1,660,793 research outputs found

    Psychological well-being model

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    In past ten years, there is a rapid growing interest for negative experiences of psychological issues for instance depression, trauma and anxiety (Seligman & Csikszentmihalyi, 2000). However, the promotion of well-being is compulsory as the comprehensive health accepted as including physical, mental and social well-being (Kirkwood, Bond, May, & McKeith, 2010). Thus, the extend research on psychology well-being has been observed (Huppert, 2009; Ryff & Singer, 2006)

    Hubungan Psychological Well Being Dengan Derajat Hipertensi Pada Pasien Hipertensi Di Puskesmas Bahu Manado

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    : Hypertension is the increase in systolic blood pressure from 140 mmHg or diastolic blood pressure of 90 mmHg began appearing in two main types, essential hypertension and secondary hypertension. Psychological well being is the full achievement of the potential psychological and a situation when an individual can receive your strengths and weaknesses are, have a purpose in life, develop positive relationships with others, be an independent person, able to control the environment, and continues to grow personally . The purpose of this study to analyze relationships of psychological well being with hypertension degrees on hypertension patients in Bahu\u27s Health Center Manado. The method used is descriptive analytic with cross sectional design. The sampling technique in this research is purposive sampling with 75 samples. The data collection is done by using a questionnaire. Processing data using computer programs with chi-square test with a significance level of 95% (É‘ = 0.05). The results showed the number of respondents who have a high PWB as many as 38 respondents, and which are at the pre classification of hypertension by 40 respondents and is currently on the classification of hypertension by 35 respondents and p value = 0.001. This conclusion shows there is a relationship of psychological well being with the degree of hypertension

    Psychological Well-being pada Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus di Sekolah Inklusif

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    This study aim to determine the dynamics of the psychological well-being in children with special needs in inclusive schools and the factors that affect the psychological well-being in children with special needs in inclusive schools. Data collection in this study was conducted using semi-structured interview techniques. Analysis of the data used refers to the opinions of Miles and Hubermen through 3 steps, namely data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing. The results showed that: 1) The four research subjects had independence in carrying out daily activities and had good environmental control; 2) In determining the purpose of life, the four subjects have had their dreams, but have not been able to direct them; 3) The positive relationship of the subject to others, is influenced by the response of others to the subject. If the environment conducts bullying actions on the subject, then the subject feels threatened to be in the environment; 4) Factors that affect psychological well-being subjects in inclusive schools, namely economic, social, learning systems, and subject characteristics

    Unemployment and Psychological Well-Being

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    Who records the largest drops in life satisfaction when they move into unemployment? Do men experience a larger drop in life satisfaction than women? Do Australians and Americans record a larger drop than Europeans? Using an Australian panel data-set (the Household Income and Labour Dynamics Survey of Australia), this paper finds that the unemployed in Australia report lower life satisfaction than observationally equivalent employed people (holding current income constant). Being currently unemployed is estimated to be equivalent to the loss of 42,100annualincomeformenand42,100 annual income for men and 86,300 annual income for women. Thus, the drop in life satisfaction, after controlling for unobserved time invariant characteristics, associated with unemployment is larger for women than men. The impact of unemployment on life satisfaction is large compared to the drops in life satisfaction associated with changes in income and disability status. It is found that unemployment is less painful for men in Australia than for men in Germany and the United Kingdom. The paper hypothesises that the large fall in life satisfaction may be the result of a drop in life-time earnings, as well as a ‘psychological’ effect.well-being, happiness, unemployment

    The Big Five, Mindfulness, and Psychological Well-being

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    Unemployment and psychological well-being

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    Who records the largest drops in life satisfaction when they move into unemployment? Do men experience a larger drop in life satisfaction than women? Do Australians and Americans record a larger drop than Europeans? Using an Australian panel data-set (the Household Income and Labour Dynamics Survey of Australia), this paper finds that the unemployed in Australia report lower life satisfaction than observationally equivalent employed people (holding current income constant). Being currently unemployed is estimated to be equivalent to the loss of 42,100annualincomeformenand42,100 annual income for men and 86,300 annual income for women. Thus, the drop in life satisfaction, after controlling for unobserved time invariant characteristics, associated with unemployment is larger for women than men. The impact of unemployment on life satisfaction is large compared to the drops in life satisfaction associated with changes in income and disability status. It is found that unemployment is less painful for men in Australia than for men in Germany and the United Kingdom. The paper hypothesises that the large fall in life satisfaction may be the result of a drop in life-time earnings, as well as a ‘psychological’ effect

    Thoughtfulness and Psychological Well-Being

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