620 research outputs found

    Penurunkan Tekanan Darah Pada Pasien Hipertensi Melalui Brisk Walking Exercise

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    Brisk walking exercise merupakan salah satu bentuk moderate aerobic exercise yang direkomendasikan oleh ahli jantung di Amerika dan Eropa sebagai salah satu Perubahan gaya hidup pasien hipertensi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui adanya pengaruh brisk walking exercise terhadap tekanan darah pasien hipertensi di Kudus. Penelitian dilakukan pada penderita hipertensi di unit rawat jalan dua rumah sakit di Kudus dengan metode penelitian eksperimen randomized control trial (RCT) dengan pendekatan pre dan post with control. Penelitian dilakukan pada 42 responden ( 21 responden kelompok kontrol dan 21 kelompok intervensi). Hasil uji paired t test Perubahan tekanan darah sistolik dan diastolik kelompok kontrol menunjukan adanya nilai yang bermakna (p= 0,000 dan p= 0,026; α= 0,05). Untuk itu, perlu adanya penerapan brisk walking untuk penatalaksanaan hipertensi di rumah sakit maupun puskesmas (komunitas)

    “Empeng” Efektif Menurunkan Nyeri Bayi Saat Pengambilan Darah Vena

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    "Pacifier" effective to reduce pain in babies undergoing venous blood sampling. Venous blood sampling is a procedure which causes pain on low birth weight infants. This study aimed to identify the comparison of pain response between the infants that received Kangaroo Mother Care and the other group who used pacifier for during venous blood sample collection. The research design was randomized controlled trial on 21 low birth weight infants with consecutive sampling. Pain response was assessed by Premature Infant Pain Profile instrument. Independent t-test analysis showed that there were significant differences in mean pain response between Kangaroo Mother Care group (mean = 8,94) and pacifier group (mean= 5,08) (p= 0,005). Pacifier could be used as a nursing intervention in a traumatic care with minor painful procedure in low birth weight infants

    What Constitutes the Elements of a Nursing Continence Assesment: a Literature Review

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    Urinary incontinence is a treatable condition. It, however, is a possible to tackle incontinence before finding the cause of this problem. The cause of incontinence may be established through an accurate assessment. As the first phase in the process of nursing care, assessment takes a key position to successful outcome. The comprehensive assessment includes questions about history, medication review, a bladder/voiding diary, environmental assessment, physical examination, functional assessment, and additional test such as urinalysis, culture, post void residual measurement, and urodynamic. Inkontinensia urine merupakan kondisi ang dapat ditangani. Penanganan inkontinesia urin ini hanya dapat ditangani secara tepat apabila penyebabnya diketahui terlebih dahulu. Penyebab ini dapat diketahui melalui pengkajian. Sebagai tahap awal dari asuhan keperawatan, pengkajian merupakn kunci eberhasilan dari tindakan yang akan dilakukan. Pengkajian untuk inkontinensia urin ini melipui riwayat kesehatan yang lalu, riwayat medis, catatn harian pemasukan dan pengeluaran cairan, pengkajian lingkungan, pengkajian fisik dan fungsi. Pengkajian yang lain meliputi urinalisi, kultur urin, tes residu urin dan urodinamika

    Analisis Fenomenologi Tantang Pengalaman Perawat Dalam Memberikan Asuhan Keperawatan Pada Pasien Dengan Avian Influenza

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    Nurse is the only health team member in the hospital who always contact intensively with the patient. Fear of getting infection from patient can create negative perception and attitude which will influence the way nurse perform nursing care to the patient. This is important to assess what nurse perception in caring for infectious patiens, such as Avian Influenza (AI) patients. A Phenomenology study was carried out to identify the experience of nurses in taking care patient with Avian Influenza. The purpose of the study was to identify the experience of nurses in taking care patients with Avian Influenza. The participants were seven nurses who work at a hospital in Jakarta. Data was collected by the in-depth interview. The major themes revealed in this study were: inadequate knowledge about Avian Influeza, highly prefessional nurses, feeling when caring for patient, way in preventing AI transmission. In conclusion, there is a need to conduct additional training about Avian Influenza in the context of nursing care approach

    Faktor-Faktor Motivasi Kerja: Supervisi, Penghasilan, Dan Hubungan Interpersonal Mempengaruhi Kinerja Perawat Pelaksana

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    Performance of nurses directly affect to quality health care. Staff nurse is a contribution worker directly to the quality of theservices for the client. The work motivation factor is one of factors which influence the work of nurse. This research is adescriptive quantitative by a cross sectional design which aiming to know relationship between the work motivation factorswith staff nurse performance inpatient wards in Hospital X. Research used a proportionate random sampling which fulfilledan inclusion criterion; it was almost 100 staff nurse at inpatient wards in Hospital X. This research result indicated three subvariables of work motivation which related significantly by nurse performance including interpersonal relation (OR= 4.345),supervision (OR= 72.952) and incomes or salary (OR=7.304). While individual characteristic variable indicated two variableswhich related significantly by performance is education of staff nurse (OR= 7.567) and age (OR= 25.948). There are dominantsub variable connected with staff nurse performance is supervision (OR= 72.952), after it was controlled by variables of age,incomes or salary and education level. Increase of supervision by head nurse, nursing committee, and nursing section need tobe improved, with the approach of organizational structure in order to motivate the performance of nurses

    Peningkatkan Harga Diri Pada Klien Gagal Ginjal Kronik Melalui Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguraikan tentang pengaruh Cognitif Behavior Therapy (CBT) terhadap Perubahan harga diri klien Gagal Ginjal Kronik (GGK) di unit hemodialisa RS H Jakarta. Penelitian dilakukan menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif, dengan metode quasi eksperimen pre-post test without control group. Penelitian dilakukan terhadap 27 responden (klien GGK) yang sedang menjalani hemodialisis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat Perubahan harga diri baik dari aspek kognitif maupun perilaku yang signifikan sesudah dilakukan intervensi CBT (p= 0,000; α= 0,05). Rekomendasi hasil penelitian CBT dijadikan salah satu terapi spesialis bagi klien GGK di unit hemodialisa pada khususnya dan klien yang mengalami gangguan psikososial pada umumnya

    Penerapan Edinburgh Post-Partum Depression Scale Sebagai Alat Deteksi Risiko Depresi Nifas Pada Primipara Dan Multipara

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    Mothers describe postpartum depression as a living nightmare filled with uncontrollable anxiety, consuming guilt, andobsessive thinking. These conditions do not only harm themselves but also their infants. Mothers are enveloped in lonelinessand the quality of their lives is further compromised by a lack of all positive emotions. Up to 50% of all cases of postpartumdepression go undetected. The Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) has been the only instrument available thatwas specifically designed to screen for this mood disorder. The aim of this study is to evaluate risk of postpartum depressiondifferences of primiparous and multiparous mother by using EPDS. This study utilized survey with quantitative approach.Fourty patients were chosen with purposive sampling method. The result of the study especially the independent t-test showsthat there was significant differences of postpartum depression risk of primiparous and multiparous women (p= 0.000; α=0.05). It is recommended to apply the scale of Edinburgh as tools detection of postpartum depression in mothers primiparousand multiparous considering that postpartum depression often occurs without any known beforehand

    Pemantauan Intake Output Cairan Pada Pasien Gagal Ginjal Kronik Dapat Mencegah Overload Cairan

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    Fluid Intake Output Monitoring of Chronic Renal Failure Patients can Prevent Fluid Overload. Unhealthy diet in urban society as one of risk factor noncommunicable disease, such as Diabetes and Hypertension. Both of them is leading causes of kidney disease and it can be End Stage Renal Disease stage (ESRS). ESRD patient often experience fluid overload state, that can cause another health problem even it can be cause of death. That\u27s way, it is important to make effective and efficient fluid restriction program to prevent the complication, one other thing is fluid intake output monitoring. This scientific paper use case study method to describe analysis of clinical practice in fluid intake output monitoring by using fluid intake output chart. Monitoring is proven effective to treat fluid overload, it is shown by decreasing of patient\u27s fluid overload clinical manifestatio

    Reflection on Mental Health System and Quality Assurance: Considering the Relevance of the Australian Experience for Indonesia

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    Pelayanan kesehatan jiwa di Australia telah berkembang menjadi pelayanan yang berorientasi pada komunitas dan sensitive terhadap kebutuhan dan hak klien dengan gangguan jiwa. Perkembangan ini mempunyai implikasi pada system kesehatan jiwa komunitas., kebijakan tentang kesehatan jiwa, legalisasi, pelayanan kesehatan jiwa, pelayanan pembauran, begitu pula implikasi terhadap praktek keperawatan. Perubahan dalam pelayanan kesehatan jiwa menuntut perawat untuk memiliki pengetahuan yang teoritis yang lebih baik dan kemampuan untuk melakukan praktek keperawatan secara professional.Di Indonesia, kajian yang ekstensif tentang kebutuhan masyarakat dengan masalah kesehatan jiwa, sumber yang tersedia untuk memenuhi kebutuhan tersebut, serta keyakinan, nilai dan sikap tenaga professional kesehatan jiwa tentang ilmu kedokteran dan perilaku dari negara barat yang mempengaruhi pelayanan kesehatan jiwa, sangat diperlukan untuk pengembangan system kesehatan jiwa yang lebih efektif dan efesien. The mental health services in Australia have been developed to be more community based services and sensitive to the needs and rights of the mentally ill. This development has implications for mental health system and the community, mental health policy, legislation, mental health services, mainstreaming services as well as implications for nursing practice. The change in mental health services required the nurse to have the better theoretical knowledge and competence to practice professionally. In Indonesia, the extensive study on the needs of the people with mental health problem and the existing resource to meet those needs, as well as the current beliefs, values and attitudes held by mental health professionals towards the Western medical and behavioral science influence on mental health services is an important process in developing more efficient and effective mental health system

    Etika Penulisan Karya Ilmiah Keperawatan

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    A scientific writing is a form of formal writing that provide facts and truth objectively and scientifically. It requires the writer honesty to present the information effectively, so that the reader will grasp the meaning of the article. Nowadays, large number of nursing scientific writing is produced by nursing scholars in Indonesia. However, this indicator should be followed by the application of ethical aspect in the writing. This article will discuss the ethical aspect in writing scientific article
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