194 research outputs found

    Why Johnny can’t rely on anti-phishing educational interventions to protect himself against contemporary phishing attacks?

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    Phishing is a way of stealing people’s sensitive information such as username, password and banking details by disguising as a legitimate entity (i.e. email, website). Anti-phishing education considered to be vital in strengthening “human”, the weakest link in information security. Previous research in anti-phishing education focuses on improving educational interventions to better interact the end user. However, one can argue that existing anti-phishing educational interventions are limited in success due to their outdated teaching content incorporated. Furthermore, teaching outdated anti-phishing techniques might not help combat contemporary phishing attacks. Therefore, this research focuses on investigating the obfuscation techniques of phishing URLs used in anti-phishing education against the contemporary phishing attacks reported in PhishTank.com. Our results showed that URL obfuscation with IP address has become insignificant and it revealed two emerging URL obfuscation techniques, that attackers use lately, haven’t been incorporated into existing anti-phishing educational interventions

    Developing and evaluating a five minute phishing awareness video

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    Confidence tricksters have always defrauded the unwary. The computer era has merely extended their range and made it possible for them to target anyone in the world who has an email address. Nowadays, they send phishing messages that are specially crafted to deceive. Improving user awareness has the potential to reduce their effectiveness. We have previously developed and empirically-validated phishing awareness programmes. Our programmes are specifically designed to neutralize common phish-related misconceptions and teach people how to detect phishes. Many companies and individuals are already using our programmes, but a persistent niggle has been the amount of time required to complete the awareness programme. This paper reports on how we responded by developing and evaluating a condensed phishing awareness video that delivered phishing awareness more efficiently. Having watched our video, participants in our evaluation were able to detect phishing messages significantly more reliably right after watching the video (compared to before watching the video). This ability was also demonstrated after a retention period of eight weeks after first watching the video

    NoPhish: An Anti-Phishing Education App

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    Phishing is still a prevalent issue in today’s Internet. It can have financial or personal consequences. Attacks continue to become more and more sophisticated and the advanced ones (including spear phishing) can only be detected if people carefully check URLs. We developed a game based smartphone app NoPhish to educate people in accessing, parsing and checking URLs; i.e. enabling them to distinguish trustworthy and non-trustworthy websites. Throughout several levels information is provided and phishing detection is exercised

    Assessing the role of conceptual knowledge in an anti-phishing game

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    Copyright @ 2014 IEEE. This is the author accepted version of this article.Games can be used to support learning and confidence development in several domains, including the secure use of computers. However, emphasizing different types of knowledge in a game design can lead to different outcomes. This study explores two game designs that aim to enhance students' ability to identify phishing hyperlinks. One design focuses on procedural knowledge: developing students' tacit ability to recognize phishing hyperlinks through systematic practice. The other design focuses on conceptual knowledge: helping students to explicitly reflect upon and identify the features of phishing hyperlinks. The results of a double-blind randomized trial with 66 participants suggests that using a game designed for conceptual knowledge leads to a greater increase in learners' ability to identify phishing hyperlinks. Hence, incorporating conceptual knowledge development into educational games enhances their efficacy within the computer security context

    User experiences of TORPEDO: TOoltip-poweRed Phishing Email DetectiOn

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    We propose a concept called TORPEDO to improve phish detection by providing just-in-time and just-in-place trustworthy tooltips. These help people to identify phish links embedded in emails. TORPEDO's tooltips contain the actual URL with the domain highlighted. Link activation is delayed for a short period, giving the person time to inspect the URL before they click on a link. Furthermore, TORPEDO provides an information diagram to explain phish detection. We evaluated TORPEDO's effectiveness, as compared to the worst case “status bar” as provided by other Web email interfaces. People using TORPEDO performed significantly better in detecting phishes and identifying legitimate emails (85.17% versus 43.31% correct answers for phish). We then carried out a field study with a number of TORPEDO users to explore actual user experiences of TORPEDO. We conclude the paper by reporting on the outcome of this field study and suggest improvements based on the feedback from the field study participants

    Design und prototypische Implementierung einer multimedialen Lern-Plattform für Phishing Prävention im KMU-Umfeld

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    Phishing ist eine Art der Cyber-Attacke, bei welcher einem Opfer eine Nachricht versendet wird, die vortäuscht von einer vertrauenswürdigen Quelle oder Organisation zu stammen. Typischerweise versuchen Phishingmails die Opfer davon zu überzeugen, persönliche Informationen wie Benutzernamen, Passwörter, Kreditkarten-Informationen oder Bankdaten preiszugeben. Phishing-Attacken können sowohl Privatpersonen sowie Unternehmen angreifen. Unternehmen setzen verschiedene Anti-Phishing-Massnahmen ein, wie Email-Filtering, AntiPhishing Toolbars, Anti-Phishing Education sowie Phishing-Tests innerhalb der Organisation. Eine Lern-Plattform für Anti-Phishing Education wurde in dieser Arbeit designt und prototypisch in einem Schweizer KMU umgesetzt. Durch das Versenden von Phishingmails an die Mitarbeiter dieses KMUs wurde untersucht, ob eine Lern-Plattform die Anzahl an erfolgreichen Phishing-Attacken senken kann
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