3,888 research outputs found

    Modelling Discourse-related terminology in OntoLingAnnot’s ontologies

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    Recently, computational linguists have shown great interest in discourse annotation in an attempt to capture the internal relations in texts. With this aim, we have formalized the linguistic knowledge associated to discourse into different linguistic ontologies. In this paper, we present the most prominent discourse-related terms and concepts included in the ontologies of the OntoLingAnnot annotation model. They show the different units, values, attributes, relations, layers and strata included in the discourse annotation level of the OntoLingAnnot model, within which these ontologies are included, used and evaluated

    Grand theft algorithm: purposeful play, appropriated play and aberrant players

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    "Copyright ACM, 2008. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of ACM for your personal use. Not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in MindTrek: Proceedings of the 12th international conference on Entertainment and media in the ubiquitous era. pp.3-7 http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1457199.1457201"This paper explores ideas about 'appropriated play' within computer games. It identifies different forms of 'purposeful' and 'aberrant' playing and proposes a model of players' motivations. This will enable a discussion about the experience of games players who resist the norms of 'purposeful' or ludic play, while finding reward in their explorations of game possibilities. It provides a new vocabulary for discussing playing outside of the game world, as a way of understanding some of these actions as more than 'cheating'

    Cinema semiotics: An application of Hodge and Tripp’s Paradigm/Syntagm approach

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    Abstract. Various scholars have defined the term semiotics according to their understanding but with a unifying central meaning which is the study of signs. Two important aspects of semiotics are syntagm and paradigm. The organization of signs by chain is referred to as syntagm, while by choice it is referred to as paradigm. According to Hodge & Tripp (1986), as far as syntagmatic structures are concerned, texts are examined from three different angles or variables: space, time, and continuity. Moreover, in film the interpretations of individual, shots depend on both paradigmatic analysis (comparing it, not necessarily, with the use of alternative kinds of shots) and syntagmatic analysis (comparing it with preceding and following shots). This paper, applies the concept of Syntagm and Paradigm given by Hodge and Tripp to analyse the structure of two films from Nigeria’s film industries i.e. Kanywood and Nollywood industries.Keywords. Cinema, Semiotics, Syntagm, Paradigm, Film, Kanywood, Nollywood.JEL. Z00, Y90, H80

    Implications of the Information and Communication Technology Development on Firms’ Performance

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    The society towards we are heading is and will be an Informational Society-Knowledge Society (IS-KS). This mainly relies on using Information and Communication Technology (ICT). The syntagm which designates the new society particularly points out the means on which it will rely on its progress, which, at first sight, gives the impression of one technicist, unilateral name. The syntagms which have defined societies until now, contain a key-word (slavery, feudalism, capitalism), which synthesizes a scale of possible social situations in which people, individual or/and in group, are inevitably placed, according to certain conditions, making a specific economic-social structure. Nowadays, society is defined by the syntagm “new economy”, which clearly presents the message of some profound changes which are taking place. Of course, the new economy supposes a lasting growth, but it induces another approach of this lasting growth, different from the one which was made so far.

    Le détachement en position initiale: rôle phrastique ou discursif/textuel? Exemple du syntagme à propos de X

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    The syntagm à propos de X can syntactically function two ways: on a cline from left to right, one goes from no integration (with the indexation of à propos de X; it has a thematic reading and is a marker of thematization) towards a maximum integration (when the syntagm depends on another morphosyntactic element; it has an 'about', a causal or a temporal reading and is not a marker of thematization). This integrative scale allows hypothesizing that indexing à propos de X against the remaining proposition gives this syntagm a textual function as it provides an interpretative background for the proposition. Within the sentence, analysis suggests it is difficult to index à propos de X. However, analysis also shows that indexing à propos de X is possible when providing sentences, where à propos de X is integrated, with a context and when indexing this syntagm. A textual perspective modifies the grammatical judgments made in the sentence, makes the examples sufficient and also underlines that the maker of thematization à propos de X is potentially integrative and oppositive. The detachment of à propos de X does not mean however that the syntagm is systematically a thematic introducer. To determine when it is the case in examples where i) à propos de X is detached and ii) where a noun, a verb or an adjective combines with a complement, this paper introduces a saturation principle

    Marketing mix and TQM - compelmetary philosophies of companies sustainable development

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    The marketing theory started by questioning if is it science or art and finalized by declaring that ”marketing should be the philosophy of the company approach according with the needs of target market”. The tool for marketing strategies implementation is marketing mix (MMix) by the 4P or 5P. This mix of components offers the possibility of harmonizing the purposes of companies and customers. A new concept of Total Quality (TQ) has been developed and implemented, firstly by the industrial companies and later on by others (even public administration organizations). This approach is an integrative strategic philosophy and behavior, focused on TQ objectives and the adoption of a new managerial style – Total Quality Management (TQM). In our opinion the MMix and TQM are complementary philosophies to approach companies. The paper is an out come of a survey regarding the way the top management perceive MMix and TQM and how they are complementary.Marketing mix, TQM, philosophy, sustainable development

    (In)Visible Hand(s)

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    In this paper, the author discusses the regulatory role of the state and legal norms, in market economy, especially in so-called transition countries. Legal policy, and other questions of the state and free market economy are here closely connected, because the state must ensure with legal norms that economic processes are not interrupted: only the state can establish the legal basis for a market economy. The free market’s invisible hand is acting in questions such as: what is to be produced, how much is to be produced, for whom it is to be produced, how it is to be produced. During the transition period but also in the establishnig EU, the role of legal norms is much more important then it (is) would be expected: problems of transition are more connected with ethics and psychology, then with legislation.Law and economics, legal norms, (de)regulation, State

    Opera Jawa [Requiem from Java]: A Semiotic Narratology Perspective

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    Directed by Garin Nugroho in 2006, Opera Jawa is an opera film with a special status in Indonesian film history, either perceived as a newly established genre or seen from many of its other aspects. Analyzed through a semiotic narratology perspective, this musical film can put forth deeper meanings than that of a mere triangle love story between the characters. The unveiling narrativity of every layer of Opera Jawa enables us to identify both its patterns of narrative syntagm and its actantial relations with its underlying system of values. This system consists of a set of antagonistically correlating main values, namely faithfulness versus deceit, and suppression versus power