36,783 research outputs found

    Discovery of X-ray Emission from the Galactic Supernova Remnant G32.8-0.1 with Suzaku

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    We present the first dedicated X-ray study of the supernova remnant (SNR) G32.8-0.1 (Kes 78) with Suzaku. X-ray emission from the whole SNR shell has been detected for the first time. The X-ray morphology is well correlated with the emission from the radio shell, while anti-correlated with the molecular cloud found in the SNR field. The X-ray spectrum shows not only conventional low-temperature (kT ~ 0.6 keV) thermal emission in a non-equilibrium ionization state, but also a very high temperature (kT ~ 3.4 keV) component with a very low ionization timescale (~ 2.7e9 cm^{-3}s), or a hard non-thermal component with a photon index Gamma~2.3. The average density of the low-temperature plasma is rather low, of the order of 10^{-3}--10^{-2} cm^{-3}, implying that this SNR is expanding into a low-density cavity. We discuss the X-ray emission of the SNR, also detected in TeV with H.E.S.S., together with multi-wavelength studies of the remnant and other gamma-ray emitting SNRs, such as W28 and RCW 86. Analysis of a time-variable source, 2XMM J185114.3-000004, found in the northern part of the SNR, is also reported for the first time. Rapid time variability and a heavily absorbed hard X-ray spectrum suggest that this source could be a new supergiant fast X-ray transient.Comment: 20 pages, 14 figures, ApJ, in pres

    Latent Gaussian Count Time Series Modeling

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    This paper develops theory and methods for the copula modeling of stationary count time series. The techniques use a latent Gaussian process and a distributional transformation to construct stationary series with very flexible correlation features that can have any pre-specified marginal distribution, including the classical Poisson, generalized Poisson, negative binomial, and binomial count structures. A Gaussian pseudo-likelihood estimation paradigm, based only on the mean and autocovariance function of the count series, is developed via some new Hermite expansions. Particle filtering methods are studied to approximate the true likelihood of the count series. Here, connections to hidden Markov models and other copula likelihood approximations are made. The efficacy of the approach is demonstrated and the methods are used to analyze a count series containing the annual number of no-hitter baseball games pitched in major league baseball since 1893

    Spin-phonon coupling in Gd(Co1/2Mn1/2)O3 perovskite

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    We have investigated the temperature-dependent Raman-active phonons and the magnetic properties of Gd(Co1/2Mn1/2)O3 perovskite ceramics in the temperature range from 40 K to 300 K. The samples crystallized in an orthorhombic distorted simple perovskite, whose symmetry belongs to the Pnma space group. The data reveals spin-phonon coupling near the ferromagnetic transition occurring at around 120 K. The correlation of the Raman and magnetization data suggests that the structural order influences the magnitude of the spin-phonon coupling.Comment: 3 Figures, suplementary materia

    Raman study of the Verwey transition in Magnetite at high-pressure and low-temperature; effect of Al doping

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    We report high-pressure low-temperature Raman studies of the Verwey transition in pure and Al-doped magnetite (Fe_3O_4). The low temperature phase of magnetite displays a number of additional Raman modes that serve as transition markers. These transition markers allow one to investigate the effect of hydrostatic pressure on the Verwey transition temperature. Al-doped magnetite Fe_2.8Al_0.2O_4 (TV=116.5K) displays a nearly linear decrease of the transition temperature with an increase of pressure yielding dP/dT_V = -0.096 GPa/K. In contrast pure magnetite displays a significantly steeper slope of the PT equilibrium line with dP/dT_V = -0.18 GPa/K. The slope of the PT equilibrium lines is related to the changes of the molar entropy and molar volume at the transition. We compare our spectroscopic data with that obtained from the ambient pressure specific heat measurements and find a good agreement in the optimally doped magnetite. Our data indicates that Al doping leads to a smaller entropy change and larger volume expansion at the transition. Our data displays the trends that are consistent with the mean field model of the transition that assumes charge ordering in magnetite.Comment: 17 pages, 3 figure

    Examining the time dependence of DAMA's modulation amplitude

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    If dark matter is composed of weakly interacting particles, Earth's orbital motion may induce a small annual variation in the rate at which these particles interact in a terrestrial detector. The DAMA collaboration has identified at a 9.3σ\sigma confidence level such an annual modulation in their event rate over two detector iterations, DAMA/NaI and DAMA/LIBRA, each with ∼7\sim7 years of observations. We statistically examine the time dependence of the modulation amplitudes, which "by eye" appear to be decreasing with time in certain energy ranges. We perform a chi-squared goodness of fit test of the average modulation amplitudes measured\ by the two detector iterations which rejects the hypothesis of a consistent modulation amplitude at greater than 80\%, 96\%, and 99.6\% for the 2--4~keVee, 2--5~keVee and 2--6~keVee energy ranges, respectively. We also find that among the 14 annual cycles there are three ≳3σ\gtrsim 3\sigma departures from the average in the 5-6~keVee energy range. In addition, we examined several phenomenological models for the time dependence of the modulation amplitude. Using a maximum likelihood test, we find that descriptions of the modulation amplitude as decreasing with time are preferred over a constant modulation amplitude at anywhere between 1σ\sigma and 3σ\sigma, depending on the phenomenological model for the time dependence and the signal energy range considered. A time dependent modulation amplitude is not expected for a dark matter signal, at least for dark matter halo morphologies consistent with the DAMA signal. New data from DAMA/LIBRA--phase2 will certainly aid in determining whether any apparent time dependence is a real effect or a statistical fluctuation.Comment: 13 pages, 1 figur

    Discovery of Broad Molecular lines and of Shocked Molecular Hydrogen from the Supernova Remnant G357.7+0.3: HHSMT, APEX, Spitzer and SOFIA Observations

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    We report a discovery of shocked gas from the supernova remnant (SNR) G357.7+0.3. Our millimeter and submillimeter observations reveal broad molecular lines of CO(2-1), CO(3-2), CO(4-3), 13CO (2-1) and 13CO (3-2), HCO^+ and HCN using HHSMT, Arizona 12-Meter Telescope, APEX and MOPRA Telescope. The widths of the broad lines are 15-30 kms, and the detection of such broad lines is unambiguous, dynamic evidence showing that the SNR G357.7+0.3 is interacting with molecular clouds. The broad lines appear in extended regions (>4.5'x5'). We also present detection of shocked H2 emission in mid-infrared but lacking ionic lines using the Spitzer IRS observations to map a few arcmin area. The H2 excitation diagram shows a best-fit with a two-temperature LTE model with the temperatures of ~200 and 660 K. We observed [C II] at 158um and high-J CO(11-10) with the GREAT on SOFIA. The GREAT spectrum of [C II], a 3 sigma detection, shows a broad line profile with a width of 15.7 km/s that is similar to those of broad CO molecular lines. The line width of [C~II] implies that ionic lines can come from a low-velocity C-shock. Comparison of H2 emission with shock models shows that a combination of two C-shock models is favored over a combination of C- and J-shocks or a single shock. We estimate the CO density, column density, and temperature using a RADEX model. The best-fit model with n(H2) = 1.7x10^{4} cm^{-3}, N(CO) = 5.6x10^{16} cm^{-2}, and T = 75 K can reproduce the observed millimeter CO brightnesses.Comment: 19 pages, 22 figure

    Primordial Black Holes: Observational Characteristics of The Final Evaporation

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    Many early universe theories predict the creation of Primordial Black Holes (PBHs). PBHs could have masses ranging from the Planck mass to 10^5 solar masses or higher depending on the size of the universe at formation. A Black Hole (BH) has a Hawking temperature which is inversely proportional to its mass. Hence a sufficiently small BH will quasi-thermally radiate particles at an ever-increasing rate as emission lowers its mass and raises its temperature. The final moments of this evaporation phase should be explosive and its description is dependent on the particle physics model. In this work we investigate the final few seconds of BH evaporation, using the Standard Model and incorporating the most recent Large Hadron Collider (LHC) results, and provide a new parameterization for the instantaneous emission spectrum. We calculate for the first time energy-dependent PBH burst light curves in the GeV/TeV energy range. Moreover, we explore PBH burst search methods and potential observational PBH burst signatures. We have found a unique signature in the PBH burst light curves that may be detectable by GeV/TeV gamma-ray observatories such as the High Altitude Water Cerenkov (HAWC) observatory. The implications of beyond the Standard Model theories on the PBH burst observational characteristics are also discussed, including potential sensitivity of the instantaneous photon detection rate to a squark threshold in the 5 -10 TeV range.Comment: Accepted to Astroparticle Physics Journal (71 Pages, 22 Figures

    The Three-Dimensional Expansion of the Ejecta from Tycho's Supernova Remnant

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    We present the first three-dimensional measurements of the velocity of various ejecta knots in Tycho's supernova remnant, known to result from a Type Ia explosion. Chandra X-ray observations over a 12-year baseline from 2003 to 2015 allow us to measure the proper motion of nearly 60 "tufts" of Si-rich ejecta, giving us the velocity in the plane of the sky. For the line of sight velocity, we use two different methods: a non-equilibrium ionization model fit to the strong Si and S lines in the 1.2-2.8 keV regime, and a fit consisting of a series of Gaussian lines. These methods give consistent results, allowing us to determine the red or blue shift of each of the knots. Assuming a distance of 3.5 kpc, we find total velocities that range from 2400 to 6600 km s−1^{-1}, with a mean of 4430 km s−1^{-1}. We find several regions where the ejecta knots have overtaken the forward shock. These regions have proper motions in excess of 6000 km s−1^{-1}. Some Type Ia supernova explosion models predict a velocity asymmetry in the ejecta. We find no such velocity asymmetries in Tycho, and discuss our findings in light of various explosion models, favoring those delayed detonation models with relatively vigorous and symmetrical deflagrations. Finally, we compare measurements with models of the remnant's evolution that include both smooth and clumpy ejecta profiles, finding that both ejecta profiles can be accommodated by the observations.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ. Some figures slightly degraded to reduce file siz

    A Study of Dark Matter and QCD-Charged Mediators in the Quasi-Degenerate Regime

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    We study a scenario in which the only light new particles are a Majorana fermion dark matter candidate and one or more QCD-charged scalars, which couple to light quarks. This scenario has several interesting phenomenological features if the new particles are nearly degenerate in mass. In particular, LHC searches for the light scalars have reduced sensitivity, since the visible and invisible products tend to be softer. Moreover, dark matter-scalar co-annihilation can allow even relatively heavy dark matter candidates to be consistent thermal relics. Finally, the dark matter nucleon scattering cross section is enhanced in the quasi-degenerate limit, allowing direct detection experiments to use both spin-independent and spin-dependent scattering to probe regions of parameter space beyond those probed by the LHC. Although this scenario has broad application, we phrase this study in terms of the MSSM, in the limit where the only light sparticles are a bino-like dark matter candidate and light-flavored squarks.Comment: 24 pages, 5 figures; as published in PRD with significant revision

    Realization of random-field dipolar Ising ferromagnetism in a molecular magnet

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    The longitudinal magnetic susceptibility of single crystals of the molecular magnet Mn12_{12}-acetate obeys a Curie-Weiss law, indicating a transition to a ferromagnetic phase due to dipolar interactions. With increasing magnetic field applied transverse to the easy axis, the transition temperature decreases considerably more rapidly than predicted by mean field theory to a T=0 quantum critical point. Our results are consistent with an effective Hamiltonian for a random-field Ising ferromagnet in a transverse field, where the randomness is induced by an external field applied to Mn12_{12}-acetate crystals that are known to have an intrinsic distribution of locally tilted magnetic easy axes.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure
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