326 research outputs found

    Trait Kepribadian dan Kepercayaan Konsumen untuk Berbelanja pada Toko Online

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    This study investigated the influence of the interaction between personality traits and consumer trust in online shopping behavior. The study included 120 subjects who ever did shopping in online shop and and lived in Jakarta. The research conducted at july 2013 employed quantitative approach with the regression analysis. The samples were selected using a nonprobability accidental sampling method. The instrument consisted of two scales: consumers trust and scale of big five personality traits. The result showed, there is significant effect between the big five personality traits toward consumers trust for shopping in online shop. Regression equation obtained: Y = 38,315 + 0,044 X1 + 0,076 X2 + 0,406 X3 + 0,269 X4 + 0,067 X5, which means there is a positive effect between the big five personality traits toward consumers trust for shopping in online shop with the value F = 4,618; p = 0,001 < 0.05 (significant). The amount of effect (Adjustment R Square) to the occurrence of the big five personality traits and consumers trust for shopping in online shop is 0,132 meaning the big five personality traits affect the consumers trust for shopping in online shop by 13,2% and the remaining 86,8% affected by another factors, outside of the big five personality traits

    Pengaruh Inteligensi, Kelentukan, dan Motor Educability terhadap Hasil Belajar Jurus Tunggal Pencak Silat

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    The background to this research is the unfavorable of the learning outcomes in pencak silat single artistic. The purpose this research was to determine the effect of intelligence, flexibility, and motor educability of the learning outcomes in pencak silat single artistic student on Unit Kegiatan Mahasiswa Pencak Silat Islamic University β€œ45”. This research was conducted at Islamic University β€œ45” Bekasi, Jl. Cut Meutia No. 83 Bekasi in November 2016 with survey method, technical analysts use path analysis. The population this research is the student on Unit Kegiatan Mahasiswa Pencak Silat Islamic University β€œ45 amount to 30 people. The sampling technique used purposive sampling amounted to 16 people. The instruments used are learning outcomes in pencak silat single artistic used assessment rubric scale of 3 (good, enough and less), an intelligence test, sit and reach test, and Motor Educability Iowa Brace Test. The conclusion is: (1) Intelligence directly affects the learning outcomes of pencak silat single artistic, (2) flexibility has no directly affects the learning outcomes of pencak silat single artistic, (3) Motor educability directly affect the the learning outcomes of pencak silat single artistic, (4) Intelligence directly affects the motor educability, and (5) flexibility directly affects the motor educability

    Kinerja Guru Pasca Sertifikasi

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    Teachers play an important role in a learning process. Thus they are the main factor in determining a quality of human resource in which through the qualified human resource, Indonesia has a competitive capability. he government implements a program of teachers certification and expect to be able to improve their performance thus their main role in the sequence of learning can be achieved. The problem statement of this research is how teachers' performance after certification is. This research aims to give information on how teachers' performance after certification is towards an improvement of their performance quality. It applies qualitative approach while its data are both secondary and primary data. The data are obtained through literature study, observation, interview and focus group discussion. The research is conducted at all levels of formal education in District of Gorontalo in three months during the research period. Research finding shows that teachers' performance after certification is good compared to the performance before certification. Regarding improvement of teachers' performance quality, the government is expected to provide the teachers with information and technology mastery through continuous training or workshop activity

    Pelaksanaan E-learning untuk Mata Kuliah Dasar Kependidikan

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    This study aims to obtain information on the implementation of e-learning in Education Basic Courses (MKDK) at State University of Jakarta. The study was conducted at the Faculty of Education from May through November 2012. The population of the study covered lecturers and students of MKDK and the samples were selected by proportional purposive sampling technique. The data were collected using questionnaire and supported by interview guide. The results show that majority of the lecturers implement e-learning by using laptops and LCD, majority of the faculty do not use CD and OHP as teaching aids, hotspot network availability and the access very poor in almost all buildings, e-learning greatly assists students to understand the course material, almost all of the students have laptops and modems to support the lecture, most of the students use mobile phones to access the course material, and e-learning can facilitate students to access material unhindered by time and place, more efficiently, easily, quickly and effectively. The students need e-learning using blog / skype / youtube supported by professional lecturers, learning should be easily accessible and not boring

    Analisis Pengelolaan Perpustakaan Jurusan Pg Paud dalam Rangka Meningkatkan Efektifitas Perpustakaan sebagai Sumber Belajar Bagi Dosen dan Mahasiswa Pg Paud – Fip Unj

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    The goals of this research were to get information and data on the management and implementation of library in Early Childhood Education Program, Faculty of Education, State University of Jakarta; to exploring the factors that supports the management of libraries in Early Childhood Education Program; and to improve the effectiveness of the library as a learning resource for lecturers and students in Department of Early Childhood Education. The research used descriptive qualitative research method. The results of research indicates that to improve management of the library and the effectiveness of as a learning resource for lecturers and students can get by providing good services to the user. The library services can be done well if supported by all elements of the library such as collections, facilities, professional staff, and awareness of users to use a library. Some improvement at managerial should be done. Thus, the library of Department can act more effectively as a source of learning for lecturers and students of Department of Early Childhood Education, Faculty of Education, State University of Jakarta

    Pengaruh Model Pengajaran Induktif Kata Bergambar terhadap Keterampilan Menulis Mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Jerman

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    Inductive word picture teaching model is an instructional model used for the students at beginner level at the German Study Program to direct them to complete the complicated tasks applying higher thinking order. This research aimed at discovering the effect of this model towards the students' writing skill in German. This experimental research applied single design with pre- and post- tests in Faculty of Teachers Education, Pattimura University, Ambon during the second semester of 2013/2014. The result of research showed, the model has significant influence to writing skill. This means, the model forces the students to think inductively in writing. Besides, the model enables them to construct their basic structural analysis systematically

    Pengembangan Modul Berwawasan Lingkungan dalam Rangka Meningkatkan Pengetahuan dan Moral Lingkungan Siswa SD di Daerah Industri, Kota, Pantai dan Desa

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    This research is directed to create enviromental friendly moduls that can be used for improving knowledge and moral of elememtary student enviromentals in industrial areas, cities, beach and farming areas. The research was condusted on 150 elementary students of the sixth grade selected with cluster random sampling. The research resulth showed that: 1) The moduls could be em ployed to increase the knowledge of elementary students about enviroments in industrial areas, beach, cities and farming areas. Through the testing of the hypothesis on the student knowledge data using Anacova test, it was obtained the calculated F as big as 1.98 that less than the table F value 2.68. 2) Enviromental friendly moduls can be utilized to increase the moral of elementary student concerning environments industrial areas, beach, cities and forming areas. Though the hypothesis testing uses Anacova to the data of student moral about enviromental, it was obtaind that a the calculated F value as great as 0.31 that means lesses than the table F value of 2. 68

    Perubahan Paradigma Dalam Organisasi Belajar Di Abad 21

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    Kemajuan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi yang begitu cepat dalam abad 20 dan awal abad 21 mendorong cara manusia berpikir dan bertindak ikut berubah. Masyarakat atau bangsa yang tidak menyesuaikan diri dengan perubahan yang terjadi akan tertinggal dan terisolasi. Sebagai dampak perubahan yang begitu radikal, pengelolaan organisasi sosial dan organisasi komersial dituntut pula ikut berubah dan belajar terus menerus. Masalahnya ialah bagaimana organisasi harus dikelola dengan menggunakan paradigm baru di abad 21 ini. Tulisan ini membahas perubahan paradigma di abad 21 ini sebagai akibat perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi yang antara lain mengakibatkan batas-batas antar negara dan budaya semakin tidak jelas sehingga memperluas dan memperkuat globalisasi berbagai aspek kehidupan manusia. Pembahasan secara induktif dan deduktif diarahkan pada organisasi pendidikan dengan kesimpulan bahwa lembaga pendidikan juga perlu peka terhadap peruhahan yang terjadi di sekitarnya termasuk di seluruh dunia serta melakukan penyesuaian dalam pengelolaan dan kepemimpinan dengan menerapkan prinsip-prinsip organisasi belajar

    Pengembangan Kreativitas dalam Buku Pelajaran Kerajinan Tangan dan Kesenian untuk Siswa Kelas 5 SD

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    The objective of this research is to describe the aspects of creativity in Keratin Tongan Dan Keening (Handcraft and Arts), a main textbook, used in the fifth grade of Elementary School. The aspects of creativity are identified as personality, motivator, process and product. This research employed2 content analysis method based on the data gathered by studying the whole book. It is found out that this book does not contain all aspects of creativity as expected in a textbook for Handcraft and Arts. This research, therefore, suggests some recommendation for writing a textbook for Handcraft and Arts


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    Policies regarding key performance indicators have encouraged them to be able to implement problem-based and collaborative learning. Therefore, there is need for innovation in learning with learning methods empower students is cases method. The purpose of this research is to find out the management of learning in case studies of college level students who use expost facto. This study obtained data through observation, tests and questionnaires. The sample in this study was 132 students of the Elementary School Teacher Education study program. The results of the planning stage of the questionnaire with a percentage of 75.48% in the good category, the implementation stage by obtaining a percentage of 92.30% in the very good category, and the evaluation stage by obtaining a percentage of 87.90% in the very good category. The results of case study-based learning that are applied in class management courses, which are acceptable to students, are considered helpful and effectively applied in learning.Kebijakan mengenai indicator kinerja utama menyebabkan terus didorong untuk dapat melaksanakan pembelajaran yang berbasis permasalahan dan kolaboratif. Oleh karena itu perlu adanya inovasi dalam pembelajaran dengan metode pembelajaran yang memberdayakan peserta didik (student center learning), salah satunya dengan berbasis kasus (cases method). Tujuan dalam penelitian untuk mengetahui manajemeni pembelajaran berbasis studi kasus terhadap mahasiswa jenjang perkuliahan yang menggunakan expost facto. Penelitian ini memperoleh data melalui observasi, tes dan angket. Sampel pada penelitian ini adalah 132 mahasiswa program studi Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar. Hasil dari angket tahap perencanaan dengan presentase yaitu 75,48% dengan kategori baik, tahap pelaksanaan dengan memperoleh presentase yaitu 92,30% dengan kategori sangat baik, dan tahap evaluasi dengan memperoleh presentase yaitu 87,90% dengan kategori sangat baik. Hasil pembelajaran berbasis studi kasus yang diterapkan dalam mata kuliah manajamen kelas yaitu dapat diterima oleh mahasiswa dinilai membantu dan efektif diterapkan dalam pembelajaran
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