10,919,922 research outputs found

    2004 Alewife Festival

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    On June 5, 2004, the Exeter River Local Advisory Committee (ERLAC) held the 4th Annual Exeter River Alewife Festival along the banks of the Squamscott River in downtown Exeter. Over three dozen organizations exhibited at the Festival and event organizers estimate approximately 750 people, including many children, attended the event. The purpose of the Festival was to increase awareness of the Exeter River watershed and the role it plays in the Great Bay ecosystem, as well as its role in providing drinking water, wildlife habitat, and scenic, historic and recreational resources for residents in the ten watershed towns. Funding provided by the New Hampshire Estuaries Project enabled ERLAC to print posters, banners, and newspaper advertisements announcing the event

    Support for the 3rd Annual Exeter River Alewife Festival

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    With support from the NH Estuaries Project (NHEP), the Exeter River Local Advisory Committee (ERLAC) held the 3rd Annual Exeter River Alewife Festival on May 31, 2003 in downtown Exeter. NHEP funding enabled ERLAC and the Festival Planning Committee to print and distribute posters and cards advertising the Festival, purchase newspaper advertisements and arrange opportunities for the press to learn more about the event. In addition, ERLAC members worked with area newspapers to write and print eleven articles highlighting aspects of the river and the watershed

    Local Languages, Local Malay, and Bahasa Indonesia; a Case Study From North Maluku

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    Many small languages from eastern Indonesia are threatened with extinction. While it is often assumed that ‘Indonesian' is replacing the lost languages, in reality, local languages are being replaced by local Malay. In this paper I review some of the reasons for this in North Maluku. I review the directional system in North Maluku Malay and argue that features like the directionals allow those giving up local languages to retain a sense of local linguistic identity. Retaining such an identity makes it easier to abandon local languages than would be the case if people were switching to ‘standard' Indonesian

    Inference on locally ordered breaks in multiple regressions

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    We consider issues related to inference about locally ordered breaks in a system of equations, as originally proposed by Qu and Perron (2007 Qu, Z., Perron, P. (2007). Estimating and testing structural changes in multivariate regressions. Econometrica 75:459–502.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®], [Google Scholar]). These apply when break dates in different equations within the system are not separated by a positive fraction of the sample size. This allows constructing joint confidence intervals of all such locally ordered break dates. We extend the results of Qu and Perron (2007 Qu, Z., Perron, P. (2007). Estimating and testing structural changes in multivariate regressions. Econometrica 75:459–502.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®], [Google Scholar]) in several directions. First, we allow the covariates to be any mix of trends and stationary or integrated regressors. Second, we allow for breaks in the variance-covariance matrix of the errors. Third, we allow for multiple locally ordered breaks, each occurring in a different equation within a subset of equations in the system. Via some simulation experiments, we show first that the limit distributions derived provide good approximations to the finite sample distributions. Second, we show that forming confidence intervals in such a joint fashion allows more precision (tighter intervals) compared to the standard approach of forming confidence intervals using the method of Bai and Perron (1998 Bai, J., Perron, P. (1998). Estimating and testing linear models with multiple structural changes. Econometrica 66:47–78.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®], [Google Scholar]) applied to a single equation. Simulations also indicate that using the locally ordered break confidence intervals yields better coverage rates than using the framework for globally distinct breaks when the break dates are separated by roughly 10% of the total sample size

    Sustaining Arts and Culture in Buffalo Niagara

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    Like all nonprofits, arts and culture organizations are not immune to the inevitable shifts in fiscal health due to trends in the region’s economy and in charitable giving. In recent years, however, the shifts have turned sharply downward due to budget crises for one of the industry’s most important supporters – local government. With cherished arts and cultural assets in Erie and Niagara Counties struggling to make ends meet, the region is suddenly forced to confront a series of provocative questions. With increasingly limited resources, how can the region sustain an industry integral to Buffalo Niagara’s economy and quality of life? Can the region fill this gap while providing a higher degree of funding predictability? If not, how will it be determined which organizations are left to falter? If so, whose responsibility is it to bridge the fiscal chasm – the public sector, the private sector, the cultural institutions themselves, or all of the above

    Telegram from Frank Meehan, President, UFCW Local 1500, to Geraldine Ferraro

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    Telegram from Frank Meehan, President, UFCW Local 1500, to Geraldine Ferraro. Meehan offer congratulations and support of the union local. Includes data entry form.https://ir.lawnet.fordham.edu/vice_presidential_campaign_correspondence_1984_new_york/1001/thumbnail.jp

    Local Aggregation in a Dynamic Setting

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    Although it is not possible, in general, to give a macro description of a micro model over the entire state space of the micro model, it is possible to aggregate exactly over a subspace. The set of micro states where aggregation is possible forms the aggregation set. The paper considers the local (linear) case. The macro model is chosen such that it gives rise to an aggregation set which is approached by the micro movements as fast as possible. The inferred macro model describes trajectories of the aggregate quantities towards which the "true" trajectories of these quantities, as generated by the micro model, are tending.Aggregation; reduction of dimensions; local aggregation; linear aggregation; approximate aggregation; dynamical systems; inverse aggregation problem; inverse aggregation problem; hermeneutic aggregation problem; microfoundations of macroeconomics

    Concessions Rejected

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    [Excerpt] On November 19, steelworkers came within 90 votes of making giveaways worth as much as $6 billion dollars to the basic steel industry. By a vote of 231-141 the Presidents who make up the Basic Steel Industry Conference rejected a unanimous recommendation from the International Executive Board to grant the biggest package of concessions in the history of the American labor movement

    Local Convergence and Global Diversity: The Robustness of Cultural Homophily

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    Recent extensions of the Axelrod model of cultural dissemination (Klemm et al 2003) showed that global diversity is extremely fragile with small amounts of cultural mutation. This seemed to undermine the original Axelrod theory that homophily preserves diversity. We show that cultural diversity is surprisingly robust if we increase the tendency towards homophily as follows. First, we raised the threshold of similarity below which influence is precluded. Second, we allowed agents to be influenced by all neighbors simultaneously, instead of only one neighbor as assumed in the orginal model. Computational experiments show how both modifications strongly increase the robustness of diversity against mutation. We also find that our extensions may reverse at least one of the main results of Axelrod. While Axelrod predicted that a larger number of cultural dimensions (features) reduces diversity, we find that more features may entail higher levels of diversity.Comment: 21 pages, 8 figures, Submitted for presentation in Mathematical Sociology Session, Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association (ASA), 200
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