3,264 research outputs found

    Detecting p-hacking

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    We theoretically analyze the problem of testing for pp-hacking based on distributions of pp-values across multiple studies. We provide general results for when such distributions have testable restrictions (are non-increasing) under the null of no pp-hacking. We find novel additional testable restrictions for pp-values based on tt-tests. Specifically, the shape of the power functions results in both complete monotonicity as well as bounds on the distribution of pp-values. These testable restrictions result in more powerful tests for the null hypothesis of no pp-hacking. A reanalysis of two prominent datasets shows the usefulness of our new tests

    "Learn to p-hack like the pros!"

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    The replication crisis has hit several scientific fields. The most systematic investigation has been done in psychology, which revealed replication rates less than 40% (Open Science Collaboration, 2015). However, the same problem has been well documented in other disciplines, for example preclinical cancer research or economics. It has been argued that one reason for the high prevalence of false-positive findings is the application of "creative" data analysis techniques that allow to present nearly any noise as significant. Researchers who use such techniques, also called "p-hacking" or "questionable research practices", have higher chances of getting things published. What is the consequence? The answer is clear. Everybody should be equipped with these powerful tools of research enhancement. This talk covers the most commonly applied p-hacking tools, and shows which work best to enhance your research output: "If you torture the data long enough, it will confess!". But be careful: recently developed tools allow the detection of p-hacking. The talk also covers some ideas how to overcome the replication crisis

    A method to streamline p-hacking

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    p-Hacking: a call for ethics

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    Modelling publication bias and p-hacking

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    Publication bias and p-hacking are two well-known phenomena that strongly affect the scientific literature and cause severe problems in meta-analyses. Due to these phenomena, the assumptions of meta-analyses are seriously violated and the results of the studies cannot be trusted. While publication bias is almost perfectly captured by the weighting function selection model, p-hacking is much harder to model and no definitive solution has been found yet. In this paper we propose to model both publication bias and p-hacking with selection models. We derive some properties for these models, and we compare them formally and through simulations. Finally, two real data examples are used to show how the models work in practice.Comment: 21 pager, 6 figure

    Integrable clusters

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    The goal of this note is to study quantum clusters in which cluster variables (not coefficients) commute which each other. It turns out that this property is preserved by mutations. Remarkably, this is equivalent to the celebrated sign coherence conjecture recently proved by M. Gross, P. Hacking, S. Keel and M. KontsevichComment: 3 page

    Incentive-Compatible Critical Values

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    Statistical hypothesis tests are a cornerstone of scientific research. The tests are informative when their size is properly controlled, so the frequency of rejecting true null hypotheses (type I error) stays below a prespecified nominal level. Publication bias exaggerates test sizes, however. Since scientists can typically only publish results that reject the null hypothesis, they have the incentive to continue conducting studies until attaining rejection. Such pp-hacking takes many forms: from collecting additional data to examining multiple regression specifications, all in the search of statistical significance. The process inflates test sizes above their nominal levels because the critical values used to determine rejection assume that test statistics are constructed from a single study---abstracting from pp-hacking. This paper addresses the problem by constructing critical values that are compatible with scientists' behavior given their incentives. We assume that researchers conduct studies until finding a test statistic that exceeds the critical value, or until the benefit from conducting an extra study falls below the cost. We then solve for the incentive-compatible critical value (ICCV). When the ICCV is used to determine rejection, readers can be confident that size is controlled at the desired significance level, and that the researcher's response to the incentives delineated by the critical value is accounted for. Since they allow researchers to search for significance among multiple studies, ICCVs are larger than classical critical values. Yet, for a broad range of researcher behaviors and beliefs, ICCVs lie in a fairly narrow range

    HARKing and P-Hacking: A Call for More Transparent Reporting of Studies in the Information Systems Field

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    While researchers are expected to look for significant results to confirm their hypotheses, some engage in intentional or unintentional HARKing (Hypothesizing After Results are Known) and p-hacking (repeated tinkering with data and retesting). If these practices are widespread, one possible result is field-wide exaggerated (inflated) results reported in Information Systems (IS) publications. In this paper, we summarize the literature in HARKing and p-hacking across different disciplines. We offer an illustrative example of how an IS study could involve HARKing and p-hacking in various stages of the project to generate a more “publishable” result. We also report on a survey targeted at IS researchers to explore their experiences and awareness of this issue. Finally, we provide recommendations and suggestions based on the review of practices in other fields and advocate for more transparency in reporting research projects, so that study results can be interpreted properly, and reproducibility and replicability can be increased

    P-hacking in Clinical Trials: A Meta-Analytical Approach

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    Clinical trials play a decisive role in the drug approval processes. By completing a p-curve analysis of a newly compiled data set that consists of thousands of clinical trials, we substantiate that the occurrence of p-hacking in clinical trials is not merely hypothetical. Medical and pharmaceutical research consists of both primary and secondary study endpoints. The primary finding covers the main effect, which directly influences the approval process, while the secondary outcome delivers further additional information. For primary p-curves, we observed an abnormal increase in the p-value frequency at common significance thresholds, while the secondary p-curves exhibited no such anomaly
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