35,045 research outputs found

    Order restricted inference for comparing the cumulative incidence of a competing risk over several populations

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    There is a substantial literature on testing for the equality of the cumulative incidence functions associated with one specific cause in a competing risks setting across several populations against specific or all alternatives. In this paper we propose an asymptotically distribution-free test when the alternative is that the incidence functions are linearly ordered, but not equal. The motivation stems from the fact that in many examples such a linear ordering seems reasonable intuitively and is borne out generally from empirical observations. These tests are more powerful when the ordering is justified. We also provide estimators of the incidence functions under this ordering constraint, derive their asymptotic properties for statistical inference purposes, and show improvements over the unrestricted estimators when the order restriction holds.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/193940307000000040 the IMS Collections (http://www.imstat.org/publications/imscollections.htm) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Hierarchical Composition of Memristive Networks for Real-Time Computing

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    Advances in materials science have led to physical instantiations of self-assembled networks of memristive devices and demonstrations of their computational capability through reservoir computing. Reservoir computing is an approach that takes advantage of collective system dynamics for real-time computing. A dynamical system, called a reservoir, is excited with a time-varying signal and observations of its states are used to reconstruct a desired output signal. However, such a monolithic assembly limits the computational power due to signal interdependency and the resulting correlated readouts. Here, we introduce an approach that hierarchically composes a set of interconnected memristive networks into a larger reservoir. We use signal amplification and restoration to reduce reservoir state correlation, which improves the feature extraction from the input signals. Using the same number of output signals, such a hierarchical composition of heterogeneous small networks outperforms monolithic memristive networks by at least 20% on waveform generation tasks. On the NARMA-10 task, we reduce the error by up to a factor of 2 compared to homogeneous reservoirs with sigmoidal neurons, whereas single memristive networks are unable to produce the correct result. Hierarchical composition is key for solving more complex tasks with such novel nano-scale hardware

    A New Method for Multi-Bit and Qudit Transfer Based on Commensurate Waveguide Arrays

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    The faithful state transfer is an important requirement in the construction of classical and quantum computers. While the high-speed transfer is realized by optical-fibre interconnects, its implementation in integrated optical circuits is affected by cross-talk. The cross-talk between densely packed optical waveguides limits the transfer fidelity and distorts the signal in each channel, thus severely impeding the parallel transfer of states such as classical registers, multiple qubits and qudits. Here, we leverage on the suitably engineered cross-talk between waveguides to achieve the parallel transfer on optical chip. Waveguide coupling coefficients are designed to yield commensurate eigenvalues of the array and hence, periodic revivals of the input state. While, in general, polynomially complex, the inverse eigenvalue problem permits analytic solutions for small number of waveguides. We present exact solutions for arrays of up to nine waveguides and use them to design realistic buses for multi-(qu)bit and qudit transfer. Advantages and limitations of the proposed solution are discussed in the context of available fabrication techniques

    Context-aware Synthesis for Video Frame Interpolation

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    Video frame interpolation algorithms typically estimate optical flow or its variations and then use it to guide the synthesis of an intermediate frame between two consecutive original frames. To handle challenges like occlusion, bidirectional flow between the two input frames is often estimated and used to warp and blend the input frames. However, how to effectively blend the two warped frames still remains a challenging problem. This paper presents a context-aware synthesis approach that warps not only the input frames but also their pixel-wise contextual information and uses them to interpolate a high-quality intermediate frame. Specifically, we first use a pre-trained neural network to extract per-pixel contextual information for input frames. We then employ a state-of-the-art optical flow algorithm to estimate bidirectional flow between them and pre-warp both input frames and their context maps. Finally, unlike common approaches that blend the pre-warped frames, our method feeds them and their context maps to a video frame synthesis neural network to produce the interpolated frame in a context-aware fashion. Our neural network is fully convolutional and is trained end to end. Our experiments show that our method can handle challenging scenarios such as occlusion and large motion and outperforms representative state-of-the-art approaches.Comment: CVPR 2018, http://graphics.cs.pdx.edu/project/ctxsy

    Teachers’ Perspectives on Year Two Implementation of a Kindergarten Readiness Assessment

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    In this study we examined teachers’ perspectives regarding the second year of implementing a Kindergarten Readiness Assessment (KRA). Using a mixed-methods approach, we focused on the administration process, the perceived benefits of the assessment, and how teachers used the assessment to inform instruction. We also investigated whether these differed by teacher and district characteristics and how KRA experiences were different in the second year of implementation. Research Findings: Teachers generally did not view the KRA as beneficial for instruction or for students, reporting administration difficulties, inadequate KRA content, and limited utility of KRA data for supporting instruction as ongoing barriers to KRA use. Although the administration process seemed to be easier in the second year, teachers still reported it as burdensome, cutting into important beginning of kindergarten activities. Notably, teacher training and experience were associated with perceptions. Practice or Policy: Reasons for perceived lack of utility have important implications for future KRA design and implementation. These include better integration of KRAs into existing assessment systems, recognizing the added burden of KRAs to teachers (particularly at the beginning of kindergarten), and the role that additional training may have in supporting use of KRAs at the local level

    Thermal activation between Landau levels in the organic superconductor β\beta''-(BEDT-TTF)2_{2}SF5_{5}CH2_{2}CF2_{2}SO3_{3}

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    We show that Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations in the interlayer resistivity of the organic superconductor β\beta''-(BEDT-TTF)2_{2}SF5_{5} CH2_{2}CF2_{2}SO3_{3} become very pronounced in magnetic fields \sim~60~T. The conductivity minima exhibit thermally-activated behaviour that can be explained simply by the presence of a Landau gap, with the quasi-one-dimensional Fermi surface sheets contributing negligibly to the conductivity. This observation, together with complete suppression of chemical potential oscillations, is consistent with an incommensurate nesting instability of the quasi-one-dimensional sheets.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Semantic Image Retrieval via Active Grounding of Visual Situations

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    We describe a novel architecture for semantic image retrieval---in particular, retrieval of instances of visual situations. Visual situations are concepts such as "a boxing match," "walking the dog," "a crowd waiting for a bus," or "a game of ping-pong," whose instantiations in images are linked more by their common spatial and semantic structure than by low-level visual similarity. Given a query situation description, our architecture---called Situate---learns models capturing the visual features of expected objects as well the expected spatial configuration of relationships among objects. Given a new image, Situate uses these models in an attempt to ground (i.e., to create a bounding box locating) each expected component of the situation in the image via an active search procedure. Situate uses the resulting grounding to compute a score indicating the degree to which the new image is judged to contain an instance of the situation. Such scores can be used to rank images in a collection as part of a retrieval system. In the preliminary study described here, we demonstrate the promise of this system by comparing Situate's performance with that of two baseline methods, as well as with a related semantic image-retrieval system based on "scene graphs.

    Structural identification of cubic iron-oxide nanocrystal mixtures: X-ray powder diffraction versus quasi-kinematic transmission electron microscopy

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    Two novel (and proprietary) strategies for the structural identification of a nanocrystal from either a single high-resolution (HR) transmission electron microscopy (TEM) image or a single precession electron diffraction pattern are proposed and their advantages discussed in comparison to structural fingerprinting from powder X-ray diffraction patterns. Simulations for cubic magnetite and maghemite nanocrystals are used as examples. This is an expanded and updated version of a conference paper that has been published in Suppl. Proc. of TMS 2008, 137th Annual Meeting & Exhibition, Volume 1, Materials Processing and Properties, pp. 25-32.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, 1 table, expanded and updated version of a conference paper that has been published in Suppl. Proc. of TMS 2008, 137th Annual Meeting & Exhibition, Volume 1, Materials Processing and Properties, pp. 25-3

    The auxiliary space preconditioner for the de Rham complex

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    We generalize the construction and analysis of auxiliary space preconditioners to the n-dimensional finite element subcomplex of the de Rham complex. These preconditioners are based on a generalization of a decomposition of Sobolev space functions into a regular part and a potential. A discrete version is easily established using the tools of finite element exterior calculus. We then discuss the four-dimensional de Rham complex in detail. By identifying forms in four dimensions (4D) with simple proxies, form operations are written out in terms of familiar algebraic operations on matrices, vectors, and scalars. This provides the basis for our implementation of the preconditioners in 4D. Extensive numerical experiments illustrate their performance, practical scalability, and parameter robustness, all in accordance with the theory