1,058 research outputs found


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    Security is main issue of this generation of computing because many types of attacks are increasing day by day. Establishing a network is not a big issue for network administrators but protecting the entire network is a big issue. There are various methods and tools are available today for destroying the existing network. In this paper we mainly emphasize on the network security also we present some major issues that can affect our network, Trojan horse virus can give rise to the leakage of internal data. Keywords:Security, Trojan Horse, System, Network

    Tinjauan Hukum Penerapan Konsep Quadruple Helix Dalam Memberdayakan Masyarakat Pelaku Usaha UMKM Yang Tergabung Dalam Koperasi

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    Indonesia sebagai salah satu negara yang mempunyai potensi pertumbuhan ekonomi yang cukup pesat dan terus berkembang di asia tenggara dan dunia, tentunya mempunyai rencana pembangunan ekonomi nasional yang berkelanjutan dan sesuai dengan falsafah negara yang saat ini berlaku. Quadruple Helix merupakan kolaborasi empat sektor sekaligus yakni governmet, business, academia (institusi sumber pengetahuan), dan civil society

    Development of Return to Base Flight Trajectory Generator Based on Dubins Path - Vector Field Method

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    In a Return to Base (RTB) situation, aircraft needs to immediately fly back to its origin airport. Since there is no published flight procedure for an RTB, an Air Traffic Controller (ATC) will assist the pilot for the flight procedure to fly. The objective of this work is to generate a flight trajectory in RTB situation based on the available airport flight procedures (departure and arrival) in Kertajati airport. The Dubins Path was used as a method to generate the flight trajectory and supported by the Vector-Field Methodology. The Python programming simulation was used to simulate the flight trajectory generation in the normal condition, second closest waypoint condition, and different parameters value condition. The trajectory was simulated based on flight characteristic of a single engine aircraft (Cesna 172) and multi-engine aircrafts (Boeing 737-800NG). The simulation results show that the Dubins Path and Vector-Field methodology success to generate the flight trajectory in different types of condition and parameters. The increase in aircraft velocity and the decrease in aircraft bank angle caused an increase in the aircraft turning radius. While, the decrease in aircraft flight path angle caused increase in the length of Dubins Path line


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    Malaysia and Indonesia are two countries with a relationship that is very unique. Its society has established kinship long before the two countries was formed, which resulted similarities in each other’s culture and customs. Both countries also play a very important role in associations of the Southeast Asian nations that is accommodated through the ASEAN forum.   However, the relationship between Malaysia and Indonesia have not always been great, sometimes it touches the lowest state and at other times at the most harmonious. The Realist and Liberalist theory applies in studying relations between these two countries. Although waves of problems coming and going may occur naturally, plenty of formal efforts has also been done by both governments.   There are three interesting time periods in this study; the relationship period most bitter (1963-1966), the most harmonious relationship period (1968-1982), and the period of friendly but tense relations (1983-2010). Assessment of the two countries’ relationship dynamics is done through in qualitative approach with comparative analaysis and  supported by the "Taxonomy Bloom" method.   Many main informans with different backgrounds are the core informants who supported this study. Some are former government officials, academicians, military personnel and citizens who have had a history of being directly involved in the confrontation and many of the accuracy of data information can produce .  From a comprehensive study a case was found, identifying that interpretation differences as well as similarities is what causes the two countries’ relationship experience highs and lows. Also through this study, the root of the problem can be understood therefore suggestion of solutions can be submitted. Key words : Interpretation, Conflict And Cooperatio


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    Latar belakang penelitian kali ini adalah dengan membuktikan bahwa virus covid 19 dan tingkat keamanan warga bisa mempengaruhi penegakan hukum di Indonesia, dengan adanya penelitian ini maka bisa diketahui variabel-variabel mana yang bisa mempengaruhi penegakan hukum di Indonesia, agar bisa memperbaiki penegakan hukum di segala bidang meski pada masa pandemic covid-19 sekarang ini. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian kali ini adalah dengan menggunakan metode kuantitatif, dengan melakukan survei terhadap 100 orang yang dipilih secara acak, agar bisa mendapatkan data yang pasti dari lapangan, dengan adanya data yang pasti maka akan bisa dipastikan bahwa data ini sesuai dengan kondisi yang terjadi di lapangan, dan akan menghasilkan data yang bisa mewakili data di lapangan. Banyak penelitian yang sudah dilakukan tentang bagaimana penegakan hukum di Indonesia, contohnya dengan melakukan survei dan melakukan interview langsung di lapangan, dengan adanya hal tersebut maka bisa dipastikan data yang didapatkan adalah data yang sesuai dengan kondisi yang terjadi di lapangan, dan bisa dibuktikan secara empiris agar data tersebut bisa dipakai untuk membuktikan masalah yang terjadi sekarang dan penelitian kedepannya. Masalah yang diangkat pada penelitian kali ini adalah bagaimana mengetahui variabel-variabel yang bisa mempengaruhi penegakan hukum di indonesia, adapun variabel yang akan diangkat pada penelitian kali ini adalah variabel virus covid 19 dan tingkat keamanan warga, dengan adanya kedua variabel ini akan bisa menghasilkan data sehingga data tersebut bisa diolah dan bisa menjawab masalah penelitian dan bisa digunakan untuk penelitian kedepannya

    Analisa Efektifitas Spektrum Tersebar Pada Kanal Sel Telepon Seluler Berbasis CDMA

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    ABSTRAK          Dalam komunikasi bergerak dalam hal ini telepon seluler berbasis CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access) terdapat fleksibilitas dalam hal ini layanan kecepatan bit dengan cakupan yang lebar termasuk kecepatan yang berubah-ubah. Fleksibilitas tersebut dalam frekuensi dan pengaturan sumber radio, pemanfaatan layanan dan system pengoperasian yang mudah dalam berbagai macam ukuran sel dan scenario multi operator.           CDMA ádalah teknik modulasi dan metode akses jamak (ganda) yang bekerja berdasarkan teknik spread spectrum, khususnya Direct Sequence Spead Spectrum. Dengan teknologi ini sinyal informasi ditransmisikan melalui lebar pita yang jauh lebih lebar dari lebar pita sinyal informasi, sehingga identik dengan penambahan kapasitas kanal untuk mendukung layanan komunikasi serta menambah efektifitas spektruk tersebar pada kanal sel telepon seluler

    Pengelolaan Manajemen Risiko pada Industri Perbankan

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    AbstractThe banking industry is an industry that is laden with risks, especially as it involves themanagement of public money and screened in the form of investment. To minimize therisks faced, bank management should have sufficient expertise and competence, so that avariety of risks that could potentially arise can be anticipated from the beginning, and lookfor a better way of handling it. The types of risks presented by the economists are verydiverse but substantially similar to one another. Broadly speaking, the grouping of riskconducted by economists are almost the same description and its coverage. The biggerand modern bank, the more numerous and complex risks that it faces.Financial risks faced by the banking industry, can be broadly grouped into five (5) majorrisk, namely: (1) credit risk, (2) market risk, (3) liquidity risk, (4) operational risks, and (5 )risk capital. These risks are presented in the financial ratios, indicating that theperformance achieved by management in managing a bank.Bank Indonesia based on the Basel II classifies eight (8) types of risk are generallydivided into two (2) categories of risk, which can be measured (quantitative), namely creditrisk, market risk, liquidity risk, operational risk and risks are difficult to measure(qualitative) that legal risk, strategic risk, reputation risk and compliance risk.Keywords: Risk Management; Basel II; Bankin


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa pengaruh kualitas situs web terhadap loyalitas dan menganalisis pengaruh kepuasan pelanggan terhadap loyalitas. Objek penelitian yang dipilih adalah pengguna website Pizza Hut Delivery. Variabel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah variabel kualitas situs (webqual), kepuasan pelanggan (customer satisfaction) dan loyalitas pengguna (customer loyalty). Penelitian ini menggunakan quesioner dengan 250 responden. Analisis kualitas situs web pemesanan pizza online pada penelitian ini menggunakan Structural Equation Model dengan pengukuran menggunakan metode webqual. Hasil analisis pada pengujian hipotesis, menunjukkan bahwa website quality terbukti berpengaruh signifikan terhadap customer loyalty dan customer satisfaction terbukti berpengaruh terhadap customer loyalty. Kata Kunci : Delivery Order, Website Quality (Webqual), Customer Satisfaction, Loyalty, SEM (Structural Equation Model


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    As stated in the preamble of the 1945 Constitution, the goal of our states is to form a government of the state of Indonesia which shall protect all the Indonesian people and the entire country, promote the general welfare, the intellectual life of the nation and participate in the establishment of world peace. This understanding is based on the need of clean government and to accommodate the principles of good governance. Currently, our government has not been fully able to protect and carry out its functions as mandated by the 1945 opening which is stated above . This is consistent with the results of research on Indonesia which governance has not improved significantly and has not been consistent after 15 years of reform. The data is processed by comparing the implementation of data governance at the beginning of the reforming process (1996/1998) and the 2009-2014 strategic plan (drawn from the data transparency of Worldwide Governance Indicators Projects 2010 and Kompas May 20, 2013)


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    The phenomenon of a big city in Indonesia such as Jakarta in particular, with a wide range of business sense is always tied and pursued by a tight time schedule and make everything should be in good management, on the one hand there is a computer application program disorder / damage and should be fixed at that moment while the place (office, home) no one will understand it as the venue hire a consultant for computer maintenance. The condition of the road with busy traffic congestion and have to throw at least the time should be used appropriately.Remote computer control is one solution, with this remote computer control between technicians and the user does not need to be met, by simply calling a computer consultant / technician then connect the computer to the intenet, then in a matter of hours or minutes, the user's application program has been "healthy "come backThis remote computer control for businesses has several advantages, which are able to save time and also save on the budget so as to increase the productivity of existing. Unfortunately, this method on the days are still very dependent on the feasibility and reliability of the network infrastructure because it is highly influential on access interconnection between two (2) The corresponding compute