6,490 research outputs found

    Toward the valorization of olive (Olea europaea var. europaea L.) biodiversity: horticultural performance of seven Sicilian cultivars in a hedgerow planting system

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    An intense survey of the Sicilian's olive growing areas for autochthonous germplasm, mainly represented by centennials olive trees (Olea europaea var. europaea L.) apparently older then III centuries, started at the beginning of the 1980s and resulted in the selection of more than 150 cultivars and accessions. This germplasm was propagated in a nursery, by grafting onto seedlings of Olea europaea L., and planted in an experimental orchard, in an olive district located in the South-west of the Island, where they were evaluated for over 30 years and selected for their early bearing, high and constant productivity, as well as high oil content of the fruits and excellent chemical (oleic acid and phenol content) and organoleptic profile of the oil. This paper reports data on the horticultural performances (production, vigor, crop efficiency and oil quality) of four cultivars (\u2018Kalat\u2019, \u2018Olivo di Mandanici\u2019, \u2018Abunara\u2019 and \u2018Minuta\u2019), selected within the Sicilian's autochthonous germplasm trained as 'Free Palmetta' and tested in a hedgerow planting system at three different planting densities: 500, 666 and 1000 trees ha-1. The cultivar \u2018Nocellara del Belice\u2019, \u2018Cerasuola, and \u2018Biancolilla\u2019, widely cultivated in the area where the trial was carried out, were used as references. The outstanding performance of the cultivar \u2018Kalat\u2019 at planting density of 1000 trees ha 121, suggests that this cultivar can be a promising choice for the super high density orchards (SHD). The other cultivars tested did not performed as \u2018Kalat\u2019 and seem not suitable for SHD planting system due to their high vigor. The hedgerow planting system tested, in the first 6 years of planting, increaseed productivity of all cultivars compared to traditional olive orchard typical of the area where the trial was conducted. This hedgerow olive orchard may represent a valid solution to increase orchard productivity and to reduce harvest costs by mechanization, depending on tree high, with straddle or side by side canopy contact machines. Achieve higher yield and reducing management costs using autochthonous, resilient cultivars, could be a new strategy to counteract climate changes. The unique organoleptic profiles of the oils obtained from the cultivars tested, could improve the offer of tasty, flavored and nutraceutical extra virgin olive oils in the international markets. Results highlight the importance of preserving and valorizing biodiversity to increase productivity and resiliency of agricultural systems, facing continuous, fast and deep social and environmental changes

    Light-cone-like spreading of correlations in a quantum many-body system

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    How fast can correlations spread in a quantum many-body system? Based on the seminal work by Lieb and Robinson, it has recently been shown that several interacting many-body systems exhibit an effective light cone that bounds the propagation speed of correlations. The existence of such a "speed of light" has profound implications for condensed matter physics and quantum information, but has never been observed experimentally. Here we report on the time-resolved detection of propagating correlations in an interacting quantum many-body system. By quenching a one-dimensional quantum gas in an optical lattice, we reveal how quasiparticle pairs transport correlations with a finite velocity across the system, resulting in an effective light cone for the quantum dynamics. Our results open important perspectives for understanding relaxation of closed quantum systems far from equilibrium as well as for engineering efficient quantum channels necessary for fast quantum computations.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, 2 table

    Kirjolohen yhdistetty kiertovesi- ja merikasvatus

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    Kalojen kiertovesikasvatus tarjoaa uusia mahdollisuuksia tuotantokierron tehostamiseen ja yhdistetyn kiertovesi- ja merikasvatuksen avulla voidaan lyhentää perinteisen tuotannon kestoa. Yhdistetyn tuotannon avulla avomerikasvatukseen voitaisiin tuottaa kalaa, jolle riittää yksi kasvukausi meressä. Kasvututkimuksessa selvitimme sitä miten läpi talven kiertovedessä kasvatetut täysnaarasparvea olevat kirjolohet menestyivät seuraavan kasvukauden aikana merikasvatuksessa ja voidaanko merikasvatuksen tulokseen vaikuttaa talvikasvatuksen aikana annettujen käsittelyjen avulla. Kiertovesivaiheessa alkupainoltaan 62 grammaiset kesän vanhat yksilömerkityt kirjolohet (täysnaarasparvi LUKEn jalostusohjelman kasvulinja), pidettiin kiertovedessä joulukuusta 2016 huhtikuuhun 2017 12–14 asteen lämpötilassa ja altaat valaistiin ympäri vuorokauden. Kalat jaettiin kolmeen ryhmää, joista yhtä ruokittiin ruokahalun mukaan (Ad lib.), yhtä 75 % ruokahalun mukaisesta tasosta (Ad lib. 75 %) ja yhtä ruokahalun mukaisesti ja ennen mereen siirtoa tämä ryhmä pidettiin 23 vrk luonnon lämpötilassa ja valaistuksessa (Ad lib talvi). Merikasvatusvaiheeessa kaikki ryhmät pidettiin ensin samassa sisäaltaassa, sitten verkkoaltaassa. Molemmissa kalat ruokittiin kylläiseksi. Kiertovesivaiheessa parhaiten kasvoi odotetusti Ad lib. ruokittu kalaryhmä ja sen loppupaino mereensiirtovaiheessa oli 420 g ja muiden ryhmien painot olivat tätä pienemmät (Ad lib talvi, 315 g ja Ad lib 75 %, 280 g). Myös Ad lib. ryhmän kalojen kuntokerroin (1,5) oli suurin ja muissa ryhmissä tätä pienempi (1,4). Kiertovesikasvatuksen aikaisessa rehukertoimessa ei ollut eroja ryhmien välillä (0,88–0,93). Merivaiheessa alkupainoltaan suurimmat Ad lib ryhmän kalat olivat keskipainoltaan isoimpia myös kasvatuksen päättyessä (Ad lib. 1 727 g, Ad lib talvi 1 540 g ja Ad lib 75 % 1 621 g). Kalojen suhteellinen kasvukertoimen (Thermal growth coefficient TGC × 1 000) perusteella nopeinta kasvu oli kiertovesivaiheessa rajoitetusti ruokitulla ja tätä hitaampaa ruokahalun mukaan ruokitulla ryhmällä. Ero suhteellisessa kasvussa johtui kalojen kompensoivasta kasvusta. Kuitenkaan, ennen mereen siirtoa rajoitetusti ruokittujen tai talvijakson saaneiden kalojen kompensoiva kasvu ei ollut riittävän voimakasta, jotta mereensiirtovaiheen painoerot olisivat tasoittuneet kasvatuksen aikana. Kiertovesikasvatusta seuranneen merikasvatuksen alkuvaiheessa (huhti-toukokuu) kalojen kasvu ei ollut erityisen hidasta vaan samalla tasolla kuin mitä kirjolohelle laadittu kasvumalli ennusti vastaavissa lämpötiloissa. Kuitenkin kasvatuksen edetessä (kesä–marraskuu) kalat kasvoivat hitaammin mitä kasvumallin perusteella oli odotettavissa. Kiertovesikasvatuksen aikana ruokinnan rajoittaminen tehosti kalojen kasvua merivaiheessa enemmän kuin kiertovesikasvatuksen päätteeksi annettua talvijakso. Tuloksen perusteella kylmän veden ja lyhyen päivän talvijakso ei ole välttämätön. Tässä kokeessa kalat olivat vain osan kasvatuskierrosta (4 kk) kiertovedessä ja sitä ennen ne kasvatettiin luonnonolosuhteissa aina marraskuuhun asti, joten kalat olivat saaneet signaalin alenevasta veden lämpötilasta ja lyhenevästä päivän pituudesta ennen kiertovesivaihetta. Tämän vuoksi on mahdollista, että kalat, jotka kasvatetaan pelkästään kiertovedessä ennen mereen siirtoa voivat hyötyä siirtoa edeltävästä talvijaksosta. Merikasvatuksen päättyessä kalat eivät olleet sukukypsiä vaikkakin suurimmat yksilöt olivat noin 3 kg painoisia. Tämä johtui todennäköisesti kalojen nuoresta iästä (18 kk) kasvatuksen päättyessä. Tulosten perusteella yhdistetty kiertovesi ja merikasvatus avulla voidaan tuottaa nopealla tuotantokierrolla isokokoista ja sukukypsymätöntä kirjolohta ruokakalamarkkinoille.201

    Fritz Lang's Three Versions of Doctor Mabuse

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    Referential status and informational hierarchy in Natauran-Amis (Formosan)

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    Does economic geography matter for Pakistan? a spatial exploratory analysis of income and education inequalities

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    Generally, econometric studies on socio-economic inequalities consider regions as independent entities, ignoring the likely possibility of spatial interaction between them. This interaction may cause spatial dependency or clustering, which is referred to as spatial autocorrelation. This paper analyzes for the first time, the spatial clustering of income, income inequality, education, human development, and growth by employing spatial exploratory data analysis (ESDA) techniques to data on 98 Pakistani districts. By detecting outliers and clusters, ESDA allows policy makers to focus on the geography of socio-economic regional characteristics. Global and local measures of spatial autocorrelation have been computed using the Moran’s I and the Geary’s C index to obtain estimates of the spatial autocorrelation of spatial disparities across districts. The overall finding is that the distribution of district wise income inequality, income, education attainment, growth, and development levels, exhibits a significant tendency for socio-economic inequalities and human development levels to cluster in Pakistan (i.e. the presence of spatial autocorrelation is confirmed).Spatial effects; spatial exploratory analysis; spatial disparities; income inequality; education inequality; spatial autocorrelation

    Heteronormativity and the exclusion of bisexuality in psychology

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    About the book: There has been a recent explosion of interest in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans Perspective Psychology amongst students and academics, and this interest is predicted to continue to rise. Recent media debates on subjects such as same-sex marriage have fuelled interest in LGBTQ perspectives. This edited collection showcases the latest thinking in LGBTQ psychology. The book has 21 chapters covering subjects such as same sex parenting, outing, young LGBTQ people, sport, learning disabilities, lesbian and gay identities etc. The book has an international focus, with contributors from UK, US, Canada, Australia and New Zealan

    Mapping the Spatial Deprivation of Pakistan

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    Geographical targeting may be a viable way to allocate resources for poverty alleviation in developing countries. Efficiency can be increased, and leakages to the nonpoor reduced substantially, by targeting needy areas. A national and regional database of substantial poverty maps or deprivation indices are not readily available in Pakistan. Further, existing activities of poverty alleviation are carried out on ad hoc basis in the absence of identified pockets of poverty. This paper presents indices of multiple deprivations based on the 1998 Population and Housing Census data. Possible applications of this exercise include identifying areas of need, making decisions on regional and sectoral priorities, facilitating targeted public interventions through special poverty alleviation programmes, understanding the relationship between poverty and its causes, and helping federal and provincial governments in determining financial awards.

    Quantumness of correlations and entanglement

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    Generalized measurement schemes on one part of bipartite states, which would leave the set of all separable states insensitive are explored here to understand quantumness of correlations in a more general perspecitve. This is done by employing linear maps associated with generalized projective measurements. A generalized measurement corresponds to a quantum operation mapping a density matrix to another density matrix, preserving its positivity, hermiticity and traceclass. The Positive Operator Valued Measure (POVM) -- employed earlier in the literature to optimize the measures of classical/quatnum correlations -- correspond to completely positive (CP) maps. The other class, the not completely positive (NCP) maps, are investigated here, in the context of measurements, for the first time. It is shown that that such NCP projective maps provide a new clue to the understanding the quantumness of correlations in a general setting. Especially, the separability-classicality dichotomy gets resolved only when both the classes of projective maps (CP and NCP) are incorporated as optimizing measurements. An explicit example of a separable state -- exhibiting non-zero quantumn discord when possible optimizing measurements are restricted to POVMs -- is re-examined with this extended scheme incorporating NCP projective maps to elucidate the power of this approach.Comment: 14 pages, no figures, revision version, Accepted for publication in the Special Issue of the International Journal of Quantum Information devoted to "Quantum Correlations: entanglement and beyond

    Soil and Leaf Lead Concentrations in the Lincoln Park Area

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    Lead contamination in urban plants and soils has been a common occurrence as a result of human activities. The first objective of this experiment was to study the relationship between lead in soils and leaves: what is the source of lead in leaves found in urban trees? More specifically, does lead enter plants predominantly from the soil? It was hypothesized that if accumulation of lead occurred in the soil there would be a significant positive correlation between leaf and soil metal content. The second objective was to test if lead soil hotspots were associated with lead sources that have been banned: automobile exhaust and lead paint use
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