1,856 research outputs found

    Effect of ultrasonication on microbial quality, colour and ascorbic acid of passion-fruit juice during storage

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    Passion fruit juice (PFJ) has a delicate flavour very susceptible to thermal degradation. This study pursued to test the effect of sonication as non-thermal preservation method on some quality parameters of PFJ. The effect of ultrasound (20 kHz, 263 W, 89.25 µm) on the indigenous microflora, colour and ascorbic acid content of PFJ was studied. Firstly, the kinetic of microbial inactivation was determined for aerobic mesophilic counts and yeasts counts. Data was fitted to Weibull model, and a treatment time of 8 min was selected for stability studies. To this, untreated and sonicated juice was stored at 4 and 10 ºC up to 10 days and microbial quality, instrumental colour, pH and ascorbic acid content were evaluated. In general, ultrasound kept juice microbiologically stable for up to 10 days at 4 ºC without markedly affecting other parameters evaluated. Ultrasound seems suitable to stabilize microbiologically PFJ.Ciencias de la Alimentació

    Bioequivalence Study of Two Long-Acting Formulations of Oxytetracycline Following Intramuscular Administration in Bovines

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the bioequivalence of two commercial long-acting formulations based on oxytetracycline (OTC) hydrochloride between the reference formulation (Terramycin LA, Pfizer) and a test formulation (Cyamicin LA, Fort Dodge Saude Animal). Both formulations were administered in a single intramuscular route at a dose of 20 mg OTC/kg of body weight in clinically healthy bovines. The study was carried out according to a one-period parallel design. Plasma samples were analyzed by high-pressure liquid chromatography. The limit of quantitation was 0.050 μg/mL with an accuracy of 101.67% with a coefficient of variation of 13.15%. Analysis of variance and 90% confidence interval tests were used to compare the bioavailability parameters (maximum plasma concentration, Cmax, and the area under the concentration-versus-time curve extrapolated to infinity, AUC0–∞) of both products. In the case of the time to maximum concentration (Tmax), non-parametric tests based on Wilcoxon’s signed rank test were preferred. The comparison of the mean AUC0–∞ values did not reveal any significant differences (311.40 ± 93.05 μg h/mL and 287.71 ± 45.31 μg h/mL, respectively). The results were similar for the Tmax (3.58 ± 0.90 h versus 3.42 ± 0.51 h). However, when comparing the mean Cmax some significant differences were found (8.73 ± 3.66 μg/mL and 10.43 ± 3.84 μg/mL, respectively). The 90% confidence intervals for the ratio of AUC0–∞ and Tmax values for the reference and test product are within the interval 80–125%, but the 90% confidence intervals for the ratio of Cmax falls outside the proposed interval. It was concluded that Cmax of test product are not within the 20% of those of the reference, thus suggesting that test OTC is not bioequivalent to the reference formulation.FarmaciaMedicin

    Effects of Cyclodextrin Type on Vitamin C, Antioxidant Activity, and Sensory Attributes of a Mandarin Juice Enriched with Pomegranate and Goji Berries

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    The effects of the addition of cyclodextrins (CDs), β-CD, or HP-β-CD (1%), on the protection of antioxidant compounds of mandarin juices enriched with pomegranate extract and goji berries juice, was studied. Juices were prepared and after their thermal treatment (98 ◦C, 30 s) they were stored at 4 ◦C during 75 d. Vitamin C content, CIE L∗a∗b∗ color, antioxidant capacity, retinol equivalents, and sensory properties were studied. Losses on vitamin C were higher (6%) for juices with β-CD than juices with HP-β-CD. Retinol equivalents degradation was lower (3.4%) in juices with HP-β-cyclodextrins than in those treated with β-CD. Lower losses were observed for the instrumental and sensory color intensity in juices with HP-β-CD addition. Finally, the antioxidant capacity was also higher in juices treated with HP-β-CD. Finally, the overall sensory quality of juices with HP-β-CD was the best one after 30 d of cold storage. Even though β-CD addition did not cause any improvement compared with control juice (without CD addition), the benefits of adding HP-β-CD to this particular juice were shown in almost all parameters under study.Ciencias de la Alimentació

    Experimental study of MIMO-OFDM transmissions at 94 GHz in indoor environments

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    Millimeter wave (mm-wave) frequencies have been proposed to achieve high capacity in 5G communications. Although meaningful research on the channel characteristics has been performed in the 28, 38and 60 GHz bands ─in both indoor and short-range scenarios─,only a small number of trials (experiments) have been carried out in other mm-wave bands. The objective of this work is to study the viability and evaluate the performance of the 94 GHz frequency band for MIMO-OFDM transmission in an indoor environment. Starting from a measurement campaign, the performance of MIMO algorithms is studied in terms of throughput for four different antenna configurations.This work was supported in part by the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad MINECO, Spain under Grant TEC2016-78028-C3-2-P, and in part by the European FEDER funds

    La evolución del activismo digital en México: una historia de dos movimientos "EZLN" y "43 Ayotzinapa"

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    There is an important tradition in Mexico related to the use of the Internet as a communication strategy for distributing subversive and alternative political discourse since mid-1995, the Zapatista Army of National Liberation (EZLN), named after Manuel Castells as the first "informational guerrilla," until now with the use of social networks (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube) as optimal spaces to promote alternative social movements such as "I am 132." The purpose of this paper is to make a comparative study in between the movements "EZLN" and "43 Ayotzinapa." Methodology is based on the comparative analysis of cases through the revision of academic literature and original material generated by activists. It focuses not only on studying their political propositions, but particularly on their tactics and the role played by technology in the construction of their discourse. Final outcomes will show in what way the technological change along the years has conditioned the form by which unsubordinated groups create and spread information and how technological platforms such as Facebook and Twitter have facilitated the communication and social participation of movements, but the research also pretend to understand until which level activists use tactics that have somewhat altered in more than 20 years.Hay una tradición importante en México relacionada con el uso de Internet como estrategia de comunicación para difundir el discurso político subversivo y alternativo que se extiende desde mediados de 1995, con el Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional (EZLN), nombrado por Manuel Castells como el primera "guerrilla informacional", hasta el siglo XXI con la consolidación de las redes sociales como espacios óptimos para la promoción de movimientos alternativos. El trabajo es un estudio comparativo entre los movimientos "EZLN" y "43 Ayotzinapa." La metodología se basa en el análisis comparativo de casos a través de la revisión de la bibliografía existente sobre el tema, así como de los materiales generados por los activistas. La investigación se focaliza no solo en estudiar sus proposiciones políticas, sino particularmente sus tácticas, así como el papel desempeñado por la tecnología en la construcción del discurso de ambos movimientos.Ciencias de la Comunicació

    Complexation between oleanolic and maslinic acids with native and modified cyclodextrins

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    Oleanolic (OA) and maslinic (MA) acids are two natural triterpenoids with a wide range of beneficial effects for human health. However, their low solubility and permeability make their application in the food or industry difficult. The complexation of OA and MA with alpha- beta-, gamma-, HP-alpha-, HP-beta- and HP-gamma-CDs under different pH and temperature conditions has been studied. Neither alpha- nor HP-alpha-CDs formed inclusion complexes, while beta-, HP-beta- and HP-gamma-CDs provided AL type and gamma-CDs BS phase solubility diagrams. Complexation was shown to be more stable in the case of MA but complexation efficiency was greater for OA. Increasing the pH and temperature of the complexation media tended to improve the complexation process with triterpenic acids.Agencia de Ciencia y Tecnología de la Región de Murcia under the project PFEseneca/06/10Ciencias de la Alimentació

    Pulsed light inactivation of mushroom polyphenol oxidase: a fluorometric and spectrophotometric study

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    Polyphenol oxidase (PPO) is one of the most important food enzymes, it is responsible for the browning of many foods. Pulsed light (PL) is a non-thermal method of food preservation that is able to inactivate PPO. The aim of this work was to gain insight into the mechanism of PPO inactivation by PL. To this, the kinetics of PPO inactivation by PL was measured, together with associated changes in tryptophan fluorescence, KI fluorescence quenching and turbidity; and results were analysed by parameter A and phase diagram methods. Enzyme inactivation followed the Weibull model. Tryptophan fluorescence decreased during PL treatment, as well as the parameter A, while Stern-Volmer constants increased and turbidity was constant. The phase diagram showed only two populated states. There was a high correlation between the loss of activity and parameter A. Results indicate that under the experimental conditions, the inactivation of PPO by PL is an all-or-none process where the enzyme progressively unfolds with no evidence of aggregation.Fundación Universitaria San Antonio de CartagenaCiencias de la Alimentació

    Géneros y formatos en los canales infantiles politemáticos de televisión

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    La multiplicación de canales infantiles es evidente, hemos pasado de una televisión puramente generalista donde los contenidos para los menores fueron olvidados, a una televisión digital, a la carta que se configura en base a las demandas del público, lo que ha propiciado la aparición de nuevos canales de televisión especializados en la infancia. Hoy en día, los estudios centrados en este tipo de canales son escasos, más si nos centramos en el estudio de los géneros y los formatos donde las teorías son diversas y los teóricos no terminan de ponerse de acuerdo en esos aspectos. Por lo que se nos plantea la inquietud de poder ofrecer una visión sobre la realidad global de este tipo de canales, haciendo una revisión de los conceptos de género y formato atendiendo a los contenidos de los Canales Infantiles Politemáticos. Para ello, hacemos uso de una metodología de estudio basada en la triangulación de métodos científicos donde convergen diversas técnicas de análisis para poder obtener una visión exhaustiva y global de la realidad de los Canales Infantiles Politemáticos de televisión en la que se observa la poca variedad en cuanto a géneros y formatos en las parrillas de programación de este tipo de canales. Además, se propone una clasificación de canales infantiles y se aportan nuevas concepciones terminológicas dentro del ámbito de estudio de los géneros televisivos.Ciencias de la Comunicació

    The Fourth Council of Lateran as the medieval paradigm of the practice of the tria munera

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    La herejía es una enseñanza errónea del depósito de la fe que rompe la comunión y atenta contra la autoridad de la Iglesia. Tradicionalmente, la Inquisición ha sido considerada como el único medio para combatirla, reduciendo así toda respuesta a la mera represión o persecución. Nuestra trabajo consiste en probar que tres serán los ámbitos sobre los que la Iglesia planteará la respuesta contra la herejía, correspondientes con su triple función, cada uno adecuado a los tres niveles en los que impacta la actitud herética: uno preventivo, con la predicación para enseñar la verdad y para remover las almas (munus docendi); otro sacramental, con importantes cambios en lo referente a la confesión (munus santificandi), encaminados a restituir a la comunión a aquellos que se han alejado y, por último, otro judicial, (munus regendi), donde la autoridad intentará en último extremo forzar esa contrición en el pecador. Además, en estas renovaciones emprendidas en los campos sacramentales y formativos, unidos a las normas dictadas en materia de herejía, veremos como la Iglesia poco a poco cobra conciencia de su propia identidad, hasta ser capaz de dar una respuesta orgánica al problema al convocarse el IV concilio de Letrán.Heresy is a false teaching of the deposit of faith that breaks the communion and undermines the authority of the Church. Traditionally, the Inquisition has been considered as the only medium to combat it, reducing thus all response to the mere repression or persecution. Our job is focus to prove that three will be the areas on which the Church pose response against heresy, corresponding with its triple function, each suited to the three levels at which impacts the heretical attitude: preventive one, with preaching to teach truth and to remove the souls (munus docendi); Another sacramental, with important changes in relation to the confession (munus santificandi), aimed at restoring communion to those who have moved away and, finally, another judicial, (munus regendi), where the authority will try to ultimately force the contrition in the sinner. In addition, in these renovations undertaken in the fields of sacramental and educational, United with the standards laid down in the field of heresy, we'll see how the church gradually cobra awareness of its own identity, to be able to give an organic problem response to convene the Fourth Council of Lateran.Ciencias ReligiosasDerech

    El ministerio judicial del Obispo hasta el surgimiento de la Lex Christiana (SS. I-IV)

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    The bishops, first clandestineness and then openly, are called upon to resolve disputes that have arisen among the faithful, until the time in which the Empire recognized them the capacity to be official judges. However, that bishops should be official judges, although it was given them legal protection and allowed to meet the biblical claims that every cause among believers were not known by pagans, also created certain problems. In fact, there are many bishops who regret having to officially accomplish this task because was taken them time to carry out other functions and put them in a situation complicated with respect to the faithful. Our work focuses on three aspects around this institution: firstly, the theological of the administration of Justice, both biblical and Patristic Foundation, to understand how must be exercised a mission that must be carried out without forgetting the purpose of salvation; Secondly, the process of episcopalis audientia in Constantinian legislation and the first limit of jurisdiction and, finally, the way of exercise of the offcium iudiciorum by bishops and the problem arising from this.Arte y HumanidadesCiencias ReligiosasDerech