54 research outputs found

    Pedagogisk deltakelse i boltrelek og lekeslÄssing i barnehagen

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    Problemstilling: Hvordan kan personalet i barnehagen legge til rette for boltrelek og lekeslÄssing i innerommet i barnehagen?bachelor-v201


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    Boulognerskogen is a park in the central of Skövde that have had a health resort, paths for strolling, outdoor-bath, outdoor-sport areas and events. During the 1970:th there was a lack of interest for the park and very few visited it. By a motion from a resident in Skövde wich proposes that a city playground will be build in Boulognerskogen gave me an opportunity to investigate how the potential of the park can be used to create a funny and nice place to visit for children in company with adults. By a program that contains the main goals and design program for a city playground in Boulognerskogen, I wanted to present a proposal that could meet childrens needs to play and to use the conditions of the place to create places to play in, and where children in company with adults could be together. To reach this, I wanted to try different methods that could lead to a proposal that was well supported by children and adults, and wich was possible to use by the local authority in their further actions. The methods that I used was therefor an important part of the work. I have choosen to define the concept "city playground" as a greater playground situated in the center of the town that are suitable for outings and as a meetingplace, with a varation in playground attractions and promote children and adults to be together, aiming at younger children in the ages of 1-10 years in company with adults, but should also give space to activities of other groups. The definition has then been used as a guiding principle in the program and design proposal. The studying of litterature, interviews with parents and employees that works with children, and visits to the pree-school and after-school has given me an understanding of how a place should look like to attract children to play. By interviewing children, parents and visiting playgrounds, I have been able to take wishes and ideas to use in the design of the city playground. Studying the place and the results of structural and SWOT-analyses has been important to form an opinion of Boulognerskogens potential to become a city playground. By the results of analyses and after talking to children and adults that use the park, I have reached a standpoint that Boulognerskogen may be a nice and good place for a city playground. In the program the basis has been to create places that stimulate the children to play in their own way, to promote children and adults to be together, and where considerations also have been taken for the needs of the disabled persons. Even if the city playground mainly aims at younger children in company with adults, there will be space left for other persons and their activities. Many of the wishes that was given by children and adults has been considered in the design program. There are many things to play with in the city playground for the children, e.g. playing with sand, snow and water, go sneaking in a shrub labyrinth, going skating, to play with materials from the wood and with playground toys. A cafĂ© and places for barbecues creates meetingplaces where children and adults can be together. By the choice of methods a program has been made possible to present wich is supported by the studies of childerns outdoor play, the potential of the place and the wishes of the users.Boulognerskogen Ă€r en park i centrala Skövde som inhyst en vattenkuranstalt, promenadstigar, utomhusbad, sportaktiviteter och evenemang. Under 1970-talet minskade intresset för parken och fĂ€rre besökte den. Via ett medborgarförslag som föreslĂ„r att det byggs en stadslekpark i Boulognerskogen öppnades möjligheter för mig att undersöka hur parkens potential kan anvĂ€ndas till att skapa en rolig och trivsam plats att besöka för barn tillsammans med vuxna. Genom ett program som redovisar översiktliga mĂ„l och gestaltningsprogram för en stadslekpark i Boulognerskogen, ville jag presentera ett förslag som kan möta barns behov av lek och dĂ€r platsens förutsĂ€ttningar anvĂ€nds till att skapa miljöer för lek och samvaro för barn i sĂ€llskap med vuxna. För att uppnĂ„ detta ville jag prova olika metoder som skulle leda fram till ett förslag som Ă€r vĂ€l förankrat hos barn och vuxna och som ocksĂ„ kan anvĂ€ndas av kommunen att jobba vidare med. Metoderna som jag anvĂ€nde blev dĂ€rför en viktig del av arbetet. Begreppet stadslekpark har jag valt att definiera som en centralt belĂ€gen större lekplats i staden som fungerar som utflyktsmĂ„l och mötesplats samt har ett varierat lekutbud och möjligheter till samvaro för yngre barn i Ă„ldrarna 1-10 Ă„r och vuxna i deras sĂ€llskap, men som ocksĂ„ lĂ€mnar utrymme för andra gruppers anvĂ€ndning. Definitionen har sedan varit vĂ€gledande för programmet. Via litteraturstudier, intervjuer med förĂ€ldrar och personal som arbetar med barn samt studiebesök pĂ„ förskolor och fritidshem fick jag en förstĂ„else för vilka miljöer som lockar barn till lek. Genom att intervjua barn och förĂ€ldrar samt göra studiebesök pĂ„ lekplatser kunde jag fĂ„nga upp önskemĂ„l och idĂ©er till innehĂ„ll i stadslekparken. Inventeringar av platsens förutsĂ€ttningar samt struktur- och SWOT-analyser har varit viktiga för att bedöma Boulognerskogens potential att bli en stadslekpark. Efter att ha genomfört analyser och pratat med barn och vuxna som anvĂ€nder platsen, har jag kommit fram till att Boulognerskogen kan bli en trevlig och bra plats för en stadslekpark. I programmet har utgĂ„ngspunkten varit att skapa miljöer som stimulerar barnens egna lekar samt frĂ€mjar samvaro för barn och vuxna dĂ€r hĂ€nsyn tas Ă€ven till de funktionshindrades behov. Även om stadslekparken huvudsakligen riktar sig till yngre barn och vuxna i deras sĂ€llskap finns det plats för andra mĂ€nniskor och deras aktiviteter. MĂ„nga av de synpunkter som lĂ€mnats av barn och vuxna finns med i gestaltningsprogrammet. I stadslekparken kan barnen göra flera olika saker t.ex. leka med sand, snö och vatten, smyga i busklabyrint, Ă„ka skridskor, leka med naturmaterial och med lekredskap. Ett cafĂ© och grillplatser skapar mötesplatser dĂ€r barn och vuxna kan umgĂ„s. Genom valet av metoder har ett program kunnat presenteras som finner stöd i forskningen kring barns utomhuslek, platsens förutsĂ€ttningar och anvĂ€ndarnas önskemĂ„l

    Humor och feministisk aktivism i litteratur och andra medier

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    Bianca Kronlöf debuterade nyligen som författare med ett feministiskt manifest mot mĂ€ns vĂ„ld. Även om hennes verk Ă€r ett bidrag till samhĂ€llsdebatten, visar det tydligt fram drag av Kronlöfs humor. Liv Strömquist Ă€r kĂ€nd för sin feministiska satir i form av grafiska romaner, i vilka hon sammanstĂ€ller humor och bitande feministisk kritik med historiska, filosofiska och sociologiska teorier. I min artikel undersöker jag det specifikt feministiska i deras humor och hur de anvĂ€nder sig av den för att frĂ€mja sina (feministiska) mĂ„l. Jag kommer Ă€ven att besvara frĂ„gan om humor Ă€r ett adekvat verktyg för feministisk aktivism. Medan nya studier i feministisk teori uppmĂ€rksammar vikten av feministisk humor i skĂ€mt, stand-up och i litterĂ€ra verk, finns det Ă€nnu inte mĂ„nga studier av grafiska romaner. Genom att sĂ€rskilt fokusera pĂ„ sĂ„dana mindre utforskade medier och aktivisters kombination av olika medier, kommer jag att visa hur dessa kulturella praktiker Ă€r sĂ€rskilt lĂ€mpliga för mĂ„ngtydiga artikulationer och mĂ„ngbottnade uttryck av feministiska idĂ©er

    Social structure and dominance in dogs

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    The dog (Canis lupus familiaris) is the first species ever domesticated. They can develop a close bond towards other dogs, almost like a relationship among siblings, which can be a high valuable resource for good relations and cooperation’s. Dominance in dogs is sometimes used to explain undesired behaviors and explained as a personality trait. Dominance though, is not a trait in a dog or a source for undesired behaviors, but can rather be explained as a relationship between individuals, were one of them receives more submissive signals from the other. A dog’s social status is not permanent and can change in different groups of dogs, because the social status depends on how many submissive interactions the individual receives from others. Older individuals receive more submissive signals and are more often seen in a high social status position, why the social status appears to be related to age. Dominance is most often displayed when a dog returns to the group after being separated, and then receives submissive signals from conspecifics. Interestingly, dominance appears without aggression contrary to what sometimes is used when training dogs showing undesired behaviors such as aggression. When aggression is displayed among dogs, it is because there is competition about recourses such as food. Despite competitive situations, aggression is not a winning strategy. Dogs seem to behave carefully when around individuals expressing agonistic behavior, why aggression is not an advantage. Similar to the dog, the wolf does not have a permanent social status either. In the wolf pack, the breeding pair works as a family mum and dad and nor in this composition aggression has been observed to contain social status. Dogs use almost their entire body when communicating with conspecifics. The ears, nose, body posture, tail, lips and eyes are all parts of their signaling system. But dogs’ morphology can complicate the signaling and receiving of signals between individuals resulting in conflicts between them caused by confusion. Long hair over their eyes and face can confuse other dogs by making it hard for them to determine the dog’s attention and signals. The result of this literature study can be a valuable resource when educating dog owners how to handle their dog and avoid fear aggression and aggression as self-defense, caused by wrong training methods when working with undesired behaviors. That by the information about dominance in dog and that it is not about being hard and aggressive, but that individual that dogs want to follow. The information by the result can be used when holding groups of dogs as well. That by creating groups with the best conditions for good relations among the dogs

    MĂ€nniskans inverkan pĂ„ hundar – och hur det kan pĂ„verka arbetet inom djursjukvĂ„rden

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    The aim of this study was to describe how body language of humans affects the domestic dog (Canis familiaris) and how it can be implanted in the stressed situation that occur at an animal hospital. The subject is brought to notice because the author has experienced that dogs can get more stressed when a stressed and nervous owner is attending. Humans affect each other through posture, facial expression, voice and movement, and are often driven by their emotions, which can differentiate the verbal communication from the non-verbal communication. This occurs both consciously and unconsciously. Every human uses body language but not everyone knows how it is used or how to understand it. All humans have a unique way of talking, walking, standing, sitting and lying down. Everyone has his/her own rhythm and this makes it possible to recognize one another from a far distance. The eyes are also important when getting to know a person. They can often tell you about those feelings that a person is trying to hide. The personal distance to other people depends on how well you know the person, but also of the personality of the receiving person. The same can be said about physical touch from another human being. Occasionally humans misunderstand each other, verbally or non-verbally. It can occur because words or gestures have different meanings to different people. Canine communication is affected by the entire body, from motion and olfaction to vision and hearing. The communication originate from the ancestor; the wolf (Canis lupus), but since then the domestication parts of the communication within the species has changed. A dominant dog has a high standing, with head and tail high and ears erected forward. Submissive dogs crouch, trying to make themselves as small as possible. Vocalization occurs in a wide range of situations with different meanings. The olfactory sense is one of the canines’ sharpest senses and an important part of communication. The relationship between humans and canines depends grossly of the expectations the human has on the dog. This relationship has been going on for several years and it is reasonable to believe that the close contact with humans has affected the canine behavior. Canines have learned to read and understand the human body language. Studies have shown that canines look at humans for comfort and safety in situations of stress, but no earlier studies have been done to investigate how the consequence of a stressed owner affects the dog. This work concludes that further scientific studies and research need to determine whether stressed owners cause increased levels of stress among dogs, or if a calm and secure owner will bring safety to a nervous dog

    Hvilke refleksjoner gjÞr to barnehagelÊrere seg om rolleleken som en del av barnehagens sprÄkmiljÞ?

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    Det er tirsdag morgen, og inne pÄ storbarnsavdelingen Maurtua leker en liten gruppe barn familie. Adnan og Maria (begge 5 Är) er foreldrene i familien. Ole (4 Är) er lillebror, mens Sara (6 Är) er storesÞster. Jens (5 Är) er familiens hund. Sara instruerer ivrig planene for hva som skal foregÄ: «FÞrst sÄ er dere pÄ jobb, sÄ kom dere hjem og da er hunden syk sÄ da mÄ den til dyrlegen! Da blir vi lei oss ...». De andre lytter konsentrert, men kommer ogsÄ med smÄ innspill. Etter at situasjonen er satt og rollene er inntatt, kan leken begynne. Denne praksisfortellingen viser en typisk leksituasjon som forekommer i mange norske barnehager hver eneste dag. Rolleleken; en fantasiverden hvor bÄde magiske ting kan skje, men ogsÄ hverdagslige erfaringer kan utspilles. Selv om leken har vÊrt en av grunnelementene i den norske barnehage siden tidenes morgen, har forholdet mellom lek og lÊring de siste Ärene vÊrt oppe til stadig diskusjon. I 2016 oppsto det debatter i barnehagesektoren da Regjeringen la frem stortingsmelding nr.19 (Kunnskapsdepartementet, 2015-2016). Her ble det vektlagt standardiserte opplegg og lÊringsmÄl, og det ble pekt mot en Þnsket utvikling av barnehagen som kunne minne mer om den norske skole.publishedVersio

    HÀlsostatus hos katter pÄ svenska Àldreboenden

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    AnvĂ€ndning av terapidjur Ă€r vanligt förekommande inom Ă€ldrevĂ„rden. Idag anvĂ€nds katter som terapidjur inom bĂ„de vĂ„rd och omsorg för att ge mentalt och socialt stöd. Katt Ă€r ett av de vanligaste djuren som bor pĂ„ Ă€ldreboenden och dess nĂ€rvaro har visat sig bidra med stora hĂ€lsoeffekter hos de Ă€ldre som t.ex. bĂ€ttre allmĂ€nhĂ€lsa, minskade stressnivĂ„er och ökade sociala interaktioner. Undersökningar visar alltsĂ„ att katter pĂ„ Ă€ldreboenden bidrar med pĂ„tagliga hĂ€lsoeffekter men fĂ„ studier har gjorts med fokus pĂ„ kattens vĂ€lbefinnande. I detta examensarbete har 18 katters vĂ€lbefinnande pĂ„ 13 Ă€ldreboenden i VĂ€stra Götaland, Stockholm och Uppsala lĂ€n undersökts genom intervjuer, kliniska undersökningar av katterna samt observationsstudier av hĂ€lften av dem. Sammanfattningsvis verkar de flesta katter pĂ„ Ă€ldreboenden relativt friska utan större tecken pĂ„ allvarliga hĂ€lsoproblem. En önskvĂ€rd förbĂ€ttring kan göras gĂ€llande fetma och munhygien. Av katterna i studien var 35 % överviktiga och 63 % hade mĂ„ttligt till kraftigt med tandsten. Att ha en eller ett par personer som har yttersta ansvaret för katten hade kunnat bidra till bĂ€ttre rutiner bĂ„de gĂ€llande skötsel och eventuell veterinĂ€rvĂ„rd. Trots flera personer i rörelse upplevdes katterna trygga i sin miljö och ingen katt visade rĂ€dsla eller aggression under beteendestudien. I princip alla katter levde i en sĂ„dan miljö att det fanns möjlighet för dem att utföra ett naturligt beteende. För att fĂ„ en uppfattning om katters hĂ€lsostatus pĂ„ Ă€ldreboenden i hela Sverige hade ett större antal katter behövts i studien frĂ„n alla delar av Sverige. Det hade Ă€ven varit önskvĂ€rt att göra beteendestudier pĂ„ katter som bor i de boendes lĂ€genheter.The use of animals for therapeutic benefits is common in the elderly care. Today, cats are used in different areas of human health for mental and social therapeutic treatment. Cats are one of the most common animals in nursing homes for the elderly and its presence has shown great health effects in the elderly, such as better overall health, lower stress levels and more social interactions. Studies shows that cats in elderly homes results in big health effects but few studies are focusing on the cats well being. In this master thesis, cats well-being has been investigated by interviews, clinical examinations and behavioural observations in VĂ€stra Götaland, Stockholm and Uppsala county. There were 13 nursing homes and 18 cats participated in the study. To sum up, this thesis shows that most cats in nursing homes seem to be quite healthy, without signs of severe health problems. Desirable improvements could be done to mitigate current obesity and oral health problems, 35% of the cats in this study suffered from overweight and 63% had moderate to severe tartar. Better routines and possible veterinary care can probably be achieved if one or two persons have the ultimate responsibility for the cats. Despite several people living and working in the homes, the cats seemed to be comfortable in the surroundings and no cat showed fear or anger during the behavioural observation. In essence, all cats could accomplish a natural behaviour in their living areas. However, to get a real estimation about cats well being in the geriatric care in the whole country of Sweden, a bigger amount of cats, from all different parts of Sweden, should be studied. It would also have been good to perform behavioural observations on all cats, even those who lived in the elderly’s own apartments

    Hvordan kan barnehagelÊreren bidra til at de eldste barna i barnehagen opplever bevegelsesglede pÄ tur

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    Vi lever i et samfunn hvor den generelle fysiske helsen til folket har blitt dÄrligere. Kvam (2019) refererer til Helsedirektoratets tall fra 2018 nÄr det sies at det bare er en tredjedel av befolkningen som overholder anbefalingen om Ä ha et moderat aktivitetsnivÄ i minimum 30 minutter per dag. Inaktivitet blir i dag sett pÄ som en av de stÞrste helseutfordringene for fremtiden. Det kan vÊre mange negative konsekvenser- bÄde psykisk, fysisk og sosialt (Kvam, 2019). For barn fra 5 Är og oppover er det anbefalt Ä vÊre i moderat- til hÞyintensitet lek i minst 60 minutter daglig. I tillegg bÞr aktiviteter hvor man sitter stille reduseres. Haga (2018) sier at man har sett tendenser til fysisk inaktivitet og en Þkende forekomst av overvekt hos barn i fra 5 Är og oppover (s.271). Ved Ä ha et positivt forhold til bevegelse i tidlig alder, vil det vÊre sannsynlig at man ogsÄ senere i livet finner glede i Ä bevege seg. Det er gjennom lek og moro at barn beveger seg. NÄr barna er 4-5 Är tenker de ikke at de mÄ bevege pÄ seg fordi de mÄ miste noen kilo. De gjÞr det fordi det er gÞy og det gir en god fÞlelse. Derfor er lek helt sentralt nÄr jeg skal fÄ svar pÄ min problemstilling: hvordan kan barnehagelÊreren bidra til at de eldste barna i barnehagen opplever bevegelsesglede pÄ tur.publishedVersio

    En oppgave om barnehagens uteomrÄder

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    Problemstilling: Er det forskjell i barns fysiske lek i barnehager med ulikt uteomrÄde?bachelor-v201

    Hvordan mĂžter barnehagen barnas ulike behov for risikofylt lek?

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    Problemstilling: Hvordan mĂžter barnehagen barnas ulike behov for risikofylt lek?bachelor-v201
