91 research outputs found

    Itaalia konstrueerimine nõukogude reisikirjas. The Construction of Italy in Soviet Travelogues

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    The focus of the article is Aimée Beekman’s travelogue Plastmassist südamega madonna (Madonna With a Plastic Heart, 1963). It also covers Juhan Kahk’s travelogue Alpide taga on moonpunane Itaalia (Behind the Alps Lies Poppy-Red Italy, 1967), Artur Vader’s Itaalia päikese all (Under Italy’s Sun, 1973), the chapters on Italy in Voldemar Panso’s travel novel Laevaga Leningradist Odessasse ehk Miks otse minna, kui ringi saab (From Leningrad to Odessa by Boat or: Why Go Straight When You Can Go Around, 1957), Max Laosson’s Nato-blokk turisti bloknoodis (Notebook of a Tourist in the Nato Bloc, 1962) and Debora Vaarandi’s Välja õuest ja väravast (From the Yard and the Gate, 1970). My aim is to analyse Soviet Estonian authors’ image of Italy in order to see what characterises the Soviet travelogue. The theoretical background of the article is the research field of imagology within literary studies. Imagology and image studies deal with the depiction of countries and peoples. With the basic concepts of imagology as a starting point, the typical topic developments of the Soviet travelogue are covered, such as the thematic features of the worker, Western society and its mechanics and idiosyncracies, faith and the church, the question of the so-called ’real Italy’ and the characteristic perspicacity of writers of Soviet travelogues. When it comes to Estonian travelogues, one can talk about a Tuglasesque travelogue tradition; Friedebert Tuglas is considered one of the pioneers behind the Estonian travelogue with his works Teekond Hispaania (A Journey to Spain, 1918) and Teekond Põhja-Aafrika (A Journey to North Africa, I–III, 1928–1930). In the Tuglasesque travelogue, books of history and art, fiction and personal impressions are intertwined. The travelogue is educational and makes for good reading. The Soviet travelogue spans certain topics from a Soviet point of view and uses Soviet rhetorics and logics. The authors usually don’t even make it to the ’second level’: the travelogue remains a one-level description about things seen, and doesn’t catch any deeper train of thought or developments of the topic. The focus of the writing style is ’been there-seen that – went there, saw that.’ No intertwinement of books of history and art, fiction and personal impressions takes place; in that sense the travelogue does not belong in a Tuglasesque travelogue tradition. The Soviet travelogue is written from within the tradition of Soviet travelogues, which aims at pointing to the problems of life in capitalist countries and to the negative influence of faith. In this depiction of the Other and construction of the capitalist West, Soviet society is also depicted. You could say that the situation in the home-country is implicitely and explicitely reflected against the background of the image of Italy. It is important to note that the writers in several instances identify themselves with the Soviet Union; a Soviet Russian filter lies between the Estonian’s gaze and that which is depicted. Simultaneously, a sense of belonging, of we, can be discerned with both Russians and Communist Italians. Thus, their self-reflection in the image of the Other shows a ’self’ which contains a mixed identity of Soviet citizen and Estonian, reflecting their own world-view

    Eduard Vilde ja Ungari

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    Ajakiri Motomaania ja tema lugeja

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    The thesis describes an Estonian motorcycle magazine Motomaania and its readers’ profiles and preferences in reading the magazine. The primary question of the research was: does a magazine be more than merely a source of information for a certain group, can the magazine carry more a role of the unifier of the group more than an informer and the group members purchase and read the magazine primarily because of the belonging to the group and less for the information the magazine offers. I studied the magazine in two main methods, by content quantity analysis and magazine readers’ poll. The primary interest of the research was to compare the content of the magazine issues and the preferences of the readers. The content analyze was done about the magazines from 2004 to 2008. The poll was carried out through the internet polling. Questions to the readers were in three main blocks: what is their relation to the other automotive magazines, how they use and what they prefer to read from the Motomaania, and what their habits are in motorcycling. From the content analysis appeared that the most often printed sorties are about the maintenance issues, motorcycling sporting events and other motorcycling social events. From the poll results appeared that readers are mostly interested in stories about maintenance, equipment, riding techniques, travelling stories and home-built bikes. At the same time readers disliked most stories about motorcycling sporting events and other motorcycling social events. From the readers’ poll also appeared that the readers are not very interested in other automotive magazines but are devoted readers of the Motomaania, most of the respondents are subscribers on purchase every issue, most of them read almost every story of the magazine and most of them have seen majority of the magazine numbers ever issued. The analysis of the results of the researches showed that there’s a fundamental gap between the content of the magazine and the readers expectations but nevertheless the magazine readers are very loyal. From the comparing of the readers’ preferences of the stories and readers’ social indicators and preferences in practicing motorcycling there could be found three hypothetical groups of readers: off-road guy, city guy and countryside guy. Every group has its’ significant preferences in choosing articles to read and also distinct social and behavioral distinctions. The conclusion of the thesis is that the editors of the magazine might have to adjust the content of the magazine to the more favorable to the readers to be more successful in long term and not to loose the loyalty of the readers. The motorcycling sports stories are important to the readers group thou and if the magazine is not interested in loosing them as readers the content of the magazine must be adjusted in very thorough way. The Motomaania as the only Estonian general motorcycle magazine is definitely an important publication in the Estonian media field. The loyalty of the readers is conspicuous and therefore it would very sorry if the magazine would disappear from the scene because of the possible long term wrong decisions.http://www.ester.ee/record=b4014747*es

    Reisikirjeldused suurima tiraažiga Eesti ajalehtedes aastal 2010

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    This thesis „Travel writings in biggest Estonian newspapers in 2010“ gives a view about travel writing theory based on Estonian and English material and also helps to understand what does travel writing really means. The resent material in Estonia, used in this thesis, is from 1967 and is mostly based on notes of Juhan Peegel and Endel Mallene. The newer theory is based on English theory and is not over ten years old. Using English theory was important, because Estonian journalism is influenced by western journalism culture and there is no current theory of travel writing in Estonian language. Travel writing can be considered as one of the feature genre. Between travel writings and features there are many common parts. This fact is based on theory of both genres and also became obvious in the analysis. The biggest difference between these two genres is the subject. All the features can be written about events or people but all the travel writings focus on either travelling or on a place the author has visited. In both genres it is important to use characters, dialogs and carefully chosen details. These active journalists, who gave interviews, agreed that good details are very important in travel writings. Based on analysis of traditional travel writings, that were from Postimees, Õhtuleht, Maaleht Eesti Ekspress and Eesti Päevaleht, shows that these pieces adjust well in the theoretical conception of travel writing. In addition to the signs that described older travel writings, the most travel writings also included „in media res“-beginnings. Travel writings had thematic middle section or narrative middle section. The most common endings of travel writing included a satisfying conclusion and/or were tide up with the beginning. There were more traditional travel writings found from daily newspapers than from weekly newspapers. Whereby, daily newspapers published mostly travel stories from professional journalist and weekly newspapers mostly published travel stories from co-authors, who did not worked regularly for that paper. The reasons, why daily newspapers prefer to publish travel writings form editorial board were mentioned in interviews – professional journalist produce better pieces and editorial board do not have money to by them in. The author of this thesis found it interesting and exciting challenge to write it. The same time it helped to get a good overview of travel sections and travel writings of Estonian biggest newspapers.http://www.ester.ee/record=b4054581~S1*es

    Estonian linguistic enclaves on the territory of the former Russian Empire: contacts with local languages

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    In the 19th century, the emigration of Estonians gathered momentum and Estonian villages were founded on the vast territory of the Russian Empire. Having survived over several generations, these native Estonian-speaking villages can be considered linguistic enclaves outside their homeland. This article will give an overview of research expeditions into Estonian villages in Siberia and the Far East in the 1980s and 1990s. Initially, we treated the linguistic enclaves as a continuation of the map of Estonian dialects, hoping to find in the foreign-language(s) surrounded and isolated Estonian language features which, primarily as a result of the influence of standard Estonian, have disappeared from the dialects of homeland Estonia. In our further studies, we have taken into account developments in modern linguistics: whether to place emphasis on the original (authentic) or on developmental changes. In terms of language influences, we cannot forget contacts with local and regional languages.Kokkuvõte. Jüri Viikberg: Eesti keelesaared omaaegse Tsaari-Venemaa aladel: kontaktid kohalike keeltega. Eestlaste väljaränne kodumaalt saavutas haripunkti 19. sajandil, mil eesti külasid rajati Vene impeeriumis Krimmi poolsaarest kuni Jaapani mereni. Tänapäevani säilinud eesti külades on emakeel kasutusel ka järglaspõlvkondades ja neid saab vaadelda eesti keelesaartena väljaspool emamaad. Et aladel, kuhu Tsaari-Venemaa poliitika eesti koloniste suunas, on elanud paljusid eri rahvaid, siis on artiklis jälgitud võimalikke keelekontakte kohalike keeltega piirkondade kaupa (Krimm, Taga-Kaukaasia, Lääne- ja Ida-Siber, Kaug-Ida). Keelematerjali põhjal võib väita, et kohalike (põlis)rahvaste keeltest on eestlased oma keelekasutusse võtnud eeskätt kohanimesid ning mõningal määral ka toidu, riietuse ja kohaliku elu-oluga seotud sõnavara.Märksõnad: eesti keel, eesti keelesaared, keelekontaktid, Kaukaasia eestlased, Krimmi eestlased, Siberi eestlased, Venemaa eestlase

    Ravipakettide sisuturundus Eesti Spaaliidu näitel

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    Eestlane Euroopas. Eestlaste endakuvand Lääne-Euroopas Petrone Prindi "Minu"-sarja näitel

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    Käesoleva magistritöö eesmärk on vaadelda eestlaste endakujundit Petrone Prindi poolt välja antavas reisi- ja võõrsil elamise lugusid koondavas nn „Minu“-sarjas, keskendudes Lääne-Euroopat käsitlevatele teostele. Töös analüüsin, kuidas eestlane representeerib ennast võrreldes Euroopaga, milliseid aspekte eurooplaste juures enim vahendatakse, kas erinevate rahvaste puhul leiavad käsitlust sarnased identiteediaspektid ja kuidas eestlastest autorid iseloomustavad ennast selle taustal, mis on nende jaoks eestlaseks olemise ja Eesti puhul oluline, mis on nende arvates eestlaslik