1,797 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Modul Interaktif Berbasis Multiple Intelligence Dengan Autoplay Pada Konsep Perubahan Materi Genetik Di IKIP Budi Utomo Malang

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    Technology-based learning needs to be done immediately in order to carry out more interested in learning and fostering student motivation. Furthermore, learning should be done byeach student characteristics.One of which is multiple intelligences based learning. Through the application of multiple intelligence assisted technology based learning, it is expected that the learning objectives will be more easily achieved by students. Interactive module based on multiple intelligences that has been validated was the product of this research and developmental experiment. This research was limited to the Changes of Genetic Material taught at the Genetics Course at IKIP Budi Utomo Malang. Research and development model was carried out by 4D model from Thiagarajan. This research phase includes define, design, design, and disseminate stages. The research data is obtained from the module validation score, both from material experts, media experts, and practitioners (students). The data obtained were analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively. Based on the results of the validation of media experts, material experts and small-scale trials, it is known that the percentage results are above 85%, so the product is declared valid. Furthermore, it is necessary to test the classical scale to find out its effectiveness in learning

    Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Kognitif Mahasiswa melalui Model Pembelajaran Group Discovery Learning (Gdl) pada Matakuliah Pengetahuan Laboratorium di IKIP Budi Utomo Malang

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    The paradigm of national education develops along with the demand of human resource improvement through the learning characteristic which centered on the human. The observation result shows that using the conventional method and giving the assignment were still implemented in the learning activity. In this way, the students became less active during the lesson, and got low outcomes on the subject matter of laboratory knowledge. Based on this problem, the learning activity can use an alternative learning model. One of them is Group Discovery Learning (GDL). The research conducted Classroom Action Research (CAR) which used the descriptive approach. This research was conducted in two cycles. Each cycle consisted of planning, implementing, observing, and reflecting. The subject of the research was 43 university students. The conclusion of the research shows that the use of GDL model improves the students\u27 learning outcomes

    Pengembangan Modul Praktikum Genetika Berbasis Keterampilan Proses Sains untuk Mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Biologi

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    The development of this practicum module is based on overcoming student difficulties in practicum implementation and final report making. Skills-based modules of the scientific process to practice the skills of the process of science are observing, grouping, interpreting, predicting, formulating hypotheses, planning experiments, and communicating. This module is expected to lead the students to be actively involved in carrying out practicum activities independently related to the concept of the material to be studied. The purpose of this research is to produce teaching material product in the form of practical genetic module based on the skill of science process that is feasible and practical used by students in genetic lecturing. The procedure of development in this research with the 4-D model proposed by Thiagarajan that is define (definition), design (design), develop (development), and disseminate (dissemination). Data collection instruments used in the form of interviews and assessment questionnaire. Data analysis techniques used qualitative analysis by calculating the average score of each component of the module assessment and calculating practicality data on the use of the practicum module. The science-based genetic module of the science process module is appropriate for use by professors of materials experts, media experts, and linguists. Second, module practicum based on science skill based on students\u27 responses have practicality in practicum practice that is 76,05% module contents, 76,26% presentation, and 76,10% from the language

    Hubungan Kandungan Kimia Tanah terhadap Keanekaragaman Makrofauna Tanah pada Perkebunan Apel Semi Organik dan Anorganik

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    This study aims to determine the relationship of soil chemical content to soil macrofauna in semi-organic and non organic apple plantations in Tulungrejo Village, Bumiaji District, Batu City. Observation of soil chemical properties carried out in the BPTP East Java laboratory. The soil was taken systematically on both fields. Observation of soil macrofauna is carried out by direct observation. The study was conducted in March - May 2018. The parameters observed in this study were soil (H \u27) macrofauna, and soil (pH, C-Organic, and N). The chemical content of soil in the semi-organic apple plantation is (pH = 7.8 C-Organic = 1.54 and N = 0.16), while the chemical content of soil in the land of inorganic apple plantations is (pH = 7 C-Organic = 0 , 5 and N = 0.06). The results of research on soil macrofauna in Semi Organic apple plantations found 9 orders consisting of 10 families and amounting to 247 individuals. The role of soil macrofauna includes 3 families and 45 individuals, 4 family detrivor and 42 individuals, and 3 family predators and 160 individuals. The results of research on soil macrofauna in the field of Inorganic found 8 orders, consisting of 9 families and numbered 162 individuals. The role of the soil macrofauna includes 3 families and 25 individuals, 3 families and 18 individuals, and 3 families and 119 individuals. Diversity index value (H \u27) of soil macrofauna in semi-organic land is higher at 1.81, while in Inorganic land is 1.53

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Inkuiri Terbimbing terhadap Kemampuan Kognitif Siswa pada Materi Perubahan Lingkungan dan Daur Ulang Limbah Kelas X di SMA

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    This study aims to determine the Differences of Cognitive Ability of Students Before and After Application of Guided Inquiry Learning Model on Environmental Change Material and Waste Recycling Class X in SMA \u27Aisyiyah 1 Palembang. The research method used in this research is weak experiment with one group pretest-posttest design. The population in this study consists of one class of 38 students. Sampling in this research using saturated sample technique because the entire population is sampled. Technique of collecting data is done with test question and observation sheet. Based on the results of data using t test at the real level of 5% tcount = 7,607 and ttable = 2.026, then tcount> ttable. This can be seen from the cognitive test of students showed sig thitung 0.000 <0,05, then Ha accepted and H0 rejected. The result of the analysis of the average increase of the students \u27cognitive achievement on the pretest reaches 69.34 while the cognitive students in the posttest reach 83.82 means students\u27 cognitive ability is higher after the application of guided inquiry learning model. Then it can be deduced that there is a Difference of Cognitive Ability of Students Before and After Application of Guided Inquiry Learning Model

    Pengembangan Handout Evolusi Berbasis Hasil Penelitian Profil Dna Fingerprinting

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    The purpose of this study was to develop a handout based on the results of a DNA Fingerprinting Profile in Javanese-Arabic Ethnics in Malang, East Java, Indonesia for the course of Evolution. Development (Handout) was carried out based on the 4D development model of Thiagarajan. The 4D model has 4 stages, namely define, design, develop, and disseminate, while the research to be carried out is only limited to the develop stage. The research subjects were students of the Biology Education Study Program IKIP Budi Utomo Malang who had taken as many as 40 evolutionary subjects. Data analysis techniques used to analyze quantitative data in the form of validation scores from two material experts, two media experts and readability tests. The instruments used to collect data in the study included validation sheets and questionnaires. The results of the material expert validation analysis included aspects of the completeness of the material, material, questions about evaluation and aspects of material development. The results of expert media validation analysis include aspects of Handout size, Cover Design Handout, Cover Handout Typography, Cover Handout Illustration aspects, Handout Content Design, Typography of Handout Content, Handout Illustration, Language Feasibility, and Presentation Completeness. The results of the readability test analysis include aspects of the material ease, the victory of the handout of understanding material, and renewal of material. Based on the results of the analysis data in this development research, it can be concluded that the average results of the assessment from the material expert validator was obtained with a percentage of 89.85% with the category Very Valid. The average assessment results from media expert validators with a percentage of 98.22% with the category Very Valid. The average assessment results from the readability test with a percentage of 92.73% with the category Very Valid

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Berbasis Proyek untuk Meningkatkan Aktivitas Belajar Mahasiswa pada Matakuliah Pengembangan Bahan Ajar

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    Based on observations in the course of learning development of teaching materials in IKIP Budi Utomo, an outline of the learning activities using a model presentation discussion.Discussions presentations that do not yet able to accommodate the activity of the students. Some students look sleepy, some even speak for themselves with their friends. So, we need the learning process interesting and fun through classroom action research (PTK) with the implementation of project-based learning. Classroom Action Research (PTK) aims to describe the increase in students\u27 learning activities in the course material development through project-based learning. The approach used in this study is a qualitative approach. This type of research is the Classroom Action Research (PTK). PTK steps include planning, implementing action, observation, and evaluation / reflection. These measures were taken in each cycle. This study uses three cycles. Data obtained in the form of learning process and field notes taken from the observation sheet as well as the group\u27s activities in the lessons learned from the observation sheet. Overall, students\u27 learning activities increased from the first cycle of 69.03% to 86.03% in the second cycle. Students are able to carry out all stages of the project is well on the second cycle. Products produced in accordance with the demands of the curriculum

    Waktu Tumbuh Mata Tunas Daun Mangifera Indica L. Pada Berbagai Tingkatan

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    Fenology including one of scientific that study about development phases such as flowering character or development of leaf. One of leaf's development M.indica leaf has a very high diversity such as shape size even the color is often different according to its development as well as the buds that appear in the plan. The observation of buds's growth period in the M.indica plan has ever done before, but the levels and the time is still not clear. This research aimed to know the buds's time grows on various levels of M. indica so obtained the good appearance time and the level of M.indica species for further research material. The collecting data uses exploration method by exploring the area of sub-district Cibiru, district Bandung, West Java and an act of determine a level. The act of determine of the length and the diameter of each stand which is found at the three regions. The result of observation shows 7 of the 12 specimen that has been observed experiencing the growth of leaf buds. The average growth time of the buds in the specimen that experienced a growth is 13 days which dominate with pole, as for the existence of the variation of shape and bud color appearance enable to the existence of growth to the next phase from that buds

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Problem Based Learning (Pbl) sebagai Upaya untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Berfikir Kritis Mahasiswa terhadap Lingkungan Sekitar

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    This research is descriptive research, as for the purpose of this research to improve students\u27 critical thinking ability to environmental problem by using Problem Based Learning (PBL) learning model in Environmental Science subject in Biology Education Study Program of UM Palembang. The study was conducted from September to December 2016. The results of this study indicate that PBL learning model is suitable to be applied in the subject of Environmental Knowledge. That students are able to think critically is seen from the way students solve environmental problems properly, meticulously, logically and thoroughl

    Penggunaan Model Group Investigation untuk Meningkatkan Berpikir Kritis Siswa SMP

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    Group Investigation model is one of cooperatif metode that can grows critical student from directly experience. Based on observation in fSMP 1 Indramayu 2016 were 40% the group was less colaboration, 60% evidences was less, 65% students weren\u27t connected problems each other, 55%  decision hadn\u27t most alternative problem solving to be collected. This aim research to descript  critical thingking used group investigation model. Research metode qualititave descriptive, Research parameter is critical skill student and these indicator were problem indentifiy, argument analize, definition, finding source, observasion and result, mind based consideration ability integration to  defend decision. Instrument research was quisioner. Result study from quisioner  were 78% was good, 71% was enough. Conclusion was critical thinking skill can be used in group investigation model
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