5,348 research outputs found

    Khine Swe, M. (Ed.) (2013) Critical analysis of science textbooks: evaluating instructional effectiveness [Kriticna analiza naravoslovnih ucbenikov: ocenjevanje ucinkovitosti poucevanja]. Dordrecht [etc.]: Springer. [Book review]

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    Book review of: Khine Swe, M. (Ed.) (2013) Critical analysis of science textbooks: evaluating instructional effectiveness [Kriticna analiza naravoslovnih ucbenikov: ocenjevanje ucinkovitosti poucevanja]. Dordrecht [etc.]: Springer. ISBN 978-94-007-4167-6

    Estimation of magnitudes of debris flows in selected torrential watersheds in Slovenia

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    In this paper the application of different methods for estimation of magnitudes of rainfall-induced debris flows in 18 torrents in the Upper Sava River valley, NW Slovenia, and in 2 torrents in Pohorje, N Slovenia is described. Additional verification of the methods was performed in the torrential watersheds with active debris flows in the recent past (Predelica and Brusnik in the Soca River basin, W Slovenia). For some of the methods, the knowledge of morphometric characteristics of a torrential watershed, torrential channel and torrential fan is enough. For other methods, a mathematical tool (HEC-HMS) had to be applied in order to develop a hydrologic run-off model of precipitation that can trigger debris flows. Computed debris-flow magnitudes were of the order between 6,500 m(3) and 340,000 m(3). Their values are a function of torrential watershed parameters, such as: watershed area, Melton number, fan gradient, and torrential channel gradient. The investigated fans were classified into 3 groups with regard to the debris-flow hazard: debris-flow fans (hazard exists), torrential fans (no hazard), and transitional fans (debris flows are possible, but with low possibility). A limit between debris-flow fans and torrential fans is proposed: Melton number 0.3 and torrential fan gradient 4 degrees, that is, 7%. Out of 24 investigated torrential fans, 13 fans were classified into the group of debris-flow fans, 5 fans were classified into the group of torrential fans, and the rest 6 fans were classified into the group of transitional fans

    Estimating export function for Slovenia

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    Forest habitat types on Natura 2000 sites in landscape structure of the Pohorje Mts range

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    In Slovenia, the natura 2000 network covers 3�.�% of its territory or 28� areas, encompassing 10 forest habitat types. The majority of indicators for the assessment of the conservation status and changes of forest habitat types are to be estimated within the forest management planning framework. In this paper, a hierarchical concept of forest habitat types monitoring in Pohorje Mts (810 km2 ) was examined and presented, based on landscape structure and position of habitat types in this structure. A spatial model was designed for the assessment of forests structure and spatial characteristics of forest habitat types and changes in the extension and spatial structure of habitat types based on data of forest management plans and line transect method for a quick assessment of changes in the landscape and stand structure. Based on spatial model and on the presented inceptions in terms of monitoring, significant changes in the area of habitat types in the Pohorje Mts may be expected. The spatial model that was used in order to estimate the landscape structure draws attention to its fragility in the event of potential abandonment of agricultural use in the areas with harsh farming conditions

    Model za ocenjevanje tehnološke sposobnosti podjetij

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    Assessing spatial structure in the beech and silver fir forest stands

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    V treh sestojih jelovo-bukovih gozdov na visokem krasu smo raziskali sestojno strukturo in njeno prostorsko zgradbo. Na treh raziskovalnih ploskvah, velikih2 ha, smo izmerili koordinate dreves ter njihove dendrometrijske znake.Raziskovalne ploskve v treh sestojih se med seboj razlikujejo po svoji zgradbi, gostotah in tudi po parametrih prostorske zgradbe, ki smo jih ocenilina podlagi metod za ocenjevanje prostorske razmestitve dreves. Za drevesa v I in II debelinskem razredu smo izračunali višje povprečne relativnerazlike v sestojnih gostotah kot za debelejša drevesa. Ko so vzorčne ploskve presegle velikost 6 a, so bile povprečne relativne razlike pri ocenjevanju števila dreves v III debelinskem razredu v vseh treh sestojih manjše od 30 % v vseh treh sestojih. Na podlagi teoretičnih modelov je bilo mogoče o šopasti rasti dreves sklepati le v sestoju s prevladujočo jelko. V dveh sestojih jelke in bukve smo določili tudi sestojne skupine, ki so jih oblikovala drevesa na površini do 0,5 ha. Za jelko, smreko in bukev smo ocenili (P10 cm in diameter at breast height (dbh) on 2 ha plots. The structure of the forest stands on three research plots varied in stand density and in the spatial distribution of stems, analysed using different methods for the characterisation of spatial distribution of trees. The mean relative differences for measuring tree density were substantially greater for trees 50 cm dbh class were less than 30 %. Based on theoretical models of spatial distribution, a tendency of clustering or clumping of trees was evident in the stand dominated by silver fir. In two beech and silver fir stands, stems were aggregated in large patches of up to 0.5 ha in size. The spatial distribution of silver fir, spruce and beech varied significantly (P<0,01) from a random distribution. Stems of these species aggregated in small and medium patches up to 0.25 ha. Dominant trees were regularly and randomly distributed in the three stands, indicating that after the period of silver fir decline the structure of stands did not deteriorate


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    The consequences of bad teaching cannot be removed simply by the strict evaluation of students. Moreover, strict evaluation distorts the advantages of good teaching. Evaluation is therefore becoming more important and should be implemented in a variety of settings and testing models, which also reflects on learning. Testing and evaluation are integral parts of the teaching process. They play a role in both teaching and learning. Testing and evaluation models influence the way students learn, the type of knowledge they will acquire, and their attitude towards knowledge. Learning is promoted by testing, which provides feedback on student\u27s achievements in reaching the set targets. The teacher who views testing as an integral part of learning, sees the point of teaching in allowing students to develop and expand their knowledge, and take control of their own learning, as this is the only way in which we can significantly influence their learning. Only a good evaluation of students\u27 knowledge provides for high quality learning.Posledic slabega pouka ni mogoče odstraniti z nikakršnim, še tako strogim ocenjevanjem, slabo ocenjevanje pa marsikdaj izmaliči prednost dobrega pouka, zato se vedno večji poudarek daje preverjanju znanja, razširjenosti situacij preverjanja in spremembi oblik preverjanja, kar posledično vpliva tudi na učenje. Preverjanje in ocenjevanje sta sestavna dela učnega procesa. Svojo vlogo imata tako v procesu poučevanja, kakor v procesu učenja. Način preverjanja in ocenjevanja vpliva na to, kako se učenci učijo, kakšno znanje pridobijo in kakšen odnos do učenja ter znanja gradijo. Na izboljšanje učenja vpliva predvsem preverjanje znanja, ki daje informacije pri čem je potrebno začeti, kako učenci napredujejo pri doseganju zastavljenih ciljev, kako učinkoviti so učiteljevi pristopi, kako učenci obvladajo zastavljene cilje. Učitelj, ki razume preverjanje kot sestavni del učenja, vidi smisel pouka v tem, da se učencem omogoči izgrajevanje, poglabljanje znanja in prevzemanje nadzora nad svojim učenjem, saj le tako lahko bistveno vpliva na učenje učencev. Le dobro preverjanje znanja pa omogoča kvalitetno učenje