163 research outputs found

    pp-adic Zeros of Quintic Forms

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    It is shown that a quintic form over a p-adic field with at least 26 variables has a non-trivial zero, providing that the cardinality of the residue class field exceeds 9.Comment: Minor correction

    Zeros of pp-adic forms

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    A variant of Brauer's induction method is developed. It is shown that quartic p-adic forms with at least 9127 variables have non-trivial zeros, for every p. For odd p considerably fewer variables are needed. There are also subsidiary new results concerning quintic forms, and systems of forms.Comment: Misprints and other errors corrected, leading to a small improvemen

    Introduction to Arithmetic Mirror Symmetry

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    We describe how to find period integrals and Picard-Fuchs differential equations for certain one-parameter families of Calabi-Yau manifolds. These families can be seen as varieties over a finite field, in which case we show in an explicit example that the number of points of a generic element can be given in terms of p-adic period integrals. We also discuss several approaches to finding zeta functions of mirror manifolds and their factorizations. These notes are based on lectures given at the Fields Institute during the thematic program on Calabi-Yau Varieties: Arithmetic, Geometry, and Physics

    Quintic Forms overp-adic Fields

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    AbstractWe prove that a quintic form in 26 variables defined over ap-adic fieldKalways has a nontrivial zero overKif the residue class field ofKhas at least 47 elements. This is in agreement with the theorem of Ax–Kochen which states that a homogeneous form of degreedind2+1 variables defined overQphas a nontrivialQp-rational zero ifpis sufficiently large. The Ax–Kochen theorem gives no results on the bound forp. Ford=1, 2, 3 it has been known for a long time that there is a nontrivialQp-rational zero for all values ofp. Ford=4, Terjanian gave an example of a form in 18 variables overQ2having no nontrivialQ2-rational zero. This is the first result which gives an effective bound for the cased=5

    Artin's Conjecture on Zeros of pp-Adic Forms

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    This is an exposition of work on Artin's Conjecture on the zeros of pp-adic forms. A variety of lines of attack are described, going back to 1945. However there is particular emphasis on recent developments concerning quartic forms on the one hand, and systems of quadratic forms on the other.Comment: Submitted for publication as part of ICM 201

    Cycles of Quadratic Polynomials and Rational Points on a Genus-Two Curve

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    It has been conjectured that for NN sufficiently large, there are no quadratic polynomials in Q[z]\bold Q[z] with rational periodic points of period NN. Morton proved there were none with N=4N=4, by showing that the genus~22 algebraic curve that classifies periodic points of period~4 is birational to X1(16)X_1(16), whose rational points had been previously computed. We prove there are none with N=5N=5. Here the relevant curve has genus~1414, but it has a genus~22 quotient, whose rational points we compute by performing a~22-descent on its Jacobian and applying a refinement of the method of Chabauty and Coleman. We hope that our computation will serve as a model for others who need to compute rational points on hyperelliptic curves. We also describe the three possible GalQ_{\bold Q}-stable 55-cycles, and show that there exist GalQ_{\bold Q}-stable NN-cycles for infinitely many NN. Furthermore, we answer a question of Morton by showing that the genus~1414 curve and its quotient are not modular. Finally, we mention some partial results for N=6N=6

    Quartic Forms in Many Variables

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    We show that a quartic pp-adic form with at least 31923192 variables possesses a non-trivial zero. We also prove new results on systems of cubic, quadratic and linear forms. As an example, we show that for a system comprising two cubic forms 132132 variables are sufficient.Comment: 8 page
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