29,073 research outputs found

    Datalogger for UL aircraft

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    Diplomová práce se zabývá návrhem zapisovače letových dat pro UL letadla. V teoretické části jsou popsány základní principy měření jednotlivých veličin ve vztahu k provozu letadla, např. výšky, rychlosti. V samostatné kapitole se věnuji systémům pro určení polohy GPS. Dále jsou zde uvedeny příklady přístrojů měřících tyto veličiny. Praktická část je zaměřena na popis vybraných komponent a jejich obsluhu mikrokontrolérem PIC24FJ64GA004. Následuje popis obsluhy USB disků pomocí USB kontroléru Vinculum-II. Práce je zakončena provedením testu funkčnosti zařízení.This thesis describes the design of flight data recorder for UL aircraft. The theoretical part describes the basic principles of measurement of the quantities in relation to the operation of the aircraft, such as altitude, air speed. A separate chapter deals with systems for determining of GPS position. Furthermore, there are examples of instruments measuring these quantities. The practical part is focused on the description of selected components and their connection to PIC24FJ64GA004 microcontroller. This is followed by a description of the control of USB drives with USB Controller Vinculum-II. The work is finished by the functional test of the device.

    Water Temperature Protocol

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    The purpose of this resource is to measure the temperature of a water sample. Students use an alcohol-filled thermometer or meter to measure the temperature of water. The meter requires calibration before use; the accuracy of the thermometer needs to be checked before use. Educational levels: Primary elementary, Intermediate elementary, Middle school, High school

    A Description of Ternate Malay

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    Ternate Malay is a local variety of Malay in Ternate, a small island in the Maluku Utara province in eastern Indonesia. The majority of speakers live in Ternate town, where it serves as mother tongue as well as a means of communication between people of various ethnic and linguistic backgrounds. In the last few decades there is a growing scholarly interest in local Malay varieties, particularly in the eastern part of Indonesia. This article is a short description of Ternate Malay based on the idea that words in Ternate Malay receive their meaning in the combination with other words and that the linguistic context as well as the non-linguistic situation in which they occur, determine the most suitable interpretation of utterances. It is shown how certain words facilitate the determination of the interpretation

    \u3cem\u3eCivil Judgment Recognition and the Integration of Multiple-State Associations\u3c/em\u3e by Robert C. Casad

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    An Update on Brazilian Trading Companies and Export Credit

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    An Update on Brazilian Trading Companies and Export Credit

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    Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Decrees: Argentina, A Case Study

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    Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Decrees: Argentina, A Case Study

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