964,190 research outputs found

    The sequencing of agricultural market reforms in Malawi

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    The paper analyzes the welfare impacts of alternative sequencing scenarios of agricultural market reforms in Malawi using a profit maximization approach. The simulation results show that, contrary to the sequencing path adopted in the 1980's, Malawi's Government should have liberalized the maize sector first, followed by the groundnut export sector, and once a supply response was generated, input subsidies could have been phased out, without generating a negative impact on producers' welfare and food security.Agricultural economics. ,Food security Malawi. ,

    Sequencing Chess

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    We analyze the structure of the state space of chess by means of transition path sampling Monte Carlo simulation. Based on the typical number of moves required to transpose a given configuration of chess pieces into another, we conclude that the state space consists of several pockets between which transitions are rare. Skilled players explore an even smaller subset of positions that populate some of these pockets only very sparsely. These results suggest that the usual measures to estimate both, the size of the state space and the size of the tree of legal moves, are not unique indicators of the complexity of the game, but that topological considerations are equally important

    Sequencing spinning lines

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    Sequencing BPS spectra

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    Genome-Wide Identification of Human Functional DNA Using a Neutral Indel Model

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    It has become clear that a large proportion of functional DNA in the human genome does not code for protein. Identification of this non-coding functional sequence using comparative approaches is proving difficult and has previously been thought to require deep sequencing of multiple vertebrates. Here we introduce a new model and comparative method that, instead of nucleotide substitutions, uses the evolutionary imprint of insertions and deletions (indels) to infer the past consequences of selection. The model predicts the distribution of indels under neutrality, and shows an excellent fit to human–mouse ancestral repeat data. Across the genome, many unusually long ungapped regions are detected that are unaccounted for by the neutral model, and which we predict to be highly enriched in functional DNA that has been subject to purifying selection with respect to indels. We use the model to determine the proportion under indel-purifying selection to be between 2.56% and 3.25% of human euchromatin. Since annotated protein-coding genes comprise only 1.2% of euchromatin, these results lend further weight to the proposition that more than half the functional complement of the human genome is non-protein-coding. The method is surprisingly powerful at identifying selected sequence using only two or three mammalian genomes. Applying the method to the human, mouse, and dog genomes, we identify 90 Mb of human sequence under indel-purifying selection, at a predicted 10% false-discovery rate and 75% sensitivity. As expected, most of the identified sequence represents unannotated material, while the recovered proportions of known protein-coding and microRNA genes closely match the predicted sensitivity of the method. The method's high sensitivity to functional sequence such as microRNAs suggest that as yet unannotated microRNA genes are enriched among the sequences identified. Futhermore, its independence of substitutions allowed us to identify sequence that has been subject to heterogeneous selection, that is, sequence subject to both positive selection with respect to substitutions and purifying selection with respect to indels. The ability to identify elements under heterogeneous selection enables, for the first time, the genome-wide investigation of positive selection on functional elements other than protein-coding genes

    SCORM Sequencing Testing for Sequencing Control Mode

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    [[abstract]]In SCORM 2004 defines the sequencing information that describes how SCORM-conformant content may be sequenced to the learner through a set of learner or system-initiated navigation events. It provides users the ability to prescribe the intend learning sequencing strategy by themselves, but quit many completed definitions and lacking the testing mechanism for these authored sequencing information results in usual developers probably design the unreasonable or careless settings of SCORM sequencing. The detecting mechanism focuses on detecting improper setting of sequencing control mode elements applied to learning activities. An assistant truth table derived from the definitions of sequencing control mode elements and experiments verified with latest ADL runtime environment will be introduced.[[sponsorship]]淡江大學 Tamkang University; ADL-CO-Lab; National Central University; Institute Information Industry; Southern Taiwan University of Technology[[notice]]補正完畢[[conferencetype]]國際[[conferencetkucampus]]淡水校園[[conferencedate]]20060116~20060119[[booktype]]紙本[[conferencelocation]]臺北縣, 臺

    Development and Validation of Clinical Whole-Exome and Whole-Genome Sequencing for Detection of Germline Variants in Inherited Disease

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    Context.-With the decrease in the cost of sequencing, the clinical testing paradigm has shifted from single gene to gene panel and now whole-exome and whole-genome sequencing. Clinical laboratories are rapidly implementing next-generation sequencing-based whole-exome and whole-genome sequencing. Because a large number of targets are covered by whole-exome and whole-genome sequencing, it is critical that a laboratory perform appropriate validation studies, develop a quality assurance and quality control program, and participate in proficiency testing. Objective.-To provide recommendations for wholeexome and whole-genome sequencing assay design, validation, and implementation for the detection of germline variants associated in inherited disorders. Data Sources.-An example of trio sequencing, filtration and annotation of variants, and phenotypic consideration to arrive at clinical diagnosis is discussed. Conclusions.-It is critical that clinical laboratories planning to implement whole-exome and whole-genome sequencing design and validate the assay to specifications and ensure adequate performance prior to implementation. Test design specifications, including variant filtering and annotation, phenotypic consideration, guidance on consenting options, and reporting of incidental findings, are provided. These are important steps a laboratory must take to validate and implement whole-exome and whole-genome sequencing in a clinical setting for germline variants in inherited disorders

    Authoring courses with rich adaptive sequencing for IMS learning design

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    This paper describes the process of translating an adaptive sequencing strategy designed using Sequencing Graphs to the semantics of IMS Learning Design. The relevance of this contribution is twofold. First, it combines the expressive power and flexibility of Sequencing Graphs, and the interoperability capabilities of IMS. Second, it shows some important limitations of IMS specifications (focusing on Learning Design) for the sequencing of learning activities