367 research outputs found

    Dejavniki uspešnosti mediacije v sodnih sporih

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    Priežastys, kodėl advokatai rekomenduoja mediaciją ar jos nerekomenduoja savo klientams

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    This article presents the results of a study of findings gathered by a survey of authors from Lithuania, Great Britain, Austria, and Germany. The author seeks to reveal the reasons why attorneys recommend or do not recommend mediation to their clients.Straipsnyje pristatomi tyrimo rezultatai, kurie remiasi autorės atlikta apklausa Lietuvoje, Didžiojoje Britanijoje, Austrijoje ir Vokietijoje. Autorė siekia atskleisti priežastis, kodėl advokatai rekomenduoja mediaciją ar jos nerekomenduoja savo klientams

    Analysis of land consolidation procedure in Norway

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    The following thesis focuses on the procedure of land consolidation in Norway. The introduction is followed by a short description of Norway and the explanation of land consolidation itself. It describes the legal basis and institutional approach to land consolidation. The following part of the thesis focuses in greater detail on the process of land administration in Norway, with emphasis on describing the Norwegian cadastre and land registry. In the conclusion, the statistics of land consolidation cases and an example of such a case are shown

    Mediacijos taikymas advokato veikloje

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    The article presents the results of the research and reveals the following: do lawyers use mediation in their activities, how often do they do it; how do lawyers evaluate their activities in mediation, what are the reasons for this. Is the lawyers’ knowledge of mediation sufficient, what influence does the mediator’s qualification have on this; how lawyers value mediation, what is their attitude towards this method of ADR; whether and how well lawyers are able to provide clients with information about mediation and what is the opinion of lawyers regarding the most suitable profession for the role of mediator.Straipsnyje pristatomi mediacijos taikymo advokato veikloje tyrimo rezultatai ir atskleidžiama: ar advokatai taiko mediaciją savo veikloje, kaip dažnai; kaip advokatai vertina savo veiklą mediacijoje, kokios to priežastys. Ar advokatams pakanka žinių apie mediaciją, kokią tam įtaką turi mediatoriaus kvalifikacija; kaip advokatai vertina mediaciją, koks jų požiūris į šį AGS būdą; ar ir kiek advokatai geba suteikti klientams informacijos apie mediaciją ir kokia yra jų nuomonė apie tinkamiausią profesiją mediatoriaus vaidmeniui

    Mediation in the work of higher school teacher

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    The purpose of this paper is to study modern conflictological situation in Russian society, which requires the widespread introduction of new technologies for the management of conflicts in the educational process and re-thinking of the teacher’s role as a mediator to optimize the relationship process among students. Results. The author describes the stages of mediation and the specific work of the teacher-mediator in the educational organization and the requirements for their qualifications, demonstrates the types of activities of conflict resolution and their impact on the participants of conflict interaction. Particular attention is considered to the basic principles of mediation in the educational system. Scientific novelty. The author singles out the problems of mediation in the work of higher school teachers. The teacher defending the rights of students tries to resolve any disputes and conflicts with the interests of the disputing parties and social justice. Mediation as a form of alternative dispute resolution is becoming an integral part of the legal culture of our society. The article points to the need to enhance the conflict competence of teachers of higher schools. Practical significance. The research findings can be useful for psychologists, managers in the education system and teachers of higher education; conclusions proposed in the article can find practical implementation in teaching the course «Conflict Management». Presented theoretical material can be used for the formation and development of a mediation service in high school, should be the subject of further research in this area to find out alternative methods of dispute resolution in educational process Целью данной статьи является анализ современной конфликтологической ситуации в российском обществе, которая требует разработки и внедрения новых технологий по управлению конфликтами в образовательном процессе и переосмысления роли педагога как медиатора процесса оптимизации отношений между студентами. Результаты. Описаны этапы педагогической медиации, специфика работы педагога-медиатора и требования к его квалификации. Перечислены типы медиаторской деятельности в зависимости от их влияния на участников конфликтного взаимодействия. Особое внимание уделяется основным принципам медиации в образовательной сфере. Научная значимость проблемы медиации в работе педагога высшей школы заключается в том, что он, защищая права студентов, разрешает возникающие споры и конфликты с учетом интересов конфликтующих сторон и социальной справедливости. Посредничество как один из видов альтернативного разрешения споров становится неотъемлемой частью правовой культуры нашего общества, в связи с этим в статье доказывается необходимость повышения конфликтологической компетентности педагогов высшей школы. Практическое применение. Изложенный в статье материал может быть полезен психологам и менеджерам, работающим в системе образования, а также педагогам высшей школы (например, он может использоваться в процессе преподавания учебного курса «Управление конфликтами»). Теоретические положения работы могут стать базой для формирования и развития медиативной службы в вузе и отправной точкой дальнейших научных исследований по поиску альтернативных способов разрешения споров в образовательном процессе

    Mediation in cadastral audits

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    This thesis presents methods of solving disputes with help of mediation in cases of cadastral audits, such as boundary assessments, reparcelations and boundary equalizations. Mediation is a process where clients try to resolve their dispute peacefully with help of a third person (mediator).\ud The thesis also describes the case definition of the border and in non - judicial proceedings, as well as a detailed description of the law on mediation in civil matters, and the Law on alternative dispute resolution. The main part of the tast is to solve the disputes through mediation, which describes the advantages of mediation and the entire process and solutions, how to use mediation to resolve disputes land.\u

    Mediation techniques in different types of disputes.

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    Mediacija je postopek alternativnega reševanja sporov, ki je primerna za skoraj vse vrste sporov, v katerih si stranke želijo obdržati nadzor nad procesom ter izidom njihovega spora. Mediator namreč ne sprejme končne odločitve v postopku, temveč strankam le pomaga, da najdejo skupni jezik, se zbližajo v stališčih in rešitev najdejo same. Pri tem pa mediatorju pomagajo mediacijske tehnike. Mediacijske tehnike so osnova in bistvo mediatorjevega dela, brez njihove uporabe pa je situacija ista, kot če bi se pogovarjali stranki sami brez mediatorja, saj je mediatorjev prispevek zanemarljiv. Osnovni mediacijski tehniki sta aktivno poslušanje ter povzemanje, zanemarljiva pa niso niti ločena srečanja, ki so hkrati ena izmed največjih prednosti mediacijskega postopka v primerjavi s pravdnim. Čeprav se na papirju zdi enostavna, je uporaba mediacijskih tehnik v praksi vse prej kot preprosta, vendar pa lahko z njihovo pravilno, natančno ter vztrajno uporabo dober mediator doseže, da so stranke pripravljene na prilagajanje in popuščanje. Uporaba tehnik je nujna tako v pravdnih kot gospodarskih mediacijah, kot tudi v drugih vrstah spora, pri tem pa je nujno slediti strankam ter ne »prehitevati«. Tudi sicer je mediacija postopek, ki je namenjen bolj strankam kot njihovim pravnim pooblaščencem, v kolikor pa so ti vseeno prisotni, je zaželeno, da sodelujejo z mediatorjem in ne otežujejo njegovega dela. Sodelovanje je mišljeno v smislu naklonjenosti dogovarjanju in poravnavanju ter spodbujanju strank k iskanju mirnih, stroškovno ugodnih ter predvsem bolj trdnih rešitev. Dogovor, sprejet v mediaciji, je namreč praviloma bolj trden in spoštovan, kot če je vsiljen s strani tretje osebe.Mediation is a process of alternative dispute resolution that is suitable for almost all types of disputes where parties want to have control over the process of resolution and the eventual outcome. The role of a mediator is not to arbitrate, but to facilitate discourse and mutual understanding between parties, and to assist them in negotiating a settlement. The essence of a mediator\u27s work are mediation techniques. Without them, the process of mediation is reduced to parties attempting to resolve a conflict on their own, making a mediator\u27s contribution negligible. Besides listening and summarizing, one of the most important techniques are separate meetings, which is also one of the biggest advantages of mediation over litigation. These mediation techniques seem simple in theory, but are difficult to apply in practice. By using them correctly, thoroughly, and persistently, a skilled mediator can steer parties towards being more agreeable and willing to compromise. The use of mediation techniques is necessary in both civil and commercial proceedings, as well as in other types of disputes. In using them, a mediator should always follow each party\u27s lead and not rush the process. Mediation is designed for the benefit of parties themselves and not for their attorneys. If attorneys are present, they should cooperate with the mediator by being open to agreements and settlements, and by encouraging parties to reach peaceful, affordable, and firm solutions. Solutions reached with mediation namely tend to be firmer and are more likely to be respected than the ones imposed by a judge or someone else

    Poklic mediatorja kot strokovnega nosilca postopka mediacije

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    The civil mediation programme, which is a court-connected programme, established as a form of alternative dispute resolution, is increasingly gaining ground as a field with its own theoretical and practical knowledge, principles and basic rules. Mediation has already set up its own body of knowledge, based on studies, classification of cases and the analyses of the results. In this article, we examine whether in the context of the development of mediation in Slovenia we might already talk about the profession of the mediator, defined as a provider of the mediation process. We examine the court-connected civil mediation and mediators who mediate at the court-connected civil mediation, and define them theoretically. By interviewing the mediation experts and mediators we examine their opinions about mediators and the court mediation. We examine the legal basis for the court-connected mediation programmes in Slovenia as well as in the European Union. Proceeding from our findings we conclude that the legal regulation of the court mediation in Slovenia is well established, and that the mediators of the court-connected civil mediation programmes can be accepted as the professional providers of the mediation process.Sodišču pridružena mediacija se kot alternativna metoda reševanja sporov vse bolj uveljavlja kot področje dela z lastnim teoretičnim in praktičnim znanjem, lastnimi načeli in osnovnimi pravili. Mediacija je vzpostavila lastno znanje, ki temelji na študijah, razvrstitvi primerov in analizi rezultatov. V prispevku bomo preverili, ali lahko glede na razvoj mediacije v Sloveniji govorimo o poklicu mediatorja in ga opredelimo kot strokovnega nosilca postopka mediacije. Najprej bomo sodišču pridruženo mediacijo in mediatorje, ki mediirajo v sodišču pridruženi mediaciji, teoretsko opredeliti ter s pomočjo intervjujev s strokovnjaki za mediacijo in mediatorji v nadaljevanju preverili, kakšno je njihovo mnenje o mediatorjih in sodišču pridruženi mediaciji. Proučili bomo tudi pravno podlago sodišču pridružene mediacije tako v Sloveniji kot Evropski uniji. Glede na ugotovitve bomo sklenili, da je pravna ureditev sodišču pridružene mediacije v Sloveniji dobra in da lahko o mediatorjih sodišču pridružene mediacije govorimo kot o strokovnih nosilcih mediacijskega postopka

    Mediation in land cadastre procedures

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    The diploma work presents and describes an alternative way of resolving a dispute, which originated in the process of arranging borders in the estate register. The new method is called mediation and it is a method of dispute solving in which a neutral third person helps parties in question to find a settlement, which would solve their dispute and arrange their mutual relations anew. \ud The diploma work is divided into three parts. In the first part, the estate register is presented along with its usefulness, and how the record of estate register is kept and arranged. In the second part of the work, the arrangement and keeping record of a border in an administrative procedure and a process of a border establishment by court in a non-lawsuit procedure is described. The third part relates to solving the disputes, which originate in the process of establishing a border or in a previously defined border. Judicial process is not the only method for solving such disputes, which is way in this part I am focusing on and presenting in detail and in its entirety the mediation - an alternative method for solving such disputes. The ways in which mediation can be helpful and the cases in which it can be applied are also discussed.\u