5 research outputs found

    Experimental Models for Renal Diseases : Pathogenesis and Diagnosis /

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    Our understanding of the pathogenesis of renal diseases and the ability to accurately classify and diagnose them has improved considerably over the last two decades. Until now, however, this information has not been available in a single, up-to-date and succinct yet comprehensive source. The publication at hand aims at filling this gap, condensing a vast amount of information into easily accessible chapters.After a discussion of basic concepts and principles of renal tissue reactions to injurious agents using a specific cell/compartment approach, a multitude of disorders are looked at, including renal interstitial fibrosis, glomerulosclerosis, various forms of glomerulonephritis and nephropathy, amyloidosis and renal Fanconi syndrome. Some of the chapters address controversial subjects, reporting the current situation and showing areas of future potential research interest. At the end of many of the contributions, a summary is provided, often in the form of a chart to facilitate the understanding of the information and to make it most useful for didactic purposes.This book is intended for students of various disciplines, as well as clinicians and investigators and all those trying to correlate basic research information with clinical issues.Translating basic research results into clinical practice – a unique reference bookOur understanding of the pathogenesis of renal diseases and the ability to accurately classify and diagnose them has improved considerably over the last two decades. Until now, however, this information has not been available in a single, up-to-date and succinct yet comprehensive source. The publication at hand aims at filling this gap, condensing a vast amount of information into easily accessible chapters.After a discussion of basic concepts and principles of renal tissue reactions to injurious agents using a specific cell/compartment approach, a multitude of disorders are looked at, including renal interstitial fibrosis, glomerulosclerosis, various forms of glomerulonephritis and nephropathy, amyloidosis and renal Fanconi syndrome. Some of the chapters address controversial subjects, reporting the current situation and showing areas of future potential research interest. At the end of many of the contributions, a summary is provided, often in the form of a chart to facilitate the understanding of the information and to make it most useful for didactic purposes.This book is intended for students of various disciplines, as well as clinicians and investigators and all those trying to correlate basic research information with clinical issues.Print version recor

    Participants' Patriotism and Nationalism and Their Impacts on Sponsoring Brand Attitudes in a Locally-Held International Event: Examining the Mediating Role of Event Identification

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    [[abstract]]本研究率先提出,於國內所舉行的國際賽事,參與者事件認同的兩個重要前置因子,分別為愛國主義與國家主義,並確立事件認同在這段關係中,對贊助商品牌態度所扮演的中介角色。我們從2011台北第一屆IBAF世界少棒錦標賽,挑選350位參與者進行問卷填答,藉由事先設計兩組(2x2)國內外、不同產品類別(啤酒、手機)的贊助品牌,作為測試贊助活動對不同品牌態度的效果。結果顯示,當產品或服務與事件本身互相配適,事件認同將能夠完全中介愛國主義與國家主義對本國贊助商的品牌態度。然而,在這樣的愛國情境下,外國贊助商僅僅透過一次的事件認同,試圖扭轉消費者一開始負面品牌態度的中介效果,並未獲得支持。另外,我們發現事件與贊助商之間的配適,對這四個品牌態度都一致具有顯著正向的影響。最後,本研究進一步對本國與外國贊助商提出管理意涵,建議其在未來的選擇目標市場與本土化合作上應具備靈活的策略運用。[[abstract]]This article pioneers to examine two theoretical antecedents patriotism and nationalism to event identification and the mediating role on sponsor attitudes in a locally-held international event The hypotheses are subjected to an empirical test employing data of 350 participants collected in 2011 IBAF 12U Baseball World Championship Taipei Two-paired local and foreign brands are designed to identify the effects of the sponsorship on brand attitudes The results reveal that event identification completely mediates the impact of patriotism and nationalism on attitudes toward local sponsors which must exhibit an adequate fit between event and product category However for foreign sponsors the expected inconsistent mediation is insignificant in such a context Event-sponsor fit also shows a consistently positive impact among these brands selected on sponsor attitudes Managerial implications about targeting and localization strategy for both local and foreign sponsors are suggeste

    The Impacts of customer-company Identification and co-production on service satisfaction

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    [[abstract]]顧客參與共同生產的研究,一直是熱門的研究主題,但至今學術界對於顧客共同生產對於滿意度的影響尚未有所定論,而本研究欲應用顧客-企業認同的理論,和服務失誤的歸因傾向來探討顧客參與共同生產對滿意度的影響。 產業的選擇上,本研究選擇了顧客參與程度高的補教業作為研究的產業,並從325份有效樣本,以結構方程式來加以驗證本模式。 本研究結果發現:(1)服務失誤的歸因傾向確實會中介顧客共同生產對於滿意度的影響,若內在歸因於自我能力則顧客對企業滿意度較高,反之若外部歸因於企業本身則滿意度較低 (2)共同生產的參與行為越高,顧客越不會做自我能力的內在歸因,反之共同生產中的共同合作行為越高,顧客越會做自我能力的內在歸因,據此越不會做歸咎於企業責任的外在歸因 (3)顧客公司認同會干擾共同生產對滿意度的影響效果,即當認同度越低時,參與對於滿意度的影響會越顯著,反之認同度越高時,共同合作對滿意度的影響會越顯著[[abstract]]The issue of customers' co-production in services has been explored by marketing scholars for years; however until now the effect of customer’s co-production on satisfaction does not reach a conclusion On a basis of Customer-company identification theory and the attribution theory of service failure the current research attempts to examine the influences of customer;s engagement and coproduction on customer satisfaction English cram schools were chosen as the research context due to customer’s high involvement With 325 usable questionnaires regression and structural equation modeling were used to test the model The findings show that: (1) The attribution of the service failure would mediate the effect between customer co-production and satisfaction When customers internally attribute the failure to self-efficacy coproduction will lead to satisfaction In contrast external attribution to company for the reason of failure negatively mediate the link between co-production and satisfaction i e higher coproduction leads to lower satisfaction when customer attributes the failure to the company (2) The more customer participates in co-production the less they tend to internally attribute to self-efficacy; in contrast the more customers cooperate in co-production process the more they attribute to their efficacy but the less they tend to externally attribute to company responsibility and thus leads to high customer satisfaction (3) CCI moderates the effect of customers' co-production on satisfaction in other words when CCI is weak the effect of participation on customer satisfaction is significant; however when the CCI is strong cooperation would positively affect satisfactio