217 research outputs found


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    In traditional classes, teachers teach grammar in a deductive way with meaningless activities. The activities do not emphasize the uses of English in real life and lack of communication among teachers and students. Language awareness might give the students a challenge to pose questions and encourage them to explore themselves on how language works. The teachers might be able to encourage the students to participate to lead them to get communicative skills by using negotiation of meaning. This article is intended to explore and analyze the students’ mistakes when negotiating meaning in the language learning process. The qualitative descriptive research was employed in this study with 33 students in senior high school as the subjects of the research. The data were from the students’ interviews and recordings. The finding revealed that the students produced mistakes in grammar, pronunciation, and vocabulary. It showed that the extent of the students’ awareness in responding to a mistake in the negotiation of meaning was low. It was only 16 incorrect utterances that might be corrected by the students. It was divided into two sides, willingness and unwillingness to correct. Factors were affecting the students not to be aware during interaction such as focusing on meaning, the same proficiency level, and condition of the class

    English Proficiency of Students at Politeknik Negeri Balikpapan Based on TOEIC

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    English language proficiency is generally measured by English competency scores such as TOEFL and TOEIC. To be able to apply the right learning patterns for students of Politeknik Negeri Balikpapan (Poltekba) for the purpose of mastering the TOEIC, an analysis of their English proficiency is needed by measuring their TOEIC scores. This analysis can be used as a reference for English lecturers in providing relevant learning materials according to the needs of the students and the industrial world. The research method used is qualitative-quantitative because it focuses on analyzing the TOEIC scores of the students. The researchers conducted analysis on the TOEIC scores as the data and explained them descriptively. The data used in this analysis are TOEIC scores from 291 students. The scores were mapped into 6 levels of English proficiency. The results of this study describe the level of English proficiency and the comparison between mastering Listening and Reading Comprehensions by the students at Politeknik Negeri Balikpapan

    Interpersonal Meaning in RAs: Some Traces of Modality

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    Studies on interpersonal meaning have been well documented. However, few studies explored interpersonal meaning in the area of research articles. In responding to this, the present study tried to reveal interpersonal meaning in RAs’ discussion sections. The data taken were from five reputable international journals categorized in the subject of language and linguistics indexed by Scopus with the SJR value above one. Having been analyzed by using the theory of modality from Halliday (1994), the data demonstrated that three types of modality values were identified such as high, middle, and low. In addition, there were some disparities among the results investigated. If sequenced, the low outnumbered the middle and the high values. This suggested that the authors had different assessments towards the topics written

    Representation of People with HIV/AIDS in The Jakarta Post and Jakarta Globe: A Critical Discourse Analysis

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    This study aims to understand representational meanings from the transitivity choices used by news reports from The Jakarta Post and Jakarta Globe in reporting people with HIV-positive cases and exposing the underlying ideology behind the representation. Fairclough’s three-dimensional concept in Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) was applied in this study. The study also relied on Halliday’s systemic functional grammar, particularly in the transitivity analysis. Two selected articles were collected from The Jakarta Post and Jakarta Globe newspapers. The findings revealed that both news media dominantly report people with HIV/AIDS through material process, then followed by verbal process and relational process. Next, the study found that people with HIV/AIDS are represented as discriminated and threatened group in The Jakarta Post; meanwhile, they are represented as a mistreated group in Jakarta Globe. Last, the study found that The Jakarta Post attempts to construct that people with HIV/AIDS need to be more accepted and protected; meanwhile, Jakarta Globe attempts to construct an idea that people with HIV/AIDS need to be given more attention. To sum up, the combination of the both theories is substantially advantageous in the discourse to expose ideology

    Exploring Teachers’ Use of First Language (L1) in EFL Classroom

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    Teachers are always seen as the role model of the classroom. Students tend to imitate what the teachers speak and do, including in English classroom. It has been popular that in English classroom teachers impose the students to use English (L2) only. However, the practice showed that teachers still use L1 in their teaching. Regarding that fact, this study aims to investigate how teachers use first language (L1) in English classroom. The study involves experienced teachers from two private schools in Bekasi, a junior high school and a senior high school. Observations, video and audio recording, and interview were conducted to collect the data. From the data, it is obtained the teacher talk (TT) where the teachers mostly used English. Although the teachers used English and encouraged students to use English, it turned out that in some situation L1 is unavoidable. The teachers used L1 during the class learning. This teachers’ L1 was then analyzed from the perspective of initiation, response, feedback (IRF) exchange. The result shows that teachers performed typical acts and functions in the class interaction. Moreover, teachers’ L1 was not necessarily showing incompetence or reluctance to use L2. Rather, L1 use performed functions in the classroom that it helped teachers build students’ knowledge and manage the class more efficiently

    Scaffolding in Narrative Learning: Appraisal Analysis in Teachers’ Talk

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    Engagement is one of appraisal dimensions introduced by Martin and White (2005) that is used to analyze the stances which a teacher takes, both in relation to the students and the visual-verbal components in texts and the way of the teacher align or dis-align the students. This paper explores the interaction between a teacher and thirty-two junior high school students in learning narrative texts. The focus of this study is on the stages of scaffolding to help the students to cope with narrative texts. This study employs classroom discourse analysis particularly appraisal analysis on engagement elements in teacher’s talk. The findings of this study depict that in teaching the students, the teacher uses different kinds of engagement systems of heterogloss (contract and expand) to take particular stance to mediate the students with teaching materials. The heterogloss is also used to guide the students in exploring the learning materials. Practically, the result of the study is beneficial for the EFL teachers as a reference in teaching narrative texts

    Developing a Web-Based Vocabulary Size Test for Indonesian EFL Learners

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    One important aspect of English language learning is vocabulary. However, the availability of vocabulary proficiency tests, both manual and computer-based, is still limited. Almost all currently existing vocabulary tests are monolingual and have not accommodated the needs of EFL learners. The objective of this study was to develop a web-based vocabulary size test for English learners in Indonesia. It consisted of 6 stages, namely: (1) needs analysis; (2) corpus selection and corpus data analysis; (3) sampling to select words from corpus data; (4) generating test items; (5) developing a web-based version of the test and pilot study; and (6) reflection and evaluation. Pilot study involved having a sample group of English learners in Indonesia try out the designed vocabulary size test. A paired-samples t-test was then used to determine whether there was a significant difference between the learners’ scores on the designed test and those on a free online vocabulary size test not specifically designed for Indonesian test takers. The t-test indicated that there was a significant difference between the designed test scores (M=6433, SD=1169) and free online test scores (M=5700, SD=1616); t(35)=-3.597, p = 0.001. The identifiable factors which seemed to contribute to this difference were different corpus data (COCA vs. BNC), different varieties of English (American vs. British), and different formats (bilingual vs. monolingual). Despite the difference, there was a positive correlation between the two tests (Correlation = 0.657) meaning that higher scores on one of the tests equals higher scores on the other.

    Analysis of Jokowi’s Commissive Speech Acts in 2014 and 2019 Inaugural Address: A Pragmatic Study

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    This article attempted to identify and describe the commissive acts in the inaugural addresses delivered by the Indonesian president Joko Widodo in 2014 and 2019. This includes the felicity condition of the addresses. The differences between commissive speech acts produced in his inauguration address and the second terms were also contrasted. The data were the transcripts of the addresses in both terms. Descriptive qualitative was implied in this study. The results found that there were two categories of commissive acts in the first term and four in the second term. In contrast with the first term which was only 11, in his second term he uttered 15 commissive acts. The results concluded that to maintain people’s trust in his second term, the speaker proposed more commissive acts than in the first term

    Netizens’ Comments in Responding Polling of Presidential-VP Candidate 2019 on YouTube: Rocky Gerung's Channel

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    The aim of this research is to describe the expressive speech acts of the YouTube user (netizen) and the politeness strategy used by the netizens in line to respond polling of Presidential-VP candidate in Indonesia. This descriptive qualitative research used library research in collecting the data. Some theories related to expressive speech acts and politeness strategy were used to analyze the data. The analysis was represented by using informal method. The result of analysis showed that the expressive speech act is the most frequently used by the YouTube users. The results indicated that the netizens used expressive speech acts to express anger, satirizing, sympathizing, blaming, thanking and fulminating. The research also revealed the importance of expressive speech act in keeping politeness in witten language. It was concluded that the netizens were creative in expressing their ideas through written language. Expressive speech acts and politeness strategy reflected the way the language users show their emotion by using words

    Consecutive Interpreting Strategies on A Court Setting: A Study of English into Indonesia Interpretation

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    This study was an attempt to investigate the consecutive interpreting strategies used by an Indonesian interpreter, Yuliana Tansil, in the court setting. This study examined a trial court in English and consecutively interpreted it to Indonesian. Faerch and Kasper’s (1983) theory of consecutive interpreting strategy was used. The descriptive qualitative method was applied as the method of this study. Data were collected through video recording taken from official YouTube. The video then was transcribed carefully. The results showed that the interpreter used two types of consecutive interpreting strategies, namely reduction strategies, and achievement strategies. In terms of reduction strategy, the interpreter applied skipping, incomplete sentence, and filtering. Yet, the message abandonment was not found in this study. In terms of achievement strategies, the interpreter used both appeal for assistance and elaborate strategy. The results also indicated that the interpreter frequently elaborated and expanded the lexical meaning of words or phrases in the utterances. The interpreter used this strategy when she faced the difficult words in long utterances because of some cultural nuance. So, she elaborated on her understanding of the message by adding more information as a way of making the utterance in the target language to be understood better
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