11 research outputs found

    New records and noteworthy data of plants, algae and fungi in SE Europe and adjacent regions, 14

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    This paper presents new records and noteworthy data on the following taxa in SE Europe and adjacent regions: diatom algae Cyclostephanos invisitatus, Cyclotella meduanae, and Stephanodiscus lacustris, mycorrhizal fungi Alessioporus ichnusanus and Amanita mairei, saprotrophic fungi Diaporthe oncostoma, Stropharia albonitens and Pseudomassaria chondrospora, lichenised fungus Acrocordia subglobosa, stonewort Chara connivens, mosses Buxbaumia viridis, Tortella fasciculata and Tortula protobryoides, monocots Epipactis pontica Gymnadenia frivaldii, and Orchis italica and dicots Callitriche brutia, Callitriche platycarpa and Epilobium nutans are given within SE Europe and adjacent regions

    Nøkkelbiotoper i skog: En vurdering av nøkkelbiotoper som forvaltningstiltak for bevaring av biologisk mangfold i skog

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    Det er et skogpolitisk mål at norsk skogbruk skal utøves på en slik måte at det biologiske mangfoldet bevares på sikt. Begrepet nøkkelbiotoper står idag sentralt i arbeidet med å identifisere og forvalte skog som man anser som viktig i denne sammenheng. På oppdrag fra Levende Skog har prosjektets målstning vært å innhente kunnskap om nøkkelbiotoper i Norge slik at det blir tilgjengelig for praktisk skogbruk. Nøkkelbiotoper er et nytt Skandinavisk begrep, utviklet i Sverige og senere tilpasset norske forhold. Nøkkelbiotoper representerer i praksis små og spredte biotoper som antas å ha større betydning for biologisk mangfold enn arealene omkring. Opprinnelig var begrepet knyttet til områder med rødlistearter, men er senere utvidet til også å omfatte sjeldne naturtyper. Det synes å herske usikkerhet om hva nøkkelbiotoper egentlig er. Denne usikkerheten har bl.a sammenheng med hvor vidt nøkkelbiotoper oppfattes som et biologisk fenomen, dvs. "hot-spots" med naturlig overhyppighet av sjeldne arter, eller om det er et forvaltningsbegrep som skal fange opp "restbiotoper" som er i ferd med å forsvinne. Det synes å være svak vitenskapelig dokumentasjon på at sjeldne arter naturlig opptrer klumpvis (hot spots). På den annen side er det bred enighet om at mange naturtyper er i ferd med å bli svært sjeldne, og lokalt har forsvunnet i områder med intensivt skogbruk. I slike kulturskog-områder vil det derfor være lett å indentifisere eventuelle restbiotoper med naturskog-preg. På denne bakgrunn har prosjektet definert nøkkelbiotop som et avgrenset forvaltningsområde som opprettes for å bevare eller nyskape verdifulle biotoper som ikke ivaretas ved dagens skogbruk. Graden av overlapp i lokal utbredelse av organismer har stor betydning for hvor effektivt nøkkelbiotoper vil være for bevaring av biologisk mangfold. Dersom sjeldne arter, over et bredt spekter av artsgrupper, har stor romlig overlapp i forekomst (hot-spots), bør bevaring av nøkkelbiotoper stå sentralt i en langsiktig forvaltning av biologisk mangfold (forutsatt at størrelsen og spredningsmulighetene mellom dem er tilstrekkelig). Hvis så ikke er tilfelle, eller hvis graden av romlig overlapp er liten, kan en forvaltningsstrategi med tyngdepunkt i stedstilpassede tiltak generelt i skoglandskapet være et bedre valg (forutsatt at organismene tåler hogstinngrepene). Viktig i denne sammenheng er på hvilken romlig skala overlapp i forekomst finner sted. Dagens dokumenterte hot-spots (ti-talls kvadratkilometer og større) ligger på et skala-nivå som langt overgår areal-omfanget av nøkkelbiotoper. Rapporten diskuterer nøkkelbiotoper i et langsiktig tidsperspektiv _(''kontinuitet"), vurderer bruken av ulike "indikatorer", og sammenfatter i hvilken grad rødlistearter fanges opp gjennom en slik forvaltnings-strategi. Tilsammen 15 nøkkelbiotoper deles inn i 3 kategorier; Restbiotoper i skog omfatter (1) brann-biotoper, (2) gammel lauvskog, (3)fleraldret gammel granskog, (4)fleraldret gammelfuruskog og (5)fleraldret gammel edellauvskog. Stedsbetingede biotoper omfatter (6) kalkområder, (7) vassdrag, (8) rikmyr, (9) bergvegg, (10) flommark, (11) ravine, (12) bekkekløft og (13) rasmark. Restbiotoper utenfor skog omfatter (14) hagemarkskog, og (15) naturbeite. Det gis kortfattede beskrivelser av viktige økologiske prosesser, skogstrukturer og tilhørende rødlistearter. Totalt er 262 rødlistearter vurdert å være truet av skogbruk. Av disse har 119 arter biotopkrav som knytter de opp til en eller flere av nøkkelbiotopene. Dette utgjør 7% av de skogslevende rødlisteartene.Nøkkelbiotoper i skog: En vurdering av nøkkelbiotoper som forvaltningstiltak for bevaring av biologisk mangfold i skogpublishedVersio

    Priorisation des tourbières de Franche-Comté

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    Cet essai est un travail effectué au sein du Conservatoire d’espaces naturels de Franche-Comté (CEN FC). Il s’inscrit dans le cadre de l’élaboration du plan d’action en faveur des tourbières de Franche-Comté. Ce plan d’action vise à mettre en place une démarche de protection de ces milieux sur l’ensemble de la région, en partant du principe qu’il n’est pas possible d’agir sur tous les sites en même temps. L’objectif principal de cet essai est de répondre à cette problématique. Il propose une priorisation des tourbières franc-comtoises afin d’orienter les actions de préservation. Pour ce faire, la démarche a d’abord consisté à dresser un état des lieux des connaissances sur les milieux tourbeux de la région, puis à étudier différentes méthodes de priorisation. Ensuite, une grille de priorisation des tourbières a été élaborée, permettant de répondre aux objectifs du plan. Après l’état des lieux des connaissances et l’étude bibliographique des autres méthodes, l’élaboration de la méthode a pu être engagée. Une analyse des critères et des agrégations a été réalisée afin de définir la méthode la plus adéquate. Des biais évidents dans les futurs résultats peuvent être observés : importance donnée aux enjeux biologiques par rapport aux enjeux hydrologiques et prédominances des enjeux par rapport aux atteintes. La méthode finale proposée permet de prioriser les sites en fonction de leurs enjeux et de leurs niveaux d’atteintes, avec un poids initial égal pour ces volets. La grille construite ici est constituée d’une série de trois volets (enjeu biologique, enjeu hydrologique et atteintes), chacun caractérisé par un ou plusieurs critères. Les moyennes des notes de ces critères sont faites afin d’attribuer une note à chaque volet. Les notes d’enjeux sont ensuite fusionnées et l’évaluation finale se fait par l’attribution de niveau de priorité en fonction des couples de notes « Enjeux/Atteintes ». Les tourbières sont alors réparties selon quatre niveaux de priorité. L’évaluation des sites a été réalisée avec l’objectif de donner de l’importance aux tourbières ayant subi des atteintes et pas uniquement aux tourbières ayant de forts enjeux écologiques. Les sites de niveau de priorité 1 ont donc subi de fortes ou très fortes atteintes. Il s’agit principalement de tourbières situées dans le massif jurassien. Au vu de ces résultats, la principale recommandation formulée dans cet essai est de prévoir une mise à jour régulière de la priorisation en actualisant les notes et évaluations des critères et volets en fonction des nouvelles données (inventaires écologiques, diminution des atteintes, etc.) récoltées

    Rote Liste und Artenliste Sachsens - Pilze

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    Die Rote Liste informiert über die Gefährdungssituation der Arten und Lebensräume und stellt eine Grundlage für die Fachplanung im Naturschutz dar. In der Broschüre werden 5.360 in Sachsen vorkommende Pilzarten aufgelistet und bewertet. Eine Rote Liste für Pilze in Sachsen erschien zuletzt 1999

    Грибы и насекомые-консорты лесообразующих древесных пород Карелии

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    Данная монография содержит результаты многолетних исследований грибов и насекомых-консортов лесообразующих древесных растений Карелии. Выявлен видовой состав напочвенных и дендротрофных грибов и ксилофильных насекомых (в рамках отрядов Diptera и Hymenoptera). Представлены новые данные по экологии, проанализированы особенности взаимоотношений с древесными породами и географического распространения. Определены консортивные отношения с древесными растениями на разных фазах их онтогенеза, а также при антропогенных воздействиях на лесные биогеоценозы. Приводятся списки, включающие 786 видов напочвенных грибов, 604 вида дендротрофных микро- и макромицетов, 707 видов ксилофильных двукрылых и перепончатокрылых насекомых. Существенно расширены представления о положении эктомикоризных грибов в организации и функционировании лесных биогеоценозов. Полученные материалы по биологии и экологии грибов и насекомых могут внести заметный вклад в развитие основ лесной микоценологии и энтомологии, а также лесоведения и лесоводства. Монография является первой сводкой, рассматривающей в комплексе основные компоненты консорций древесных растений в таежной зоне Северо-Запада России. Исследования выполнялись в рамках грантов РФФИ: 95-04-11429-а, 96-04-49751-a, 97-04-48465-а, 99-04-49445-а, 02-04-48602-а, 05-04-97524-р_север_а, 08-04-98824-р_север_а, 08-04-98837-р_север_а. Книга предназначена для микологов, энтомологов, лесоводов и экологов – научных сотрудников, аспирантов, студентов и преподавателей, а также для специалистов лесного профиля

    Acta Siculica 1999

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    The ecology of macromycetes in roadside verges planted with trees

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    In this thesis phytocoena and mycocoena of ectomycorrhizal fungi and saprotrophic fungi in roadside verges planted with trees are described independently. An attempt is made to indicate which environmental variables are most important in the distinguished communities. Parasitic fungi on trees, arthropods and other fungi and saprotrophic lignicolous species were not included in community definition.In roadside verges in the phytogeographical Drenthian district 76 plots were selected, 53 planted with Common Oak (Quercus robur; "Oak plots") and 23 with Beech ( Fagus sylvatica ; "Beech plots").12 beech plots were situated in an open landscape ("open") and 11 along roads inside forests ("shady"). These plots varied widely with regard to soil fertility.The oak plots were divided into 34 open plots, 10 shady plots and 9 "half-open" plots, i.e. bordered at one side by forest. In the open plots three age-classes were distinguished: 5 plots with young trees (up to 20 years old), 12 plots with middle aged trees (20 to 50 years old) and 17 with old trees (more than 50 years old). In the remaining plots old trees were present. In oak plots, too, there is a large variation regarding the soil fertility. Plots were always 100 in long, irrespective of the width of the verge and were selected on the basis of a sufficient lengthwise homogeneity of the phanerogam vegetation. A large number of environmental variables was measured.Vegetation relevés were made in 1987 according to the Braun-Blanquet method. For mycological purposes, the plots were visited during the autumns of 1986, '87 and '88 once every 3 to 4 weeks. All fungi were counted and identified.The data were processed with the aid of the computer programmes TWINSPAN for vegetation classifications and CANOCO for ordinations and correlations with environmental variables.In the beech plots 134 species of green plants, 105 species of ectomycorrhizal and 153 species of saprotrophic fungi were found.On the basis of the green plants two vegetation types could be recognized, one with open and one with shady plots. The former was divided into two subtypes, one with a poor and one with a semiruderal vegetation. Using the ectomycorrhizal fungi the plots were divided into a species poor and a species rich type with two subtypes. The former did not correspond with a vegetation type but the latter two subtypes corresponded to a limited extent with vegetation types. The two communities that were recognized among the saprotrophic fungi corresponded well with the vegetation types. The better correspondence of communities of vascular plants with those of saprotrophs than with those of ectomycorrhizal fungi indicates that plants and saprotrophs react more in the same way to the environmental factors than the ectomycorrhizal fungi.Environmental factors important for plants and saprotrophs are exposition of the plot, thickness of the organic layer, sodium concentration and Ellenberg N-indication values. Important for ectomycorrhizal fungi are: higher nitrate, potassium and magnesium concentrations for the species poor type and "openness", thickness of the organic layer and age of the trees for the other types.In the oak plots 198 green plant species, 144 ectomycorrhizal and 214 saprotrophic species were found.Three main vegetation types were distinguished, the Mnium hornum type of forest roads, the semiruderal Anthriscus sylvestris type of open to shady plots and the Hypochaerisradicata type of open, rather nutrient poor plots. For the ectomycorrhizal fungi, four types were recognized: the Xerocomus rubellus-, the Russula ochroleuca-, the Cortinarius erythrinus- and the Hebeloma mesophaeum type, characteristic for shady plots, semiruderal open to shady plots, open nutrient poor plots and open plots with young trees respectively. In the ordination, the environmental factors tree age, exposition of the plot and Ellenberg N indication values were most important. In the plots of the R. ochroleuca type a thicker organic layer and larger amounts of soluble and total nitrogen were present.Based on the saprotrophic fungi, three communities were distinguished: the Psathyrella fulvescens-, the Mycena avenacea- and the Collybia cookei type. The latter is a small, weakly characterized type. The P.fulvescens type comprises shady to open plots with several vegetation types, the M.avenacea type open plots with a short, grassy vegetation. Most important environmental factors for the distinction of the types were "openness" tree age, Ellenberg N- indication values and thickness of the organic layer. The communities of saprotrophic fungi corresponded better with the vegetation types than the communities of mycorrhizal fungi.The classification of the oak and beech plots together on the basis of the green plants is largely analogous to the classifications of oak and beech plots separately. For the saprotrophic fungi, Ellenberg N values, thickness of the organic layer and the openness of the plots are determining factors in the classification of the plots. However, for the classification of the plots using the ectomycorrhizal fungi the tree species is the most important parameter. Within the oak and beech group, the classification resembles the classifications of oak and beech plots separately. In plots with eutraphent vegetation nonhost-specific ectomycorrhizal fungi dominate. In such plots the ectomycorrhizal mycoflora of oak and beech plots is more or less similar.A comparison of the fungal communities of roadside verges with forest communities of the same tree species was made. Comparison with Dutch oak forest communities revealed that 42 ectomycorrhizal species were found to be differential for roadside verges and 39 for forests. 16 species were indifferent. Among the saprophytes, 24 species were differential for roadside verges, at least 62 for forests and 24 were indifferent. Only the Dicrano-Quercetum showed resemblance with some types of oak plots. The main difference with the other types of oak forest is the larger number of ectomycorrhizal fungi in roadside verges. Regarding the saprotrophic fungi, roadside verges differ profoundly from forests. Terrestrial raw humus inhabiting and lignicolous fungi are mostly restricted to forests, whereas typical grassland fungi were mostly found in roadside plots.Dutch oak forest communities showed more similarity with the roadside verge communities than those from other parts of Europe. Generally, communities with little or no organic layers on nutrient-poor soils have a large proportion of ectomycorrhizal species in common with the analogue roadside communities.A classification is presented for ectomycorrhizal roadside fungi based on their assumed restricted occurrence in the roadside habitat. In roadside verges a number of threatened fungi occur that presumably have disappeared from forests with the same tree species.In 25 plots of the Hypochaeris radicata-Quercus type with trees of three different ages successional series were studied. The number of ectomycorrhizal species increases with the tree age. This is in contrast to data from forests in the literature, where the species number decreases after an initial increase. The differences in soil and the management practices in roadside verges may explain this discrepancy. Eutrophication and litter accumulation cause a decrease in the species number, resulting in low species numbers in eutrophicated places and/or in thick litter layers, even under old trees.A new, preliminary classification of ectomycorrhizal fungi regarding their respective optima during the sucession of the site, based on the data from roadside verges is presented.In a homogeneous roadside verge with 100 year old Common Oaks along a canal the effects of various management treatments were studied. During the years 1987-'91, 5 different treatments were applied: a. mowing without removal of the hay, b. mowing with removal of the hay, c. nonrecurrent removal of sods in combination with mowing without removal of the hay, d. N-fertilization during the first 3 years in combination with mowing without removal of the hay, e. no treatment. Treatment "a" served as control. Each treatment was carried out sixfold in plots of 50x4.5 m 2. The phanerogam vegetation, some soil properties and ectomycorrhizal samples from treatments b, c and d were analyzed as well.Removal of sods caused an immediate decrease of sporocarps of mycorrhizal fungi but after 3 years the species numbers had largely recovered. However, there was some shift in species composition. After fertilization a strong decrease of ectomycorrhizal fungi occurred. The saprotrophs were significantly afflicted by removal of sods. Fertilization resulted in a decline in saprotroph species numbers but the production did not change significantly. Treatments b and e showed no significant differences with the control. The soil chemistry was not influenced by the treatments except for higher concentrations of N in fertilized plots.In eight open beech plots, viz. four in plots rich in ectomycorrhizal species on nutrient-poor soil and four in species-poor and nutrient-rich soil, root samples were taken. In the field-experiment root samples were taken two years after the start of the treatments b, c and d.In the beech plots a positive correlation was found between the number of mycorrhizal root tips and the number of ectomycorrhizal species found during the fieldwork. However, there was no correlation with the biomass production of the sporocarps. A non-significant negative correlation was found between tree vitality and the number of mycorrhizal root tips. No significant correlations at all were found between the treatments mowing with removal of the hay, removal of sods and fertilization regarding: total root length, number of mycorrhizal root tips, degree of ramification, percentage of mycorrhizal root tips and number of types of mycorrhizal root tips. In fertilized plots the samples contained more mycorrhizal root tips with a relatively large proportion of Cenococcum.In this study, descriptions, drawings and observations are presented of rare, critical or less well-known macromycetes that were encountered in the oak plots, the beech plots, and in the experimental site. Special attention is paid to the genera Cortinarius S.F. Gray emend. Fr., Hebeloma (Fr.) Kumm. and Russula Pers.. Psathyrella rhombispora Keizer & Arnolds is presented as a new species. Russula cicatricata Romagn., Russula elaeodes (Bres.)Romagn. and Russula purpurata Crawsh. are reduced to formae of Russula graveolens Romell in Britz.