22,624 research outputs found

    Analyzing power in nucleon-deuteron scattering and three-nucleon forces

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    Three-nucleon forces have been considered to be one possibility to resolve the well known discrepancy between experimental values and theoretical calculations of the nucleon analyzing power in low energy nucleon-deuteron scattering. In this paper, we investigate possible effects of two-pion exchange three-nucleon forces on the analyzing power and the differential cross section. We found that the reason for different effects on the analyzing power by different three-nucleon forces found in previous calculations is related to the existence of the contact term. Effects of some variations of two-pion exchange three-nucleon forces are investigated. Also, an expression for the measure of the nucleon analyzing power with quartet P-wave phase shifts is presented.Comment: 11 pages including 2 eps figures, use epsfig.sty, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Spin-dependent three-nucleon force effects on nucleon-deuteron scattering

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    We construct a phenomenological three-nucleon force (3NF) model that gives a good description of polarization observables in elastic nucleon-deuteron (N-dd) scattering at a low energy together with a realistic nucleon-nucleon force and a 3NF arising from the exchange of two pions. Parameters of the model, which consists of spin-independent, spin-orbit, and tensor components, are determined to reproduce the three-nucleon binding energy and polarization observables in N-d scattering at 3 MeV. Predictions of the model 3NF on N-d polarization observables at higher energies are examined, and effects of each component on the observables are investigated.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Central and tensor components of three-nucleon forces in low-energy proton-deuteron scattering

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    Contributions of three-nucleon forces (3NF) to proton-deuteron scattering observables at energies below the deuteron breakup threshold are studied by solving the Faddeev equation that includes the Coulomb interaction. At E_p=3.0 MeV, we find that the central part of a two-pion exchange 3NF removes the discrepancy between measured cross sections and the calculated ones by two-nucleon forces, and improves the agreement with T_{22} experimental data. However, the tensor part of the 3NF fails in reproducing data of the analyzing power T_{21} by giving worse agreement between the measured and the calculated. Detailed examinations of scattering amplitudes suggest that a P-wave contribution in spin quartet tensor amplitudes has unsuitable sign for reproducing the T_{21} data.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure

    Low Energy Proton-Deuteron Scattering with a Coulomb-Modified Faddeev Equation

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    A modified version of the Faddeev three-body equation to accommodate the Coulomb interaction, which was used in the study of three-nucleon bound states, is applied to the proton-deuteron scattering problem at energies below the three-body breakup threshold. A formal derivation of the equation in a time-independent scattering theory is given. Numerical results for phase shift parameters are presented to be compared with those of another methods and results of the phase shift analysis. Differential cross sections and nucleon analyzing powers are calculated with the effects of three-nucleon forces, and these results are compared with recent experimental data. The difference between the nucleon analyzing power in proton-deuteron scattering and that in neutron-deuteron scattering is discussed.Comment: 23 pages, 6 eps figures, use FBSart.cls and FBSmath.cl

    Operation of Faddeev-Kernel in Configuration Space

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    We present a practical method to solve Faddeev three-body equations at energies above three-body breakup threshold as integral equations in coordinate space. This is an extension of previously used method for bound states and scattering states below three-body breakup threshold energy. We show that breakup components in three-body reactions produce long-range effects on Faddeev integral kernels in coordinate space, and propose numerical procedures to treat these effects. Using these techniques, we solve Faddeev equations for neutron-deuteron scattering to compare with benchmark solutions.Comment: 20 pages, 8 figures, to be published in Few-Body System

    How to Teach the Class Subject Research Methods in Psychology : Part Two

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    実験法と調査法を扱った前号に引き続き,本号では,検査法,観察法,面接法に関する重要な問題のいくつかを指摘し,筆者自身の見解を示す。検査法の章では,調査法との違い,心理テストの標準化の難しさ,テストバッテリーを構成することの重要性を説明する。観察法の章では,音声や動画の記録システムが観察法のあり方をどのように変えたか,参与観察とエスノグラフィーの関係,KJ法(川喜田,1967,1986,1997)の特徴を解説する。面接法の章では,デプス・インタビューとグループ・インタビューの特徴と,犯罪捜査に用いられる認知インタビューの特徴を解説する。最後の章では,サンプルサイズの決め方と心理学では2種類のQDAという用語がむしろ反対の意味で用いられていることを指摘する。最後に,学生が卒業研究を行うときの姿勢についてコメントする。Continued from our last issue which dealt with experiments and surveys, the author points out some important problems of the three methods, tests, observations, and interviews, and shows his own view on each of them in this issue. In the test method chapter, he explains how tests are different from surveys, the difficulty to standardize a test, and the importance to construct test battery. In the observation chapter, problems occurred when the voice and video recording system were introduced, the relationship of participation observation and ethnography, and the characteristics of KJ Method(Kawakita, 1967, 1986, 1997) are explained. In the interview chapter, he explains the characteristics of the depth interview and the group interview, and explains the procedure of cognitive interviews which are used for crime investigations. In the final chapter, he suggests how to decide the size of a sample and points out that the term QDA has two different meanings (Qualitative Data Analysis and Quantitative Descriptive Analysis) in psychology. Lastly, the author comments on students’ attitudes when they work on their graduation thesis

    平和の文化 : 平和メディアへの期待

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    Tectonic geomorphological study on geomorphic-environment changes caused by active fault earthquakes in metropolitan areas after the Yayoi period, Japan

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    研究成果の概要 (和文) : 高解像度DEMを用いた変動地形学的解析によって、各地の沖積低地において断層変位地形が新たに発見されている。本研究では、上町台地付近の沖積低地、熱田台地北方の沖積低地、および飯山市街地付近の沖積低地の3地域を主な対象として、変動地形学的調査、表層地質調査、および居住地空間の変遷に関する調査を実施し、断層変位地形の分布、断層変位地形と表層地質の関係、および大地震に伴う沖積低地内の地形環境変化について検討を行った。研究成果の概要 (英文) : Tectonic geomorphological analysis using high-resolution DEMs has enabled us to identify fault-related landforms in alluvial lowlands throughout Japan. We conducted a series of studies on tectonic landforms, surficial geology, and histories of residential-area changes, mainly for the alluvial lowlands around the Uemachi upland, north of the Atsuta upland, and in the central Iiyama City. Based on the results, we discussed distributions of fault-related landforms, relationships between fault-related landforms and surficial geology, and geomorphic-environment changes caused by active fault earthquakes in the alluvial lowlands

    Development of recovery and long-term fixation technology of radioactive cesium using a zeolite / apatite composite

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    研究成果の概要 (和文) : 本研究はゼオライト/アパタイト複合体を用いた放射性Csの回収及び安定化技術の開発を目的に行った。80℃でのリン酸アンモニウムを用いたアルカリ水熱処理によって合成モルデナイト(MOR)/アパタイト複合体を作製した。得られた複合体はMORと同等の高いCs吸着能を保持していることが明らかになった。またCs吸着後の複合体とアパタイトマトリックスとの950℃及び1050℃におけるパルス通電加圧焼結及び1200℃での常圧焼結では、割れのない緻密な焼結体が得られ、0.6MNaCl中におけるCs溶出率は、いずれの焼結体も1.0%以下の低い値を示した。本技術は、放射性Csの回収および安定化法として期待できる。研究成果の概要 (英文) : In this study we have developed a technology for recovery and long term stabilization of radioactive cesium using zeolite / apatite composite. The synthetic mordenite / apatite composite was prepared from calcium type synthetic mordenite by an alkaline hydrothermal treatment with ammonium phosphate solution at 80℃. The composite prepared was retained high cesium adsorption ability as synthetic mordenite. The zeolite/apatite composite with apatite matrix sintered using PECS method at 950℃ and 1050℃ and that sintered using pressureless sintering method at 1200℃ were dense sintered bodies without cracking. The cesium elution percentage of those sintered bodies were less than 1.0 % in 0.6 M NaCl. Therefore this technology can be expected as a recovery and long-term stabilization of radioactive cesium

    Analysis and application of prophage-mediated gene reconstitution

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    研究成果の概要 (和文) : 枯草菌のSPβプロファージは、胞子形成期にspsM遺伝子を再構築するために宿主染色体から切り出される。我々はin vitro組換え実験により5\u27-ACAGATAA/AGCTGTAT-3\u27の中心のAAの位置でインテグレースであるSprAにより部位特異的組換えが起こることを明らかにした。また、SprAと基質DNAとの間のシナプス複合体形成には、RDFであるSprBが欠失反応においては必要であるが、挿入反応においては逆に阻害することを示した。さらに我々は、枯草菌母細胞からの脱分化細胞の検出系およびSPβ組換え機能に基づく新しいゲノム改変ツールを開発した。研究成果の概要 (英文) : Bacillus subtilis SPβ prophage is excised from the host chromosome in a process of sporulation to reconstitute a composite spsM. As results of in vitro recombination experiments, we revealed that the site-specific recombination occurred at the position of AA in the center of recombination site “5\u27-ACAGATAA /AGCTGTAT-3 \u27” catalyzed by an integrase SprA. Furthermore, we showed that a recombination directionality factor (RDF) SprB is necessary for synaptic complex formation between SprA and substrate DNA during excision while SprB inhibits the formation during integration. We also developed a detection system for B. subtilis dedifferentiated cells from mother cells and new genome modifying tool based on the SPβ recombination function