1,164 research outputs found

    Human Resource Development for Health in Indonesia: Challenges of Achieving the Millennium Development Goals

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    The development of Human Resources for Health (HRH) is one of the keys to achieving The Millennium Development Goals (MDG). Providing and ensuring the best health care service in every region of Indonesia has long been a major concern. Several challenges faced by HRH development are a shortage of professionals, uneven distribution of professionals between regions, a variety of settings (urban and rural), and management of the health workforce under a decentralization system

    Analysis Of The Change Of Intention Keep Skin Hygiene Indormitories At Al-Mukmin Daughter Asror Bangkalan Madura

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    Introduction : Skin hygiene is the main cause of Scabies. The high incidence rate of Scabies is caused by the low skin hygiene. The skin hygiene in Pondok Pesantren Al-Asror is in the lowest rank among other personal hygiene. Therefore, this research was purposed to analyze the change in willingness to maintain skin hygiene resulted from health counseling held in female dormitory of Pondok Pesantren Al-Asror (Islamic Educational Center), located in Bangkalan, Madura. Method : The research was pre-experimental one group pre-post test design. The population involved all female students, totally 125 students, in which 96 respondents were chosen as the samples by using the simple random sampling technique. The data were collected by using questionnaires spread before and after giving health counseling in the location mentioned above, then analyzed by using T-test with the significance level of 0.05. Result : The result of analysis using T-test showed that p = 0.000 which meant that there was a significant change in the intention after receiving health education. So p = < α so that H0 was rejected illustrating that there was a change in the intention to maintain the skin hygiene in the Islamic educational center. The research concluded that the health counseling can change the intention to maintain the skin hygiene. Hence, the students are expected to keep the skin hygiene to improve the health level. Key words: intention, health counseling, skin hygien


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    Introduction: Tuberculosis (TB) takes a long-time and family-involving treatment. The available program of family involvement is merely as medication-taking assistance. The family was not given the way to protect their self from contracting the disease. This paper explores the results of a research conducted to analyze the perception affects the heat shock protein (Hsp70) family members who took care for sufferers of tuberculosis. Method: this research was conducted using cross sectional approach. The sample was 20 respondents obtained through total sampling techniques. The independent variable was perception, while the dependent variable was the Hsp70. The data were collected by questionnaire for perception, and the Hsp70 was measured using blood sample. The data were then analyzed with t-test. Results: The average score of the respondents’ perception was 64.15 and the average level of Hsp70 was 240.1 g/dl. The statistical T-test result showed p<0.05, indicating that perception influences the Hsp70 level of the respondents. Discussion: The Hsp70 is very expressive to changes, whether physical or mental, including perception. Positive perception is needed to optimize the work of Hsp70 as the protector of cells in the immune system. The nurse must be able to establish a positive perception of the family members who care for tuberculosis patients. Perception can be given in the religious dimension is delivered through therapeutic communication. Key words: Tuberculosis, perception, Hsp7

    Public Participation In Health Development Program In Wonokromo District

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    Basic health development as stated in the Health development plan: (1) Humanitarian, empowerment and self-reliance, (3) Fair and equitable, and (4) Promoting and benefits. Realizing the welfare of society (healthy society) required the Government's seriousness in its achievement. One of the aspects that must be met is public participation. Research issues is how is the form of public participation as the public independence and empowerment in Wonokromo district, Surabaya. This research is descriptive research, which aims to describe about this public participation form as the activitiy of public independence and empowerment in Wonokromo district, Surabaya. In determining informants used purposive technique with key informant technique (key informant). Method: The research strategy was an ethnographic research with the techniques of data collection in the form of observation, in-depth interviews, and the document data source. The data collected were analyzed using interpretive descriptive analysis techniques. Result: The results showed that this form of public participation were still top down. The system of Government in Wonokromo does not fully unearth potential and leverage activities society power sourced (UKBM). Discussion: With public active participation it is expected that it can increase public independence and empowerment by staying involved the active participation of health resources that are owned as a facilitator

    Maternal Dominant Communication To Fetus In BPS Hj. Bashori Wonorejo Surabaya

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    Introduction: Many pregnant women who ignore communication with the fetus as invited talk, loud music, providing the touch. When communication with the fetus not done will hinder the intelligence of the brain. Research objectives maternal dominant communication to fetus in BPS Hj .Bashori Wonorejo Surabaya. Methods: The design of this research is descriptive. With a population of pregnant women throughout the research trimester II and III trimester of pregnancy checked in BPS Hj. Bashori Wonorejo Surabaya 30 respondents. Taken with the total sampling techniques. Research communication variable dominant mother pregnant with a fetus. Data collection with the questionnaire. Processing are analyzed in a descriptive with the frequency distribution. Results: The research results obtained maternal dominant communications to fetus is almost entirely (93,3%) stroking the belly when the fetus moving and kicking, almost entirely (93,3%) read out the verses of the Holy quran, most (70%) listened to music during pregnancy, most (63,3%) invited talk, half (43.3%), singing a small part (23.3%) read out a story or storytelling and a small proportion (6%) to introduce the numbers. Discussion: Summary of the research was maternal dominant communication to fetus was stroking the belly when the fetus moving and kicking and reciting verses from the Holy quran is recommended for pregnant women further enhance communication with the fetus using way more in price and easy to do. It's expected to nurses as health care givers can facilitate and provide health education about the importance of communication with a fetus early on. Keywords: communications, fetus, pregnant wome

    English Role Play Activity Research On Blood Pressure Measurement In Nursing Class

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    Introduction: In teaching English of nursing students, the students in the class found difficulties in the communicative activities. They also have problem in understanding how to do tasks, and they may find it difficult to work with partners. To bring success of nursing students’ speaking skill, communicative approach in teaching language with a communicative and meaningful role play task can be applied. Therefore, the researcher wants to conduct research on how the instruction can be arranged to bring the low ability students’ success with a communicative, meaningful role play task. The researcher taught the English skill needed to do the role activity of blood pressure measurement in two weeks, and then the students prepared and presented the role play of blood pressure measurement on the last two days. Method: The respondents were 33 students in a nursing class. The sample was 10 students taken by simple random sampling. Data were collected through student questionnaires, field notes from a class observation and audio-visual (video) recordings of role play presentations. Result: Result showed that the students did not find any difficulties in the role presentation and they enjoyed it especially after looking at their recordings. Discussion: The research showed that in the nursing class, the students have the ability to successfully participate in communicative activities, including role play. This can be a new way of structuring lessons that will progress from simple, more guided activities to more advanced, less supported activities that allowed students to manage their own language. Keywords: communicative approach, role play, blood pressure measuremen

    Effectiveness Of Probiotic Supplement To Glucose Blood Level Toward Gestastional Diabetes Melitus

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    Introduction :Gestastional the prevalence of diabetes mellitus in Indonesia reached 1.9%-3.6% in the entire of pregnancy and has increased every year. Gestasional of diabetes mellitus risks of preeclampsia, abortion, polyhidramnion, infections, uterine contractions disorder, partus long, operation caesar risk, post delivery bleeding and occurs diabetes mellitus sequel. In infants occur makrosomia, hypoglycemia in the first 24 hours of birth, congenital defects, hypokalsium, hyperbilirubin, coroner and kidney disorders, neuro and skelet disorders, this condition increasing the death rate of mothers and babies. This study aim to invesgate to know the different blood glucose level before and after given probiotic supplementation for 7 days every day on gestasional diabetes. Method : This study was quasy experiment with pre – post test control. The population includes all of gestastional diabetus mellitus of 81 subject. Sampling used a purposive sampling and sample was 36 subjek and use pair t test analisis. The characteristic of subject this studi are gestastional diabetes mellitus on trimester II dan III with primigaravida or multigravida, without complication of diabetes melitus, normal pregnancy and has got programming of diabetes pregnancy. Result of paired t test is p < 0.05. Result : Results is there are influence supplement probiotic giving to blood glucose level with t test prandial blood glucose level p = 0.001, 2 hours post prandial blood glucose level p = 0.001. Discussion : Probiotic supplement proven to be an influence blood glucose level to gestastional diabetu


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    Introduction:The free trade era open new challenges and opportunities in teaching and learning process. Information and communication technology has been predicted to become facilitator of successful achievement in the process to face trading system which related with high competency and standard. Students has tendency to use social media to learn subject related with their inquisitive. One of it is LINE©.The purpose of this study is to test students respond of online learning media using LINE© in teaching-learning process to prepare student facing the new economical era. Method: 19 participants from Diploma of nursing program, STIKES SuakaInsan Banjarmasin had been collected to participate in the program using social media as a media of learning. ASSURE model titled “Communication between health professional in the context of patient safety” had been developed as the concrete guidance to guide student and also coordinator in the learning activities for 10 days of learning using LINE©. Result: Students of nursing participate in the online course using LINE© with different responses. They confidently ask the question related to the topics which coordinators had been posted. But, students admitted that they still prefer to choose face to face learning. The long waiting time is one of the disadvantage on using this media. Conclusion: LINE© can be used as one of the media of learning in the distance learning concept and process. But, it stills need high commitment from both students and teachers to continue the process until the end and get the result from the study. Key words: Distance learning, communication, educatio


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    ABSTRACT Introduction: After the closure of mental health hospital in the western world, the mental health service users are now involved in the wider society interactions. However, another problem arises as the consequences of the closure, which is how to integrate the service users in the social lives without experiencing hindrances in those processes. Therefore, mental health services in the western world are now shifting the focus to overcome the barriers by promoting social inclusion. However, it appears that deinstitutionalisation in mental health would not become the main issues in the foreseeable future for Indonesian mental health environment. Therefore, social inclusion is not the main issues in mental health circumstances in the country, yet, the community integration, as it happens in western world, also remains the main issues in recent days. Method: This paper provides a review of the emerging social inclusion literature as part of the recovery process which gradually implemented in the Indonesian mental health context. Result: Research findings are highlight the understanding of the cultural background of the society to whom such concept will be implemented, discuss the social inclusion and exclusion, in the context of European and Islamic culture as a religion that is embraced by the majority of the people in the country. then the implication of social inclusion promotions in practical ways. Discussion: Social inclusion is also able to be implemented with the local consideration. The three places which are Mosque, Family, neighbour, are the reasonable area where people with mental health will experience the appropriate access and support. Key words: Social Inclusion, Mental Health, Promotio

    Theory of Planned Behaviour for Cervical Cancer Prevention - View of Husband Support

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    The husband’s support is an important interpersonal factor in the prevention of cervical cancer performed by women but there are also women who have received support from their husbands who are still reluctant to make an effort related to the early detection of cervical cancer. This study aims to analyse the factors related to the husband’s support behaviour in cervical cancer prevention based on the Theory of Planned Behavior. This study used a cross-sectional design. The sample consisted of 102 husbands within childbearing couples taken using a cluster sampling technique. The variables of the research included the husband’s attitude, the subjective norm, perceived behavioural control, intention and support behaviour in relation to cervical cancer prevention. Data analysis was performed using Spearman Rho with α ≤0.05. The results showed there to be a significant relationship between attitude and intention (p=0.000; r=0.377), perceived behavioral control and intention (p=0.003; r=0.289) and the intention with the husband’s support behaviour in terms of cervical cancer prevention (p =0.000; r=0.431). The subjective norms within the intention indicate a significant relationship (p=0.059; r=0.188). To improve the prevention of cervical cancer, health care providers and health institutions should involve the husband to reduce female morbidity and mortality from cervical cancer
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