547 research outputs found

    Grbac, B.: Načela marketinga

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    ovom radu razmatra se značaj i specifičnosti marketinga neprofitnih organizacija s obzirom na njihovu ulogu u razvoju društva na primjeru Hrvatske glazbene unije. Razvojem neprofitnih organizacija te primjenom marketinških koncepata omogućilo se rješavanje ključnih problema koji su kočili daljnji razvoj i funkcioniranje određenih društava. Neprofitnim organizacijama smatraju se sve organizacije čija glavna svrha postojanja nije ostvarivanje „dobiti“ već ostvarivanje viših društvenih ciljeva. Rad je koncipiran u nekoliko dijelova, u cilju teorijske razrade marketinga neprofitnih organizacija, te analize marketing miksa neprofitne organizacije Hrvatske glazbene unije. U prvom, uvodnom dijelu radi lakšeg razumijevanja teme rada, pružena je razrada osnovnih pojmova poput neprofitne organizacije te osnovni koncept izgleda rada i ciljeva koji se žele postići. Teorijski dio rada koncipiran je oko razrade specifičnosti marketinga neprofitnih organizacija kao i razvoja neprofitnih organizacija te osvrta na temu neprofitnog sektora u kojem neprofitne organizacije djeluju. Sljedeći dio rada prikazuje primjenu neprofitnog marketinga na primjeru Hrvatske glazbene unije. Ističe se struktura udruge i njeni ciljevi, ciljani dionici te razrada marketing miksa za korisnike. Marketing miksom omogućuje se uvid u analizu proizvoda koje udruga nudi, cijene, promocije i distribucije udruge. Također su pružene preporuke za rad udruge u budućnosti kako bi udruga mogla unaprijediti svoje poslovanje uz nekoliko preinaka koje bi im zasigurno omogućile više korisnika, te bolje načine za ostvarenje postavljenih ciljeva. Posljednji dio rada pruža zaključak koji predstavlja osvrt na završni rad u cijelosti.This paper examines the importance and specifics of nonprofit marketing with the importance of their role in the development of society on the example Croatian Music Union. The development of non-profit organizations and the application of marketing concepts have made it possible to solve key problems that have hindered the further development and functioning of particular societies. Non-profit organizations are considered to be all organizations whose main purpose for existence is not to achieve "profit" but to achieve higher social goals. The paper is conceived in several sections, with the aim of theoretical elaboration of the marketing of non-profit organizations, and analysis of the marketing mix of the non-profit organization of the Croatian Music Union. In the first, introductory section, to help you understand the topic of the paper, an overview of basic concepts such as a non-profit organization is provided, as well as a basic concept paper's layout and goals that are to be achieved. The theoretical part of the paper is designed to elaborate the specifics of nonprofit marketing as well as the development of nonprofit organizations, and focus on the nonprofit sector in which nonprofit organizations operate. The following part of the paper presents the application of non-profit marketing on the example of Croatian Music Union. The structure of the association and its goals, target stakeholders and the development of a marketing mix for users are highlighted. The marketing mix provides insight into the analysis of the products offered by the association, the prices, promotions and distributions of the non-profit organization. Recommendations for the future work of the non-profit organization were also provided so that the organization could improve its business with a few modifications that would certainly enable them more users, and better ways to achieve their set goals. The last part of the paper provides a conclusion that presents an overview of the final work in its entirety


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    Tema ovog rada je marketing neprofitnih organizacija, te njegova primjena na primjeru Sunca - Udruge za prirodu, okoliš i održivi razvoj. U teoretskom djelu rada, radi lakšeg razumijevanja teme ponajprije se definiraju pojmovi neprofitna organizacija, marketing, neprofitni marketing, prikazuje kratak osvrt na razliku između profitnog i neprofitnog marketinga, te na razvoj neprofitnog marketinga u Hrvatskoj. Budući da se kao primjer koristi udruga za prirodu okoliš i održivi razvoj, u teoretskom djelu ukratko su definirana i ta tri pojma. U drugom djelu rada, prikazuje se primjena neprofitnog marketinga na primjeru neprofitne organizacije Sunce. Ističe se vizija, misija i ciljevi udruge, te se prikazuje SWOT analiza i marketinški miks. SWOT analizom pruža se uvid u snage, slabosti, prilike i prijetnje udruge, a marketing miksom prikazuje se koji su to zapravo proizvodi udruge, kako se ti proizvodi naplaćuju, promoviraju i distribuiraju. Na samom kraju rada uz nekoliko savjeta udruzi je dan prijedlog kako da određenim poboljšanjima svoje uspješno i hvale vrijedno djelovanje učini još boljim.The theme of this work is marketing of non-profit organization, and as example is being used the association called Sun for Nature, Environment and Sustainable Development. In the theoretical part of the work, in order to facilitate understanding of the topic we defined terms nonprofit organization, marketing, nonprofit marketing, we displays a brief overview of the difference between profit and non-profit marketing, and to the nonprofit marketing in Croatia. Because as example we use association for Nature, Environment and Sustainable Development, in the theoretical part are briefly defined and these three terms. The second part of the work, shows the application of the non-profit marketing in the case of non-profit organizations called Sun. We point out the vision, mission and goals of the association, the SWOT analysis and marketing mix. SWOT analysis provides an insight into the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the association, a marketing mix is showing what is actually product of the association, how these products are paid, promoted and distributed. At the end of the work ,with some tips to the association, was proposed to do some improvements so that her successful and hard work can be even better

    Marketing communications of non-profitsorganization

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    Tema ovog završnog rada je „Marketinška komunikacija u neprofitnim organizacijama“. Rad nastoji prikazati sličnosti i razlike u marketinškoj komunikaciji u profitnim i neprofitnim organizacijama. U prvom se dijelu govori općenito o pojmu neprofitnih organizacija, njihovoj klasifikaciji te temeljnim oblicima neprofitnih organizacija koje djeluju u Republici Hrvatskoj. Drugi dio opisuje pojam komunikacije, te dva osnovna oblika komuniciranja, međusobnu i masovnu komunikaciju. Masovna komunikacija je danas u suvremenom svijetu izuzetno važna, zato što se njome najbrže dopire do ciljnih skupina. Poruka masovne komunikacije mora biti brza, jasna i prilagođena širokom krugu primatelja. Marketinške komunikacije zapravo su glas poduzeća , te sredstvo kojim se uspostavlja komunikacija i veza sa potrošačima. Marketinška se komunikacija sastoji od osam oblika, te su svi detaljnije opisani u ovom dijelu. Tablicom najučestalijih komunikacijskih platformi navedeni su alati kojima se organizacije koriste za svaki pojedini komunikacijski oblik. Treći dio rada bavi se marketinškim komunikacijama u neprofitnim organizacijama i njihovim specifičnostima u odnosu na profitne organizacije. Neprofitne organizacije najčešće su ograničene financijskim sredstvima pa su samim time i njihove mogućnosti za korištenje svih komunikacijskih oblika ograničene. Najčešće korištena sredstva su oglašavanje, događaji i iskustva i javno zagovaranje. Jedan od najčešćih i najučinkovitijih oblika komunikacije kod neprofitnih organizacija je komunikacija s medijima. Mediji i udruge građana sastavni su dio civilnog društva, a budući da je i jednima i drugima cilj postizanje općeg dobra, potrebna je međusobna suradnja. U četvrtom se dijelu opisuje marketinška komunikacija na odabranom primjeru humanitarne udruge iz Pule „Naš san, njihov osmijeh“. Osnovni cilj udruge „Naš san, njihov osmijeh“ je pomaganje potrebitima koji oskudijevaju u osnovnim životnim potrebama. Udruga surađuje s brojnim organizacijama te građanima iz zemlje i inozemstva, ali i provodi razne aktivnosti kako bi mogla prikupiti sredstva koja su joj potrebna za ostvarenje cilja, a to je pomoć njihovim korisnicima. Na kraju kao zaključak rada može se reći da postoji još mnogo prostora za napredak na području marketinških komunikacija ove udruge, čega su i u udruzi svjesni. Međutim kako je njihov glavni cilj pomaganje potrebitima i povjerenje njihovih volontera i donatora ostvaren, sada im ostaje za budućnost razraditi strategiju i plan djelovanja na području marketinga i komunikacija.The theme of this thesis is „Marketing communication in non-profit organizations“. The work aims to compare similarities and differences of marketing communication in profit and non-profit organisations. In the first part non-profit organisations in general are addressed, together with their classification and main types of non-profit organizations active in Republic of Croatia. The second part deals with the term of communication and two main types of communication, mutual communication and mass communication. Mass communication is in nowadays extremely important, because it reaches the target groups very fast. The message of mass communication has to be fast, clear and adapted to wide circle of recipients. Marketing communications are the voice of the company, and means to maintain communication and relationship with customers. Marketing communication is consisted from eight types, which are in detail described in this work. In the table of the most common communicational platforms are listed means which organizations use for each communication type. The third part of this work addresses marketing communication in non-profit organizations and their peculiarities in comparison with profit organizations. Non-profit organizations are usually limited with their funding and therefore their possibilities for using all communication types are limited. The most common means are advertising, events and experiences and public advocating. One of the widely used and most effective means of communication of non-profit organizations is communication with media. Media and associations of citizens are a part of civil society and because both tend to achieve common good, their cooperation is necessary. The fourth part of this work describes marketing communication on example of humanitarian association from Pula „Naš san njihov osmijeh“. This main aim of this organization is to help ones who lack to satisfy their basic life needs. The association cooperates with numerous organizations and citizens from Croatia and abroad, but also conducts a variety of activities in order to collect funds for achieving its purpose, which is helping their users. To conclude with, there is still a lot of space for progress in area of marketing communication of this association, which they are also aware of. Since their main goal of helping the ones in need and trust of their volunteers and donors is reached, in their future work they will tend to build strategies and plans in field of marketing and communication


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    Electronic learning is such aspect of modern learning where lectures, examination or instruction performs exclusively through Internet, while the percentage of learning and using ICT is over 80%. Key elements of e-learning pattern are technological mainframe, curriculum, interaction, strategic management and marketing. Model K-12 gives his contribution in organization of education and time flexibility, provides quality communication and gains higher profit. The paper addresses model of schooling K-12 which needs to be compared with current stage in Republic of Croatia. It is confusing that the term of e-learning industry still does not find itself in Croatian economical terminology, although its value in 2008 was ranked on 38 billions of euros.e-learning, model K-12, education management, KM, ICT


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    Politiĉki marketing i demokracija, tj. njen razvoj su meĊusobno ovisni. Politiĉki marketing putem komuniciranja vaţnosti politiĉke participacije i poticanja graĊana na istu, posebice izlazak na izbore, utjeĉe na daljnu demokratizaciju društva. S druge strane, pretpostavka politiĉkog marketinga je upravo demokratizacija i liberalizacija društva te višestranaĉki sustav. Vaţnost politiĉkog marketinga postaje još veća kada su u pitanju mladi, koji inaĉe najslabije politiĉki participiraju. Mladima na raspolaganju stoje tri oblika politiĉke participacije: institucionalna, priinstitucionalna i izvaninstitucionalna participacija, ujedno i najpopularnija. Cilj ovog rada je stjecanje uvida u politiĉku participaciju mladih u Splitsko-dalmatinskoj ţupaniji i njihove motive, kao i ispitivanje utjecaja pojedinih marketinških aktivnosti na njihovu participaciju. Za potrebe rada, na temelju teorijskih spoznaja o marketinškim aktivnostima i tipologijama politiĉkog participiranja, provedena je anketa, na ĉija su pitanja odgovorile 163 mlade osobe s podruĉja Splitsko-dalmatinske ţupanije. Statistiĉkom obradom podataka te Mann Whitney-U testom potvrĊena je glavna hipoteza kako marketinške aktivnosti pozitivno utjeĉu na politiĉku participaciju mladih.Political marketing and democracy, that is, its development, are mutually dependent. Political marketing affects the further democratization of society through communication of the importance of political participation and encouragement of citizens to participate, especially in the form of voting. On the other hand, the premise of political marketing is precisely the democracy and the liberalization of society, as well as the multiparty system. The importance of political marketing becomes even greater when it comes to young people, who are the least involved in politics. There are three forms of political participation available to young people: institutional, pre-institutional and non-institutional participation, which is the most popular one. The aim of this research is to gain insight into the political participation of young people in the Split-Dalmatia County and their motives, as well as to examine the impact of particular marketing activities on their participation. For the purpose of research, based on theoretical knowledge of marketing activities and typologies of political participation, a survey questionnaire was developed, answered by 163 young people from the Split-Dalmatia County. Statistical analysis of data, as well as Mann Whitney-U test confirmed the main hypothesis that marketing activities positively influence the political participation of young people


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    Ovaj rad se odnosi na humanitarne neprofitne organizacije koje za cilj imaju ostvariti određeni društveni interes odnosno riješiti društveni problem te im primarni cilj nije ostvarenje profita. Upravljanje neprofitnim organizacijama je složeno zbog uključivanja višestrukih dionika, oslanjanja na donacije, manjka ljudskih i financijskih resursa. Poput profitnog sektora i neprofitne organizacije moraju provoditi marketinške aktivnosti kako bi zadovoljili svoje korisnike i konkurirali na tržištu. U prvom dijelu teorijskog rada definirani su pojmovi neprofitne organizacije i specifičnosti humanitarnih neprofitnih organizacija. U drugom dijelu teorijskog rada objašnjene su osnovne determinante marketinga neprofitnih organizacija te su opisane marketinške aktivnosti koje se dijele u faze analize, planiranja, primjene i kontrole. Kao primjer studije slučaja koristi se udruga Naša dica pa je organizacija ukratko opisana kao i njezino područje djelovanja i aktivnosti koje provodi. Opisane su marketinške aktivnosti koje udruga (ne)provodi. Analiza marketinških aktivnosti ove udruge može poslužiti ostalim sličnim udrugama kao primjer kako se marketinške aktivnosti trebaju provoditi i kako mogu podići nivo poslovanja neprofitnih organizacija na višu razinu i učinkovitije zadovoljiti potrebe i želje svojih dionika. Problematika ovog rada je prikazana nedovoljnim korištenjem marketinških aktivnosti udruge čijim korištenjem bi se povećala prepoznatljivost udruge, broj članova, donatora i volontera , angažiranost članova, financijski resursi ,stvorio bi se imidž i osvijestila bi se javnost o aktualnim društvenim problemima.This paper deals with humanitarian non-profit organizations that aim to achieve a certain social interes or to solve a social problem and whose primary goal is not to make a profit. Managing nonprofits is complex becase of the involvement of multiple stakeholders, the reliance on donations, the lack of human and financial resources. Like the profit sector, nonprofits must conduct marketing activities to satisfy their customers and compete in the market. The first part of the theoretical work defines the notions of non-profit organizations and the specificities of humanitarian non-profit organizations. The second part of the theoretical work explain the basic determinants of the marketing of nonprofit organizations and describes the marketing activities that are divides into the stages of analysis, planning, implementation and control. Association Naša dica is used as an example of a case study, so the organization is briefly described as its field of activity and activities it conducts. The marketing activities that the association (not) carries out are described. An analysis of the marketing activities of this association can serve other similar associations as an example of how marketing activities should be conducted and how they can raise the level of business of non-profit organizations to a higher level and more effectively meet the needs and desires of their users. The problems of this work are illustrated by the insufficient use of the association´s marketing activities which use would increase the recognition of the association, the number of members, donors and volunteers, member engagement, financial resources, create an image and raise public awareness of current social problems

    Marketing of non-profit organization

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    U ovom radu se razmatraju neprofitne organizacije, odnosno marketing neprofitnih organizacija. Neprofitne organizacije su zaklade, udruge građana i ustanove kojima osnovna svrha postojanja nije ostvarivanje dobiti, tj. profita. Neprofitne organizacije su osnovane s ciljem da pridonesu poboljšanju javnog dobra. Neprofitne organizacije usmjerene su pojedincu, odnosno građaninu, dok je profitna organizacija usmjerena isključivo potrošaču. Neprofitne organizacije je moguće klasificirati ponajprije s obzirom na područje njihova djelovanja Neprofitne organizacije imaju zadaću privlačiti razne fondove, volontere, članove i druge moguće izvore da se uključe u aktivnosti organizacije. Marketing je postao vrlo važan neprofitnim organizacijama. Pomoću marketinga organizacija prikuplja volontere, doprinose za poboljšanje javnog dobra. Također, neprofitne organizacije se žele pomoću oglašavanja istaknuti od ostalih neprofitnih organizacija koje se bave istim javnim dobrom te na taj način privući financijska sredstva.In this paper there are considered the term of non-profit organizations, to be more accurate – marketing of non-profit organizations. Non-profit organizations are fundations, citizen associations and institutions which basic purpose of existance is not making profit. Non-profit organizations are founded with a purpose of giving contribution to a common good. Non-profit organizations are directed to the individual (citizen), not to the consumer, as the profit organizations. Easily we can classified non-profit organizations considering the area of theit activity. Non-profit organizations have job to attract different funds, volunteers, members and all other sources which could participating in the activity of the organization. Marketing became very important to non-profit organizations. With help of the marketing organization attract volunteers and other things for increase of the common good. With help of the marketing non-profit organization trying to highlight themselves and separete from other non-profit organizations who doing the same job as they. That is the way how they trying to pull up funds for they activity

    Marketing of non-profit organization

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    U ovom radu se razmatraju neprofitne organizacije, odnosno marketing neprofitnih organizacija. Neprofitne organizacije su zaklade, udruge građana i ustanove kojima osnovna svrha postojanja nije ostvarivanje dobiti, tj. profita. Neprofitne organizacije su osnovane s ciljem da pridonesu poboljšanju javnog dobra. Neprofitne organizacije usmjerene su pojedincu, odnosno građaninu, dok je profitna organizacija usmjerena isključivo potrošaču. Neprofitne organizacije je moguće klasificirati ponajprije s obzirom na područje njihova djelovanja Neprofitne organizacije imaju zadaću privlačiti razne fondove, volontere, članove i druge moguće izvore da se uključe u aktivnosti organizacije. Marketing je postao vrlo važan neprofitnim organizacijama. Pomoću marketinga organizacija prikuplja volontere, doprinose za poboljšanje javnog dobra. Također, neprofitne organizacije se žele pomoću oglašavanja istaknuti od ostalih neprofitnih organizacija koje se bave istim javnim dobrom te na taj način privući financijska sredstva.In this paper there are considered the term of non-profit organizations, to be more accurate – marketing of non-profit organizations. Non-profit organizations are fundations, citizen associations and institutions which basic purpose of existance is not making profit. Non-profit organizations are founded with a purpose of giving contribution to a common good. Non-profit organizations are directed to the individual (citizen), not to the consumer, as the profit organizations. Easily we can classified non-profit organizations considering the area of theit activity. Non-profit organizations have job to attract different funds, volunteers, members and all other sources which could participating in the activity of the organization. Marketing became very important to non-profit organizations. With help of the marketing organization attract volunteers and other things for increase of the common good. With help of the marketing non-profit organization trying to highlight themselves and separete from other non-profit organizations who doing the same job as they. That is the way how they trying to pull up funds for they activity


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    Ovaj rad se odnosi na humanitarne neprofitne organizacije koje za cilj imaju ostvariti određeni društveni interes odnosno riješiti društveni problem te im primarni cilj nije ostvarenje profita. Upravljanje neprofitnim organizacijama je složeno zbog uključivanja višestrukih dionika, oslanjanja na donacije, manjka ljudskih i financijskih resursa. Poput profitnog sektora i neprofitne organizacije moraju provoditi marketinške aktivnosti kako bi zadovoljili svoje korisnike i konkurirali na tržištu. U prvom dijelu teorijskog rada definirani su pojmovi neprofitne organizacije i specifičnosti humanitarnih neprofitnih organizacija. U drugom dijelu teorijskog rada objašnjene su osnovne determinante marketinga neprofitnih organizacija te su opisane marketinške aktivnosti koje se dijele u faze analize, planiranja, primjene i kontrole. Kao primjer studije slučaja koristi se udruga Naša dica pa je organizacija ukratko opisana kao i njezino područje djelovanja i aktivnosti koje provodi. Opisane su marketinške aktivnosti koje udruga (ne)provodi. Analiza marketinških aktivnosti ove udruge može poslužiti ostalim sličnim udrugama kao primjer kako se marketinške aktivnosti trebaju provoditi i kako mogu podići nivo poslovanja neprofitnih organizacija na višu razinu i učinkovitije zadovoljiti potrebe i želje svojih dionika. Problematika ovog rada je prikazana nedovoljnim korištenjem marketinških aktivnosti udruge čijim korištenjem bi se povećala prepoznatljivost udruge, broj članova, donatora i volontera , angažiranost članova, financijski resursi ,stvorio bi se imidž i osvijestila bi se javnost o aktualnim društvenim problemima.This paper deals with humanitarian non-profit organizations that aim to achieve a certain social interes or to solve a social problem and whose primary goal is not to make a profit. Managing nonprofits is complex becase of the involvement of multiple stakeholders, the reliance on donations, the lack of human and financial resources. Like the profit sector, nonprofits must conduct marketing activities to satisfy their customers and compete in the market. The first part of the theoretical work defines the notions of non-profit organizations and the specificities of humanitarian non-profit organizations. The second part of the theoretical work explain the basic determinants of the marketing of nonprofit organizations and describes the marketing activities that are divides into the stages of analysis, planning, implementation and control. Association Naša dica is used as an example of a case study, so the organization is briefly described as its field of activity and activities it conducts. The marketing activities that the association (not) carries out are described. An analysis of the marketing activities of this association can serve other similar associations as an example of how marketing activities should be conducted and how they can raise the level of business of non-profit organizations to a higher level and more effectively meet the needs and desires of their users. The problems of this work are illustrated by the insufficient use of the association´s marketing activities which use would increase the recognition of the association, the number of members, donors and volunteers, member engagement, financial resources, create an image and raise public awareness of current social problems