17 research outputs found

    Kuuenda klassi õpilaste keskkonnaalaste väärtuste hindamisvahendi kohandamine

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    Mõõtvahendi kohandamine kuuenda klassi õpilaste keskkondliku maailmavaate hindamiseks

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    Kliimamuutuse kajastamine Eesti veebiuudistes aastatel 2018–2020

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    Siinse töö eesmärk oli uurida, kui palju, mis viisidel ning mis raamidega kajastatakse kliimamuutust Eesti ajakirjanduses kolme meediakanali veebiuudistes aastatel 2018–2020. Töö eesmärgi saavutamiseks kasutasin standardiseeritud kontentanalüüsi ja kvalitatiivse sisuanalüüsi kombineeritud analüüsimeetodit. Selleks koostasin 11 kategooriaga kodeerimisjuhendi, kus lisaks üldistele kategooriatele, mis tagavad valimi kontrollitavuse, olid kategooriad uudise teemakäsitluslaad, uudise ajend, uudise tegevuse asukoht, uudise käsitluses avalduv seisukoht kliimamuutuse inimtekkelisuse kohta, lahendus ning kõneisikud. Valimisse kuulusid kõik vahemikus 1. jaanuar 2018 kuni 31. detsember 2020 ilmunud uudised, kus kliimamuutus oli uudise fookuses. Kodeeritavaid uudiseid oli 499. Uuringu tulemusena võib öelda, et kliimamuutust kajastatakse Eestis veebiväljaannete uudistes väga vähe, moodustades vähem kui 1% vaadeldud aastatel ilmunud uudistest. Enim levinud kodeerimiskategooriate koodide järgi on Eesti uudistes kõige levinum kliimamuutuse uudis teadaanne mingi sündmuse toimumisest, mille ajend on uuring ning mille tegevus toimub välismaal. Väljaannete võrdluses tuli välja, et esineb erinevusi. Kõigi väljaannete puhul oli uudise tegevuse asukoht välismaa, kuid uudise teemakäsitluslaad oli kõigil erinev – ERRil uuringu ülevaade, Delfil pikem teemakäsitlus mitme allikaga ning Postimehel teadaanne mingi sündmuse toimumisest – ning uudise ajend oli uuring ERRil ja Delfil, kuid Postimehel looduses silmaga nähtav toimumine. Eesti veebiväljaannete kliimamuutuse kajastust mõjutavad kindlalt rahvusvahelised kliimakohtumised ning poliitiline kõneaine. Kajastuse kõikumise puhul võis täheldada ka probleemi tähelepanu tsükli tunnuseid. Kuna enim levinud kliimamuutuse uudiste teemakäsitluslaad oli teadaanne mingi sündmuse toimumisest, siis saab ka öelda seda, et Eesti meedia funktsiooni kliimamuutuse kajastamisel on eelkõige informeerimine. Raamistus oli terve valimi kui ka eraldi väljaannete puhul sama. Siinsest tööst nähtus, et Eesti veebiväljaannete kliimamuutuse teemaliste uudiste raamistus on „Tagajärgede aktsepteerimine“, mille tunnusteks on inimtekkelise kliimamuutuse kindluse seisukoht, kuid ei pakuta sellele lahendusi. Peamised kõneisikud selles raamis on teadlased. Minu töö on üks esimesi omalaadseid Eestis, mistõttu on edasisi uuringusuundasid mitmeid. Uuringut saab laiendada nii, et see hõlmaks ka teisi artiklitüüpe peale uudise. Samuti saab uurida kliimamuutuse kajastust pikema perioodi jooksul. Lisaks saab uurida seda, kas siinses töös väljapakutud raamistus peab paika ka suurema valimi ja pikema ajaperioodi puhul.https://www.ester.ee/record=b5449645*es

    Väärtusorientatsioonid keskkonnaküsimuste kajastamisel Eesti Päevalehes ja Postimehes 1995-2010

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    Current bachelor thesis is written on “Representation of environmental orientations in values based on Eesti Päevaleht and Postimees 1995-2010”. The main purpose was to find out the orientations in values in the articles covering the environmental issues and their changes during 1995-2010 based on newspapers Eesti Päevaleht and Postimees. In theory part the overview on the influences and roll of media are given along with the overview on schools of different value studies and about values in Estonian society. The content analysis was chosen as study method and the selection was made by following issuing years 1995, 2000, 2005 and 2010. The contrived method of days was used for covering all weekdays (except Sundays as the newspapers are not published) and months. From those editions the articles on relationships expressing the human and the environment were searched, the total research included 943 analyse units. Different orientations in values were 15 in total (see coding manual) and in the result analyses they were divided into groups of 2 different environmental paradigms (environmental and ecological). The main difference between those 2 paradigms is the reflexivity. The environmental paradigm tries to approach problems mechanically meaning the issues are seen simplified (technical) and the solutions for those would be for example improving technologies. Ecological paradigm is based on the idea that environmental issues are complex, multi-meaningful and cover different values. Current research can be viewed based on both paradigms because they both are mechanical and reflex and can be used with different motives. That is reason why their change in time was checked separately. The research gave the outcome that during 1995-2010 the representation of environmental issues has grown in linear-mechanical approach that is the environmental issues are represented in 2 newspapers in the light of economical, technical and management view. The representation of environmental issues as separate subject has also increased which is partly in opposition with reflexivity approach as it follows environment as a separate subject however enables to investigate this in deeper level, supporting also the possible input into modern politics. From the years of 1995-2000 the resource based subjects are quite visibly represented as expected. The great part of this refers to production and economical approach as the dominating factor in society. The reason for this can be explained by the poor economical situation during that period. In 2005 starts the consumer based phase in both newspapers, which can be explained as the society’s growth of wealth and with the orientation towards individuality and enjoyment. In 2010 the mechanical and resource based approach is again more visible most likely due to the recession in economy. The research pointed out that the changes of orientations in values represented in media can be influenced in great deal of economic situation. The worse the economic situation is the more deficiency values (wealth) are valued like based on Ingelhart and with the growth of wealth the more consumer-based orientations are represented in media. The reason may lie that relevant wealth has given the opportunity for humans to satisfy the consumer needs after tough transition period, which is also represented in journalism. Based on Ingelhart humans start to value more the clean environment (Kalmus & Vihalemm 2004: 31). If the reason for the importance behind the nature subjects can be bound with Ingelhart’s approach is yet unclear. Based on the current research data it can be said that the representation of the nature subjects has grown in media due to the damages caused by nature itself. The quality text analyses would give more appropriate and clear picture on this.http://tartu.ester.ee/record=b2564688~S1*es

    Looduskujutus Edgar Valteri autoriraamatutes

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    Bakalaureusetöö eesmärk on avada Edgar Valteri looduskeskkonda paigutatud loomingut kasutades kirjandusökoloogia meetodeid. Töö koosneb kolmest peatükist. Esimene peatükk keskendub Edgar Valteri loomeperioodidele ja loomingule. Teine peatükk avab töö teoreetilisi aluseid ning kolmandas peatükis analüüsitakse looduse kujutamist Valteri autoriraamatutes

    Looduskaitsediskursus päevalehtedes Saaremaa süvasadama ja Natura-alade loomise kaasuste näitel

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    Current work observes how the nature protecting problems are covered in the Estonian daily newspapers Eesti Päevaleht and Postimees. Two cases throughout three years - 2002, 2003, 2004 - are surveyed: planning of the ferry-port to Saaremaa island and the forming of the EU nature protecting network Natura 2000. Among the analysed texts are news-stories, columns, editorials, debates and interviews. The main hypothesis was that the newspapers depict the nature protecting interests as being in conflict with people welfare. Work examines participants and argumentation, and also how the nature is depicted and the relationship between humans and the nature described in the texts. The critical discourse analysis and the content analysis methods are used in the research and also the qualitative interview with some of the authors. The purpose of the interviews was to find out how much the discourse is influenced from the attitudes of the authors, how much from the editorial routines and how much from the news value. The research concludes that the nature protecting discourse is constructed mainly through the opposing of the nature protecting interests against the interests of common people. At the same time authors depict the conflict stemming mainly from the insufficient information and the officials or the state as being guilty of that. The research also finds out that the nature protecting discourse is influenced from officials, from environment protecting activists and from the attitudes of the journalists

    Looduskasvatus lasteaias Viimsi lasteaia näitel

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    Nature education holds an important position in children’s study process. Since, as a rule, nowadays people’s relationship with nature is decreasing more and more, it is important to observe what to teach children and how to do this. The purpose of this paper is to research nature education on the example of Viimsi kindergarten. This is an analysis of an individual case, based on which no general conclusions can be drawn. At the same time, knowledge gained from this paper can be used for the elaboration of the topic. The paper consists of a theoretical and an empirical part where I first analysed the curricula and different projects for progressing the studies. I then surveyed different possibilities of teaching children as well as discourse analysis and aspects of developmental psychology. The methods consisted of an interview with the teacher and observing a nature lesson both indoors and outdoors; conducting a drawing assignment for the children together with an interview with the children and a light discourse analysis of the books used for teaching. Since direct experience of nature is waning, mediated experience plays a very important part. This is passed on by the teacher, the parents, books as well as the rest of the media. The children must be given an image and understanding of nature as close to actual nature as possible. As said the esteemed Estonian pedagogue Johannes Käis, the task of nature education is not merely knowledge of the subject but also the development of all intellectual abilities and higher values. Nature education therefore has an important part in the further development of children’s values. Since the behaviour of all people is mediated, we gain the remaining by experience. The experience of social learning is also very important, and this is something that children receive to am large extent as they go to kindergarten, which was also something I treated in this paper

    Looduslikkusele ja keskkonnale apelleerimine reklaamides

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    There has been an issue since the 70s, whether it’s ethical to use nature and its elements in marketing process. Even if environmental messages often give useful information about the products and help consumers to decide, they also crate a false understanding and image about the nature. This image does not express the essence of realistic nature, but of something, that has been crated by human ideals of it. By analyzing advertisement in Estonian magazines, the objective of the research is to find out, through witch arguments and elements nature in commercials is expressed and how it’s shown, what does the “language” and visualizations say about nature and environment, about the commodification of nature and possibilities of environmental marketing in Estonia. The elements and arguments of nature that have been explored are any reference to nature in formulation, pictures and photographs. It appeared that the commodification process in Estonia is in initial stage, because only 31% of the commercials used some elements of nature and only half of them did so by referring to the content of the product. Other half was used just as a background or as a decorative element, to create emotional bandage with the picture. Only less then half percentage of the commercials used environmental messages, witch refers to the fact, that practicing environmental marketing in Estonia is very infrequent. Nature is prevalently used in relation to feminine subjects like cosmetics, perfumes, cooking, and medicines. Nature is seen as help for many different problems like physical and mental health, welfare, beauty, problems that are caused by the stressors in our environment. The “untouched” nature is the main argument by selling the products through nature’s elements. But the most problematic issue is how to understand the meaning of “natural”. It appeared, that it is indistinguishable, weather the “natural” element is a bacterium grown in laboratory or in untouched rainforest, and how the specific elements of the herbs are secluded, if chemicals are used to separate the parts or in witch concentration this so called “nature” is used – they are all advertised as natural products.http://tartu.ester.ee/record=b2118395~S1*es