71,748 research outputs found

    Magnetic-field-dependent photodynamics of single NV defects in diamond: Application to qualitative all-optical magnetic imaging

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    Magnetometry and magnetic imaging with nitrogen-vacancy (NV) defects in diamond rely on the optical detection of electron spin resonance (ESR). However, this technique is inherently limited to magnetic fields that are weak enough to avoid electron spin mixing. Here we focus on the high off-axis magnetic field regime for which spin mixing alters the NV defect spin dynamics. We first study in a quantitative manner the dependence of the NV defect optical properties on the magnetic field vector B. Magnetic-field-dependent time-resolved photoluminescence (PL) measurements are compared to a seven-level model of the NV defect that accounts for field-induced spin mixing. The model reproduces the decreases in (i) ESR contrast, (ii) PL intensity and (iii) excited level lifetime with an increasing off-axis magnetic field. We next demonstrate that those effects can be used to perform all-optical magnetic imaging in the high off-axis magnetic field regime. Using a scanning NV defect microscope, we map the stray field of a magnetic hard disk through both PL and fluorescence lifetime imaging. This all-optical method for high magnetic field imaging at the nanoscale might be of interest in the field of nanomagnetism, where samples producing fields in excess of several tens of milliteslas are typical

    Hamiltonicity of 3-arc graphs

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    An arc of a graph is an oriented edge and a 3-arc is a 4-tuple (v,u,x,y)(v,u,x,y) of vertices such that both (v,u,x)(v,u,x) and (u,x,y)(u,x,y) are paths of length two. The 3-arc graph of a graph GG is defined to have vertices the arcs of GG such that two arcs uv,xyuv, xy are adjacent if and only if (v,u,x,y)(v,u,x,y) is a 3-arc of GG. In this paper we prove that any connected 3-arc graph is Hamiltonian, and all iterative 3-arc graphs of any connected graph of minimum degree at least three are Hamiltonian. As a consequence we obtain that if a vertex-transitive graph is isomorphic to the 3-arc graph of a connected arc-transitive graph of degree at least three, then it is Hamiltonian. This confirms the well known conjecture, that all vertex-transitive graphs with finitely many exceptions are Hamiltonian, for a large family of vertex-transitive graphs. We also prove that if a graph with at least four vertices is Hamilton-connected, then so are its iterative 3-arc graphs.Comment: in press Graphs and Combinatorics, 201

    Supporting security-oriented, inter-disciplinary research: crossing the social, clinical and geospatial domains

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    How many people have had a chronic disease for longer than 5-years in Scotland? How has this impacted upon their choices of employment? Are there any geographical clusters in Scotland where a high-incidence of patients with such long-term illness can be found? How does the life expectancy of such individuals compare with the national averages? Such questions are important to understand the health of nations and the best ways in which health care should be delivered and measured for their impact and success. In tackling such research questions, e-Infrastructures need to provide tailored, secure access to an extensible range of distributed resources including primary and secondary e-Health clinical data; social science data, and geospatial data sets amongst numerous others. In this paper we describe the security models underlying these e-Infrastructures and demonstrate their implementation in supporting secure, federated access to a variety of distributed and heterogeneous data sets exploiting the results of a variety of projects at the National e-Science Centre (NeSC) at the University of Glasgow

    On the Metric Dimension of Cartesian Products of Graphs

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    A set S of vertices in a graph G resolves G if every vertex is uniquely determined by its vector of distances to the vertices in S. The metric dimension of G is the minimum cardinality of a resolving set of G. This paper studies the metric dimension of cartesian products G*H. We prove that the metric dimension of G*G is tied in a strong sense to the minimum order of a so-called doubly resolving set in G. Using bounds on the order of doubly resolving sets, we establish bounds on G*H for many examples of G and H. One of our main results is a family of graphs G with bounded metric dimension for which the metric dimension of G*G is unbounded

    The Higgs Seesaw Induced Neutrino Masses and Dark Matter

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    In this paper we propose a possible explanation of the active neutrino Majorana masses with the TeV scale new physics which also provide a dark matter candidate. We extend the Standard Model (SM) with a local U(1)' symmetry and introduce a seesaw relation for the vacuum expectation values (VEVs) of the exotic scalar singlets, which break the U(1)' spontaneously. The larger VEV is responsible for generating the Dirac mass term of the heavy neutrinos, while the smaller for the Majorana mass term. As a result active neutrino masses are generated via the modified inverse seesaw mechanism. The lightest of the new fermion singlets, which are introduced to cancel the U(1)' anomalies, can be a stable particle with ultra flavor symmetry and thus a plausible dark matter candidate. We explore the parameter space with constraints from the dark matter relic abundance and dark matter direct detection.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure

    Developing a goal-oriented SDI assessment approach using GIDEON - the Dutch SDI implementation strategy - as a case study

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    In 2008, the Dutch government approved the GIDEON document as a policy aiming at the implementation of the National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) in the Netherlands. The execution of GIDEON should take place by pursuing seven implementation strategies which lead to the achievement of the GIDEON goals. GIDEON also expresses the need to monitor the progress of implementing its strategies and realization of its goals. Currently, the work has been started on monitoring the GIDEON implementation strategies. However, there is still a lack of knowledge and methods to monitor GIDEON goals realization. The challenge is to come up with an approach to assess to what extent these goals are achieved. As a response to the challenge of assessing the GIDEON goals, this paper explores the possibility of using the Multi-view SDI assessment framework (Grus et al., 2007). This paper presents and discusses the method that applies the Multi-view SDI assessment framework, its indicators and measurement methods to create a GIDEON assessment approach. The method of creating a GIDEON assessment approach consists of several procedural steps: formulating specific GIDEON objectives, organizing a one-day workshop involving focus group of specific stakeholders responsible for creation and execution of NSDI, asking the workshop participants to select from a long list those indicators that best measure the achievement of each GIDEON goals. The key step of GIDEON approach is a one-day workshop. The workshop participants represented all organizations that cooperated and/or created GIDEON. The workshop consisted of two parts: first part explained the context of a challenge of assessing GIDEON, second part included participants activity to select and come to the consensus on the list of indicators that would best measure GIDEON goals realization. Additionally, the participants were asked to evaluate and express feedback on the usefulness of the method of creating GIDEON assessment approach. The results show that several indicators that relate to specific SDI goals could be selected by a significant number of workshop participants. The indicators that have been selected are not the final ones yet, but provide a guideline and form a base of what has to be measured when assessing GIDEON goals. Involving the representatives of all parties committed to GIDEON into the process of GIDEON assessment approach creation will strengthen its robustness and acceptance. The results of the feedback form filled by each participant show that the presented method is useful or very useful to create GIDEON assessment approach. Additionally, some of the participants provided already their own indicators which are very specific for Dutch SDI monitoring.The method presented in this research, assuming that SDI goals are defined and the organizations that participate in SDI creation are known, can be applied in any other country to develop country-specific and practical SDI assessment approach

    Persistent crust-core spin lag in neutron stars

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    It is commonly believed that the magnetic field threading a neutron star provides the ultimate mechanism (on top of fluid viscosity) for enforcing long-term corotation between the slowly spun down solid crust and the liquid core. We show that this argument fails for axisymmetric magnetic fields with closed field lines in the core, the commonly used `twisted torus' field being the most prominent example. The failure of such magnetic fields to enforce global crust-core corotation leads to the development of a persistent spin lag between the core region occupied by the closed field lines and the rest of the crust and core. We discuss the repercussions of this spin lag for the evolution of the magnetic field, suggesting that, in order for a neutron star to settle to a stable state of crust-core corotation, the bulk of the toroidal field component should be deposited into the crust soon after the neutron star's birth.Comment: 17 pages, 1 figure; v2: minor corrections, matches the version to appear in MNRA

    Constraining gravity at large scales with the 2MASS Photometric Redshift catalogue and Planck lensing

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    We present a new measurement of structure growth at z≃0.08z \simeq 0.08 obtained by correlating the cosmic microwave background (CMB) lensing potential map from the \textit{Planck} satellite with the angular distribution of the 2MASS Photometric Redshift galaxies. After testing for, and finding no evidence for systematic effects, we calculate the angular auto- and cross-power spectra. We combine these spectra to estimate the amplitude of structure growth using the bias-independent DGD_G estimator introduced by Giannantonio et al. 2016. We find that the relative amplitude of DGD_G with respect to the predictions based on \textit{Planck} cosmology is AD(z=0.08)=1.00±0.21A_D(z=0.08) = 1.00 \pm 0.21, fully consistent with the expectations for the standard cosmological model. Considering statistical errors only, we forecast that a joint analysis between an LSST-like photometric galaxy sample and lensing maps from upcoming ground-based CMB surveys like the Simons Observatory and CMB-S4 can yield sub-percent constraints on the growth history and differentiate between different models of cosmic acceleration.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figures, 1 table, updated to match published version on Ap

    Mortality from external causes in Africa and Asia: evidence from INDEPTH Health and Demographic Surveillance System Sites.

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    BACKGROUND: Mortality from external causes, of all kinds, is an important component of overall mortality on a global basis. However, these deaths, like others in Africa and Asia, are often not counted or documented on an individual basis. Overviews of the state of external cause mortality in Africa and Asia are therefore based on uncertain information. The INDEPTH Network maintains longitudinal surveillance, including cause of death, at population sites across Africa and Asia, which offers important opportunities to document external cause mortality at the population level across a range of settings. OBJECTIVE: To describe patterns of mortality from external causes at INDEPTH Network sites across Africa and Asia, according to the WHO 2012 verbal autopsy (VA) cause categories. DESIGN: All deaths at INDEPTH sites are routinely registered and followed up with VA interviews. For this study, VA archives were transformed into the WHO 2012 VA standard format and processed using the InterVA-4 model to assign cause of death. Routine surveillance data also provide person-time denominators for mortality rates. RESULTS: A total of 5,884 deaths due to external causes were documented over 11,828,253 person-years. Approximately one-quarter of those deaths were to children younger than 15 years. Causes of death were dominated by childhood drowning in Bangladesh, and by transport-related deaths and intentional injuries elsewhere. Detailed mortality rates are presented by cause of death, age group, and sex. CONCLUSIONS: The patterns of external cause mortality found here generally corresponded with expectations and other sources of information, but they fill some important gaps in population-based mortality data. They provide an important source of information to inform potentially preventive intervention designs

    Electrically controlling single spin qubits in a continuous microwave field

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    Large-scale quantum computers must be built upon quantum bits that are both highly coherent and locally controllable. We demonstrate the quantum control of the electron and the nuclear spin of a single 31P atom in silicon, using a continuous microwave magnetic field together with nanoscale electrostatic gates. The qubits are tuned into resonance with the microwave field by a local change in electric field, which induces a Stark shift of the qubit energies. This method, known as A-gate control, preserves the excellent coherence times and gate fidelities of isolated spins, and can be extended to arbitrarily many qubits without requiring multiple microwave sources.Comment: Main paper: 13 pages, 4 figures. Supplementary information: 25 pages, 13 figure
