272 research outputs found

    Estudo do IPFS como protocolo de distribuição de conteúdos em redes veiculares

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    Over the last few years, vehicular ad-hoc networks (VANETs) have been the focus of great progress due to the interest in autonomous vehicles and in distributing content not only between vehicles, but also to the Cloud. Performing a download/upload to/from a vehicle typically requires the existence of a cellular connection, but the costs associated with mobile data transfers in hundreds or thousands of vehicles quickly become prohibitive. A VANET allows the costs to be several orders of magnitude lower - while keeping the same large volumes of data - because it is strongly based in the communication between vehicles (nodes of the network) and the infrastructure. The InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) is a protocol for storing and distributing content, where information is addressed by its content, instead of its location. It was created in 2014 and it seeks to connect all computing devices with the same system of files, comparable to a BitTorrent swarm exchanging Git objects. It has been tested and deployed in wired networks, but never in an environment where nodes have intermittent connectivity, such as a VANET. This work focuses on understanding IPFS, how/if it can be applied to the vehicular network context, and comparing it with other content distribution protocols. In this dissertation, IPFS has been tested in a small and controlled network to understand its working applicability to VANETs. Issues such as neighbor discoverability times and poor hashing performance have been addressed. To compare IPFS with other protocols (such as Veniam’s proprietary solution or BitTorrent) in a relevant way and in a large scale, an emulation platform was created. The tests in this emulator were performed in different times of the day, with a variable number of files and file sizes. Emulated results show that IPFS is on par with Veniam’s custom V2V protocol built specifically for V2V, and greatly outperforms BitTorrent regarding neighbor discoverability and data transfers. An analysis of IPFS’ performance in a real scenario was also conducted, using a subset of STCP’s vehicular network in Oporto, with the support of Veniam. Results from these tests show that IPFS can be used as a content dissemination protocol, showing it is up to the challenge provided by a constantly changing network topology, and achieving throughputs up to 2.8 MB/s, values similar or in some cases even better than Veniam’s proprietary solution.Nos últimos anos, as redes veiculares (VANETs) têm sido o foco de grandes avanços devido ao interesse em veículos autónomos e em distribuir conteúdos, não só entre veículos mas também para a "nuvem" (Cloud). Tipicamente, fazer um download/upload de/para um veículo exige a utilização de uma ligação celular (SIM), mas os custos associados a fazer transferências com dados móveis em centenas ou milhares de veículos rapidamente se tornam proibitivos. Uma VANET permite que estes custos sejam consideravelmente inferiores - mantendo o mesmo volume de dados - pois é fortemente baseada na comunicação entre veículos (nós da rede) e a infraestrutura. O InterPlanetary File System (IPFS - "sistema de ficheiros interplanetário") é um protocolo de armazenamento e distribuição de conteúdos, onde a informação é endereçada pelo conteúdo, em vez da sua localização. Foi criado em 2014 e tem como objetivo ligar todos os dispositivos de computação num só sistema de ficheiros, comparável a um swarm BitTorrent a trocar objetos Git. Já foi testado e usado em redes com fios, mas nunca num ambiente onde os nós têm conetividade intermitente, tal como numa VANET. Este trabalho tem como foco perceber o IPFS, como/se pode ser aplicado ao contexto de rede veicular e compará-lo a outros protocolos de distribuição de conteúdos. Numa primeira fase o IPFS foi testado numa pequena rede controlada, de forma a perceber a sua aplicabilidade às VANETs, e resolver os seus primeiros problemas como os tempos elevados de descoberta de vizinhos e o fraco desempenho de hashing. De modo a poder comparar o IPFS com outros protocolos (tais como a solução proprietária da Veniam ou o BitTorrent) de forma relevante e em grande escala, foi criada uma plataforma de emulação. Os testes neste emulador foram efetuados usando registos de mobilidade e conetividade veicular de alturas diferentes de um dia, com um número variável de ficheiros e tamanhos de ficheiros. Os resultados destes testes mostram que o IPFS está a par do protocolo V2V da Veniam (desenvolvido especificamente para V2V e VANETs), e que o IPFS é significativamente melhor que o BitTorrent no que toca ao tempo de descoberta de vizinhos e transferência de informação. Uma análise do desempenho do IPFS em cenário real também foi efetuada, usando um pequeno conjunto de nós da rede veicular da STCP no Porto, com o apoio da Veniam. Os resultados destes testes demonstram que o IPFS pode ser usado como protocolo de disseminação de conteúdos numa VANET, mostrando-se adequado a uma topologia constantemente sob alteração, e alcançando débitos até 2.8 MB/s, valores parecidos ou nalguns casos superiores aos do protocolo proprietário da Veniam.Mestrado em Engenharia de Computadores e Telemátic

    Real-time SIL Emulation Architecture for Cooperative Automated Vehicles

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    This thesis presents a robust, flexible and real-time architecture for Software-in-the-Loop (SIL) testing of connected vehicle safety applications. Emerging connected and automated vehicles (CAV) use sensing, communication and computing technologies in the design of a host of new safety applications. Testing and verification of these applications is a major concern for the automotive industry. The CAV safety applications work by sharing their state and movement information over wireless communication links. Vehicular communication has fueled the development of various Cooperative Vehicle Safety (CVS) applications. Development of safety applications for CAV requires testing in many different scenarios. However, the recreation of test scenarios for evaluating safety applications is a very challenging task. This is mainly due to the randomness in communication, difficulty in recreating vehicle movements precisely, and safety concerns for certain scenarios. We propose to develop a standalone Remote Vehicle Emulator (RVE) that can reproduce V2V messages of remote vehicles from simulations or from previous tests, while also emulating the over the air behavior of multiple communicating nodes. This is expected to significantly accelerate the development cycle. RVE is a unique and easily configurable emulation cum simulation setup to allow Software in the Loop (SIL) testing of connected vehicle applications in a realistic and safe manner. It will help in tailoring numerous test scenarios, expediting algorithm development and validation as well as increase the probability of finding failure modes. This, in turn, will help improve the quality of safety applications while saving testing time and reducing cost. The RVE architecture consists of two modules, the Mobility Generator, and the Communication emulator. Both of these modules consist of a sequence of events that are handled based on the type of testing to be carried out. The communication emulator simulates the behavior of MAC layer while also considering the channel model to increase the probability of successful transmission. It then produces over the air messages that resemble the output of multiple nodes transmitting, including corrupted messages due to collisions. The algorithm that goes inside the emulator has been optimized so as to minimize the communication latency and make this a realistic and real-time safety testing tool. Finally, we provide a multi-metric experimental evaluation wherein we verified the simulation results with an identically configured ns3 simulator. With the aim to improve the quality of testing of CVS applications, this unique architecture would serve as a fundamental design for the future of CVS application testing

    Comparative Study of Simulators for Vehicular Networks

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    Vehicular Adhoc networks (VANETs) are composed of vehicles connected with wireless links to exchange data. VANETs have become the backbone of the Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) in smart cities and enable many essential services like roadside safety, traffic management, platooning, etc with vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) and vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) communications. In any form of research testing and evaluation plays a crucial role. However, in VANETs, real-world experiments require high investment, and heavy resources and can cause many practical difficulties. Therefore, simulations have become critical and the primary way of evaluating VANETs' applications. Furthermore, the upfront challenge is the realistic capture of the networking mechanism of VANETs, which varies from situation to situation. Several factors may contribute to the successful achievement of a random realistic networking behavior. However, the biggest dependency is a powerful tool for the implementation, which could probably take into account all the configuration parameters, loss factors, mobility schemes, and other key features of a VANET, yet give out practical performance metrics with a good trade-off between investment of resources and the results. Hence, the aim of this research is to evaluate some simulators in the scope of VANETs with respect to resource utilization, packet delivery, and computational time

    Enhanced Obfuscation for Software Protection in Autonomous Vehicular Cloud Computing Platforms

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    Nowadays, sensors, communications connections, and more powerful computing capabilities are added to automobiles, making them more intelligent. The primary goal was to eliminate the need for human control, making them Autonomous Vehicles (AVs). Consequently, researchers thought to put all that newly added computational power to use for other endeavors. Hence, Autonomous Vehicular Cloud Computing (AVCC) models were introduced. Nevertheless, this goal is not an easy undertaking, the dynamic nature of autonomous vehicles introduces a critical challenge in the development of such a distributed computing platform. Furthermore, it presents far complicated issues as far as security and protection of services associated with this framework. In this paper, we center around securing programs running on AVCC. Here, we focus on timing side-channel attacks which aim to leak information about running code, which can be utilized to reverse engineer the program itself. We propose to mitigate these attacks via obfuscated compilation. In particular, we change the control flow of an input program at the compiler level, thereby changing the program’s apparent behavior and accompanying physical manifestations to hinder these attacks. We improve our previous ARM-based implementation to address its limitations and provide more comprehensive coverage for different programs. Our solution is software-based and generically portable - fitting different hardware platforms and numerous input program languages at the source level. Our findings prove a considerable improvement over our previous technique, which may provide more defense against timing side-channels

    Software Protection and Secure Authentication for Autonomous Vehicular Cloud Computing

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    Artificial Intelligence (AI) is changing every technology we deal with. Autonomy has been a sought-after goal in vehicles, and now more than ever we are very close to that goal. Vehicles before were dumb mechanical devices, now they are becoming smart, computerized, and connected coined as Autonomous Vehicles (AVs). Moreover, researchers found a way to make more use of these enormous capabilities and introduced Autonomous Vehicles Cloud Computing (AVCC). In these platforms, vehicles can lend their unused resources and sensory data to join AVCC. In this dissertation, we investigate security and privacy issues in AVCC. As background, we built our vision of a layer-based approach to thoroughly study state-of-the-art literature in the realm of AVs. Particularly, we examined some cyber-attacks and compared their promising mitigation strategies from our perspective. Then, we focused on two security issues involving AVCC: software protection and authentication. For the first problem, our concern is protecting client’s programs executed on remote AVCC resources. Such a usage scenario is susceptible to information leakage and reverse-engineering. Hence, we proposed compiler-based obfuscation techniques. What distinguishes our techniques, is that they are generic and software-based and utilize the intermediate representation, hence, they are platform agnostic, hardware independent and support different high level programming languages. Our results demonstrate that the control-flow of obfuscated code versions are more complicated making it unintelligible for timing side-channels. For the second problem, we focus on protecting AVCC from unauthorized access or intrusions, which may cause misuse or service disruptions. Therefore, we propose a strong privacy-aware authentication technique for users accessing AVCC services or vehicle sharing their resources with the AVCC. Our technique modifies robust function encryption, which protects stakeholder’s confidentiality and withstands linkability and “known-ciphertexts” attacks. Thus, we utilize an authentication server to search and match encrypted data by performing dot product operations. Additionally, we developed another lightweight technique, based on KNN algorithm, to authenticate vehicles at computationally limited charging stations using its owner’s encrypted iris data. Our security and privacy analysis proved that our schemes achieved privacy-preservation goals. Our experimental results showed that our schemes have reasonable computation and communications overheads and efficiently scalable

    Simulation and Evaluation of Wired and Wireless Networks with NS2, NS3 and OMNET++

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    Communication systems are emerging rapidly with the revolutionary growth in terms of networking protocols, wired and wireless technologies, user applications and other IEEE standards. Numbers of industrial as well as academic organizations around the globe are bringing in light new innovations and ideas in the field of communication systems. These innovations and ideas require intense evaluation at initial phases of development with the use of real systems in place. Usually the real systems are expensive and not affordable for the evaluation. In this case, network simulators provide a complete cost-effective testbed for the simulation and evaluation of the underlined innovations and ideas. In past, numerous studies were conducted for the performance evaluation of network simulators based on CPU and memory utilization. However, performance evaluation based on other metrics such as congestion window, throughput, delay, packet delivery ratio and packet loss ratio was not conducted intensively. In this thesis, network simulators such as NS2, NS3 and OMNET++ will be evaluated and compared for wired and wireless networks based on congestion window, throughput, delay, packet delivery and packet loss ratio. In the theoretical part, information will be provided about the wired and wireless networks and mathematical interpretation of various components used for these networks. Furthermore, technical details about the network simulators will be presented including architectural design, programming languages and platform libraries. Advantages and disadvantages of these network simulators will also be highlighted. In the last part, the details about the experiments and analysis conducted for wired and wireless networks will be provided. At the end, findings will be concluded and future prospects of the study will be advised.fi=Opinnäytetyö kokotekstinä PDF-muodossa.|en=Thesis fulltext in PDF format.|sv=Lärdomsprov tillgängligt som fulltext i PDF-format