7 research outputs found

    Zero-shot learning with matching networks for open-ended human activity recognition.

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    A real-world solution for Human Activity Recognition (HAR) should cover a variety of activities. However training a model to cover each and every possible activity is not practical. Instead we need a solution that can adapt its learning to unseen activities; referred to as open-ended HAR. Recent advancements in deep learning have increasingly begun to focus on the need to learn from few examples, referred to as k-shot learning and to go beyond this to transfer that learning to situations with unseen classes, referred to as zero-shot learning. The latter is particularly relevant to our research in open-ended HAR; and as yet remains unexplored. This paper presents our preliminary work with Zero-shot Learning (ZSL) with a Matching Network to address openended HAR. A Matching Network has the desirable property of learning with few examples and so is well suited to explorations in ZSL. We evaluate Matching Networks for ZSL with a HAR dataset. We propose the use of a variable length support set at test time to overcome the search for the best support set combination that currently plagues the fixed length support set size used by matching nets. Our results show that the variable length approach to be an effective strategy to maintain accuracy whilst avoiding the combinatorial search for the best class combination to form the support set

    A novel hybrid deep learning model for human activity recognition based on transitional activities

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    In recent years, a plethora of algorithms have been devised for efficient human activity recognition. Most of these algorithms consider basic human activities and neglect postural transitions because of their subsidiary occurrence and short duration. However, postural transitions assume a significant part in the enforcement of an activity recognition framework and cannot be neglected. This work proposes a hybrid multi-model activity recognition approach that employs basic and transition activities by utilizing multiple deep learning models simultaneously. For final classification, a dynamic decision fusion module is introduced. The experiments are performed on the publicly available datasets. The proposed approach achieved a classification accuracy of 96.11% and 98.38% for the transition and basic activities, respectively. The outcomes show that the proposed method is superior to the state-of-the-art methods in terms of accuracy and precision

    A Light Weight Smartphone Based Human Activity Recognition System with High Accuracy

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    With the pervasive use of smartphones, which contain numerous sensors, data for modeling human activity is readily available. Human activity recognition is an important area of research because it can be used in context-aware applications. It has significant influence in many other research areas and applications including healthcare, assisted living, personal fitness, and entertainment. There has been a widespread use of machine learning techniques in wearable and smartphone based human activity recognition. Despite being an active area of research for more than a decade, most of the existing approaches require extensive computation to extract feature, train model, and recognize activities. This study presents a computationally efficient smartphone based human activity recognizer, based on dynamical systems and chaos theory. A reconstructed phase space is formed from the accelerometer sensor data using time-delay embedding. A single accelerometer axis is used to reduce memory and computational complexity. A Gaussian mixture model is learned on the reconstructed phase space. A maximum likelihood classifier uses the Gaussian mixture model to classify ten different human activities and a baseline. One public and one collected dataset were used to validate the proposed approach. Data was collected from ten subjects. The public dataset contains data from 30 subjects. Out-of-sample experimental results show that the proposed approach is able to recognize human activities from smartphones’ one-axis raw accelerometer sensor data. The proposed approach achieved 100% accuracy for individual models across all activities and datasets. The proposed research requires 3 to 7 times less amount of data than the existing approaches to classify activities. It also requires 3 to 4 times less amount of time to build reconstructed phase space compare to time and frequency domain features. A comparative evaluation is also presented to compare proposed approach with the state-of-the-art works

    WSense: A Robust Feature Learning Module for Lightweight Human Activity Recognition

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    In recent times, various modules such as squeeze-and-excitation, and others have been proposed to improve the quality of features learned from wearable sensor signals. However, these modules often cause the number of parameters to be large, which is not suitable for building lightweight human activity recognition models which can be easily deployed on end devices. In this research, we propose a feature learning module, termed WSense, which uses two 1D CNN and global max pooling layers to extract similar quality features from wearable sensor data while ignoring the difference in activity recognition models caused by the size of the sliding window. Experiments were carried out using CNN and ConvLSTM feature learning pipelines on a dataset obtained with a single accelerometer (WISDM) and another obtained using the fusion of accelerometers, gyroscopes, and magnetometers (PAMAP2) under various sliding window sizes. A total of nine hundred sixty (960) experiments were conducted to validate the WSense module against baselines and existing methods on the two datasets. The results showed that the WSense module aided pipelines in learning similar quality features and outperformed the baselines and existing models with a minimal and uniform model size across all sliding window segmentations. The code is available at https://github.com/AOige/WSense

    Reconocimiento y Clasificación de Actividades Infantiles Utilizando Sonido Ambiental

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    En este trabajo se describe de manera detallada el contexto sobre el cual se desarrolla el presente trabajo a cerca del reconocimiento y clasificación de actividades infantiles utilizando sonido ambiental, como propuesta de tema para la tesis doctoral. A su vez, se presenta el planteamiento específico del problema, analizando los factores que influyen en él y las consideraciones a tomar en cuenta. Se describen además, de manera breve, las soluciones propuestas a través de este trabajo para abordar el problema aquí tratado, mencionando los métodos aplicados para llegar a ellas. También se muestra la hipótesis de investigación, así como el objetivo general y los objetivos específicos. En la parte final se presentan las contribuciones hechas con la realización del presente trabajo y la forma en la que está estructurado este documento

    Improving human movement sensing with micro models and domain knowledge

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    Human sensing is concerned with techniques for inferring information about humans from various sensing modalities. Examples of human sensing applications include human activity (or action) recognition, emotion recognition, tracking and localisation, identification, presence and motion detection, occupancy estimation, gesture recognition, and breath rate estimation. The first question addressed in this thesis is whether micro or macro models are a better design choice for human sensing systems. Micro models are models exclusively trained with data from a single entity, such as a Wi-Fi link, user, or other identifiable data-generating component. We consider micro and macro models in two human sensing applications, viz. Human Activity Recognition (HAR) from wearable inertial sensor data and device-free human presence detection from Wi-Fi signal data. The HAR literature is dominated by person-independent macro models. The few empirical studies that consider both micro and macro models evaluate them with either only one data-set or only one HAR algorithm, and report contradictory results. The device-free sensing literature is dominated by link-specific micro models, and the few papers that do use macro models do not evaluate their micro counterparts. Given the little and contradictory evidence, it remains an open question whether micro or macro models are a better design choice. We evaluate person-specific micro and person-independent macro models across seven HAR benchmark data-sets and four learning algorithms. We show that person-specific models (PSMs) significantly outperform the corresponding person-independent model (PIM) when evaluated with known users. To apply PSMs to data from new users, we propose ensembles of PSMs, which are improved by weighting their constituent PSMs according to their performance on other training users. We propose link-specific micro models to detect human presence from ambient Wi-Fi signal data. We select a link-specific model from the available training links, and show that this approach outperforms multi-link macro models. The second question addressed in this thesis is whether human sensing methods can be improved with domain knowledge. Specifically, we propose expert hierarchies (EHs) as an intuitive way to encode domain knowledge and simplify multi-class HAR, without negatively affecting predictive performance. The advantages of EHs are that they have lower time complexity than domain-agnostic methods and that their constituent classifiers are statistically independent. This property enables targeted tuning, and modular and iterative development of increasingly fine-grained HAR. Although this has inspired several uses of domain-specific hierarchical classification for HAR applications, these have been ad-hoc and without comparison to standard domain-agnostic methods. Therefore, it remains unclear whether they carry a penalty on predictive performance. We design five EHs and compare them to the best-known domain-agnostic methods. Our results show that EHs indeed can compete with more popular multi-class classification methods, both on the original multi-class problem and on the EHs' topmost levels