1,734 research outputs found

    The reperfusion ST-peak in acute myocardial infarction: a topic where the current knowledge is insufficient

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    154 p. ; 26 cm Estratto da: Annuario accademico della R. Università di Siena (1901-1902

    FORMULASI LOTION REPELAN KOMBINASI MINYAK BUNGA KENANGA (2,5%,5% DAN 7,5%) DAN MINYAK NILAM 3% (Pengujian Karakteristik Fisika Kimia, Stabilitas dan Iritasi)

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    Background : Mosquito repellent is one of altenative repellent that not irritate respiration system because the application direct on the skin. One of substance had effect as a repellent (mosquito) is volatile oil. Plants that can produce volatile oil are cananga and patchouli. Objective : The purpose of this research to find the effect of consentration cananga oil (Canangium odoratum) 2,5%, 5%, 7,5% and patchouli oil (Pogostemon cablin) 3% to the physical chemistry characteristic, stability and irritation of repellent lotion. Method : The Methode used in this research is experimental method to compare 3 formulas with different consentration then analysis the characteristic physical chemistry, stability and irritation. Result and Conclusion : All the formula have same characteristic are white colour, typical aromatic smell, smooth texture and have emulsion type O/W. pH all formula respectively 7,23, 7,33 dan 7,16. Result of viscosity are 2266,67cPs ± 377,12 , 2133,33cPs ± 94,28 dan 1400cPs ± 163,30. While the result the power of spread are 0,32g/cm, 0,4067 g/cm dan 0,2618g/cm. The result for irritation test the showed that all formula not irritation when used. The conclusion of all the formula have the requirement

    Il tempo della città : una ricerca sull'uso del tempo quotidiano a Torino

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    4: Il tempo della città : una ricerca sull'uso del tempo quotidiano a Torino / di Maria Carmen Belloni ; presentazione di Luciano Gallino. - Milano : F. Angeli, c1984 - 337 p. ; 22 cm. ((Fa parte di : Progetto Torino : sette ricerche per una città. - Milano : F. Angeli. - v. ; 22 cm

    Moralidades correntes sobre suicídio em unidades de saúde e seu impacto na assistência : uma análise na perspectiva da Bioética de Proteção

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    Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Bioética, 2018.O suicídio é um processo sócio-histórico que se apresenta como fenômeno de grande complexidade para o campo da saúde pública. A lente utilizada nesse trabalho diz respeito à Bioética de Proteção, que oferta instrumentos de superação da discussão bioética clássica sobre o que se entende como direito de tirar a própria vida, para pensar em tensões morais e políticas em torno do tema. Paralelamente, através do escopo da biopolítica, das suas implicações e desdobramentos – especialmente as categorias de medicalização e necropolítica – explora-se como os mecanismos de proteção e controle populacional do Estado têm como efeito colateral fazer matar-se. Objetivou-se investigar os impactos das moralidades correntes dos profissionais de saúde em suas condutas no acolhimento, cuidado e tratamento aos pacientes que tentaram suicídio. Com esse fim, foram realizadas observação de campo e 19 entrevistas com profissionais atuantes em emergências da cidade de Salvador, responsáveis pelo primeiro atendimento a pacientes após efetuação das tentativas. Trata-se de uma pesquisa empírica qualitativa apoiada na “Hermenêutica-Dialética” de Minayo. Os resultados atestaram que as percepções dos entrevistados acerca do fenômeno projetam representações históricas do estigma do suicídio, alicerçadas na loucura, crime e pecado. Reprodutores do discurso social, os profissionais de saúde firmaram a moralidade como orientadora das suas condutas. O paciente que tenta ou consuma o ato suicida retira do Hospital e do Estado o agenciamento da vida, confrontando o poder e o saber dessas instituições. As sensações de afronta e inadequação profissional são compartilhadas pela equipe, de modo a desencadear: comedimento do cuidado ao nível mínimo, brincadeiras jocosas, negligência, ofensa direta ou indireta, hostilidade, sanções, ou ainda, mensagens pedagógicas e de ânimo, entre outras formas de violência institucional. Houve um desconhecimento generalizado das Diretrizes Nacionais de Prevenção do Suicídio, nenhum hospital tem ou teve qualquer projeto de capacitação sobre o fenômeno. A dinâmica do trabalho apartada da temática e toda a sua complexidade refletem uma pobreza instrumental técnica e ética para lidar com os pacientes em questão – reflexo do tabu social a respeito do assunto e sua ocorrência. O contributo da Bioética de Proteção diz respeito à desconstrução de certezas morais em prol de decisões e ações protetivas, eticamente justificadas, que minimizam as condições desfavoráveis da população vulnerada e seu status de afetada. Conclusão: temos um cenário político-social que potencializa o risco de suicídio, ao invés de preveni-lo.Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES).Suicide is a socio-historic process that presents a very complex phenomenon for the field of public health. The lens used in this work concerns the Bioethics of Protection, which offers tools for overcoming the classic bioethics discussion about what is understood as the right to take one’s own life, to reflect on the moral and political tensions surrounding the subject. At the same time, through the scope of biopolitics, its implications and developments - especially in the categories of medicalization and necropolitics - this work explores how the State’s protection and population control mechanisms have suicide as a collateral effect. The objective of this study was to investigate the impact of the current morality of health professionals on their behavior in the care and treatment of patients who attempted suicide. To this end, 19 interviews were conducted with health care professionals working in Emergency care in the city of Salvador, responsible for the first patient care after the attempts were made. It is a qualitative empirical research based on Minayo's "Hermeneutic-Dialectic". The results attested that the interviewees' perceptions of the phenomenon project historical representations of the stigma of suicide, based on madness, crime and sin. Reproducing the social discourse, the healthy workers based morality as a main guideline of their conduct. The patient who attempts the act of suicide removes from the Hospital and the State the agency of life, confronting the power and the knowledge of these institutions. This sense of affront and professional inadequacy are shared by the team, which in turn triggers: minimum level of care, jokes, negligence, direct or indirect offense, hostility, sanctions, or messages of encouragement, among other forms of institutional violence. There was a generalized lack of knowledge of the National Guidelines for Suicide Prevention, no hospital has or has had any for training project for this phenomenon. The dynamics of work away from the theme and all its complexity reflect a technical and ethical poverty to deal with the patients in question – a reflex of the social taboo surrounding the subject and its occurrence. The contribution of Bioethics of Protection concerns the deconstruction of moral certainties in favor of decisions and protective actions, ethically justified, that minimize the unfavorable conditions of the population and their affected status. Conclusion: we have a political-social scenario that increases the risk of suicide, rather than preventing it


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    The importance of the role of tourism in economic development in various countries is no doubt. Many countries have for the past few years been seriously engaged in tourism and have made the sector's leading tourism sector in foreign exchange earning, job creation, and poverty alleviation. The formulation of the problems in this research are 1) How is the performance of local government in tourism governance in Taman Wisata Bendungan Selorejo? And 2) What is the performance inhibiting factor of Jasa Tirta Service at Taman Wisata Bendungan Selorejo? The objectives of the research are 1) to know the performance of local government in tourism governance in Taman Wisata Bendungan Selorejo 2) to know the performance inhibiting factor of Jasa Tirta Service at Taman Wisata Bendungan Selorejo. Research method used in this research is through qualitative approach, that is Mengelolah and prepare data to be analyzed, read entire data, analyze more detail by doing coding data, apply process coding to describe setting. The analysis results can be seen that the performance of local government in tourism governance in Taman Wisata Bendungan Selorejo can be seen that during the service able to provide guarantee of speed and accuracy of service at the Selorejo dam tourism, providing service convenience in the governance of dam tourism Selorejo, Has competent personnel resources, is able to engage the community in tourism governance and stakeholder involvement in tourism management. Inhibiting factors of Perum Jasa Tirta's performance in Selorejo Dam Park include the lack of reliable human resources in the management of Selorejo Bend Park, lack of public participation, lack of Selorejo Dam Park Potential and limited budget or management fund

    Measuring the Impact of a Community Extension Program in the Philippines

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    Purpose – This study was designed to create platforms to train students in higher education to be caring and responsible citizens. This was an extension mission that aimed to tap into the expertise of academe and its knowledge to help the community.Based on the framework of academic of community empowerment, the researchers measured the long-term impact of a 44-month community extension program in the Philippines.The extension program described in this study was implemented between March 2009 and December 2015 to address the capacity-building needs of a low-income community.This paper highlights some key development activities which includes partnership with local government, training needs assessment through grassroots-level participation and design of practical education-training programs. Methodology – The study followed a descriptive research design. The Community Outcome Scale (COS) was developed to measure perceived knowledge, attitude, and lifestyle of the beneficiaries. Fifty-four community residents were purposively selected based on their attendance to the community-based education and training programs. The ANOVA method with post hoc analysis was employed to determine the differences between perceived knowledge, attitude, and lifestyle among residents, stratified according to the degree of completion of the training programs.Findings – There was a moderate improvement in community knowledge, attitude, and lifestyle based on the survey which was performed one and a half years after the completion of the extension programs. Based on the results, improved long-term outcomes were noted only amongst the regular and occasional participants.Significance – There is an increasing appreciation of the impact of higher education extension in the teaching and learning process as students apply their disciplinary knowledge to help address real-world problems.This work may be of interest to higher education institutions (HEIs) which are designing community extension programs with optimized societal outcomes

    "L'Arianna a Nasso" opera di Richard Strauss, direttore Vittorio Gui

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    "L'Arianna a Nasso" opera di Richard Strauss, direttore Vittorio Gui.- Torino : Amici del Teatro di Torino, 1925 (Torino : Stamperia di Pietro Celanza & C.). - [16] p. : ill. ; 21 cm. ((Programma di sala del Teatro di Torino, Lunedì 7 dicembre 1925. - Fa parte di: Teatro di Torino : [stagione...] / Amici del Teatro di Torino. - Torino : Amici del Teatro di Torino, 1925-1930

    Commemorazione di Eugene Ritter / Francesco Ruffini Torino : Tip. San Giuseppe degli artigianelli, 1932

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    Commemorazione di Eugene Ritter / Francesco Ruffini Torino : Tip. San Giuseppe degli artigianelli, 1932 4 p. ; 24 cm Estr. da: Miscellanea di storia italiana, ser. 3, t. 22


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    Latar Belakang :Aspirin merupakan salah satu faktor yang dapat menyebabkan kerusakan mukosa gaster yang ditandai dengan meningkatnya kadar MDA gaster. Jus daging Aloe vera dan Rebamipide dapat menurunkan kadar MDA gaster. Tujuan :Mengetahui perbandinganpemberianjus daging Aloe veradenganRebamipide terhadap kadar Malondialdehida(MDA) gaster tikus putih jantan yang diinduksi aspirin. Metode Penelitian :True experimental dengan post test only control group design yang terbagi dalam 4 kelompok secara acak, masing-masing terdapat 6 hewan coba dengan total 24 ekor tikus, dan dilakukan selama 28 hari. Kelompok kontrol negatif tanpa perlakuan, kelompok kontrol positif, perlakuan 1, dan perlakuan 2 diinduksi Aspirin 4ml/hari selama 7 hari, kelompok perlakuan 1 diberi terapi Rebamipide dan kelompok perlakuan 2 diberi terapi jus daging Aloe vera masing-masing 4ml/hari selama 14 hari. Analisis data menggunakan uji Kruskal-Wallis. Hasil Penelitian dan Pembahasan :Uji Kruskal-Wallis didapatkan nilai signifikansi pada kadar MDA gaster (0, 328), yang berarti tidak terdapat berbedaan yang bermakna antara kelompok kontrol positif dengan perlakuan. Hal ini karena Aloe vera dan Rebamipide memiliki mekanisme yang sama yaitu menstimulasi Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF) dan menghambat Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS). Kesimpulan :Tidak didapatkan perbedaan antara terapi jus daging Aloe veradengan terapi Rebamipideterhadap penurunan kadar MDA gaster tikus putih jantan (Rattus novergicus strain wistar) yang diinduksi aspirin


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    PT.Pegadaian (Persero) One of the institutions that provide Fiduciary Credit Guaranty through KREASI Program. In the implementation of Fiduciary Guarantee there execution Fiduciary Guarantee in its implementation. for that the author took the title Implementation of Fiduciary Guarantee execution in PT.Pegadaian (Persero) South Manado Branch according to Article 30 of Law Number. 42 Year 1999 About Fiduciary Guarantee. This research takes the formulation of the problem of how the Fiduciary Guarantee Execution Execution, What are the targets of Fiduciary Guarantee Execution Execution and What is the effort made by PT.Pegadaian (Persero) in a winning solution in execution of fiduciary guarantee in PT.Pegadaian (Persero) Branch South Manado according to Article 30 of Law Number. 42 Year 1999 About Fiduciary Guarantee. This research uses sociological juridical approach, primary data source of result and secondary data from documentation and legislation and its settlement technique with respondent comes from PT.Pegadaian (Persero) Branch of South Manado and KREASI customer. Based on Research Results every time the number of KREASI Customers from 2015-2017. To analyze the implementation using the theory of legal effectiveness according Soerjono Soekanto which is analyzed through 5 factors. The constraint is that the disbursement program of KREASI funds is a bit late because many customers are late in paying the installments, the nasabh refuses to be executed, the unfulfilled items of the legal factors, legal entities, the society and cultural factors that are the constraints are guaranteed to move as well as guaranteed goods at the time will be executed there is no place. efforts made by PT.Pegadaian (Persero) Branch of South Manado is to improve performance in terms of goods to be more assertive so that customers are more diligent menganggsur credit. Suggestions, improving the quality of the field workers, and evaluating the work in the field of monthly levy to understand what problems arise in the cost