7,366 research outputs found

    Logistiek: Die oorsprong, konseptuele ontwikkeling en betekenis daarvan in hedendaagse gebruik

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    Hierdie artikel beskryf die oorsprong van die woord logistiek, stip die ontwikkeling daarvan uit en verklaar die hedendaagse betekenis daarvan. Die ontwikkelingsgang van die begrip word aangedui vanaf die oorsprong daarvan in Grieks, met inagneming van die opeenvolgende opname daarvan in Laat-Latyn, Frans en Nederlands, tot by die huidige gebruik daarvan in Afrikaans. Die vestiging van die Franse logistique as militêre konsep gedurende die Napoleontiese oorloë, en die uitbreiding daarvan tot 'n bedryfsbegrip ná afloop van die Tweede Wêreldoorlog word verduidelik. Die ontwikkelingsgang sedertdien van die betekenis van die konsep in bedryfsverband word bespreek. Eietydse omskrywings van logistiek, betreffende die gebruik daarvan in die bedryfslewe en in die omgangstaal, word verskaf. Vervolgens bied die artikel 'n eietydse definisie van logistiek in bedryfsverband. Ten slotte word aangetoon hoe doeltreffende bedryfslogistiek waarde toevoeg. Sleutelwoorde: bedryfslogistiek, besitnut, bestuur, diens, doelmatigheid, doeltreffendheid, goedere, grondstof, inligting, kliëntediens, kliëntetevredenheid, logistiek, militêre logistiek, nut, pleknut, produk, tydnut, vormnut, waard

    Promising Areas for Future Research on Reverse Logistics: an exploratory study

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    During the early nineties, the Council of Logistics Management started publishing studieswhere Reverse Logistics was recognized as being relevant both for business and society (Stock,1992). Other studies followed stressing the opportunities on reuse and recycling (Kopicki etal., 1993), discussing marketing aspects (Kostecki, 1998) and reported on the U.S. experience(Rogers and Tibben-Lembke, 1999). In Europe, an inter-university EU sponsored projectcalled RevLog had served as one of the motors for European Research on Reverse Logistics.For the last 5 years, researchers associated with RevLog have co-authored more than 100papers on the subject (see Dekker et al., 2003). Very recently, the RevLog group organizeda meeting to identify ?Promising Areas for Future Research on Reverse Logistics.? In thispaper we report the outcome of such meeting.reverse logistics;exploratory study;future;nominal group technique

    One and Two Way Packaging in the Dairy Sector

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    Choosing packaging material for dairy products and soft drinks is an interesting issue at the moment. Discussions arise on the costs impacts and environmental impacts of both one way packaging and reusable packaging. The aim of this article is to develop an evaluation tool providing costs and environmental impacts of the PC-bottle and the GT-packs in the dairy sector, considering forward and return flows. The evaluation tool enables the user to analyse the costs and environmental impacts of a supply chain with and without return flows using scenario analyses with respect to the use of various carrier types and the number of return loops. It appears that costs differences between PC-bottles and GT-pack are quite small. The PC bottle has a better environmental profile than the GT-pack. Scenario analysis on the carriers results in the advice to use preferably roll-in-containers with direct delivery, secondly roll-in-containers with delivery via distribution centers, thirdly in case of direct delivery either cartons or crates and cartons in case of delivery via distribution centers.pricing;supply chain management;reverse logistics;environment;life cycle assessment

    Streekproduct goedkoper naar de winkel

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    Organisaties die streekproducten leveren aan consumenten en horeca hebben vaak veel hogere kosten voor logistiek dan grote retailers. Samenwerking kan soelaas bieden

    A World Apart:Logistiek & High Tech in Noord-Brabant

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    Noord-Brabant wil een top regio zijn op het gebied van logistiek en hightech. Ter ondersteuning van de Logistieke Agenda Brabant heeft Telos een onderzoek gedaan naar ’hightech logistiek’.De resultaten van het onderzoek zijn gebundeld in de uitgebreide powerpoint rapportage “A World apart. Logistiek en HighTech sector in Brabant

    Design Principles for Closed Loop Supply Chains

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    In this paper we study design principles for closed loop supply chains. Closed loop supply chains aim at closing material flows thereby limiting emission and residual waste, but also providing customer service at low cost. We study 'traditional' and 'new' design principles known in the literature. It appears that setting up closed loop supply chains requires some additional design principles because of sustainability requirements. At the same time however, we see that traditional principles also apply. Subsequently we look at a business situation at Honeywell. Here, only a subset of the relevant design principles is applied. The apparent low status of reverse logistics may provide an explanation for this. To some extent, the same mistakes are made again as were 20 years ago in, for instance, inbound logistics. Thus, obvious improvements can be made by applying traditional principles. Also new principles, which require a life cycle driven approach, need to be applied. This can be supported by advanced management tools such as LCA and LCC.reverse logistics;case-study;closed loop supply chains

    Induction of Ordinal Decision Trees

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    This paper focuses on the problem of monotone decision trees from the point of view of the multicriteria decision aid methodology (MCDA). By taking into account the preferences of the decision maker, an attempt is made to bring closer similar research within machine learning and MCDA. The paper addresses the question how to label the leaves of a tree in a way that guarantees the monotonicity of the resulting tree. Two approaches are proposed for that purpose - dynamic and static labeling which are also compared experimentally. The paper further considers the problem of splitting criteria in the con- text of monotone decision trees. Two criteria from the literature are com- pared experimentally - the entropy criterion and the number of con criterion - in an attempt to find out which one fits better the specifics of the monotone problems and which one better handles monotonicity noise.monotone decision trees;noise;multicriteria decision aid;multicriteria sorting;ordinal classication

    Purchasing control, compliance and the box: purchasing management based on hard data

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    Purchasing management is often approached as a qualitative art. Experience, insight and managerial qualities may indeed make useful contributions. However, in addition to this, the possibilities of an approach based on hard data and figures should not be underestimated. This does not only apply to purchases dealt with by the Purchasing Department, but in particular, also to purchasing activities outside of the Purchasing Department. Correct application of quantitative approaches provides additional insight and contributes to a valuable role of the purchasing function in the entire business process

    Smart Pricing: Linking Pricing Decisions with Operational Insights

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    The past decade has seen a virtual explosion of information about customers and their preferences. This information potentially allows companies to increase their revenues, in particular since modern technology enables price changes to be effected at minimal cost. At the same time, companies have taken major strides in understanding and managing the dynamics of the supply chain, both their internal operations and their relationships with supply chain partners. These two developments are narrowly intertwined. Pricing decisions have a direct effect on operations and visa versa. Yet, the systematic integration of operational and marketing insights is in an emerging stage, both in academia and in business practice. This article reviews a number of key linkages between pricing and operations. In particular, it highlights different drivers for dynamic pricing strategies. Through the discussion of key references and related software developments we aim to provide a snapshot into a rich and evolving field.supply chain management;inventory;capacity;dynamic pricing;operations-marketing interface

    Supply Chain Optimisation in Animal Husbandry

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    The pig husbandry is an important economic sector. In the last decade, major changes have been made. As a result, farmers came together to introduce the "Eco Label pig", meeting the strong consumer and governmental call for high quality, animal friendly and environmentally friendly food. The market for Eco Label food is expected to grow enormously in the next years, asking for the development of an efficient and effective supply chain consisting of farmers, slaughter houses, wholesalers and retailers. We present some mathematical models to support decision making and evaluation of a large number of growth scenario's, using cost minimization given a number of Eco Label conditions.supply chain management;logistics;agricultural logistics;network configuration
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