5,196 research outputs found


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    Sosta disabili

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    Quale regolamentazione esiste in Italia per la sosta dei disabili (parcheggi a pagamento, zone a disco orario, ecc.). Commento alla Sentenza n° 21271 del 5 ottobre 2009 della Corte di Cassazion

    The Rivellino degli Invalidi and the fortification system of Turin

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    This contribution, of a multidisciplinary nature, connects the very recent digital survey of the Rivellino degli Invalidi with the decades-long archaeological studies culminating with the 2015-2016 excavations and with the historical cartography that reveals the substantial consistency with the digital survey in terms of position, geometry and shape of the revelin

    Le politiche di cost-sharing

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    D.P.R. 9 maggio 1994, n. 487

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    The paper concerns the international environmental law, and its main topics delineate: why an international dimension of environmental protection; the lack of direct referring on environmental protection in international law and the use of the state’s responsibility principle; a short view on the development of international environmental law; the latest developments and perspectives of environmental protection legislation; a short overview on the Albanian environmental normative regulation

    Warfare to Welfare: World War I and the Development of Social Legislation in Italy

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    The First World War and the social policies supporting its victims played an essential role in the development of the Italian welfare state, its spectrum of benefits, and its organization. The relief programs for millions of soldiers and their families as well as disabled veterans and survivors led to a new dimension of state intervention in the field of social policy. The influence these programs have had on the successive reforms of the post-war period is clearly visible. An obvious example are the measures to increase the employment of disabled veterans, which were precursors of the 1919 compulsory insurance against unemployment and represented the first concrete state intervention in the labor market, meant to even out some of its flaws and help particularly disadvantaged groups of employees. Another wartime legislation that inspired post-war measures was the law supporting the Great War’s widows and orphans. It paved the way for the first and most important social law of the Italian fascist regime of the 1920s: the Law on Protection of Mothers and Children. Additionally, the modernization of relief services during the war diminished the importance of traditional charitable and confessional assistance and resulted at the same time in a nationalization of social policy. This in turn brought about the bureaucratization and technocratization of welfare services throughout state departments and public agencies. The nexus between warfare and welfare, a relationship which can be identified in several belligerent countries after the Great War, was particularly evident in Italy. During the war, a pronounced process of “compensatory state building” gripped the country, with the consolidation of new social rights guaranteed by the state going hand in hand with the limitation of several political and civil rights. This paper will, based on these considerations, analyze the connections and continuities of Italy’s social legislation during the war and post-war period. It will include modernization factors and limits and contradictory developments of the Italian welfare state between World War I, the Civil War, and the rise of fascism


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    Il saggio analizza la tutela previdenziale e assistenziale di cui godono gli immigrati regolarmente soggiornanti in Italia alla luce dell’ordinamento internazionale, di quello europeo, e dei princìpi costituzionali. Nonostante le fonti «multilivello» sanciscano una tendenziale parità di trattamento tra cives e non cives, le legislazioni statali e regionali restringono la platea dei migranti beneficiari delle prestazioni soprattutto assistenziali. Tale orientamento restrittivo è in parte controbilanciato, sia dalla giurisprudenza di merito e costituzionale alla luce dei princìpi di ragionevolezza e non discriminazione, sia dall’intervento della contrattazione collettiva.The present work analyses the benefits granted in the Italian system of social security to immigrants, who hold a regular permit, according to international law, EU and ECHR legal frameworks and constitutional principles. Despite the «multi-level» legal system foresees the principle of equality among citizens and immigrants, national and regional legislations limit the categories of foreigners entitled to social security benefits, especially in the field of social assistance. Such a restrictive policy is counter-balanced, either by the jurisprudence of the Constitutional and first-instance Courts on the grounds of the principles of equality and non-discrimination, or by the provisions contained in several collective agreements
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