351,842 research outputs found

    Survey on Rules on Loss of Nationality in International Treaties and Case Law. CEPS Paper in Liberty and Security in Europe No. 57, 30 August 2013

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    This paper offers a picture of the obligations existing under international and European law in respect of the loss of nationality. It describes international instruments including obligations in this field with direct relevancy for the loss of nationality of Member States of the European Union, but also obligations regarding loss of nationality in regional non-European treaties. Attention is given to two important judicial decisions of the European Court of Justice (Janko Rottmann) and the European Court of Human Rights (Genovese v Malta) regarding nationality. Special attention is devoted to Article 15 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which forbids the arbitrary deprivation of nationality. A survey is provided of possible sub-principles that can be derived from this rule. Finally, some observations are made on the burden of proof in cases of loss of nationality

    Dulong texts : seven fully analyzed narrative and procedural texts

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    Dulong is a Tibeto-Burman language spoken in Gongshan Dulong and Nu Autonomous county in Yunnan, China, by members of the Dulong nationality (pop.: 6,000), and part of the Nu nationality (roughly 6,000 people)


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    This study aims to investigate the effect of board diversity (gender, educational level, nationality, and the presence of independent board) partially to the intellectual capital performance with the moderating effect of the effectiveness of board meetings. This research adopted Pulic (1998) model to measure the intellectual capital performance. Board Diversity was measured by Blau’s Index, while the effectiveness of board meetings was measured by the number of joint meetings that have been held by the board of directors and board of commissioners per year. Population of this research were banks, insurance, telecommunication and computer companies which have met some criteria as knowledge-intensive companies. Samples were taken for the year 2012-2015. Samples was collected by purposive sampling method where researcher established some criteria to be the research data. Moderated Regression Analysis (MRA) on IBM SPSS 20. was used to test the research data. This research indicated that companies with a high level of board diversity in terms of gender, educational level, nationality, and the presence of an independent board without effectiveness of board meetings have lower intellectual capital performance except nationality diversity. Furthermore, this research found that board diversity partially are gender, educational level, nationality, and the presence of independent board with more effective board meetings have higher intellectual capital performance except nationality diversity which have a negative effect on intellectual capital performance

    Nationality Classification Using Name Embeddings

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    Nationality identification unlocks important demographic information, with many applications in biomedical and sociological research. Existing name-based nationality classifiers use name substrings as features and are trained on small, unrepresentative sets of labeled names, typically extracted from Wikipedia. As a result, these methods achieve limited performance and cannot support fine-grained classification. We exploit the phenomena of homophily in communication patterns to learn name embeddings, a new representation that encodes gender, ethnicity, and nationality which is readily applicable to building classifiers and other systems. Through our analysis of 57M contact lists from a major Internet company, we are able to design a fine-grained nationality classifier covering 39 groups representing over 90% of the world population. In an evaluation against other published systems over 13 common classes, our F1 score (0.795) is substantial better than our closest competitor Ethnea (0.580). To the best of our knowledge, this is the most accurate, fine-grained nationality classifier available. As a social media application, we apply our classifiers to the followers of major Twitter celebrities over six different domains. We demonstrate stark differences in the ethnicities of the followers of Trump and Obama, and in the sports and entertainments favored by different groups. Finally, we identify an anomalous political figure whose presumably inflated following appears largely incapable of reading the language he posts in.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figures, 4 table, accepted by CIKM 2017, Demo and free API: www.name-prism.co

    An Experimental Study on the Relevance and Scope of Culture as a Focal Point

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    This paper uses an experimental approach to study whether nationality serves as a focal point. We let subjects from Japan, Korea, and China play stag-hunt coordination games in which we vary information about their partner. The results show that subjects are more likely to try to coordinate on the payoff-dominant equilibrium if the only piece of information they have about their partner is that they have the same nationality. However, if subjects receive additional information about their partner, subjects are not more likely to try to coordinate on the payoff dominant equilibrium. We also do not find that subjects are less likely to try to coordinate on the payoff-dominant equilibrium when their partner has a different nationality as compared to when the partner’s nationality is unknown. In addition, we observe that giving subjects information about their partner in general increases the risk of miscoordination. Thus, our findings suggest that nationality can serve as a coordination device but also that the scope of this device is limited.Coordination, Focal points, Cultural economics, Inter-cultural lab experiments, In-group behavior.

    Effects of immigration on population growth and structures in Greece - A spatial approach

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    From the early 1990s, Greece has been experiencing a strong immigration flow consisting of various nationality groups with different demographic profiles and structures. The immigrant population is not uniformly distributed spatially and consists of various nationality groups with different demographic behaviours. Therefore, the examination of the implications of immigration on the population size and structure at a low geographical level, according to the nationality composition of the foreign population, is useful in finding population structures which are impossible to observe otherwise. This paper examines the impact of immigration on the population size, age and sex structure of the population in Greek municipalities. In order to do this, statistical clustering techniques have been utilised to define homogeneous groups of municipalities with respect to the nationality composition of their foreign population as well as the impact of immigration on their size and demographic characteristics.

    4. Nationalism as an Idea

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    Nationalism may be described as a state of mind which gives priority to the idea of nationality. Nationality in turn refers to a group of people who pride themselves on their common descent, customs, or traditions. As a rule these people inhabit a well-defined geographic area and are united by a common language. Often they tend to exhibit a collective egoism, convinced that their particular culture and ethnic stock are superior to all others. Some notable exceptions to these generalizations exist, yet even these exceptions are also characterized by what has been called a living and active corporate will as an essential element. [excerpt

    Wage discrimination and occupational segregation of foreign male workers in Germany

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    We analyze wage discrimination against foreign male workers in Germany with respect to different nationality groups and focused on its interaction with occupational segregation. We found evidence of strong occupational segregation, which we mainly attribute to institutional factors but also to different endowments with human capital. For the measurement of wage discrimination itself we applied a tobit estimation procedure to the wage equation and carried out the usual Blinder/Oaxaca decomposition in the second step. We found a slight discrimination against all foreign male workers together, but considerably greater discrimination for some nationality groups such as East Europeans and persons from the Middle and Far East. The additional consideration of occupational segregation did not affect these results much. However, by far most 'of the wage differentials between Germans and foreign nationality groups could be attributed to different endowments with human capital. --Discrimination,occupational segregation,foreigners

    Characteristics of foreign-owned firms in British manufacturing

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    This paper describes the characteristics of manufacturing establishments in Britain overthe period 1980 to 1996. Particular attention is paid to differences between plants ofdifferent ownership nationality. The findings suggest that establishments that are alwaysforeign-owned have significantly higher labour productivity than those that remainunder domestic ownership. In addition, labour productivity improves faster over timeand faster with age in foreign-owned establishments. The difference in labourproductivity is matched by an equivalent difference in levels of investment peremployee. Establishments that change ownership nationality do not seem to experiencevery large changes in labour productivity levels. The proportion of skilled workers inthe workplace, and wages for both skilled and operative workers are higher in foreignownedestablishments than domestic-owned, in line with differences in labourproductivity