3,773 research outputs found

    Criminological analysis of the draft of the Law of Ukraine “On the Penitentiary system”

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    Орлов Ю. В. Кримінологічний аналіз проекту закону України "Про пенітенціарну систему" / Ю. В. Орлов // Право і безпека. – 2017. – № 1 (64). – С. 68-73.Орлов Ю. В. "Кримінологічний аналіз проекту закону України "Про пенітенціарну систему"." Право і Безпека 1 (2017): 68-73.Orlov, Yu.V. (2017), “Criminological analysis of the draft of the Law of Ukraine «On the Penitentiary System»” [“Kryminolohichnyi analiz proektu zakonu Ukrainy «Pro penitentsiarnu systemu»”], Pravo i Bezpeka, No. 1, pp. 68–73.У процесі кримінологічному аналізу положень проекту закону України «Про пенітенціарну систему» виявлено дві групи його недоліків – концептуального і техніко-юридичного характеру, надано їх опис та обґрунтування. Визначено шляхи вдосконалення законопроекту через усунення виявлених недоліків. Запропоновано закріпити в цьому законопроекті поняття пенітенціарної системи, під якою можливо розуміти цілісну, керовану систему державних органів та установ, що забезпечують формування і реалізацію державної політики у сфері виконання покарань, здійснення пробації.The article’s objective is to detect, describe and explain the shortcomings of the draft of the Law of Ukraine “On the Penitentiary System” in terms of the predictable parameters of its criminological efficiency. A number of shortcomings of the draft of the Law of Ukraine “On the Penitentiary System” has been revealed in the combination of criminological, penal legal principles of scientific evaluation of the reasonableness and appropriateness of model regulations, accuracy of system and legal relations and other elements of theoretical and legal model of legal regulation of relations in the sphere of functioning of the penitentiary system. These shortcomings were divided into two groups – of the conceptual, technical and legal nature. The author has emphasized on the uncertainty of the main component of the object of legal regulation – the penitentiary system. The latter has been offered to be perceived as an integrated, manageable system of state agencies and institutions that provide the formation and realization of the state policy in the field of the execution of sentences, probation implementation. To ensure continuity, stability and adaptability of the functioning of the penitentiary system the author has suggested to amend p. 1 of the Art. 5 of the draft of the Law “On the Penitentiary System” with the paragraph 3 as follows: “Higher Educational Institutions with Specific Terms of Training, which Realize the Training of the Penitentiary System Personnel According to the State Order”. To reorient the penitentiary system for the service model that best meets the standards of a liberal society and democratic country, transparency and social orientation of the latter, the author has offered to determine and develop the category of “the penitentiary service”. The author has formulated the model of the appropriate standard for the consolidation in the draft of the Law of Ukraine “On the Penitentiary System”, namely: The Penitentiary Service – is the measure or set of measures carried out by the penitentiary institutions (their officials) aimed at strengthening legal awareness in the society through the non-repressive impact on prisoners in order of their correction, resocialization. The penitentiary services are provided in the manner, in terms and forms prescribed by the current legislation for the implementation of appropriate types of penalties, as well as taking the measures of probation”.В процессе криминологического анализа положений проекта закона Украины «О пенитенциарной системе» выявлено две группы его недостатков – концептуального и техникоюридического характера, дано их описание и обоснование. Определены пути усовершенствования законопроекта устранением выявленных недостатков. Предложено закрепить в этом законопроекте понятие пенитенциарной системы, под которой возможно понимать целостную, управляемую систему государственных органов и учреждений, обеспечивающих формирование и реализацию государственной политики в сфере исполнения наказаний, осуществления пробации

    Penitentiary System: Criticism of Legislative Drafting Technique at Three Levels

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    Both the organization of the penitentiary system -as structured within the legislative framework- and its practical implementation reflect society's representations of crime as well as perceptions of its prevention and combat. This work study will focus upon the Greek penitentiary system based on the prison officers’ views and perceptions. The sample of the present research consists of 37 guards serving in Greek penitentiary institutions. The findings of the research indicate the managerial quality of the reforms attempted in the country during the last two decades. The major problems of the penitentiary system are the following: insufficient organizational infrastructure, overcrowding of prisons, weaknesses in administrative organization and inefficient care system. Additionally, the education and training of prison officers is insufficient. State policies should aim at developing actions which will take into account both empirical data and scientific findings

    Participation of local self-government bodies in the implementation of the penitentiary policy of the Russian State in the sixteenth century

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    the paper analyzes the role and importance of the local government in the implementation of the penitentiary policy of the Russian state. Over the period of its existence the penitentiary system of the Czarist Russia remained decentralized. Only because of the prison reform of 1879, the all-Russian body of governance the penitentiary system, the Main Prison Administration, was established. In such circumstances, local government and self-government bodies played a key role in supporting the work of penal institutions

    Prisoners with disabilities in the Polish penitentiary system

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    Agnieszka Nymś-Górna, Prisoners with disabilities in the Polish penitentiary system. Interdisciplinary Contexts of Special Pedagogy, no. 24, Poznań 2019.Pp. 177-187. Adam Mickiewicz University Press. ISSN 2300-391X. DOI: https://doi.org/10.14746/ikps.2019.24.10 The article deals with the subject of both intellectually and physically disabled prisoners. It describes people with disabilities, the functioning of the therapeutic system for prisoners and the situation of detaining people with disabilities in penitentiary isolation. The text aims to sensitise this issue and to identify this problem in the organisation of the penitentiary system.Agnieszka Nymś-Górna, Prisoners with disabilities in the Polish penitentiary system. Interdisciplinary Contexts of Special Pedagogy, no. 24, Poznań 2019.Pp. 177-187. Adam Mickiewicz University Press. ISSN 2300-391X. DOI: https://doi.org/10.14746/ikps.2019.24.10 The article deals with the subject of both intellectually and physically disabled prisoners. It describes people with disabilities, the functioning of the therapeutic system for prisoners and the situation of detaining people with disabilities in penitentiary isolation. The text aims to sensitise this issue and to identify this problem in the organisation of the penitentiary system

    The peruvian criminal and penitentiary system: Political-criminal reflections

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    En este artículo se reflexiona sobre el contenido del Derecho penal peruano a la luz de la realidad política del país tras el régimen de Alberto Fujimori; se describe la situación de su sistema penitenciario y se señalan los problemas más críticos en esta materia. Se plantea la necesidad de abordar la reforma del marco normativo y del sistema penitenciario, a partir de una serie de propuestas que contemplen el principio de proporcionalidad y la resocialización.This article considera the nature of Peruvian Criminal Law given the political realities of the country in the aftermath of the regime of Alberto Fujimori; it describes the situation of the penal system highlighting the most critica] problems of the country in this area. It poses the need to undertake reform of the normative framework and of the penal system, starting from a series of proposals which incorporate principies of proportionality and of resocialization

    Self-realization of the individual in the penitentiary system

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    В статье рассматриваются проблемы самореализации личности осужденного в пенитенциарном учреждении как обязательное условие ресоциализации осужденных в пенитенциарный и постпенитенциарный период в неразрывности данного процесса с обеспечением условий для самореализации сотрудников уголовно-исполнительной системы

    Теоретичні засади підготовки майбутніх юристів до професійної діяльності у пенітенціарній системі України

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    The article analyzes the basic concepts which characterize preparation of future legal specialists for professional activity in the Ukrainian penitentiary system. Preparation of future legal specialists for professional activity in the Ukrainian penitentiary system is the new trend of higher education in Ukraine. The concept of the «penitentiary system» is the central, fundamental in the conceptual system of preparation of future legal specialists for professional activity in the penitentiary system. Theoretical maintenance of concept «training of future lawyers to the professional activity in the penitentiary system of Ukraine» is specified.У статті подано характеристику основних понять дослідження, а саме: дефініції щодо професійного складника підготовки майбутніх юристів до професійної діяльності у пенітенціарній системі України. Підготовка майбутніх юристів до професійної діяльності у пенітенціарній системі України є новим напрямом вищої освіти в Україні. Поняття «пенітенціарна система» є центральним, фундаментальним у понятійній системі підготовки юристів до професійної діяльності у пенітенціарній системі. Уточнено теоретичний зміст поняття «підготовка майбутніх юристів до професійної діяльності у пенітенціарній системі України»

    Modern trends n governance development of the penitentiary system in the Russian Federation

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    В статье рассмотрены некоторые современные тенденции в государственном управлении развитием уголовно-исполнительной системы РФ, а также значение амнистии.The article presents some of the current trends in the development of public administration of the penitentiary system of the Russian Federation, as well as the value of amnesty