19,287 research outputs found

    Strengthening Institutions, Functions And Authority The Indonesian National Commission On Human Rights In Implementing The Protection And Enforcement Of Human Rights In Indonesia

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    One of the requirements of state law is the recognition and guarantee of the protection and enforcement of human rights, this guarantee should be included in the constitution in force in a country. To guarantee the implementation of human rights protection and enforcement is then required institutions of human rights protection and enforcement of an effective and independent in exercising its functions and powers guaranteed by the constitution. Powerlessness The Indonesian National Commission on Human Rights in resolving cases of human rights violations to the fullest is inseparable from the question of institutional models that still contains a number of weaknesses. As the issue is still weak independence, functions and authority, inadequate budgets, yet the strong position of the Commission in the state system of Indonesia and the number of members who are not in accordance with the mandate of the law. These issues make the Commission has not so strong when faced with the challenges and complexities of the issues of human rights in Indonesia today. Human Rights on the Second Amendment was included in a separate chapter, Section XA on Human Rights, which includes as many as 10 (ten) articles from Article 28 to Article 28j set out in the 1945 Constitution. However, it should be noted that in Chapter XA on Human Rights on the 1945 changes is no list of institutional/ enforcement institutions Human Rights or The Indonesian National Commission on Human Rights in it, whereas the habit of setting “chapter” in the 1945 Constitution will bear State institutions that govern them. Whereas in some other countries, especially in the Asia Pacific region, where their human rights commission has been set up by a special law, even in Thailand and South Africa is set directly in the constitution. Keywords: Strengthening Institutions, Functions and Authority, The Indonesian National Commission on Human Rights

    Some Characteristics of Islamic Journalism Based on Al Quran

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    Prophet Muhammad SAW as a role model has been made and gives examples of how the application of journalism itself. Prophet does his message through writing, that is, when he sends a letter to the kings or heads of tribes in Madinah in order to invite to the road of Islam. A journalist should be able to convince mad'u let that propaganda purposes can take place without any problem. Journalistic as a method in a very strategic propaganda.Beside it can be enjoyed by many people, the product of journalism also can be more lasting or durable, because it can be stored or read anytime. Journalism propagation of Islam is actually not a new method of propaganda, because the Prophet has implemented a method of propaganda by sending a letter of propaganda to the kings who do not know and embrace Islam

    Forms and functions of communication in society

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    Dalam berkomunikasi dibutuhkan dua orang partisipan yakni pengirim dan penerima pesan. Pertanyaannya apakah pesan tersebut disampaikan dan bagaimana diterima dalam komunikasi adalah hal penting dalam suatu komunikasi. Komunikasi dikatakan berhasil bila penerima pesan menerima informasi dari penyampai pesan. Bagaimanapun, penerima dan penyampai pesan juga harus mengetahui tentang bentuk dan fungsi komunikasi sehingga komunikasi berjalan dengan baik di masyarakat. Komunikasi non verbal berbeda dengan komunikasi verbal, komunikasi verbal terdiri dari kata yang disusun dengan makna sementara komunikasi nonverbal atau bahasa tubuh seperti ekspresi wajah, gerak tubuh, kontak mata, postur maupun nada dari suara kita

    Implementing curriculum of madrasah Tsanawiyah in increasing the quality of pesantren Al-Kautsar Al-Akbar Medan

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    Implementasi Kurikulum Pesantren Madrasah Tsanawiyah dalam peningkatan mutu di Pesantren Al-Kautsar Al-Akbar Medan bertujuan untuk mengetahui struktur kurikulum pesantren dan pelaksaannya di madrasah tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode deskriptif, yaitu menggali data yang terkait dengan pelaksanaan kurikulum pesantren dalam proses pembelajaran di Madrasah Tsanawiyah dan mendeskripsikan data yang ada sesuai dengan fokus penelitian untuk memperjelas tujuan diadakannya penelitian tersebut. Adapun permasalahan yang dibahas dalam tulisan ini adalah bagaimana kurikulum pesantren dan pelaksanaannya di Madrasah Tsanawiyah Pesantren Al-Kautsar Al-Akbar Medan. Hasil yang didapatkan bahwa secara struktural Madrasah Tsanawiyah Al-Kautsar Al-Akbar Medan menerapkan dua kurikulum yaitu kurikulum pendidikan pesantren dan kurikulum kementerian agama. Kurikulum pendidikan pesantren dibagi menjadi dua kurikulum. Yang petama adalah yang tidak berkaitan dengan tata bahasa Arab seperti Al-Qur’an, Hadis, dan Akhlak, ini disebut dengan kurikulum pesantren. Sedangkan mata pelajaran seperti nahwu dan sharaf dimasukkan dalam kurikulum bahasa Arab. Dalam pelaksaan kurikulum pendidikan pesantren tidak jauh berbeda dengan kurikulum Kementerian agama. Yang mengajar kurikulum pendidikan pesantren adalah guru yang berkompeten yang mempunyai kualifikasi khusus di bidang agama dan semua gurunya adalah alumni pesantren. Metode yang digunakan dalam pembelajaran materi pendidikan pesantren adalah menggunakan metode bandongan dan sorogan yang dilaksanakan secara klasikal. Metode evaluasi yang digunakan adalah evaluasi dengan ujian tulis dan praktik

    Modernization of Education Contents of Muhammadiyah, Nahdlatul Ulama, and Al Jam’iyatul Washliyah 1900-1942 in North Sumatera

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    This study aims to reveal how the process of modernization of education content on the organization Muhammadiyah, Nahdlatul Ulama and Al Jam'iyatul Washliyah years 1900-1942. The issues raised are: (1) how the historical background in modernizing education content of the three organizations; (2), how the modernization process of these organizations to arrange their education content; (3), how the these organizations dissemination of education content on the subjects. This is solved by historical method comprising the steps of: heuristics; second, verification; interpretation; historiography, and social history. The findings research informs: First, the three organizations have the same background in determining the education content, those are, first; the spirit leaders spreading Islam in accupation situation by orienting on Islamic education of the occupation, second; the intellectual contact internally an externally to conceive and build on the progress of Islamic education. Third; The strong desire to equate Islamic education progress with the western progress (colonization), fourth; The desire to realize the equality social among communities in receiving education and the world of work. The second finding is; the same formulate of education content material Islamic teaching that originated from AD and ART, but have different ways depending on modern education content. Muhammadiyah with revolutionary and Nahdlatul Ulama with evolutionary, and Al Jam'iyatul Washliyah with situasionery. the third finding is; the similarities of education content modernization process using a common and religious material. However they have differences on the distribution of the content in the subjects, Muhammadiyah is innovative and NahdlatulUlama is creative and Al Jam’iyatul Washliyah is very selective

    Islamic Organizations in North Sumatra A Historical Analysis on Newspaper Publication in 1915-1942

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    Newspapers are an important historical source in a historical writing that contains information about past events. Information about Islamic organizations in its activities in North Sumatra is found in newspapers from 1915 to 1942, considering that Islamic organizations have a long struggle in Indonesian history because it has contributed to the dynamics of Indonesian politics. The purpose of this paper is to track the progression of Islamic organizations in North Sumatra and its activities in various aspects based on newspapers ever published in North Sumatra in 1915-1942. The method used is the historical method with social history approach. Information had been obtained in a number of newspapers including the activities of several Islamic organizations in North Sumatra from the aspects of politics, education, social, and economics. The conclusion is Islamic organizations had contributions as the embryo of the independence movement of Indonesia, but some of them were still have not been highlighted in the tradition of Indonesian historiography. These findings support that some Islamic organizations in Indonesia should be more highlighted in the historical writings in Indonesia

    The Creation in Building Good News for The Society in Medan, Indonesia

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    the news has three news coverage techniques, namely reportage, interviews, library research (literature studies). Some news writing techniques that can be a basic guide for journalists are:The title of the news is as concise as possible with short and clear sentences, but can still describe the core of the story as a whole.There are 5W + 1H elements.Arrange news so that it can be presented with accurate, clear and interesting information. Use language that is easily understood by readers from a variety of circles.Not "patronizing" but "showing / presenting"

    New directions in language learning and psychology

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    Bribery In Islamic Perspective And Implementation In Life (The Study Of Surahal-Baqarahverse 188 Andal-Maidah 62)

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    The purpose of this study is to explain or describe the "Bribery in the Islamic perspective" and the categories of bribery. To obtain the representative data, this research used literature research method (library reseach) by searching, collecting, reading, and analyzing books that had relevance to research problem. The type of research in writing this paper was qualitative. The results of bribery research in the perspective of Islam and its implementation in the life was found in Surat al-Baqarah verses 188 and al-Maidah 62. The significance of this study is expected to be developed and practiced both theoretically/ practically is giving hasanah thoughts or insights of Islamic science in general and bribes according to Islam in particular especially about bribes according to Islam in the study of Surah Al-Baqarah Verses 188 and Al-Maidah 62

    Kapita Selekta Islam Dunia Sampai Ke Pondok Pesantren Musthafawiyah Purba Baru Madina

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