52,177 research outputs found

    Contribution of the ORSTOM fisheries department research unit to the South Pacific Commission 21st regional technical meeting on fisheries

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    Trois articles dĂ©veloppent l'Ă©tat de la pĂȘche commerciale au Vanuatu. La pĂȘche d'espĂšces dĂ©mersales Ă  Efate est Ă©tudiĂ©es en 1987 et en 1988. La sous-exploitation de l'espace de pĂȘche est Ă©vidente avec un effort de pĂȘche concentrĂ© sur un tiers de l'espace maritime. Les activitĂ©s de pĂȘches sont principalement limitĂ©es par la demande. L'emploi de nouvelles techniques de pĂȘche comme le casier n'est pas Ă©conomiquement viable pour le dĂ©veloppement de la pĂȘche villageoise. (RĂ©sumĂ© d'auteur

    Spatial distribution of an eel population (Anguilla anguilla L.) in a small coastal catchments of northern Brittany (France). Consequences hydraulic works.

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    The Frémur is a 60 km2 catchment of Brittany where many hydraulic works (dams, weirs, gauging structures, etc.) have reduced the recruitment by elvers and glass eels since at least 50 years. In 1992, an eel lift was built on the main dam (14 m high) and in 1996, two other dams (5 m high) located downstream were equipped with eel passes to improve upstream migration. In 1995, before the construction of the passes, eel population parameters (density, biomass and size distribution) were assessed at the scale of the whole watershed by electrofishing (removal method) in 33 stations. The average biomass was high (19 g/m2 ) despite the numerous physical obstructions. However, there was an accumulation of eels downstream many hydraulic works and very low densities immediately upstream. Moreover, downstream the first obstruction, at 2 km from the sea, the population is dominated by boot lace eels and elvers (< 100 mm), whereas this size class is absent in upstream reaches. These results suggest that the standing capacity of the watershed is not reached and that the population could be enhanced in the next years by the recently installed eel passes

    Marine Protected Areas: Country Case Studies on Policy, Governance and Institutional Issues

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    This document presents case studies of the policy, governance and institutional issues of marine protected areas (MPAs) in South America (Northeastern)-Brazil; India, Palau and Senegal. It is the first of four in a global series of case studies on MPAs. An initial volume provides a synthesis and analysis of all the studies. The set of global MPA case studies was designed to close a deficit in information on the governance of MPAs and spatial management tools, within both fisheries management and biodiversity conservation contexts. The studies examine governance opportunities in and constraints on the use of spatial management measures at the national level. They were also designed to inform implementation of the FAO Technical Guidelines on marine protected areas (MPAs) and fisheries, which were developed to provide information and guidance on the use of MPAs in the context of fisheries

    Resource management: European viewpoints

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    The Marine Environment and Resource Management - Should careful and rational management of fish stocks be considered a myth or a realistic prospect? Recent history has shown how. because of over-exploitation of certain fish-stocks - among which herring. Anchovy and cod are prime examples - the survival of some species has become an acute problem. Today all fishing zones are threatened, and no stock is safe from potential collapse. The situation is so serious that some scientists and fish- workers' organisations have acted to sound the alarm and to demand from governments that measures to protect the resource be implemented. However, looking beyond the indispensable need for legislation, it is the search for maximum profit which, unfortunately, so often governs fish production and marketing that must be challenged. Moreover, the question of resource management must integrate the need to safe-guard the ecology of the marine environment, which requires profound changes of mentality. In Lisbon, Portugal, in June 1989, about one hundred scientists, fishermen and organization representatives from 25 different countries met at a symposium to develop their thinking on these questions. In this dossier, we publish some papers by European speakers at this inter-national meeting organised by ICSF. (56pp.) (Bellec, F. (ed)

    Du « mangeur » d'aloses au carpiste sportif : esquisse d'une histoire de la pĂȘche amateur en France ?

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    International audienceCoexistent, dans la partie la plus au sud du cours du RhĂŽne, d'Avignon Ă  la mer, deux pratiques de pĂȘche amateur opposables en bien des points : la pĂȘche de l'alose dite au « carrĂ© » ou au filet, qui se pratique depuis une barque, essentiellement destinĂ©e aux gourmets de ce poisson migrateur, et la pĂȘche de la carpe « no kill », signifiant le fait que le carpiste ne tue jamais le poisson capturĂ©. Il suffit de regarder ces deux types de pĂȘcheurs pratiquer leur loisir pour se laisser aller, dans un premier temps, Ă  vouloir comparer deux pratiques de pĂȘche sous le signe de l'opposition entre « tradition » et « modernitĂ© ». La pĂȘche de l'alose, pratiquĂ©e Ă  l'aide de barques remodelĂ©es avec des matĂ©riaux de rĂ©cupĂ©ration selon le savoir-faire du pĂȘcheur et essentiellement destinĂ©e Ă  la consommation alimentaire du poisson, reprĂ©senterait une pĂȘche « traditionnelle » des bords du RhĂŽne. Au contraire, le carpiste avec son attirail technique et sophistiquĂ©, un dĂ©tecteur Ă  touches Ă©lectronique, un Ă©cho-sondeur, des cannes moulĂ©es en kevlar et qui considĂšre la pĂȘche comme un sport oĂč s'engage un combat avec le poisson, relĂšverait d'une nouvelle pratique de la pĂȘche amateur sportive et rĂ©solument « moderne ». Mais cette opposition peut ĂȘtre rapidement nuancĂ©e lorsque le sociologue emprunte la dĂ©marche de l'historien et veut retracer l'histoire de ces deux types de pĂȘche amateur. La pĂȘche de l'alose au carrĂ© et la pĂȘche de la carpe no-kill s'inscrivent effectivement dans une histoire ; une histoire des techniques mais aussi des relations que notre sociĂ©tĂ© a entretenues ou entretient avec cet animal particulier que reprĂ©sente le poisson et, de maniĂšre plus gĂ©nĂ©rale, avec les cours d'eau

    A database for the industrial trawl fishery of Cote d'Ivoire

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    Fishery statistics for the industrial trawl fishery of Cote d'Ivoire have been well documented since 1968. However, data processing has changed significantly with time and some of the data files have been lost. In 1997, the Centre de Recherches Oceanologiques d'Abidjan decided to retrieve and process all trawl data available from different sources. This paper gives an overview of the database covering the period 1968 to 1997 and describes its coverage, format, structure and use. The database was developed using MS ACCESS and is a powerful tool for storing information about this fishery, and for analysis of its dynamics over a period of 30 years

    La pĂȘche palangriĂšre des flottilles japonaise et corĂ©enne dans la zone Ă©conomique exclusive polynĂ©sienne au nord de 16° sud : des sources de donnĂ©es aux analyses de l'activitĂ© de pĂȘche et des prises par unitĂ© d'effort du thon obĂšse (Thunnus obesus)

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    La pĂȘche thoniĂšre Ă  la palangre monofilament constitue un secteur d'activitĂ© Ă©conomique en plein dĂ©veloppement en PolynĂ©sie Française. Ce travail a pour objectif d'amĂ©liorer les connaissances relatives Ă  cette pĂȘcherie dans la Zone Economique Exclusive polynĂ©sienne. Pour ce faire, l'activitĂ© de pĂȘche et les prises par unitĂ© d'effort (PUE) du thon obĂšse #Thunnus obesus$ des flottilles palangriĂšres japonaises et corĂ©ennes ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ©es. Deux sources de donnĂ©es ont Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ©es : les avis pĂȘche et les fiches journaliĂšres. La flottille japonaise a une zone de pĂȘche bien dĂ©limitĂ©e au nord-est des Marquises avec une activitĂ© irrĂ©guliĂšre dans le temps. Pour la flottille corĂ©enne, la zone de pĂȘche est situĂ©e au sud des Marquises oĂč l'intensitĂ© de pĂȘche est plus marquĂ©e durant le quatriĂšme trimestre. Des PUE Ă©levĂ©es du thon obĂšse sont enregistrĂ©es au dĂ©but de l'annĂ©e entre les latitudes 4° eT 6°S pour les deux flottilles. Pour la flottille corĂ©enne, entre 8° et 12°S et au cours du quatriĂšme trimestre, oĂč et quand l'activitĂ© de pĂȘche est concentrĂ©e, des PUE Ă©levĂ©es sont observĂ©es. (RĂ©sumĂ© d'auteur

    European eel (Anguilla anguilla): prediction of spawner escapement from continental population parameters

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    This paper describes the assessment of silver European eel (Anguilla anguilla) escapement based on a “sedentary” population fraction analysis in a 60-km2 watershed of northern Brittany (France). Downstream migration fluxes were monitored using eel traps and related to environmental factors. Intensive electrofishing and fyke-net fishing were conducted to assess eel biomass, densities, and population structure. A total of 564 eels, including 81 silver eels, were PIT tagged. In 1996, 616 eels were caught in the catchment including 68 silver eels (11%). During the following downstream migration period, 12 of the PIT-tagged silver eels, among a total of 678, were recaptured in the downstream traps. Seven were recaptured in the catchment in 1997. It was shown that (i) only about 20% of the silver eels present in the catchment emigrated during the following year, (ii) 12% stayed in the catchment including two (3.4%) that recovered yellow eel characteristics, and (iii) the other eels either died or settled in the catchment but were not recaptured. It was also estimated that 2% (650 eels) of the population (34 000 eels) among 3000 silver eels considered “emigration candidates” emigrated each year
