4,117 research outputs found

    Sustainable planning of railway infrastructure

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    The thesis deals with a sustainable planning of railway infrastructure and sustainable development of transport by introducing new options of connectivity towns with the railway line, with a focus on tourism development of these areas. The first part of the thesis presents the importance of rail transport and rail infrastructure and the importance of sustainable transport and sustainable mobility. Because Slovenia is a Member State of the European Union, the thesis deals with the sustainable development of transport in Europe as a single European transport area. It also presents examples of sustainable planning railway infrastructure around the world. The following thesis describes the existing railway infrastructure in the area north-west of Slovenia, in detail railway line Ljubljana ā€“ Jesenice and Bohinj railway line. Railways are basic for sustainable design of the proposed new links Lesce ā€“ Bohinjska Bistrica and Most na Soči ā€“ Tolmin ā€“ Kobarid ā€“ Bovec. Because listed cities are often tourist destination, the thesis presents the integration of railway and tourism, the importance of building railway infrastructure in tourist areas, sustainable and green tourism and the characteristics of railway passenger traffic. In the second or the practical part of the thesis are presented the theoretical foundations and calculations of geometric elements of the proposed railways Lesce ā€“ Bohinjska Bistrica and Most na Soči ā€“ Tolmin ā€“ Kobarid ā€“ Bovec. Railways are designed by using the software CGS Ferrovia. At the end of the thesis are described all the proposed variants of both railways as well as technical and environmental possibilities of railways placement in space

    Croatia on the move: Heritage, challenges, limitations

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    The efficency of infrastructure systems of countries in transition more often depends on economic rather than on technical and technological limitations. Development and functioning of the modern infrastructure systems in these countries is often coliding wit distorsions in the infrastructure markets i.e. with economic and non-economic effects of infrastructure. The national interests in integration, development and revival of some of Croatian regions, and its complete integration into European region require a systematic infrastructure strategy and policy which usually cannot be easily and quickly accomplished. It is clearly a challenge both for the present generation and the generations to come. The fundamental issues marked within the framework will be elaborated in the paper for the Congress - ERSA98.

    Transportation connectivity of the Municipality of Zdenci and its impact on the existence of the population

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    Rad se bavi proučavanjem veza i odnosa prometne povezanosti i života stanovniÅ”tva na prostoru Općine Zdenci. Cilj rada je, uz koriÅ”tenje stručne i znanstvene literature te provođenje istraživanja (anketno istraživanje i intervju), ustanoviti u kojoj mjeri promet može utjecati na opstanak stanovniÅ”tva određenog područja. Na kraju rada su izneseni prijedlozi i ideje mogućeg unaprjeđenja prometne situacije.This work studies links and relations between transportation connectivity and life of the population in the territory of the Municipality of Zdenci. The aim of the paper is to use professional and scientific literature and conduct research (poll and interview) to determine to what extent the transportation can affect the survival of the population of a certain area. At the end of the paper, proposals and ideas for possible improvement of the transportation situation were presented

    Conceptual study of cycle paths around Kamnik

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    Traffic planning is a broad multidisciplinary science, which includes the design of cycle surfaces. In this thesis I focused on this part ā€“ planning of bicycle traffic and presented the conceptual study of cycle paths around the town of Kamnik. \ud The first part of my thesis describes the theoretical background and modern design guidelines for bicycle surfaces, while the second part consists of the conceptual study of cycle paths. I analyzed the transport network of Kamnik and the existing situation of the area where the cycle path will go. I also presented the complete cycle route links and cross sections that appear on it. The purpose of the thesis is also to encourage urban cycling and investments in cycling infrastructure

    Financiranje obveznih nalog občine

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    Tourism of Zadar County

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    U radu se istražuje i analizira turistička djelatnost u Zadarskoj županiji pri čemu se prikazuje osnovne opće informacije o županiji, njezine geografske cjeline, povijesni razvoj turizma u Zadarskoj županiji te različiti faktori koji su utjecali i utječu na razvoj turizma županije. Analizirani su tipovi turizma koji su se razvili i za koje postoji razvojni potencijal na području županije. Prikazani su statistički podaci kako bi se odredio smjer kretanja turizma, a analizirani su i neki važni projekti koji doprinose razvoju i podizanju kvalitete turističke ponude. Na kraju je izvedena SWOT analiza turizma Zadarske županije.The paper investigates and analyzes tourism activities in Zadar County, presenting basic general information about the County, its geographical entities, historical tourism development in Zadar County, and various factors that influenced and influence the development of tourism in the County. The types of tourism that have developed and for which there is potential for development in the county are analyzed. Statistical data are presented to determine the direction of tourism, and some important projects that contribute to the development and improvement of the quality of tourism are analyzed. Finally, a SWOT analysis of tourism in Zadar County was carried out
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