan nilai 86%. Setelah uji coba kelompok kecil dan besar diperoleh fakta sebagai berikut: 1) diperlukan revisi bahasa pada aspek kesalahan ketik, struktur kalimat, dan penggunaan tanda baca. 2) hasil tes pemahaman menunjukkan bahwa mahasiswa mampu memahami modul, dengan nilai mayoritas 85—100. 3) Hasil angket tanggapan mahasiswa disimpulkan bahwa modul layak digunakan untuk proses pembelajaran dengan nilai 78% pada uji coba kelompok kecil dan 80% pada uji coba kelompok besar

    Proposals for adaptation to new economic change through the promotion and selection of holiday villages in Romania

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    Any settlement that is chosen to promote rural tourism is based on the following fundamental components: the centre of the village where most households are concentrated and which expresses the economic functions of the village; its outskirts (work area) is the land beyond the center of the village that supports all agricultural occupations, craft, trade, tourism; the population is represented by demographic indicators: birth rate, mortality, natural growth, morbidity, density. Identification and selection criteria for tourist villages are the potential of rhe natural environment composed of natural elements with great appeal, variety of landscapes (mountain, Alpine hills, lakes, delta), ambient aesthetic beauty (slopes, canyons, gorges, caves), wildlife hunting, forests; accessibility is dependent on geographical location in the territory and the main communication routes that connect with the nearest urban centers. Also, the presence of cultural and ethnographic elements are the most attractive ones for tourists; demographic and economic potential have an important role in the development of rural tourism in a village through: supporting agricultural and non-agricultural occupations, transmission of traditions and customs from generation to generation; preserving environmental quality has become an important milestone for the selection and preservation of rural tourist elements.fruit-growing and vine-growing villages, curative value, itinerant rural tourism, gastronomic festivals, touristic product

    BOOK REVIEW : Tourism Geography: A New Synthesis (Second Edition)

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    by Stephen Williams (Routledge London – 2009