6,058,552 research outputs found

    Requirements management and control

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    The systems engineering process for thermal nuclear propulsion requirements and configuration definition is described in outline and graphic form. Functional analysis and mission attributes for a Mars exploration mission are also addressed

    Red Rock Desert Learning Center & Wild Horse and Burro Facility: Newsletter

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    The mission of the Red Rock Desert Learning Center is to instill stewardship and respect by increasing knowledge and understanding of the Mojave Desert ecosystemsand cultures through a unique experiential discovery program

    Red Rock Desert Learning Center & Wild Horse and Burro Facility: Frequently Asked Questions

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    The mission of the Red Rock Desert Learning Center is to instill stewardship and respect by increasing knowledge and understanding of the Mojave Desert ecosystems and cultures through a unique experiential discovery program

    Uudenmaan vesienhoidon toimenpideohjelma vuosille 2016 – 2021

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    ÅtgĂ€rdsprogrammet för vattenvĂ„rden i Nyland innehĂ„ller uppgifter om vattnens status samt om de Ă„tgĂ€rder som krĂ€vs för att förbĂ€ttra och upprĂ€tthĂ„lla yt- och grundvattnens status under förvaltningsperioden 2016 – 2021. Ytvattnens ekologiska status i Ă€r svag i synnerhet pĂ„ de Ă„kerdominerade avrinningsomrĂ„dena och i Finska vikens kustvatten. Åarnas och Ă€lvarnas status försĂ€mras sĂ€rskilt av eutrofiering till följd av diffus belastning, men ocksĂ„ av byggande, reglering och uppdĂ€mning. Ytvattnens kemiska status i Nyland har till stor del bedömts vara god. Den sĂ€mre Ă€n goda kemiska statusen beror i huvudsak pĂ„ de kvicksilverhalter i abborre som överstiger miljökvalitetsnormen. I Nyland finns 21 grundvattenomrĂ„den som faststĂ€llts ha dĂ„lig kemisk status. De vanligaste orsakerna till att den kemiska statu-sen försĂ€mrats Ă€r grundvattnets kloridhalt, lösningsmedel, bekĂ€mpningsmedel samt bensintillsatsen MTBE. De sammanlagda kostnaderna för de Ă„tgĂ€rder som föreslĂ„s i Ă„tgĂ€rdsprogrammet Ă€r 372 miljoner euro per Ă„r. HĂ€rav Ă€r 351 mil-joner euro grund- och andra Ă„tgĂ€rder som ska vidtas med stöd av annan lagstiftning och 20 miljoner euro Ă„tgĂ€rder som kom-pletterar vattenvĂ„rden. Lagstiftningsbaserade, ekonomiska, förvaltningsmĂ€ssiga och informationsmĂ€ssiga styrmetoder har presenterats för att frĂ€mja genomförandet av Ă„tgĂ€rderna. AnsvarsomrĂ„dena och samarbetsparterna för genomförandet av styr-metoderna har faststĂ€llts

    On upper bounds on the smallest size of a saturating set in a projective plane

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    In a projective plane Πq\Pi _{q} (not necessarily Desarguesian) of order q,q, a point subset SS is saturating (or dense) if any point of Πq∖S\Pi _{q}\setminus S is collinear with two points in S~S. Using probabilistic methods, the following upper bound on the smallest size s(2,q) s(2,q) of a saturating set in Πq\Pi _{q} is proved: \begin{equation*} s(2,q)\leq 2\sqrt{(q+1)\ln (q+1)}+2\thicksim 2\sqrt{q\ln q}. \end{equation*} We also show that for any constant c≄1c\ge 1 a random point set of size kk in Πq\Pi _{q} with 2c(q+1)ln⁥(q+1)+2≀k<q2−1q+2∌q 2c\sqrt{(q+1)\ln(q+1)}+2\le k<\frac{q^{2}-1}{q+2}\thicksim q is a saturating set with probability greater than 1−1/(q+1)2c2−2.1-1/(q+1)^{2c^{2}-2}. Our probabilistic approach is also applied to multiple saturating sets. A point set S⊂ΠqS\subset \Pi_{q} is (1,ÎŒ)(1,\mu)-saturating if for every point QQ of Πq∖S\Pi _{q}\setminus S the number of secants of SS through QQ is at least ÎŒ\mu , counted with multiplicity. The multiplicity of a secant ℓ \ell is computed as (#(ℓ ∩S)2).{\binom{{\#(\ell \,\cap S)}}{{2}}}. The following upper bound on the smallest size sÎŒ(2,q)s_{\mu }(2,q) of a (1,ÎŒ)(1,\mu)-saturating set in Πq\Pi_{q} is proved: \begin{equation*} s_{\mu }(2,q)\leq 2(\mu +1)\sqrt{(q+1)\ln (q+1)}+2\thicksim 2(\mu +1)\sqrt{ q\ln q}\,\text{ for }\,2\leq \mu \leq \sqrt{q}. \end{equation*} By using inductive constructions, upper bounds on the smallest size of a saturating set (as well as on a (1,ÎŒ)(1,\mu)-saturating set) in the projective space PG(N,q)PG(N,q) are obtained. All the results are also stated in terms of linear covering codes.Comment: 15 pages, 24 references, misprints are corrected, Sections 3-5 and some references are adde

    The Redistribution of Efficiency Gains: Transfers or Tariffs?

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    This paper is concerned with some theoretical issues in cooperative multilateral trade policy reform. The focus of the paper is on the structure of the policy reform problem, particularly as it applies to piecemeal policy reform, and on the similarity in roles that can be played by income transfers on the one hand and tariffs reforms on the other as redistributive policy instruments. More specifically, the paper is concerned with the mechanism by which efficiency gains arising out of trade policy reforms can be distributed amongst countries to achieve a strict Pareto improvement in welfare. Traditionally, trade theorists have assumed the existence of lump sum income transfers to distribute efficiency gains. Turunen-Red and Woodland (2000) have shown that income transfers accompanying quota reforms can be replaced by suitable multilateral tariff reforms to achieve the same welfare outcome. In the current paper, we generalize this idea to deal with discrete policy reforms. And, we develop several applications to enhance understanding of the connection between tariffs and transfers. If lump sum transfers are not available policy instruments, the achievement of a strict Pareto improvement must depend on changes in distortionary taxes, such as domestic taxes or tariffs on trade. Our results show that, under a mild condition on the world trade matrix, it does not matter whether lump sum transfers are available. Transfers can be replaced by a carefully chosen set of tariffs to achieve the same welfare outcome. This ability to replace transfers by tariffs is a result of the structure of the model of international trade: the terms of trade effects for a country and a lump sum transfers are equivalent, and there are sufficient tariff instruments to enable countries to neutralize the domestic price effects of terms of trade movements.
