5 research outputs found

    State-Of-The-Art and Prospects for Peer-To-Peer Transaction-Based Energy System

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    Transaction-based energy (TE) management and control has become an increasingly relevant topic, attracting considerable attention from industry and the research community alike. As a result, new techniques are emerging for its development and actualization. This paper presents a comprehensive review of TE involving peer-to-peer (P2P) energy trading and also covering the concept, enabling technologies, frameworks, active research efforts and the prospects of TE. The formulation of a common approach for TE management modelling is challenging given the diversity of circumstances of prosumers in terms of capacity, profiles and objectives. This has resulted in divergent opinions in the literature. The idea of this paper is therefore to explore these viewpoints and provide some perspectives on this burgeoning topic on P2P TE systems. This study identified that most of the techniques in the literature exclusively formulate energy trade problems as a game, an optimization problem or a variational inequality problem. It was also observed that none of the existing works has considered a unified messaging framework. This is a potential area for further investigation

    Convergence and interaction in the new media: Typologies of prosumers among university students

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    Most young people today are digital natives where the use of new media, is issued by the participation in a creative way an with a high degree of interaction. The emergence of tools making it easy without having high digital skills, has led the grown of prosumers. The aim of the paper is the analysis of th different profiles of this typology of users within the Madrid universities and its interest is settle not only to inquire about the convergent use of technology but also if their interests an motivations really focus on the consumption of new media content or if they participate in a creative way through new technologies, establishing new patterns that enhance interactivity and new business models in media

    Economic and Security Challenges Faced by Smart Grid

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    openIn this dissertation I have mentioned the components of the smart grid and how it uses computer technology to improve the communication, automation, and connectivity of the various components of the power network. The main aim of protecting the grid from any hacks and fraud are cyber security since we are dealing with two ways communication flow of electricity and information technology. Advantages and disadvantages of smart grid implementation that affect the economy .Ultimately renewable resources are used for energy compensation and the real time monitoring is used for accurate and reliable consumption since the demand is increasing globally, and improves consumption management

    Arterias de la sociedad del siglo XXI. Las TIC como herramienta multidisciplinar. Estudios de caso

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    Negar la gran aportaci贸n que supone el avance de la tecnolog铆a en nuestras vidas es una acci贸n que, sino absurda, es al menos atrevida. El problema, como en todo, no est谩 en el recorrido de esa tecnolog铆a sino en el enfoque que ponemos en ella. Necesitamos repensar las Tecnolog铆as de la Informaci贸n y Comunicaci贸n, puesto que su impacto es definitivo en nuestras vidas. En esta misma obra el lector se va a encontrar c贸mo estas TIC influyen en aspectos tan b谩sicos como la salud y la educaci贸n, pilares de ese Estado de Bienestar tan denostado y tan amenazado (si no extinguido) por el neoliberalismo. La comunicaci贸n es una herramienta transversal en tanto que seres humanos, la usamos hasta cuando no queremos hacerlo, que dijo Watzlawick