11 research outputs found

    Metric Dynamic Equilibrium Logic

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    In temporal extensions of Answer Set Programming (ASP) based on linear-time, the behavior of dynamic systems is captured by sequences of states. While this representation reflects their relative order, it abstracts away the specific times associated with each state. In many applications, however, timing constraints are important like, for instance, when planning and scheduling go hand in hand. We address this by developing a metric extension of linear-time Dynamic Equilibrium Logic, in which dynamic operators are constrained by intervals over integers. The resulting Metric Dynamic Equilibrium Logic provides the foundation of an ASP-based approach for specifying qualitative and quantitative dynamic constraints. As such, it constitutes the most general among a whole spectrum of temporal extensions of Equilibrium Logic. In detail, we show that it encompasses Temporal, Dynamic, Metric, and regular Equilibrium Logic, as well as its classic counterparts once the law of the excluded middle is added.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2304.1477

    Towards Metric Temporal Answer Set Programming

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    We elaborate upon the theoretical foundations of a metric temporal extension of Answer Set Programming. In analogy to previous extensions of ASP with constructs from Linear Temporal and Dynamic Logic, we accomplish this in the setting of the logic of Here-and-There and its non-monotonic extension, called Equilibrium Logic. More precisely, we develop our logic on the same semantic underpinnings as its predecessors and thus use a simple time domain of bounded time steps. This allows us to compare all variants in a uniform framework and ultimately combine them in a common implementation.Comment: Paper presented at the 36th International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP 2019), University Of Calabria, Rende (CS), Italy, September 2020, 28 page

    Manipulation of Articulated Objects using Dual-arm Robots via Answer Set Programming

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    The manipulation of articulated objects is of primary importance in Robotics, and can be considered as one of the most complex manipulation tasks. Traditionally, this problem has been tackled by developing ad-hoc approaches, which lack flexibility and portability. In this paper we present a framework based on Answer Set Programming (ASP) for the automated manipulation of articulated objects in a robot control architecture. In particular, ASP is employed for representing the configuration of the articulated object, for checking the consistency of such representation in the knowledge base, and for generating the sequence of manipulation actions. The framework is exemplified and validated on the Baxter dual-arm manipulator in a first, simple scenario. Then, we extend such scenario to improve the overall setup accuracy, and to introduce a few constraints in robot actions execution to enforce their feasibility. The extended scenario entails a high number of possible actions that can be fruitfully combined together. Therefore, we exploit macro actions from automated planning in order to provide more effective plans. We validate the overall framework in the extended scenario, thereby confirming the applicability of ASP also in more realistic Robotics settings, and showing the usefulness of macro actions for the robot-based manipulation of articulated objects. Under consideration in Theory and Practice of Logic Programming (TPLP).Comment: Under consideration in Theory and Practice of Logic Programming (TPLP

    Logic programming for deliberative robotic task planning

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    Over the last decade, the use of robots in production and daily life has increased. With increasingly complex tasks and interaction in different environments including humans, robots are required a higher level of autonomy for efficient deliberation. Task planning is a key element of deliberation. It combines elementary operations into a structured plan to satisfy a prescribed goal, given specifications on the robot and the environment. In this manuscript, we present a survey on recent advances in the application of logic programming to the problem of task planning. Logic programming offers several advantages compared to other approaches, including greater expressivity and interpretability which may aid in the development of safe and reliable robots. We analyze different planners and their suitability for specific robotic applications, based on expressivity in domain representation, computational efficiency and software implementation. In this way, we support the robotic designer in choosing the best tool for his application

    Linear-Time Temporal Answer Set Programming

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    [Abstract]: In this survey, we present an overview on (Modal) Temporal Logic Programming in view of its application to Knowledge Representation and Declarative Problem Solving. The syntax of this extension of logic programs is the result of combining usual rules with temporal modal operators, as in Linear-time Temporal Logic (LTL). In the paper, we focus on the main recent results of the non-monotonic formalism called Temporal Equilibrium Logic (TEL) that is defined for the full syntax of LTL but involves a model selection criterion based on Equilibrium Logic, a well known logical characterization of Answer Set Programming (ASP). As a result, we obtain a proper extension of the stable models semantics for the general case of temporal formulas in the syntax of LTL. We recall the basic definitions for TEL and its monotonic basis, the temporal logic of Here-and-There (THT), and study the differences between finite and infinite trace length. We also provide further useful results, such as the translation into other formalisms like Quantified Equilibrium Logic and Second-order LTL, and some techniques for computing temporal stable models based on automata constructions. In the remainder of the paper, we focus on practical aspects, defining a syntactic fragment called (modal) temporal logic programs closer to ASP, and explaining how this has been exploited in the construction of the solver telingo, a temporal extension of the well-known ASP solver clingo that uses its incremental solving capabilities.Xunta de Galicia; ED431B 2019/03We are thankful to the anonymous reviewers for their thorough work and their useful suggestions that have helped to improve the paper. A special thanks goes to Mirosaw Truszczy´nski for his support in improving the quality of our paper. We are especially grateful to David Pearce, whose help and collaboration on Equilibrium Logic was the seed for a great part of the current paper. This work was partially supported by MICINN, Spain, grant PID2020-116201GB-I00, Xunta de Galicia, Spain (GPC ED431B 2019/03), R´egion Pays de la Loire, France, (projects EL4HC and etoiles montantes CTASP), European Union COST action CA-17124, and DFG grants SCHA 550/11 and 15, Germany

    Un procesador de expresiones epistémicas en programas lógicos

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    [Resumen] En este proyecto se ha desarrollado la herramienta eclingo que calcula los modelos de un programa lógico con expresiones epistémicas. Estas expresiones suponen una ampliación del lenguaje declarativo Answer Set Programming (ASP), ampliamente usado en el área de Representación del Conocimiento en Inteligencia Artificial. En ASP, un problema de búsqueda se representa en términos de un programa lógico, y las soluciones al problema se obtienen a partir de los modelos (answer sets) del programa. Las expresiones epistémicas admitidas por eclingo permiten razonar sobre hechos que están presentes en todos los answer sets o en alguno de ellos, lo que permite razonamiento sobre incertidumbre y conocimiento parcial. La eficiencia de eclingo se ha evaluado a través de un estudio comparativo frente a otra herramienta de características similares, ofreciendo unos resultados muy positivos que la sitúan como una alternativa competitiva dentro del estado del arte.[Abstract] The developed tool, eclingo, computes the models of logic programs with epistemic expressions. These expressions represent an extension of the declarative language Answer Set Programming, widely used in the area of Knowledge Representation in Artificial Intelligence. In ASP, a search problem is represented in terms of a logic program, and solutions to the problem are obtained from the models (answer sets) of this program. The epistemic expressions accepted by eclingo allow reasoning about facts that are present in all answer sets or in some of them, which enables reasoning about uncertainty and partial knowledge. The efficiency of eclingo has been evaluated through a comparative study against another tool with similar characteristics, offering very positive results that place it as a competitive alternative within the state of the art.Traballo fin de grao (UDC.FIC). Enxeñaría informática. Curso 2018/201

    Interpretable task planning and learning for autonomous robotic surgery with logic programming

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    This thesis addresses the long-term goal of full (supervised) autonomy in surgery, characterized by dynamic environmental (anatomical) conditions, unpredictable workflow of execution and workspace constraints. The scope is to reach autonomy at the level of sub-tasks of a surgical procedure, i.e. repetitive, yet tedious operations (e.g., dexterous manipulation of small objects in a constrained environment, as needle and wire for suturing). This will help reducing time of execution, hospital costs and fatigue of surgeons during the whole procedure, while further improving the recovery time for the patients. A novel framework for autonomous surgical task execution is presented in the first part of this thesis, based on answer set programming (ASP), a logic programming paradigm, for task planning (i.e., coordination of elementary actions and motions). Logic programming allows to directly encode surgical task knowledge, representing emph{plan reasoning methodology} rather than a set of pre-defined plans. This solution introduces several key advantages, as reliable human-like interpretable plan generation, real-time monitoring of the environment and the workflow for ready adaptation and failure recovery. Moreover, an extended review of logic programming for robotics is presented, motivating the choice of ASP for surgery and providing an useful guide for robotic designers. In the second part of the thesis, a novel framework based on inductive logic programming (ILP) is presented for surgical task knowledge learning and refinement. ILP guarantees fast learning from very few examples, a common drawback of surgery. Also, a novel action identification algorithm is proposed based on automatic environmental feature extraction from videos, dealing for the first time with small and noisy datasets collecting different workflows of executions under environmental variations. This allows to define a systematic methodology for unsupervised ILP. All the results in this thesis are validated on a non-standard version of the benchmark training ring transfer task for surgeons, which mimics some of the challenges of real surgery, e.g. constrained bimanual motion in small space

    Automatic extraction of robotic surgery actions from text and kinematic data

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    The latest generation of robotic systems is becoming increasingly autonomous due to technological advancements and artificial intelligence. The medical field, particularly surgery, is also interested in these technologies because automation would benefit surgeons and patients. While the research community is active in this direction, commercial surgical robots do not currently operate autonomously due to the risks involved in dealing with human patients: it is still considered safer to rely on human surgeons' intelligence for decision-making issues. This means that robots must possess human-like intelligence, including various reasoning capabilities and extensive knowledge, to become more autonomous and credible. As demonstrated by current research in the field, indeed, one of the most critical aspects in developing autonomous systems is the acquisition and management of knowledge. In particular, a surgical robot must base its actions on solid procedural surgical knowledge to operate autonomously, safely, and expertly. This thesis investigates different possibilities for automatically extracting and managing knowledge from text and kinematic data. In the first part, we investigated the possibility of extracting procedural surgical knowledge from real intervention descriptions available in textbooks and academic papers on the robotic-surgical domains, by exploiting Transformer-based pre-trained language models. In particular, we released SurgicBERTa, a RoBERTa-based pre-trained language model for surgical literature understanding. It has been used to detect procedural sentences in books and extract procedural elements from them. Then, with some use cases, we explored the possibilities of translating written instructions into logical rules usable for robotic planning. Since not all the knowledge required for automatizing a procedure is written in texts, we introduce the concept of surgical commonsense, showing how it relates to different autonomy levels. In the second part of the thesis, we analyzed surgical procedures from a lower granularity level, showing how each surgical gesture is associated with a given combination of kinematic data